#pg usp/ep
chemicalandmore · 1 month
Công thức hóa họcC3H8O2
Khối lượng mol76,1 g/mol
Điểm nóng chảy-59 °C
Điểm sôi188 °C
Tỷ trọng1,036 g/cm³
Ngoài ra, PROPYLENE GLYCOL còn có một số tính chất khác như:
Khả năng hút ẩm tốt
Khả năng hòa tan nhiều chất hữu cơ và vô cơ
Tính ổn định hóa học cao
Không độc hại và dễ phân hủy sinh học
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supernic2021 · 4 months
nicotine solution
Navigating Nicotine Solutions: Applications and Considerations
Nicotine solutions play a pivotal role in various industries, from smoking cessation to the manufacturing of e-liquids for vaping. Let's explore the characteristics, applications, and considerations associated with nicotine solutions.
Understanding Nicotine Solutions
Nicotine solutions consist of nicotine dissolved in a liquid, typically a combination of propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG). This liquid form of nicotine serves as a versatile base for various applications.
Characteristics of Nicotine Solutions
1. Composition:
Nicotine solutions combine pure nicotine with a carrier liquid, often a mixture of PG and VG.
The ratio of PG to VG can vary, influencing the viscosity and characteristics of the solution.
2. Nicotine Strength:
Nicotine solutions come in various concentrations, allowing users and manufacturers to choose the desired strength, measured in milligrams per milliliter (mg/ml).
3. Versatility:
Nicotine solutions are versatile and serve as the primary ingredient in the formulation of e-liquids for vaping devices.
They are also used in smoking cessation products such as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) gums, patches, and lozenges.
Applications of Nicotine Solutions
1. Vaping and E-Liquids:
Nicotine solutions form the foundation of e-liquids used in electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) and vaping devices.
Users can choose from a range of nicotine strengths to customize their vaping experience.
2. Smoking Cessation Aids:
Nicotine solutions are integral to various smoking cessation products, providing a controlled and gradual release of nicotine to help individuals quit smoking.
3. Research and Development:
The liquid form of nicotine is employed in scientific research, contributing to studies on addiction, neuroscience, and the development of new nicotine delivery methods.
Considerations and Safety Guidelines
1. Dosage Control:
Precise measurement is crucial to control the dosage of nicotine when using solutions, whether in vaping or smoking cessation.
2. Storage and Handling:
Proper storage and handling are essential to prevent contamination and maintain the stability of nicotine solutions.
Keep solutions out of reach of children and pets.
Consumer Perspectives and Trends
1. Customization Preferences:
Users appreciate the ability to customize nicotine strength in e-liquids, catering to individual preferences and aiding in the transition from traditional smoking.
2. Gradual Nicotine Reduction:
Smoking cessation products with nicotine solutions allow users to gradually reduce nicotine intake, facilitating a smoother transition to a nicotine-free lifestyle.
Conclusion: Navigating Nicotine Solutions Responsibly
Nicotine solutions, with their diverse applications, require responsible handling and usage. Whether contributing to vaping experiences or aiding in smoking cessation, understanding the characteristics and adhering to safety guidelines ensure a safe and effective utilization of nicotine solutions in various contexts.
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the-inner-alfi · 1 year
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧Project 3:Genre Mock-Up ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
So this is a comic script rough draft: Characters: - MC who struggles with trauma - Their Trauma personified - Friend/Roommate - Mother Main plot: Mc has gone through a traumatic event in their life, having to come to terms with the effects it has on themselves and the world around them. The reader gets to view the effects through a third person lense and can also see the healing process as well as the opposing theme LOOSE Script: Epilogue: [Start with black screen] -Monologue while sharing the details of that trauma-inducing night -Share the origins of the trauma's "birth" - introduce trauma - explain the current setting Episode 1: - we get an introduction to the main character's life and their daily struggle when all of a sudden their roommate comes in to have a heart-to-heart that falls upon deaf ears as their trauma bickers back point Episode 2: -Some friends come to visit and once again try to get MC to cheer up and open up about what caused them to be like this. We get a moment of realization as MC realizes what they really have lost. Flashback, to memories of childhood - leading up to the show about mother Episode 3: - Mother comes to visit, worried that her daughter has become disconnected. She reminisces about her youth; for the first time, it all becomes too much to bear. MC has a mental breakdown, starting a message of realization that they need help Episode 4: - Mother and Mc have a quiet moment, where Mother tries to sway MC's ideas of therapy, resaying Trauma's main points against the idea. They agree. MC gets a push - a cry for help - before speaking up for themselves - trauma is stunned. MC explains their emotions and the mother finally agrees. - takes MC to their first session Episode 5: - explaining the purpose of treatment and how it's affected MC''S daily life, shows trauma is not fully gone but more compliant than before. Not happily ever after but a start in the happy direction. Sources Cited: https://docs.google.com/document/d/132pR60VXkZwVehf7Mbof_TfTpiDlQ6HTHtNO1nJXges/edit?usp=sharing
WHAT DO THE HIGHLIGHTS MEAN: Because this is a comic, many of the quotes I will be using from my sources will be put into the actual dialogue or the explanatory text in the comics to help give more of an authentic feel to the overall text. CITATIONS: "causes of childhood trauma can originate from a variety of sources. These sources can be classified as "Type 1" which are single events usually marked by intense surprise and/or "Type 2" Which are considered complex or repetitive and marked by prolonged and appalling anticipation (Armsworth and Holaday, 1993; Terr 1991)" (Kramer, pg. 6) Chpt. 4 "students who have experienced trauma may be consumed with intense worry about the well-being of loved ones especially if they're uncertain of their family's whereabouts (Pynoos, Steinberg,& Piacentini, 1999) " (Kramer,8) EP.1? - EP.4 "These long-term reactions can include feelings of helplessness, fear and anxiety, existential insecurity, rage, sorrow, and grief, intrusive images, self-reproach or guilt, and a change in values (Dyregrov, and Mitchell,1992) " (Kramer, 12) EP.4 "Coping mechanisms are strategies used by people who are managing painful or difficult emotions caused by stress or trauma" (Kramer,15) EP. 2 ""Coping is defined as the cognitive and behavioral efforts made to master, tolerate, or reduce external and internal demands and conflicts among"(Folkman & Lazarus,1980)" (Kramer, 15) EP.2 "People will begin to disengage or avoid stressful interactions as a way of dealing with their discomfort (Ayers, Sandier, West,& Roosa,1996; E. A. Skinner et al.,2003)" (Kramer, 18) EP.3 " "Helplessness can be another way of coping, examples of this coping method include inaction or passivity and lends itself to giving up or relinquishing any control over the situation (E.A, Skinner et al,2003)" (Krammer, 18) EP.3 "Social withdrawal involves the art of avoiding other people and preventing others from knowing about stressful situations, particularly in regards to the emotional impact of this particular situations (E. A. Skinner et al., 2003; Tobin et al, 1989) "(Kramer, 19) EP.3 "Opposition includes such factors like aggression, anger, venting, and blaming of others for the situation (E.A.Skinner et al., 2003)" (Kramer, 19) EP.2
"standards have been made and implemented in what is known as trauma-informed care." (Taylor, 19) EP. 5 "Trauma-informed care and services involves " understanding, anticipating, and responding to the issues, expectations, and special needs that a person who has been victimized may have in a particular setting or service at a minimum, trauma informed services should endeavor to do no harm - to avoid retraumatizing survivors or blaming them for their efforts to manage their traumatic reactions" (According to Bath, 2008)"(Taylor,20) EP. 2 ""Understanding, anticipating, and responding to the issues, expectations, and special needs that a person who has been victimized may have in a particular setting or service. At a minimum, trauma-informed services should endeavor to do no harm -- to avoid retraumatizing survivors or blaming them for their efforts to manage their traumatic reaction (According to Bath (2008). 19) " (Taylor, 20) Ep. 2 "Exposure to traumatic events is becoming a collective experience for children and adolescents (Holmes et al., 2015)" (Thompson, 3) EP. 3 " Long-term exposure to traumatic events has been shown to have damaging effects on a child's brain (Cook-Cottone,2004)" (Thompson, 3) Ep. 4 " A child's exposure to trauma can also impact how they perceive themselves. A child with adversity can view themselves in a negative light that limits them and does not allow them to see the positivity (Ramburuth & Härtel, 2010) " (Thompson, 4) EP. 4 "Since traumatic events are happening more frequently, early identification and interventions are imperative, primarily when trauma occurs during critical developmental periods (Holmes et al., 2015)" (Thompson, 3) EP. 5 ================================================ PROLOGUE: [Start at black screen] "I Don't remember when it started feeling this heavy" [ Insert scene one: at a party ] - people dancing - drinks on the table. - music drowns out and an ominous door shows up and the edges around the image turn black. "I just know, that my body hurt. It was so hot, too hot, my skin felt like it was wax melting.," [Scene progresses to a hand against an arm- tight grip] "there's a force that makes me feel like I'm drowning" "And then nothing" --- [ Insert scene: alarm clock ] "I only know one thing for sure, this THING showed up the next day" "it follows me" [Bathroom eye contact] "everywhere.." [Walking into the kitchen] "I never know what it wants, sometimes all it does is sit there quietly" ['you want some?'] -- "Mornings like this make me forget that -" ['Trauma void'] "I hate when it talks" ============================ EPISODE 2: ROOMMATES: "[ ], I brought food" [Roommate enters, the house seems empty] [still shot of cup on coffee table] [knocks onto the door] "[---]?" [She opens the door and sees {mc] on the floor] "hey" "hey"
"did you eat?" "ill eat later" 'the food will only make you bigger than you are ' [ Silent still shot of the two of them] ".. you've gotten quieter" "Maybe I was always this way" 'no you weren't, you've changed " stop that" "stop what" ' she's judging us ' " Stop acting like you don't have a problem!!" [Trauma and [ ] grow silent as they both look at their angered roommate] [Roommate sighs before reaching to gently grab [. ] 's hand] "im worried about you [---]" 'she's not worried, who would care for someone like you "Why, nothing wrong" "don't say nothing wrong- you need to really think [----]; you know there's something - up with you" "Im. Fine" 'you're fine you're fine you're fine you're fine" [distress clearly on their face as raised up anxiety is beginning to affect them] " you're not - look I don't know what's up for sure - but - looking for some healthcare person who can just- listen to you-" "do you think I'm crazy?" ' crazy crazy crazy' "no! god- no! look healthcare people are specialized to help you - they can understand what's happening - whatever that is - they can help YOU understand what's wrong-" "THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME" [Trauma grips onto MC] [Roommate stares silently noting that they seem more distant]. "okay." "Trauma-informed care and services involves " understanding, anticipating, and responding to the issues, expectations, and special needs that a person who has been victimized may have in a particular setting or service at a minimum, trauma informed services should endeavor to do no harm - to avoid retraumatizing survivors or blaming them for their efforts to manage their traumatic reactions" (According to Bath, 2008)"(Taylor,20) EP. 2 ""Understanding, anticipating, and responding to the issues, expectations, and special needs that a person who has been victimized may have in a particular setting or service. At a minimum, trauma-informed services should endeavor to do no harm -- to avoid retraumatizing survivors or blaming them for their efforts to manage their traumatic reaction (According to Bath (2008). 19) " (Taylor, 20) Ep. 2 ==================== EPISODE: 2: HAPPY BIRTHDAY: "[. ]!! open up!!" [Mc. who has been on the couch looking slightly disheveled looks away from the TV and walks to the front door with the blanket - the trauma hiding under it] [Door opens] [Several friends stand outside all holding various birthday items - all with bright smiles] [MC Looks back in silent shock] [ still shot of the sky as a speech bubble of "happy birthday"] -- [show the pop of champagne as everyone sits around the coffee table] "you all didn't have to come..." "nonsense! Why wouldn't we come to keep company to our dear friend?" "Why do you always sound so posh-" "ANYWAY- how do you feel? How's your birthday so far? " "It's, okay.." "just okay? big 21? and it's just okay?" "It's an age" [They all continue talking and having a good time taking a sip of their own drinks] [MC feels unnerved noticing their eyes- are their eyes on her, She feels trauma whispering into her head, she doesn't want to be there. she's crowding into herself] "[. ]? are you alright?" "huh?" "you seem... out of it?" "oh, yeah i'm fine" ' you are fine' "you sure? you don't look well" "have some cake" [Mc looks uncomfortably at the cake] 'you're fine' "i know" 'there's nothing wrong with you' "you're attention seeking' "i don't want to be here" [shows everyone having fun] 'why? you like parties, you've always liked parties' "I just don't anymore" 'what the hell the matter with you, you should be happy ' . 'yeah, why am I not happy.' 'why do I feel so, far away '
"Coping mechanisms are strategies used by people who are managing painful or difficult emotions caused by stress or trauma" (Kramer,15) EP. 2
""Coping is defined as the cognitive and behavioral efforts made to master, tolerate, or reduce external and internal demands and conflicts among"(Folkman & Lazarus,1980)" (Kramer, 15) EP.2 ============================= EP: 3: HOMELAND [I've been thinking about my situation. trying to think about wether or not I should be afraid for myself]
[it doesn't help that - that thing has been more persistent than usual. Like it knows me better than I know myself... Like a certain someone, I know] "Mami?" "I brought food!!!" [a short woman with a perfectly pressed dress and blouse holding up multiple bags. Her smile is evident] ============ [the small woman walks around judging everything, her child and trauma following suit] "you live like this" "Mami- it's been a busy week-" "busy doing what? I raised 5 children and I lived cleaner than this when I was your age-" "Mami, times are different now" [scene change, showing a disgruntled face of the mom] " the only thing that's changed is this generation, always just blaming anyone and everyone and just never getting things done" [ fade into the mc, the mc seems distracted and distant as their trauma repeats and warps their mothers' words] [Mom turns around] "[. . .]?-" [she gasps lightly as she sees the trauma. Her eyes fixed on it, in her own fear she grabs her daughter's hand] "Come, let's do your laundry" == [Folding laundry] [mother glanced at her as she folds, noticing they look tired and drained] She sighs "
"People will begin to disengage or avoid stressful interactions as a way of dealing with their discomfort (Ayers, Sandier, West,& Roosa,1996; E. A. Skinner et al.,2003)" (Kramer, 18) EP.3
" "Helplessness can be another way of coping, examples of this coping method include inaction or passivity and lends itself to giving up or relinquishing any control over the situation (E.A, Skinner et al,2003)" (Krammer, 18) EP.3
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hoachatsapa · 2 years
USP EP Propylene Glycol – PG tiêu chuẩn dược (Phuy nhựa )
USP EP Propylene Glycol – PG tiêu chuẩn dược (Phuy nhựa )
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THÔNG TIN MÔ TẢ PG tiêu chuẩn dược ( phuy nhựa)
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Công thức hóa họcC 3 H 8 O 2Khối lượng phân tử76,095  g · mol −1Vẻ bề ngoàichất lỏng không màuMùikhông mùiTỉ trọng1,036 g / cm 3Độ nóng chảy−59 ° C (−74 ° F; 214 K)Điểm sôi188,2 ° C (370,8 ° F; 461,3 K)
độ hòa tan trong nướcCó thể trộnĐộ hòa tan trong etanolCó thể trộnĐộ hòa tan trong dietyl eteCó thể trộnĐộ hòa tan trong axetonCó thể trộnĐộ hòa tan trong cloroformCó thể trộnlog P-1,34 [2]Dẫn nhiệt0,34 W / mK (50% H 2 O @ 90 ° C (194 ° F))Độ nhớt0,042 Pa · s
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ỨNG DỤNG PG Dược ( Phuy Nhựa)
Propylene Glycol USP – Ứng dụng nhiều để làm chất tải lạnh :
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Propylene Glycol USP dược là chất kháng khuẩn và là chất bảo quản thực phẩm hiệu quả.
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Trong công nghiệp ly tr��ch hương thơm tạo ra các hương thơm cô đặc có chất lượng cao Dung môi PG dược quan trọng trong việc hoà tan nhiều loại chất thơm, hưong dược liệu…
Dung môi PG USP EP được sử dụng trong thực phẩm, và dược phẩm như là một chất chống đông khi rò rỉ tiếp xúc với thực phẩm. Cơ quan quản lý Thuốc và Thực phẩm (FDA) đã phân loại propylene glycol là một chất phụ gia được “công nhận là an toàn” để sử dụng trong thực phẩm.
Nó được sử dụng để hấp thụ nước bổ sung và duy trì độ ẩm trong một số loại thuốc, mỹ phẩm, hoặc các sản phẩm thực phẩm.
Với sự kết hợp độc đáo của các tính chất Dung môi PG dược đảm nhiệm tốt nhiều vai trò khác nhau trong các môi trường khác nhau:
Kết nối và ổn định chất lỏng không hòa tan (chất nhũ hóa)
Giúp liên kết và vận chuyển các chất khác (tá dược)
Nắm giữ và hòa tan thành phần hoạt động như nhau trong một môi trường
Hút ẩm
Các phân tử trong Dung môi propylene glycol có tính chất trung tính hóa học, tức là nó thường không phản ứng với các chất khác. Đây là một ưu điểm đặc biệt hữu ích khi tìm kết hợp tương phản nguyên tố hóa học, ví dụ như trong nước hoa, để tạo ra một chất lỏng đồng nhất duy nhất.
Làm nhũ hoá các thành phần hoạt động, các Dung môi PG dược tạo ra một chất lỏng đồng nhất ổn định cho các sản phẩm cuối cùng, như các loại kem mặt hoặc dầu gội đầu.
Propylene Glycol USP dụng trong ngành hàng tiêu dùng, trong mỹ phẩm:
Trong ngành thực phẩm và ngành dược
Trong ngành sản xuất thuốc lá
Trong sản xuất bia, nước giải khát.
PG Dược – Propylene Glycol USP ( Phuy Sắt ) – Thái Lan 
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dungmoicongnghiep · 2 years
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topprezzi · 4 years
<ins>Acquista</ins> <em>Basi Per Sigaretta Elettronica</em> da dove vuoi al miglior prezzo on-line
New Post has been published on https://topprezzi.it/offerta/basi-per-sigaretta-elettronica/
Acquista Basi Per Sigaretta Elettronica da dove vuoi al miglior prezzo on-line
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La piú buona collezione di Basi Per Sigaretta Elettronica
Siete approdati ad uno dei migliori website di commisure e critiche di articoli legati a Basi Per Sigaretta Elettronica, dove vi faremo vedere in modo organizzato i prodotti piú acquistati, i piú amati e quelli che hanno le migliori revisioni
Abbiamo realizzato l’impegno per produrre per voi un’ottima antologia di Basi Per Sigaretta Elettronica al miglior prezzo cercando di recuperare i migliori mercanti online e raggruppandoli in modo strutturato per darvi la possibilitá di prendere quello che si adatta alle vostre esigenze. Poter acquistare la tua Basi Per Sigaretta Elettronica in modo chiaro, cauto e molto confortevole da casa tua su Internet.
Il Più Venduto 1
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NINDO VAPE Kit Base Neutra 500ml 50VG/50PG | Glicerina Vegetale Pura (99,98%) + Glicole Propilenico Puro (99,7%) | 100% Made in Italy | Purezza Certificata di Grado Farmaceutico EP/USP
Purezza farmaceutica certificata USP/EP (vedi immagini). Tutti i nostri prodotti rispettano i requisiti della farmacopea ufficiale. Direttamente dal produttore,...
250ml di Glicerina Vegetale pura al 99,98% (VG), in comodo flacone da 500ml
250ml di Glicole Propilenico puro al 99,7% (PG)
Flaconi in PET per uso alimentare. Flaconi con tappo dosatore, ambrati per garantire una maggiore protezione da fonti di luce. Entrambi i flaconi hanno il tappo...
100% Made in Italy (prodotto ed imbottigliato in Italia)
15,95 €
vedere in Amazon Prezzi con IVA senza trasporto
Le piú grandi offerte di Basi Per Sigaretta Elettronica.
Una raccolta di Basi Per Sigaretta Elettronica alla tua portata di mano. Dopo un periodo di tempo di fronte al computer, sicuramente sei stufo di guardare su Internet e ancora non sei convinto di quale Basi Per Sigaretta Elettronica acquisire, non ti angosciare sono intenditore nell’analisi di ribassi e grazie alla mia passione per ripescare i miglior prezzi, ho realizzato a questo sito su Internet per proporre un servizio a gente che come te e come io, abbiamo dedicato tantissime ore cercando in rete, como poter trovare le migliori offerte di Basi Per Sigaretta Elettronica che volevi trovare, ma anche sentirti sicuro quando devi scegliere, perché non puoi consentire che il tuo acquisto sia un disastro.
Il Più Venduto 1
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9,99 €
vedere in Amazon Prezzi con IVA senza trasporto
Il Più Venduto 2
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✅ Direttamente dal produttore, senza intermediari. NEBULA produce in autonomia i propri prodotti,nei propri laboratori regolarmente autorizzati.
✅ NEBULA è in possesso di tutte le autorizzazioni sanitarie e ministeriali, lavora esclusivamente con personale altamente qualificato del settore chimico...
🇮🇹 🇮🇹 🇮🇹 ATTENZIONE!!! - Nebula garantisce prodotti di qualità farmaceutica certificata. prodotti ed imbottigliati in Italia dalla nostra...
7,99 €
vedere in Amazon Prezzi con IVA senza trasporto
Il Più Venduto 3
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NINDO Kit Base Neutra 500ml 70VG/30PG | Glicerina Vegetale (99,98%) + Glicole Propilenico (99,7%) | 100% Made in Italy | Privo di OGM e Allergeni | Grado Farmaceutico Certificato
GRADO FARMACEUTICO CERTIFICATO: Purezza certificata di Grado Farmaceutico EP (Ph. Eur.). Il prodotto rispetta i requisiti per l' attribuzione di grado...
ORIGINE VEGETALE: Prodotto di origine vegetale, privo di OGM e Allergeni. Prodotto totalmente inodore ed insapore.
CONTENUTO: 350ml di Glicerina Vegetale pura al 99,98% (VG), in comodo flacone da 500ml e 150ml di Glicole Propilenico puro al 99,7% (PG) in flacone separato da...
FLACONI SICURI: Flaconi in PET per uso alimentare. Flaconi con tappo dosatore, ambrati per garantire una maggiore protezione da fonti di luce e garantire una...
100% MADE IN ITALY: Prodotto ed imbottigliato in Italia.
15,95 €
vedere in Amazon Prezzi con IVA senza trasporto
Il Più Venduto 4
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50% glicole propilenico bio 50% glicerina vegetale (SENZA OLIO DI PALMA) 1000 ml.
BASE 50% glicole biopropilenico 50% glicerina vegetale NON ESTRATTO DALL'OLIO DI PALMA 1000 ml
Basi bio
50 Biopropylène glycol / 50 glycérine végétale PAS D'HUILE DE PALME
sans nicotine
13,00 €
vedere in Amazon Prezzi con IVA senza trasporto
Il Più Venduto 5
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✅ Direttamente dal produttore, senza intermediari. NEBULA produce in autonomia i propri prodotti,nei propri laboratori regolarmente autorizzati.
✅ NEBULA è in possesso di tutte le autorizzazioni sanitarie e ministeriali, lavora esclusivamente con personale altamente qualificato del settore chimico...
🇮🇹 🇮🇹 🇮🇹 ATTENZIONE!!! - Nebula garantisce prodotti di qualità farmaceutica certificata. prodotti ed imbottigliati in Italia dalla nostra...
15,49 €
vedere in Amazon Prezzi con IVA senza trasporto
Il Più Venduto 6
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BASE 60% glicole propilenico bio 40% glicerina vegetale(SENZA OLIO DI PALMA) 1000 ml.
BASE 60% glicole biopropilenico 40% glicerina vegetale NON ESTRATTO DALL'OLIO DI PALMA | 1000 ml
Basi bio
60% glicole biopropilenico 40% glicerina vegetale
13,00 €
vedere in Amazon Prezzi con IVA senza trasporto
OffertaIl Più Venduto 7
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✅ Direttamente dal produttore, senza intermediari. NEBULA produce in autonomia i propri prodotti,nei propri laboratori regolarmente autorizzati.
✅ NEBULA è in possesso di tutte le autorizzazioni sanitarie e ministeriali, lavora esclusivamente con personale altamente qualificato del settore chimico...
🇮🇹 🇮🇹 🇮🇹 ATTENZIONE!!! - Nebula garantisce prodotti di qualità farmaceutica certificata. prodotti ed imbottigliati in Italia dalla nostra...
23,49 € −4% 22,49 €
vedere in Amazon Prezzi con IVA senza trasporto
OffertaIl Più Venduto 8
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OXXIGENA KIT - 2 LITRI - BASE NEUTRA - 50VG/50PG - Glicerina Vegetale 1L (1000ml) + Glicole Propilenico 1L (1000ml) - 100% Made in Italy | Purezza Farmaceutica
✅ KIT COMPOSTO DA N. 2 FLACONI. 1 FLACONE DI GLICOLE PROPILENICO 1000 ml + 1 FLACONE DI GLICERINA VEGETALE DA 1000 ml (la confezione potrebbe variare a...
✅ OXXIGENA produce i propri prodotti in laboratori regolarmente autorizzati e ha tutte le autorizzazioni sanitarie e ministeriali necessarie.
✅ MADE IN ITALY. Privo di OGM e allergeni. Prodotti non testati sugli animali.
✅ Lavoriamo solo con personale altamente qualificato.
✅ Scegliendo OXXIGENA avrai prodotti di qualità farmaceutica certificata di Grado Farmaceutico Ph. Eur. /USP. I nostri prodotti sono creati e imbottigliati...
29,90 € −13% 25,90 €
vedere in Amazon Prezzi con IVA senza trasporto
Il Più Venduto 9
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✅ Direttamente dal produttore, senza intermediari. NEBULA produce in autonomia i propri prodotti,nei propri laboratori regolarmente autorizzati.
✅ NEBULA è in possesso di tutte le autorizzazioni sanitarie e ministeriali, lavora esclusivamente con personale altamente qualificato del settore chimico...
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svapoking · 3 years
Glicole Propilenico 250ml Purezza Farmaceutica Domina
Glicole Propilenico 250ml Purezza Farmaceutica Domina
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buharistan · 5 years
Nbase Nedir, Nereden Alınır?
Elektronik sigaraların artık sektöre giriş noktasında olmadığını, günden güne büyüdüğünü ve gelişmekte olduğunu biliyoruz. Sigarayı bırakmak ya da daha az zararla nikotin ihtiyacını karşılamak isteyenler insanların ciddi bir çoğunluğu e-sigaraya yönelmiş durumda. Talepteki bu artış da tabii ki ürünlerin daha kaliteli olmasını, hizmetteki en ufak pürüzlerin dahi giderilmesini, yeni e-sigara modellerinin ortaya çıkmasını sağlıyor.
En basit tanımıyla; nikotin işlevini gören bir likit, likidin yanması için bir atomizer ve bataryadan oluşan e-sigara cihazının bir diğer özelliği de kullanıcıların da işin içine dahil olabilmesi. Yani kendi likidini oluşturabilmesi, aromasını ayarlayabilmesi.
Nbase nedir sorusuna geçmeden önce likidin de ne olduğuna bir bakalım, çünkü ikisi birbiriyle bağlantılı. Likit elektronik sigaranızın yakıtıdır ve propilen glikol (PG), bitkisel gliserin (VG), nikotin, su ve tatlandırıcıdan meydana gelen bir bileşimdir. Nbase nedir dediğimizde ise işte buna benzer bir tanımla karşılaşıyoruz. Nbase, likidin yerini tutan, onunla hemen hemen aynı içerikle sahip olan bir bileşendir. Likitten tek farkı aromaya sahip olmamasıdır, ancak onu da zaten e-sigara için üretilen aromaları temin ederek bulabiliyorsunuz.
Nbase Nedir?
Şimdi e-sigara için oldukça talep edilen bu bileşene biraz daha yakından bakalım. Nbase (Nicotin Base) tıpkı likit gibi; PG ve VG’ye, nikotine ve saf suya sahip bir karışımdır. E-sigara kullanıcıları tarafından sıklıkla kullanılan bu bileşen, son yıllarda daha da popüler hale gelmiş durumda. Bunun nedeni ise elektronik sigara içicilerinin sigara likitleri konusunda farklı arayışlara girmiş olmalarıdır.
Nbase size kendi elektronik sigara likitlerinizi yapma imkânı tanır ve bu bileşeni kullandığınız takdirde ihtiyacınız olan tek şey aromalardır. Nbase nedir sorusunu formüle dökmek gerekirse: Nbase + Aroma = Elektronik sigara likidi. N harfi nikotini, "Base" ise VG ve PG’yi temsil eder.
Kaliteli Likit Arayışı
Elektronik sigaraların artık günden güne hayatımıza girdiğini ve çevremizdeki kişilerin de e-sigaraya yöneliminin arttığını söyleyebiliriz. Bu talepler arttıkça daha kaliteli likit arayışı da aslında beraberinde geliyor. "Likitten şu tadı almak istiyorum." ya da "Daha kaliteli bir likit kullanabilir miyim?" gibi düşünceler Nbase’nin daha çok bilinmesi ve kullanılmasını sağlıyor.
Nbase’in İçinde Neler Var?
Nbase nedir, sorusunu yanıtlarken cevabı verdik ama bu soruyu da bir başlıkta toplayalım. Elektronik sigara likitlerinin yapılmasında kullanılan nikotin, saf su ve gliserinden oluşan bir sıvıdır. Nbase likidi yapıldıktan sonra tercihe göre farklı aromalar da bu sıvı ile karıştırılarak elektronik sigara likitleri elde edilir.
Nbase Kullanım Alanları ve Muhafaza Edilmesi
Nbase, elektronik sigaraların likidini oluşturan sıvı bir bileşen olduğunu ve aroma da eklenebildiğini söylemiştik. Ancak kimi kullanıcıların tercihleri de Nbase’i sek olarak yani aroma eklemeden içmek oluyor. Ayrıca nikotinsiz olarak tüketilebilen Nbase, içinde bulunan PG ve VG değerleri değiştirilerek de kullanılabilir.
Cam şişede ve oda sıcaklığında muhafaza edilmesi tavsiye edilir. Bu koşullarda saklanan Nbase bileşenleri genellikle 1 yıla kadar tazeliğini korumaktadır. Buzdolabında saklanması halinde bu süre 2 yıla kadar çıkabilir, ancak derin dondurucu gibi yerlerde saklanması tavsiye edilmez, çünkü dondurucular Nbase’nin tat ve kalitesini düşürür.
Nbase satın alınırken de öncelikle bilindik ve hakkında olumlu yorumlar yapılmış markalara yönelmeniz daha isabetli bir karar olacaktır. İşiniz nikotinle olduğundan hijyen son derece önemli, ancak üzülerek belirtmemiz gerekir ki pek çok mağaza bu hijyen konusunda sınıfta kalıyor. Bu nedenle Nbase temin ederken hakkında iyi yorumlar yapılan, kullanıcıların memnun olduğu satış noktalarını yönelmelisiniz. Buharistan olarak gerek Nbase, gerek likit ve diğer ürünlerimizin hijyeni konusunda oldukça hassasız. Hakkımızda yapılan yorumlardan elde edeceğiniz bilgilerle göreceksiniz ki müşteri memnuniyeti bizim için hijyen ve güvenli teslimattan geçiyor.
Nbase Fiyatları Ne Civarda?
Madem "Nbase nedir" sorusuna güzelce bir yanıt verdik, işin fiyat performansı hakkında da konuşalım. Nbase aslında ucuz fiyatlara satın alabileceğiniz bir ürün. Sitemizde de Nbase kategorisinde yapacağınız hızlıca bir gezintiyle ortalama bir fiyat elde edebilirsiniz.
11 TL’ye bulabileceğiniz Nbaseler olduğu gibi 170 TL’lik Nbaseler de piyasa var. İki rakam arasında da tabii ki pek çok fiyata Nbase bulabiliyorsunuz. Marka, içerdiği PG – VG oranı, litresi fiyatın değişkenlik göstermesine sebep olan başlıca unsurlar. Buharistan web sitesinde 100 ml Nbase, 1 litre Nbase ya da 5 litrelik Nbase bulunuyor. PG – VG oranlarına göre de değiştiğini söylemiştik. Dünya genelinde kullanılan oranları çoktan aza doğru sıralayalım:
%80 VG / %20 PG
%70 VG / %30 PG
%100 VG / %0 PG
%90 VG / %10 PG
%50 VG / %50 PG
En Popüler Nbase Seçenekleri
Nbase’in de kendi alanında popüler model ve markaları var. Genel e – sigara kullanıcılarına hitap eden ve dünya çapında sevilen popüler Nbase seçenekleri çoğunluğun isteklerine doyurucu cevaplar veriyor. Örnekleri sıralayalım:
Fumetti Nbase: Elektronik sigara kullanıcılarının büyük bir çoğunluğunun tam not verdiği, kalitesinden ödün vermeyen seçenek Fumetti Nbase’dir. Rahat, lezzetli ve çıkaracağınız buharın keyfine varmanızı sağlayan Fumetti İtalya kökenlidir. Birçok kullanıcı ve hatta satış noktasındaki kişiler tarafından en kaliteli Nbase olarak görülür. İçeriğinin bitkisel olması büyük avantaj, çünkü kullanıcılar bu sayede şüpheye düşmeden e-sigaralarını tüttürebilirler.
Nicbase USP/EP: PG – VG oranlarını ve mg değerlerini kullanıcıların kendilerinin belirlediği Nbase türüdür. Bu ürünün içeriğinde bulunan malzemelerin kaynağı Avrupa’dır. 1 sınıf kalite ve yüksek saflık oranıyla kullanıcıların memnun olduğu seçeneklerin başında gelir.
Merck Nabse: Bu ürünün kullanıcıları istedikleri PG markasını, PG – VG oranını, mg değerini seçerek kendilerine en uygun Nbase’yi oluşturabilirler. Ayrıca VG kullanılarak hazırlanmış olan bir Nbase türüdür.
Sigma Nbase: VG kullanılarak hazırlanmış olan Nbase çeşitlerinden bir tanesidir. Ayrıca, daha farklı kullanım alanı isteyen içiciler için mg değeri ve PG seçenekleri de vardır.
Saltbase: PG – VG karışımları kategorisinde bu ürünün iki salt versiyonu vardır. Bu iki versiyon; Salisilat tuzu ve Benzoat tuzu şeklindedir. Mg değeri seçeneklidir ve 100 ml – 500 ml – 1000 ml ambalajlarda satışa çıkarılır.
Biobase Nbase: Bu seçenek de PG – VG karışımları kategorisindedir. Bitkisel ürünlerden elde edilen gliserin ve tarımsal ürünlerden ortaya çıkarılan propilen glikol kullanılarak hazırlanmıştır. Mg değeri ve bitkisel gliserin (VG) seçeneklidir. 100 ml – 500 ml – 1000 ml ambalajlarda satış noktalarında bulunur. Propilen glikol (PG) tamamen tarımsal ürünlerden elde edildiği için petrol türevli içerikler barındırmaz. Özellikle buna alerjisi olanlar ve daha doğal ürünler kullanmak isteyenler için tavsiye edilir.
Nbase Nereden Alınır?
Nbase nedir, ne değildir artık öğrenmiş olduk. Peki Nbase nereden temin edilir, satın alırken nelere dikkat etmeliyiz?
Tecrübe ile sabit yapılan yorumların pek çoğunda görebildiğimiz gibi bu ürünler ve e-sigara üst düzeyde hijyen gerektiren işlerdir. Bunu çeşitli örneklerle açıklamak gerekirse; nikotin dediğimiz madde deriye nüfuz etmesi halinde kötü sonuçlar doğurabilir. Hal böyleyken temizliğe önem vermek birincil şarttır.
Bir diğer konu da Nbase’deki nikotin oranı arttıkça Nbase’in renginin şeffaflığını kaybettiği ve açık sarı renge dönüştüğüdür. Nikotin talebinize göre belirli bir nikotin oranına ihtiyacınız olduğudur. Tabiri caizse; herkes her nikotin oranındaki e-sigarayı içemez. Ayrıca PG – VG değerlerini de göz önünde bulundurmanız oldukça önemlidir. Bu gibi daha pek çok faktör, Nbase alışverişiniz sırasında sizi güvenli yollardan geçiren bir satıcıya yönlendirir. Bunu anlamak için, özellikle de e-sigara içiminde yeniyseniz, uzun yıllardır kullanan insanların yaptıkları yorumlara bakmak olacaktır.
E-sigara kullanıcılarının, bu sektördeki satış noktaları hakkında yaptıkları yorumlar sizin için en iyi referanslar olur. Mesela internette pek çok Nbase satış sitesi var, ancak her nbase sizin istediğiniz kalitede olmayabilir. Böyle olursa e-sigaradan tat almanız mümkün değildir. Buharistan olarak kullanıcıların en çok memnun kaldığı ürünleri, kaliteli hizmet ve hijyen düsturuyla size sunuyoruz. Rahatça ve leziz bir tat alarak e-sigaranızı içmenizi ve buharını çıkarıp keyif almanızı önemsiyoruz. Gerek Nbase, gerek likit, atomizer ya da batarya gibi e–sigaranın tüm malzemelerini bulabileceğiniz Buharistan birbirinden farklı modelleriyle zengin bir seçenek dünyası sunarken bir internet alışverişinde olabilecek en güzel deneyimi de size tattırıyor, yani güven ve mutluluk getiriyor.
Kaynak: https://www.buharistannn.co/OrderPage/nbase-nedir-nereden-alinir/18/
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petrichor794 · 7 years
=========================== [BTS MEMORIES ]
Disc 1: ARMY 1ST MUSTER • 1.1: 1st Muster Song Colletion: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B208414xLD4rQ2o0eDdpbF9LODg/view • 1.2: 1st Muster Making Flim: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B208414xLD4rZGlNNjJUdkh3QXM/view
Disc 2: BTS LIVE TRILOGY II: THE RED BULLET • https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwNXCPDDSuLfOUtvRWFKMmdUN1k/view
Disc 3: VCR MAKING FLIM THE RED BULLET • https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwNXCPDDSuLfN1FmaEpBbl81WTg/view
———————————————— LINK DOWNLOAD
DISC 1: • 1.1: https://goo.gl/MJ7BRx • 1.2: https://goo.gl/y2ymIy
DISC 2: • https://goo.gl/bJcN2E
♪ DISC3: chưa có
(nguồn: Bproofvn)
DISC 1: BTS LIVE TRILOGY I: BEGIN (Part 1) • 1.1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B208414xLD4rSmlJM2xGUXUtalk/view • 1.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B208414xLD4rMWt4WnBtcmlTM1k/view
DISC 2: BTS LIVE TRILOGY I: BEGIN (Part 2) • 2.1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B208414xLD4rOFFpeXdrWXZ2Tm8/view • 2.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3CTluCTuhCmN1FqYlZJcjlPUGs/view (Making Flim BEGIN)
DISC 3: SPECIAL FEAT • 3.1: FIRST JAPAN TOUR (WAKE UP - OPEN YOUR EYES): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3CTluCTuhCmdkdVNXlNRng0ZXc/view • 3.2: BTS LIVE TRILOGY II THE RED BULLET FIRST HALF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3CTluCTuhCmdFJCb0VhcHk5RUk/view • 3.3: BTS LIVE TRILOGY II THE RED BULLET SECOND HALF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3CTluCTuhCmdGY1cm1pTlN0LU0/view
DISC 4: SPECIAL FEAT • 4.1: HYYH Pt1 Jacket: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3CTluCTuhCmUU0tSVhaTHRYM2M/view • 4.2: I Need U Making Flim: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3CTluCTuhCmOUI5MmxfME5QSkk/view • 4.3: Dope Making Flim: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3CTluCTuhCmX0dpMkI0dVEyZnc/view • 4.4: HYYH Pt2 Jacket: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3CTluCTuhCmQ3pSOHRFV19VSTA/view • 4.5: Run Making Flim - Special Memories: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3CTluCTuhCmbkMtUTZPVXRvazQ/view • 4.6: Butterfly Making Flim: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3CTluCTuhCmNHJEaDA4QnVhNXM/view • 4.7: Boy In Luv Chinese Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3CTluCTuhCmTUVzQnU0ZEx1OEE/view ——————————————– LINK DOWNLOAD DISC 1: • 1.1 : https://goo.gl/WvNyJI → PART 2: https://goo.gl/G1CJLZ
DISC 2: • 2.1: https://goo.gl/r62TjF • 2.2: https://goo.gl/TLi4Pn
DISC 3: • 3.1: https://goo.gl/ZWSoVy • 3.2: https://goo.gl/PnOVSX • 3.3: https://goo.gl/j03Jh8
DISC 4: • 4.1: https://goo.gl/mTG1D0 • 4.2: https://goo.gl/i1RYKf • 4.3: https://goo.gl/yhlniC • 4.4: https://goo.gl/r06VYL • 4.5: https://goo.gl/GcB9oD • 4.6: https://goo.gl/Pw8Te2 • 4.7: https://goo.gl/Rhd7zp
(nguồn: Bproofvn)
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ [NOW]
NOW IN THAILAND aka NOW 1 (chỉ có link Eng): • https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHlEMG3B1rA&feature=youtu.be
(nguồn: Nấmm)
NOW 2 2015 • Ep 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4w5QqYqvG6pZ1NNcnpVXzZPYkk/view • Ep 2: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5bjNU1OAbGRV3FJWVFUSzJmMTA
(nguồn: Bangtanboysvn)
• https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B11OOK9aX3d1Y0w1ajhGa1lacW8/view
LINK DOWNLOAD: https://goo.gl/xkq8xw
(nguồn: Bproofvn)
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ [SUMMER PACKAGE ]
SUMMER PACKAGE 2015 IN KOTA KINABALU • Pt 1: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x30uh51_vietsub-horsie-team-bts-2015-summer-package-in-kota-kinabalu-part-1_fun • Pt 2: www.dailymotion.com/video/x30xae7
(nguồn: Horsie Team)
• https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5bjNU1OAbGRRjU5UHllc3FXUWs
LINK DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/download/p231fyojy466a0a/%5BVIETSUB%5D_%5BSGBTSVN%5D_BTS_IN_DUBAI_SUMMER_PACKAGE_2016.avi
(nguồn: Bangtanboysvn, SGBTSVN)
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ [SEASON GREATING]
SEASON GREETING 2015 • https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U3JrPMEGhSg
(nguồn: Horsie Team)
SEASON GREETING 2016 • https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5bjNU1OAbGRalNYS3UwSmFVSTQ/view?usp=drivesdk (link này bảo mật vì video gốc đã bị xóa, đây là video t tự re-up nên không đem lan truyền)
LINK DOWN: https://mega.nz/#!diBgRD5b!KZP1aFruxytBlOGc_utp5ShVbFovQBc4Qyy9SLD4hOM (cũng là link t tự làm TvT)
(nguồn: Horsie Team)
SEASON GREETING 2017 (chọn 1 trong 3 link) • https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B52uzk5Vu9J1WXU5SWRxcWlvVkk • https://goo.gl/yJqMp7 • https://goo.gl/OVbcXu
LINK DOWNLOAD: https://goo.gl/k8xZO2
(nguồn: AOBVN, Bproofvn)
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ [HYYH ON STAGE 2015]
DISC 1: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B11…
DISC 2: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B20…
DISC 3: Các phần khác của DVD on Stage: • Talk About HYYH: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwN… • VCR Interview Full: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B20… • Concert Making: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B20… • Rehersal Making: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B20…
DISC 1: • 1.1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B52uzk5Vu9J1Z19US21JSkN5OUU/view • 1.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B52uzk5Vu9J1R1RPVlFLUlhScUE/view
DISC 2: • https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B52uzk5Vu9J1UlNUNm00LURqMEE/view
DISC 3: • 3.1: MD SHOOTING: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5ADOkIhPg32OGd2RG8tZXdDWE0 • 3.2: POSTER & BRIDGE SHOOT : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5ADOkIhPg32VFNjczZ3ekpITEE • 3.3: CONCERT PRACTICE: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5ADOkIhPg32eExOLV9qZ0ZmdVU • 3.4: CONCERT MAKING: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5ADOkIhPg32UzU2U3cyZ01XcVk
——————————————– LINK DOWNLOAD DISC 1: • https://goo.gl/yyjPG6
DISC 2: • https://goo.gl/3Qpgmb
DISC 3: • 3.1: https://goo.gl/fTEmA6 • 3.2: https://goo.gl/fbggTz • 3.3: https://goo.gl/rnAhqY • 3.4: https://goo.gl/IdF7bL
• https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3hVBx9abJN6aEhnTWdJNk5xdTg
• https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3hVBx9abJN6U2JCQ0dLeDg4UHc
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ [BON VOYAGE 2016]
• https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7jpWnsnoTohNkNWSFdDOXJyZ00 (đây cũng là link không được share dưới mọi hình thức, link này mà die nữa thì khỏi có cái coi luôn í, cái cuối sòi TT^TT)
Link down: https://m.facebook.com/pg/SGBTSVN/photos/?tab=album&album_id=878802792249754 ( vô đây coi đi t lười chép từng cái qua quá)
(nguồn: SGBTSVN)
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ [HAPPY BTS DAY 2016]
• https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-HAWYkG0MQCZzZfbGc0dzFNVEk/view
(nguồn: SGBTSVN)
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ [3RD MUSTER]
DISC 1: • https://goo.gl/329Pqp
DISC 2: • https://goo.gl/D5y006
DISC 3: • https://goo.gl/mMae3Z
——————————————– • LINK DOWNLOAD DISC 1: • https://goo.gl/68kjPv
DISC 2: • https://goo.gl/YpZFGg
DISC 3: • https://goo.gl/VGy5DG
(nguồn: Bproofvn)
Rookie King https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5bjNU1OAbGRNVV2ME9QMWJCZGc
AHL https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5bjNU1OAbGRd1FJWFJCWjYwOU0
Bokbulbok https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5bjNU1OAbGRbXVNYldwX3VvZnM
Wings Japan Backstage https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwXjr3AXyzHmdlBOR0dpYy1XMW8/view Cre: Anh Ngoc Phuong Tra
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supernic2021 · 5 months
Nicotine Dilutions (VG/PG Base)
Understand Nicotine Concentration:
Nicotine concentrations are usually measured in milligrams per milliliter (mg/ml). Common concentrations include 3mg/ml, 6mg/ml, 12mg/ml, and so on.
Choose a Nicotine Base:
Nicotine is typically purchased in a high-concentration base. For example, you might buy a 100mg/ml nicotine base. Make sure to handle nicotine with care and follow safety guidelines.
Select VG and PG Bases:
VG (Vegetable Glycerin) and PG (Propylene Glycol) are used to dilute nicotine to achieve the desired strength and to adjust the ratio of VG to PG in the final e-liquid.
Calculate the Desired Nicotine Strength:
Determine the target nicotine concentration for your e-liquid. For example, if you want a 6mg/ml concentration and have a 100mg/ml nicotine base, you'll need to dilute it with VG and/or PG. Example calculation:
You have 10ml of a 100mg/ml nicotine base.
To make 6mg/ml e-liquid, you need to dilute it with an additional 50ml of VG/PG base.
Mixing Process:
Use a scale to measure the required amounts accurately.
Add the nicotine base first and then add VG and/or PG until the desired total volume is reached.
Stir and Steep:
Stir the mixture well to ensure even distribution.
Allow the e-liquid to steep for a certain period to enhance flavor. Steeping times can vary but are often in the range of a few days to a few weeks.
Test and Adjust:
Test your e-liquid to ensure it meets your preferences.
If needed, adjust the VG/PG ratio or nicotine concentration in your future batches.
Always follow safety precautions when handling nicotine, and be aware of any regulations or guidelines related to e-liquid production in your region. Additionally, accurate measurements and record-keeping are crucial for consistency and safety
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vapecitynt-blog · 7 years
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Подробнее https://vk.com/vapecity_nt Ароматизаторы Vape On (КПВ,ЗоД, тёмное стекло, пипетка), PG & VG (USP,EP) 99.9% Доставка по России. #vape #vapecity #вейп #вэйп #пар #ароматизаторы #pg #vg #tagil #тагил #нижнийтагил #vaping #vapor #vapeart #cloud #vapeon #vapegirl #shop #vapeshop #girl #buildcoil #eliquids #handchek #vapenation #надонышке #вейпнейшон #vapenation #vapor #вейпшоп #вейпер #веип #вейпинг
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vapecitynt-blog · 7 years
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Подробнее https://vk.com/vapecity_nt Ароматизаторы Vape On (КПВ,ЗоД, тёмное стекло, пипетка), PG & VG (USP,EP) 99.9% Доставка по России. #vape #vapecity #вейп #вэйп #пар #ароматизаторы #pg #vg #tagil #тагил #нижнийтагил #vaping #vapor #vapeart #cloud #vapeon #vapegirl #shop #vapeshop #girl #buildcoil #eliquids #handchek #vapenation #надонышке #вейпнейшон #vapenation #vapor #вейпшоп #вейпер #веип #вейпинг
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vapecitynt-blog · 7 years
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Подробнее https://vk.com/vapecity_nt Ароматизаторы Vape On (КПВ,ЗоД, тёмное стекло, пипетка), PG & VG (USP,EP) 99.9% Доставка по России. #vape #vapecity #вейп #вэйп #пар #ароматизаторы #pg #vg #tagil #тагил #нижнийтагил #vaping #vapor #vapeart #cloud #vapeon #vapegirl #shop #vapeshop #girl #buildcoil #eliquids #handchek #vapenation #надонышке #вейпнейшон #vapenation #vapor #вейпшоп #вейпер #веип #вейпинг
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vapecitynt-blog · 7 years
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Подробнее https://vk.com/vapecity_nt Ароматизаторы Vape On (КПВ,ЗоД, тёмное стекло, пипетка), PG & VG (USP,EP) 99.9% Доставка по России. #vape #vapecity #вейп #вэйп #пар #ароматизаторы #pg #vg #tagil #тагил #нижнийтагил #vaping #vapor #vapeart #cloud #vapeon #vapegirl #shop #vapeshop #girl #buildcoil #eliquids #handchek #vapenation #надонышке #вейпнейшон #vapenation #vapor #вейпшоп #вейпер #веип #вейпинг
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vapecitynt-blog · 7 years
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Подробнее https://vk.com/vapecity_nt Ароматизаторы Vape On (КПВ,ЗоД, тёмное стекло, пипетка), PG & VG (USP,EP) 99.9% Доставка по России. #vape #vapecity #вейп #вэйп #пар #ароматизаторы #pg #vg #tagil #тагил #нижнийтагил #vaping #vapor #vapeart #cloud #vapeon #vapegirl #shop #vapeshop #girl #buildcoil #eliquids #handchek #vapenation #надонышке #вейпнейшон #vapenation #vapor #вейпшоп #вейпер #веип #вейпинг #vapetagil
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