neogabu99 · 5 years
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Esta es Picross hija de Cross y Epic, es alguien tranquila y le gusta gastar bromas ademas de resolver puzzles.
Siempre lleva consigo su osito de peluche, si se separa de ella puede llegar a romper en llanto e invocar sus gaster blaster, y si alguien rompe su peluche o daña a los que aprecia no pensará dos veces antes de atacar ademas de que suele bromear en plena batalla.
Cuando se enoja otra cicatriz aparece en su otro ojo ya que su craneo se agrieta hasta que su enojo se pasa, pero recien nacida no tenía esa cicatriz, la cicatriz la tuvo cuando estaba en el corral de bebés jugando pudo invocar un cuchillo y por curiosidad lo cogio y jugó con él hasta que se corto
This is Picross daughter of Cross and Epic, is someone quiet and likes to play jokes in addition to solving puzzles.
He always carries his teddy bear with him, if he separates from it, he can break into tears and invoke his gaster blaster, and if someone breaks his stuffed animal or damages those he appreciates, he will not think twice before attacking in addition to teasing full battle
When another scar gets angry, it appears in his other eye since his skull cracks until his anger passes, but when he was born he didn't have that scar, the scar he had when he was in the corral of babies playing could invoke a knife and out of curiosity he picked it up and played with it until it cut
-Picross by me
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