#pining since hs wdym
sqlmn · 7 months
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Cornella: Oh, Seb? He's just like that, it's fine. Matis: ?????? That's actually very concerning for how good security is here.......... Sebastian: Actually it's quite thorough! I assure you that you're safe here. :> Matis: (not really reassuring if they gave up getting you out based on how many times that implies they tried to catch you...)
During his college years, Sebastian went to study elsewhere for a year and lived with his uncle who simply worked for a security company. He just picked up the methods how people could sneak past cameras by listening to his uncle's complaints and how the company never took his suggestions to fix the problems seriously bc he wasn't very high in the company and turned down promotions. Seb just "oh so that's a thing? ohhhh I can do that" and solves his problems in regards to seeing Cornella by putting what he learned vicariously to the test.
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catbotbrian-archive · 4 years
PLEASE tell us about scenepunk partyghoul
you do not know what you have askd for. i have so many thoughts. you are getting an entire not!fic/fic outline here (also its 4am prepare fr typos this took so long to write my wrists hurt)(also put it under a cut bc it got LONG)
so basically it started with me Hating the pastelxpunk trope and making it Better. that is not important context but i also want it to be known
party is. Obnoxiously scene. they can and will pretend it is still 2007. the world past 2012 does not exist in their eyes. absolute king of kandi bracelets and neons you WILL get a headache from looking at them. they are the reason their school changed the rules about what hairstyles arent allowed and they r proud. did i mention this is sorta hs au. anyway they end up goig 2 a lot of local shows bc when it comes 2 alt music you cannot pick and choose in a relatively small city. reminder they are WILDLY scene they CAN and WILL glow in the dark from the amount of glow sticks they wear
ghoul is PUNK. and i mean he is properly PUNK he has the aesthetic the mindset the music. all r nothin baybe! and also. Doesnt like scene kids. bc headache inducing. he always has a shitton of patches on everything and makes most of them himself r they were gifts and like. hngh i just think he is Neat. patches nd denim jackets and doc martens that are falling apart nearly. so hes from the Big City and jus moved 2 party/kobra/jets town (they r childhood frendz) at the start o summer (YES TIMING IS IMPORTANT U WILL SEE) and is getting in2 the local alt scene.
and at one of these super cool shows he sees party poison fr the first time and is. Woah. theyre BRIGHT. and party is like used 2 ppl staring bc theyre the only super scene kid around but GOD, that guy doesnt seem 2 b staring in the GOOD way bc ghoul is fucking blind but refuses 2 wear glasses and cannot see anything other than Neon Blur (i am projecting here. also thats a cool kj name) but he KNOWS thats a scne kid so hes glaring bc this is a misfits cover band Why Are You Here kinda thing i guess? and partys all “whats up with you, fucker?” bc theyre defensive and impulsive and ghoul flat out punches them (he swears he was aiming fr their shoulder. but he also couldnt see very well. so he hit their face) and they end up getting thrown out fr fighting and they hate each other now.
and then. one day. kobra jet and party are all chillin sewhwere public. and party goes off probably to claires bc theres a sale and they Need more gloves and when they come back That Kid from the show is there???? talking to kobra and jet???? and party is like “kobes wht rh FUCK???????” and koba nd jet r just like. uhm. s this is fun ghoul? the guy? we told you about him? and party is like OU DIDNT SAY HE WAS DOUCHEBAG PUNK GUY!!!!!! and ghoul is like gay panicking bc they can actually See party now and Fuck Theyre Pretty but also PARTY POISON YOUR SIBLING AND TRUSTED FRIEND IS ANNOYING SCENE KID?????????  ANDALSOREALLYCUTEOHDESTROYAHELPME but kobra and jet catch on and are like “nuh uh ur both coo people no fighting when we r around keep ur dumb little spat between urselves” and ghoul nd poison r like “>:( fine >:(” except secretly ghoul is :flushed: :pleading: :flushed:
so we fast forward 2 school starting in september and since i dont fuking understand the american school system, kobra is a year below ghoul&party and jet is a year ahead but somehow ghoul has classes w kobra bc i want them to and it is plot relevant. so ghoul and kobra bcome friends bc obviously they do and ghoul jet nd kobra hang out a lot bc party is Busy With Things i guess?? but like ghoul and party have a class 2gether and even tho they both have 2 tone down the aesthetics fr school they still intentionally annoy each othr in discreet ways
nd they sorta? keep that up? but ghoul and poison both realise “aw fuck, theyre actually. super cool” but both have chroic Cannot Admit My Mistakes disease so they resort to no longer plotting murder but PINING bc “oh noooo they hate meeee how sadddd” but theyre BOTH pining and think the other hates them. so to compensate thy keep doing little flirts in their own ways? party special orders darker kandi beads so they can make ghoul a bracelet that matches their aesthetic but ghoul of course knowns nothing of kandi and just. accepts it. and kobra and jet are like :bonk: bc WHAT THE FUCK???? cause they have baincells sorta kinda. and of course ghoul flirts by handsewing a patch fr party with ALSO special ordered neon thread and party is ALSO oblivious. this happens bc i think it is hilariously adorable that in their own subcultures thy r basically shoving signs saying DATE ME!!!!! I LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!n each others faces but they dont know enough abt eachother to know that. miscommunicaion and gay pining. mmm yummy.
nd at this point they r Very Close 2gether and ghoul hands party the choker back ad is like ,,,csn you,,, help me put it on,,,? and it is very very charged as ghoul moves their hair out of the way for party to reach up and fasten the hoker and ghoul KNOWS they should TURN AOUND so party can see better and party KNOWS they should move their hands away from the ghouls neck even when theyve fastened it and they BOTH know theyr standing Very Close and partys hands r sota half holding ghouls shoulders nd partially his face and ghoul is just. Staring. and then they both sorta lean in and :)))) kith. and jetndkobra are like THANK FUCKING GOD FINALLY and party nd houl r like WE WERE HAVING A MOMENT also wdym FINALLY i totally couldnt tell they liked me! then they look at eah other like. HOW DID YOU NOT KNOW I LIKED YOU??????? HOW???? I GAVE YOU PATCHES/KANDI BRACELTS THATS BASICALLY A MARRIAGE PROPOSAL and then kith more. :)))) liddol homos
then,,,,,,,, one day the four r at the mall and the tension is THICK bs ghoul has an Extra Special patch they spent ages on and party has a very awesome kandi/chain? choker they spent ages designing and they r both convinced This will b the gift that shows the other how they feel (spoiler alert It Does Not) and jet and kobes r like. right fuk this WE are gonna go. to the food court. or something. somewhere Not Here. and ghoul nd poison r just :heart eyes: yeah sure,,,,,  and they both like,,, shyly reach in2 their bags,,, nd are like :flushed oh? you uh :flushed: u got me smth too? :flushed: bc gay idiots. and party is like OH MY GOD GHOUL THIS IS SO COOL WHERE D YOU GET ALL THESE PATCHES THIS IS LIKE MADE FR ME I LOVE IT andghouls like ,,, i made it,,,,, for you,,,,,,,, uhm,,,,,,, and party gives him the choker nd is like ,,,oh,,, well uh,,,, i also,,,, made this,,,,, for you,,,,,, like you specifically,,,,,,,,
anyway. you were not expecting this. it took almost an hour. its 5am. this was very fun though cant wait for the day (never) that i write this as a real fic
jet and kobra watch every interaction with amusement and horror bc they like. understand what the two are doing. and they both TRY talk 2 party nd ghoul bc party nd ghoul are convinced the other hates them bc theyre fucking idiots.
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sqlmn · 7 months
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Sebastian (pink hair) and Cornella (blue hair) meet as children and realize "ah, that's the kid my parents told me to avoid because of business reasons" and immediately decide "hey, we're going to be best friends and not fight". Which... in the long run helps a lot in regards to their parents companies because now the parents have to play nice around their kids.
long history below lol
So they're just bffs throughout their youth and a couple years before their high school graduation, Sebastian spots a kid with messy hair who looks really nervous. Since it's early in the year, maybe the kid needs help finding somewhere? So he goes over to offer to help him to class buuuuut the guy flinches and runs away. So Sebastian is ready to report to Cornella at lunch but she slams her hands down on the table saying "I JUST SAW THE CUTEST GUY EVER". And Sebastian puts his concerns on hold until he realizes they're about to talk about the same guy.
The duo then decide "operation befriend shy guy" and spend like an entire school year getting Matis to warm up to them. Good! Except now they're seniors and STILL both pining for the underclassman (only a grade below) and they have an agreement to not pressure Matis into any weird situations about picking between them.
Matis and Sebastian like to draw though and so one day as Sebastian is vibing and sketching Cornella while stealing glances at Matis, he decides to put little hearts around her head. It's fine, it's not weird, it's totally cool. And Matis sees and comments he must really like her and while he DOES really like her it's .... not quite like that. So he laughs it off.
The two graduate and then start to train at their parents companies while attending college and the years go on. They still sometimes think about Matis and go "wonder how he's doing" "wonder if he's more outspoken now" "wonder if he'd remember us" because they're both very normal about the lingering crush they have. Cornella walks into the building she works at one day and is going directly to her office in hopes no one sees her since she's supposed to be off when she hears her name.
"I'm not here, you didn't see me and you REALLY didn't see me if my dad's asking" is her immediate response but the guy's like 'oh, sure, understood. i am interviewing someone who said he went to school with you' and so she looks over and is just. Floored. Yup, still nervous looking, definitely remembers them, he's doing fine, and he's apparently now working at her company. Fabulous.
She does say hello and then nervously excuses herself to go to her office before anyone else sees her but hey see you around good to see you bye haha... and calls Sebastian with "He's hot now" with no context. So he asks who and she's like "oh only the cutest boy to ever plague our brains for years" and Sebastian is just "wait wait, Matis ? ? YOU SAW HIM? WHERE? HELLO? Why was I not invited to see him? Why did you not video call so I can see him? WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S HOT" and then they scheme how to actually meet up and involve Matis. And they agree while he's definitely handsome dealing with other people, the fact he still blushes and looks nervous around them and looks to them for approval is the absolute cutest thing on the planet.
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sqlmn · 7 months
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Riond really just wants to do his job and Sebastian will not let him do that peacefully.
Some info about Riond: He goes to work with decently brushed hair but through out the day he runs his hands through it so much it looks like a mess by the end of it (though much worse on days he interacts with Seb). He's also got a drawer at his desk for candy for helping his blood sugar. He has turned down promotions twice because he just wants to work in peace at his desk but can't because Sebastian keeps entering through the window. Despite that annoyance, he doesn't want to add more responsibilities to his plate and turns down promotions.
Sebastian, the most French guy around: please don't use the phrase "pardon my French" it is literally the worst thing you can say to me. Just say fuck. I'm begging you to just say fuck around me.
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