wildcardwriting · 4 years
Silver Sky Update! Chapter 4
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playertsuna · 4 years
Silver Sky Chapter 4 [Part 3]
Chapter Four [2/3] | Chapter Five [1/2]
Fanfiction Master List | Silver Sky on AO3
A mirror verse to New Games Plus. [Still debating whether to post on ff.net.]
Summary: Instead of simply returning to the beginning with higher stats, Tsuna returns with all his powers levels and skills.
XXxxx Chapter Four xxxXX
As the last customer left the Midnight Shop, and the light faded from the entryway, wisps of mist flame faded from the shopkeeper and his workers. Instead of three people within the shop, only one person remained. Young and looking to be in his late twenties to early thirties, Kawahira walked up to the stairs to his office. It had been an interesting day for the shop and he couldn't help but think of the young teenager he had encountered after midnight.
Unlike the various other mafioso who claimed territory in Japan or even the Yakuza themselves who hunted in the darkness of the Japanese world, the young man in question was someone new.
Sitting at his low table, he went through the papers from earlier.
Written in small but neat writing, he looked over the profile of his newest customer. He had never heard of Phillia or any such group allied to them, but that might have been because it was new. Perhaps it was the combination of several smaller families or perhaps a new family from Cyprus or North America. He wasn't entirely too familiar with the underworld in those areas. They tend to die off much to often to be of any importance, and yet thinking back to the flames he felt, he couldn't help but wonder.
A Misty-Cloud was a rare flame combination, even rarer than sky flames or even to their counterpart Earth Flames.[1]
Most people in the underworld could train themselves to manifest a second or sometimes a third flame, but a true flame duo was rare. In the upper echelons of the mafia, there were only two he knew of. One was the Varia leader Xanxus and the second was his precursor, Vongola Secundo. Every other mafioso user who could use other types of flames was due to either training or flames fragmentation but never duality.
And then his guest appeared.
According to the files, his name was Tsukiya, and he was native to Japan, but Kawahira wasn't fooled. The name was obviously false. Although the young man appeared to have a touch of Asian blood, and his Japanese was fluent, his slight accent gave him away. Likely his first language was European, because even when speaking Japanese his words were tinted, every single 'r' pronounced perfectly. His age seemed to be about fifteen or sixteen, perhaps a few years younger or old, but not by much.
Shifting through the papers, and finding the page that detailed the family's holdings, Kawahira mulled over the information he had received.
Phillia was supposedly a medium family, with a sizable number of people, most likely formed from new flame actives, perhaps with a few veterans. According to the paperwork, Tsukiya was a right-hand man answering only to his Don. Something that was highly unusual. From what Kawahira had been able to sense, the young teenager had not Harmonized with any sky, in fact, if Kawahira hadn't been looking for flame bonds he would have missed it entirely.
Tsukiya was not harmonized to a sky. There were flame users harmonized to him.
The sheer impossibility of it all broke every single flame theory and accepted medium that Kawahira had known for hundreds of years.
The only flames capable of Harmonizing were sky flames. Earth Flames formed something similar known as gravitating with their own set of flames, but that was it. No other set of flames could connect in any other meaningful way without sky flames, so how this child managed to do that was a mystery.
Perhaps it had something to do with the type of duality the child had naturally, Kawahira pondered.
Strong enough mist flames could bring the imagination into reality, and if that was combined with the full power of propagation perhaps it might be enough to form a type of secondary bond with other flame users, but even this theory was flimsy at best.
Could that child have sky flames? Perhaps as a tertiary flame?
It wasn't impossible, and it would explain how the young teenage managed to have harmonization bonds on his own, as well as why Kawahira could not immediately sense the presence of sky flames. A sky flame at the third level of flame attribute was easily overlooked and in most cases never surface. Yet it would explain a great deal of the mystery surrounding that child and how he had been able to bond with other flames.
Mulling it over Kawahira could tell the bonds were either ignored or unacknowledged. Either because of abuse or because the sky was hiding. Thinking back to his guest, and his actions in the shop Kawahira did not see an abused child. He saw a survivor. A cunning child.
If he had to guess, he would assume that the child knew and whether by accident or by design, had hid his sky flames. Perhaps that was the reason why he had dual flames. After he rejected his sky flames, his body had adapted and channeled his power into the only avenues it had left changing what could have been his secondary and tertiary into his primary flames.
It was hard to tell, but the fact the child was alone and unguarded in Asia, especially this close to the Chinese Triads was strange.
Even if the child only used his Cloudy Mist flames, in Asia, he had a target on his back. China, in particular, was desperate for Cloud flame users doing everything possible to obtain them. Cloud trafficking was a phenomenon that was growing ever more popular and lucrative in China as fewer and fewer users were born among the population. The reasons for which were unknown and hotly debated. Kawahira himself suspected it had something to do with the explosive death of the previous generation's Cloud Arcobaleno, but regardless, the fact was that clouds were not born and a lack of cloud even venturing into Asia had significantly reduced cloud flame user to trifling.[1]
So that left only one question.
Why had this child ventured here into the heart of Asia?
Shifting the pages, Kawahira summoned Wonomichi.
There was much work to be done.
Author’s Notes:
[1] Kawahira can sense the mist flames coming off of Tsuna but assumes its part of his natural flames, especially because of the flame placement on Tsuna's body. Unlike normal mist illusions, instead of being a thin cover around his body, Tsuna's mist flame jewelry is directly emitting mist flames by inserting itself directly into Tsuna's body. Note: Tsuna has the only the vaguest idea of how this works.
[2] The Hibari Clan is the sole exception to much of what Kawahira is thinking mostly because of their ties to the Chinese Triad. Using this headcanon I suspect in Canon that if Hibari hadn't become a part of Vongola he might have been forced into serving the Triads. The only reason he wasn't had to do with Fon's influence and the rocky relationship between Japan and China.
Something that I kind of hinted/play within this chapter was that geography and history play a role in determining flame types as well as its impact on mafia cultures.
Tsuna can use flames from other attitudes, but he's never actually been treated as a flame user of them. For example, in the other timelines, whenever he has shown the ability to use other flames he was always met with a certain amount of awe and just general acknowledgment because he is a sky. Whereas normal members of the mafia have their entire futures determined simply by flame type if their skill is not high.
Generally, the set up for western mafia recruitment goes like this; Sky: (SSS Rare) Cloud (S Rare) Employment Depends Entirely on Skill and Influence; Mist/Sun/Storm/Lighting/Rain
Generally, the set up for eastern mafia recruitment goes like this; Cloud (SSSS Rare) Sky (Rare) Employment Depends Entirely on Skill and Influence: Storm/Mist/Rain/Lighting/Sun
Asia has long had problems finding, raising and maintaining clouds, that a whole new industry was created has to fill this need. Cloud trafficking has become extremely lucrative as a result, and families will literally sell their sons and daughters away for enormous sums. Because of this, most weaker clouds avoid Asia like the plague/join a family to maintain some semblance of freedom and protection.
Oh, and in case anyone was wondering, Tsuna never took off his mist ring, so he still looks like a long hair Riku (from Kingdom Heats).
Chapter Four [2/3] | Chapter Five [1/2]
Fanfiction Master List | Silver Sky on AO3
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playertsuna · 4 years
Silver Sky Chapter 4  [Part 1]
Chapter Three [2/2] | Chapter Four [2/3]
Fanfiction Master List | Silver Sky on AO3
A mirror verse to New Games Plus. [Still debating whether to post on ff.net.]
Summary: Instead of simply returning to the beginning with higher stats, Tsuna returns with all his powers levels and skills.
XXxxx Chapter Four xxxXX
He followed the shopkeeper back to the front of the store.
Taking the chance for what it was he started browsing the merchandise.  Inside several display cases, there was a large collection of items both weapons and ammo. Some were flame activated but most were normal weapons. Several of them were more heavily upgraded than others but the majority of them were street weapons that had no major special abilities. Tsuna frowned, glancing around and weighing his options as he looked through the display cases for anything useful.
Most of the weapons would be useless for his purposes, either too heavy or too unusual that he doubted any of his guardians would care for them. There were some fighting gloves on sale, but the quality was too low to be of any use for him.
Frowning, he moved over to another counter peering into the display case. There were a few cases of rain ammo and one shard of a lighting gem, but not much else.
Glancing around his eyes caught sight of a small bookcase to the right of the shopkeeper. It had two rolls of books, most of them looking to be antiques of some kind, but what caught his attention was the fact that five books had item displays. Maybe this was what the MENU was talking about? They certainly looked like skill books.
“Can I see the last five books from that shelf?” He said gesturing to the books.
The shopkeeper nodded and retrieved the books spreading them out on the counter. The item displays folded out in a line above each book.
Cold Reading Skill Book Gardening Skill Book Lock Picking Skill Book Rapid Learning Skill Book Cryptography Skill Book
If the menu had not told him earlier about buying skill books at the midnight shop he would have never have known to
 look for them.  Normally if he wanted to obtain a skill that he didn't have, he’d look for a mission with a skill book as a reward in an attempt to gain it or if he was lucky enough he’d find the skill book he wanted for sale with the Traveling Merchant.  Yet, that didn't always mean he would gain the skill he wanted.  Both options were rather hit or miss for the most part.
Looking at the five books, he put three of them back on the counter. Cold Reading and Gardening weren't any use to him and he already had a lock picking skill so the only two that might be of any use to him were the rapid learning and the cryptography skill book. He looked at the price tags.  They were forty thousand a piece which, while not expensive was still quite a dent in the money he had.
He thought over the situation a bit.  While cryptography would be an interesting and probably valuable skill to learn it wasn't something he needed immediately.  Right now his focus was to gain as much experience and as many skills points as possible—
"Honored guest, we have the grand total for your items prepared for you over on this counter," The shopkeeper said motioning to the counter. “If you would like I can hold your items for you?
Tsuna nodded and handed the books over.
He’d think about them later, for now, he needed to count up the money.
Walking up to the counter by the register he was handed back his bag as well as a stack of cash on a silver tray.  He noticed the money was in Euros instead of Yen but didn't say anything.  It wouldn't matter much once he put it in his inventory.
He counted the money carefully, and matching the amount with the amount on the sheet of paper, he started shuffling it into his bag. He wouldn't put it past the Midnight Shop to shortchange him if he wasn't careful. This area might be a neutral territory, but it was still a mafia shop.  If they could get away with it they would.
His hyper intuition nudged him.
Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see the looks the shopkeeper had given him. They were testing him. Instead of asking which form of cash he wanted the money in they gave it to him in euros.  It was probably one of the ways they used to verify both the size and nationality they were dealing with.
A smaller family probably didn't have the resources available to them to exchange the money.  While a Japanese Yakuza family would always demand the money in yen, either because they were purist or simply because it was easier to use yen in Japan.
Sliding the money into his bag, and secretly into his inventory, he turned back to the shopkeeper and his assistants. The feeling he was getting off the shop keeper was starting to get to him. There was something about those eyes that was sending chills up his spine. It was time to leave.
“I’d like to purchase these two books.” He said reaching back into his bag and summoning the money he needed before he slides it across the counter. The wait for the shop keeper to count money was near agony as every single one of his senses was telling him to get the hell out of the Midnight Shop, but he fought against them. There was something...familiar about the feeling, and then it hit him—
“It was a pleasure doing business with you, honored guest." the shopkeeper said bowing.
Tsuna nodded and slipping the books into his messenger bag left the shop, glancing back only once, he caught wisps of mist flames starting to recede...
It was on a completely different level than the mist flames from earlier, and considering how long it had been since he had last seen Kawahira, it was little wonder why he didn't immediately recognize the flame signature. Apparently, Kawahira was somehow associated with the Midnight Shop, whether that was because he owned it, worked there or was using it to stake out new flame holders for the Arcobaleno Pacifiers, he didn't know, but at least he knew now. If he hadn't already been feeding his flame into the mist bracelet, his illusion might have been dispelled.
Fixing his messenger bag more securely around his waist, he sped off from the shop, trying to get to the train station faster. It might not do anything to get Kawahira's eyes off of him, but the more public the place he was in the better his chances were of surviving. Kawahira wouldn't likely cause trouble where the Vendice might find him. He detested having to deal with them.
Feeling the eyes of the mist finally start to fade Tsuna slowed down. He knew he probably showed a little too much of his power to Kawahira with his stunt, and it would probably annoying in the long run, but the feeling of despair he could feel from the flames was something he would never get used to. It was like hands around his throat, choking him and the longer he was in the presence of flames, the more he felt like he wanted to hide. Kawahira's flames were painful, as they clawed at him. He had almost forgotten they were like that.
Moving to the steps near the station he took a few deep breaths to calm himself.
Kawahira was gone. There was no reason to take the panic and grief home with him. He was a good distance away from Kawahira, and out of his grasp. He was unknown and it was going to stay that way. Taking a deep breath, he let the stress slowly leave him and focused in on other things. He needed to get home as soon as possible. He still had school tomorrow and even though his mother won't notice his little adventures into Tokyo late at night, he did still want to get some sleep before he left for school. As it was he was going to have to take an alternative route if he wanted to avoid having anyone connecting his new persona to his real identity.
He did not doubt that by the time he got home it was going to be very late. He’d be lucky if he managed to get a few hours of sleep.
As he entered the train station a window popped up.
[A random limited time quest is taking place near the train station. Would Player [Sawada Tsunayoshi] like to participate?]
Author’s Note: Tsuna still looks like long haired Riku from Kingdom Heats.
Chapter Three [2/2] | Chapter Four [2/3]
Fanfiction Master List | Silver Sky on AO3
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playertsuna · 4 years
Silver Sky Chapter 4 [Part 2]
Chapter Four [1/3] | Chapter Four [3/3]
Fanfiction Master List | Silver Sky on AO3
A mirror verse to New Games Plus. [Still debating whether to post on ff.net.]
Summary: Instead of simply returning to the beginning with higher stats, Tsuna returns with all his powers levels and skills.
XXxxx Chapter Four xxxXX
[A random limited time quest is taking place near the train station. Would Player [Sawada Tsunayoshi] like to participate?]
Tsuna nearly walked into a wall.
A limited time quest?!
He couldn't remember the last time he’d seen one of those. Not only were they rare but the amount of experience and loot he could gain from completing one of them was far beyond the amount he earned doing normal quests.
He moved the pop-up window to the side and clicking into his inventory he scanned through the items.
If this quest was anything like the last one this quest would be difficult, perhaps even impossible to complete. He needed to be prepared for anything.
He could equip the Ember Sky Gloves again, but if he needed firepower they weren't the right gloves to use. Not only was the purity of his flame limited, but the amount of flame he could channel was limited. If he wanted to use something like the X-Burner he'd give himself second-degree burns at the very least. It was likely he was going to need something stronger.
He did carry the upgraded version of the Ember Sky gloves but...
He frowned thoughtfully.
If he remembered correctly there was some drawback to them.
He slid his finger across the screen scanning through his inventory until he finally he found what he was looking for. He clicked on the gloves and a caption appeared above them.
Ember Celica Sky Gloves {D Class}
A set of gloves designed to add additional protection to the wearer's fingers. Allows for usage of tinted Sky Flames as well as finer control over the amount of flames points used. Caution: usage of gloves for extended periods will lead to burning and loss of Health Points due to the poor quality of the flame metal used in its design. -50 HP per minute.  Reduces flame cost by 30%.
Unlike Health Points, his Flame Points couldn't be restored by eating food and they took quite a lot of time to recover, but was it worth losing HP per minute? Probably not. Maybe if it was just another set of everyday thugs he was going up against he might have considered it, but this was a limited-time quest and it was going to be difficult to defeat as it was. He didn't need to make this any harder on himself.
Scanning through the rest of his gear he decided to come back to it later. For now, he should start figuring out which armor to equip to himself.
Clicking the inventory into its subsections, he further separated it into mat types. Clicking on headgear, he scanned through the equipment. There were several masks, ranging from high B-Class items to a few S-Class items, but Tsuna ignored most of them in favor of the earrings and chokes. Unlike the full masks or hoods, he could equip both a set of earrings and choker if he was careful. Considering he was going into a limited-time quest, there was likely going to be flame fighting and high-level weaponry.
Considering that it was likely to be a battle of attrition, he would need to increase his defense as much as possible. Even with his auto-healing, there was still a good chance that the enemies he would be fighting would be at powerful, perhaps high-level mafioso.
Scanning through the sets of accessories, Tsuna looked through items available to him. Because he was in the pre-chaos arc, he was limited to items below A-Rank. Additionally, the fact that this quest took place in the middle of a busy train station, there was still the danger of Vendice getting involved if the battle escalated too far. He needed to consider power as well. Tapping on the inventory filters he limited the items visible to B-Rank or lower. Studying what was left, Tsuna immediately moved through the sets eliminating anything that wasn't usable for fighting. There likely wasn't going to be intelligence or wisdom checks that he couldn't overcome at his current stats. Moving some of the items back into his normal inventory, he has only left with four sets of jewelry to choose from.
Waving his hand, the armor pieces floated in front of him, their stats screen floating side by side for comparison.
Silvergrace Earrings {B Class}
"A set of earrings said to have gained their power from a sea-dwelling race known as the Zora. Silvergrace earrings are strong, durable and easy to repair, but are difficult to find. It is said that find a pair as part of a boss reward grants a person good luck. This pair was found after defeating Man-Eater during overtime during the third playthrough. "
Grants the ability to swim faster, and breathe underwater.                         (While in water, +16 to all stats, and complete resistance to all water attacks.)
VIT:+ 15
DEX: +22                                                                                                                      
Noctis Royal Earrings {B++ Class}
"A set of earrings created by an ancient prince but never worn. These earrings show some slight wear and tear,  as well as some repairs, though who it was done by is a mystery. As a result, this set of earrings are now unbreakable. This set of earrings was discovered in a limited-time event during the second playthrough."
Grants additional power at night as well as the Quicksilver (+25% speed in using machinery) perk. (During the nighttime, add +20 to the stats below as well as night vision.)
FP Reduction: 21%
Exp Inc by 15%
Goron Choker of Armament {B+ Class}
"Said to have originated from a city deep in a volcanic mountain, the player accidentally created this replica during synthesis at Talbot's house in the last playthrough. The chance of creating this particular piece of armor is only one in a thousand, but after learning to craft from the Ancient and Wise Talbot, a miracle happened (and you didn't explode). This choker's durability is medium and it needs some repair."
Defense is raised by 50%              
Aureole Earrings { B- Class}
"Created with the remaining pieces of a B Class boss dark type monster. This artifact is rarely ever created, mostly because the requirements are not only difficult to obtain but because of its reputation for leading men to their doom. Colored a bloody red, and styled in a fashion known as Gothic, this piece is cursed."
Grants special ability Life Drain (killing an enemy restores health to the player).
Cursed item Debuff: Increased blood lust
Attack is raised by 12.5%
All stats +17
Thinking over the sets, Tsuna banished two of the sets back to his inventory and equipped the rest.
Player [Sawada Tsunayoshi] has equipped [Noctis Royal Earrings]. Two stats are raised, and experience gained is increased by fifteen percent.
Player [Sawada Tsunayoshi] has equipped [Goron Choker of Armament]. One stat is raised and defense is raised.
[NEW] [Player Sawada Tsunayoshi] has gained three new titles.
He blinked at the last one but decided to wait to view it. He still needed to equip the rest of his armor set. Going back into his inventory and changing the filters yet again, Tsuna scans the rolls of chest armor. Unlike jewelry where he had around thirty items, the sheer amount of chest and pants armor he currently owned bordered on ridiculous.
Some sets he owned for various and specific battlefields, and then he had several costumes he had for the pure trolling effect. Separating the amusing from the actual functional armor took a little more work than he would have liked, but at least it saved him time. The first thing he did was filter out any full-body outfits, most of which were for beginning players and would remove his earrings and choker.  After the screen refreshed itself he manually went through the twenty or so armor sets left and tossed out anything with the costume title back into his normal inventory. From there he was left with ten items, of which he ran the filter over again canceling out anything over A-Rank. He was only left with four outfits.
Way of the Dawn Checkered Set Level MAX (Includes chest, belt, pants, and shoes)* {B++ Class}
"This armor piece is a study in balance and mastery. One of the rare few sets that level up, this particular piece was worn by warrior walking the thin line between light and darkness. The player has found/created all current pieces in  the set. Gifted as a reward for the completion of the first playthrough, this armor set is the first B plus item the player received."
All stats +20.
Increased Attack by 15% at night.
Increased Defense by 15% during the day.
Grants three additional abilities when the whole set is worn;
Mass Effect: Area of effect attacks are 10% more powerful and require 5% less flame power.
Deux Ex Humanity: Every perfect dodge gains the player a 1.5% chance to increase a random stat permanently.
Balance: The player cannot be knocked back.
Void Gear (Includes chest, belt, pants, and shoes) {B+++ Class}
"A set of armor found in the endless palace. Most of its abilities remain a mystery, however, the few facts known about this item, detail a great sacrifice made in the name of love. The polar opposite of the Existence armor, the void specializes in nullification of enemy immunity and battles of attrition."
Complete Set: Grants increasing amounts of Auto-Healing the longer the player is fighting.
All debuffs are nullified.
Despair Aura: causes fear in enemies.
Medium Flame immunity up to 20% of the player's flame power.
Mist Flames cause 60% less damage to the player.
Belladonna Bright Clothing (Include chest, belt, pants, and shoes) {C++ Class}
"Once a set of armor worn by the infamous witch of the forest, this outfit was crafted by the Atropa Family after the death of their daughter Blake. Contrary to its name this outfit is in no means brightly colored, and instead this outfit was created using only three colors; Nightmare Black, Crimson Blood, and Greedy Gold."
Complete Set: Blood bending and Vampiric Healing (drain blood to heal).
Weakness to Lighting Flames.
Aura of Fear: Simply seeing the player wear this outfit causes fear on a level higher than Despair Aura. Cannot be blocked.
Increased Stealth stats by 75%
Attack decreased by 25%
One Autumn Leaf; Shades of Fall
"Once owned by a great battle mage, the player received this set from the greatest and most famous of the Great Tacticians. Named after the battle mage's main avatar, this set boasts great attack, at the cost of high cool downs. The player was warmed by Ye Xiu himself, not to use this armor set until he has reached level 500."
Level 0-300: all stats +15
Level 300-320: Healing Light: The player heals at double speed. & Healing Wind; Heal Allies for half heath.
Level 321-340: Meteorain: Random Damage to Enemies & Meteor Strike: Heavily Damages One Enemy
Level 341-350: Cosmos Memory: Damages all Enemies
Level 351-370: Radiant Creation: Heals Party Completely & Doom of the Living: Cast debuffs on all enemies
Level 371-380: Incantation of Chains: Casts chains on all enemies slowly stealing FP and HP for 20 seconds.
Unknown: LOCKED (ten lines are hidden)
Mulling over his choices Tsuna immediately, banished the Belladonna Bright Clothing back into his inventory and started comparing the last three armor outfits before he finally made his choice. The One Autumn Leaf armor set didn't really add anything to his stats, and beyond the extra abilities, it wasn't much help at his current level.  The Void Gear armor had much the same problem as One Autumn Leaf without the abilities, so banishing them back to his inventory Tsuna equipped the last armor set left.
Player [Sawada Tsunayoshi] has equipped [Way to the Dawn Checkered Set Level 3]. Three new abilities are now available. All stats are increased by 20. The player's attack is increased by 15%.
Going back to his inventory, he filtered his inventory to show only weapons. Now, that he had chosen his armor, he had a much clearer idea of what he needed for his weapon. He immediately sent back any weapons that were too bulky, or unusual. Maybe he would try some of them out another time, but not now. Reducing his weapons to only gloves, and gauntlets, Tsuna scans the list. Compared to the list of items he had for his other armory pieces, he had a massive amount of gloves and gauntlets. Nearly two hundred items were left, so he set to work limiting the list as best he could.
He removed anything above B Rank and removed anything made for beginners as well as anything far too specialized in physical combat. He needed a good mix of flame and physical ability if he wanted to have any chance of completing the limited time quest. Sadly, even with the list limited he was left with still had far too many weapons to go through. Frowning, he went back to the filter screen and started trying to adjust the stats, looking for ways to reduce the nearly fifty sets of weapons pieces into something more reasonable.
Thankfully, he was able to find a way to separate the terrible from the good when he remembered the level meter. Considering he rarely used anything under S-Rank it wasn't surprising that he had forgotten about it. Unlike all other armor pieces, weapon mats came with a level requirement as well as a rank. At his level, there was little he couldn't use, but just because he could use nearly any weapon he did obtain didn't mean he was a master at using them. Weapons training was still necessary and experience counted for more than hit points. A beginner swordsman could never defeat a master swordsman just because he could pick up a sword.
Clicking enter, Tsuna watched as the list shorted to ten pieces, he immediately sent six of them back to his inventory when he noticed that they were specialty items good for only very specific situations and not much else. The debuffs on them might not have had an impact if he was fighting normal Mafioso, but in a limited time quest, any debuff was a disadvantage he couldn't afford to have.
Spreading out the weapons information, he started to compare the last four weapons in his inventory to each other, looking for flaws and strengths.
Polaris Arias {B+ Class}
"A set of gauntlets created with ice from the sparkle of Stardust lodged in its metal. The radiance of cold space is said to pierce enemies in all directions. This item was obtained during the first playthrough from the boss drops of ‘The Dark Sky, Bermuda’.While strong against people using Night Flames, this set of gauntlets is limited in its might against any other flame of the sky."
Special Effects:
Lowers Defense and Attack of Enemies during an area of effect attacks by 10%.
Has a high chance (49%) of slightly lowering the amount of damage received from night flame attacks.
Fixed 12% chance to slightly increase damage while attacking.
-22% flame power against all flames other than Night Flames.
Bloody Gauntlet {B- Class}
"A brutal weapon that specializes in wounding enemies and reducing their ability to recover. It is said that this weapon’s performance reflects the mindset of its user. There is a high chance of increasing the blood lust of the player and party members.  This weapon was created through weapon creation during the third playthrough."
Special Effects:
Has a high chance (47%) of causing the bleed debuff, which causes a constant HP loss on enemies.
Has a high chance (49%) of slightly lowering the amount of damage received from normal attacks.
Heals allies by a mild amount of HP for equal amounts of damage to the player up to 40% of the allies' health.
Sky's Ordinance {B+++ Class} Level 2 of ?
"This weapon holds the karma of many people. This famous set of gauntlets has a long history of protecting its wielders. Perfect for groups ofenemies, its true power can only be seen after going through numerous battles. Enemies defeated will increase its power. Defeat a fixed number of enemies to level this weapon. (27,064/1,000,000).  This item was received as a prize for completing Sky's Raid Grounds."
Special Effects:
Reduce the flame attack and defense of enemies by a great amount 42%.
Flame attacks on the player have a 28% chance to restore FP to the player.
Any flame attacks by a flame other than Sky Flames have a 27% chance of harmonization (turning to stone) before hitting the player.
There is a small chance 1.5% of permanently increasing FP when the player damages an enemy.
Dragon's Claw {B Class}
"Handcrafted from the claws of a Steel Dragon located in a volcano. It is said that those defeated by this weapon will have burnt slash marks on their body. Dragon materials have a chance to increase stats and possibly increase rank. Bought as a low-level weapon, the player has increased this item's power and rank through material additions."
Special Effects:
Has a chance of causing the burn debuff, which slows enemies and causes damage at random points during a fight.
Deals great flame damage to one enemy and increase the player's own attack by a large amount.
The player is granted an increase in both attack and defense by 22%.
Resistant to flame attacks is increased by 19%.
Looking over the list Tsuna could already eliminate Bloody Gauntlets and Dragon Claw. Bloody Gauntlet was a weapon best used while in a party, while Dragon's Claw was great for attacks it was much better for battles where he only had one enemy. Considering that limited-time quests were pretty much always battles of himself against many, he would be better served to choose something else.
So down to two options Tsuna sent the rest of the items back to his inventory and compared the remaining two items side to side.
At first glance, Polaris Arias seemed like a good idea, with its enemy area of effect debuff, and physical damage lowering but he knew it would be a waste of a buff considering his natural regeneration was maxed out. Not to mention that at his current level increasing his attack wouldn’t do much if, in the long run, he ran out of flame power. Siding that screen back to his inventory, he equipped the other armor piece.
Player [Sawada Tsunayoshi] has equipped [Sky’s Ordinance]. Defeat 972,936 enemies to level up this weapon.
Feeling the gauntlets appear on his arms, he was a little surprised to see them change color to match his outfit. He had forgotten about that system effect.
Turning back to his inventory he was left with just one more armor piece to decide upon.
Normally after equipping chest, belt, shoes, headpieces and a weapon a player was no longer able to equip anything more. However, once a player completes a hidden mission at the end of a playthrough an extra slot can be obtained. Tsuna had only found the hidden mission once, but it was enough to grant him an extra slot. Theoretically, anything could be placed in this slot, from an additional chest piece, rings, or even a second belt but Tsuna had discovered through much trial and error that it was much more efficient to equip a wing array. Unlike the dexterity reduction he would gain from having extra armor piece on or being overburdened from having too much armor on, a wing array simply increased stats without a reduction in his weight or a limitation to his dexterity.
Sliding through his rather limited wing arrays inventory, of which only contained four pieces, Tsuna picked the only one with any buffs.
Player [Sawada Tsunayoshi] has equipped [Strife Black Wings]. FP is reduced by 6%  any time the player uses a flame attack.
Waving his hand, the inventory screens vanished, and Tsuna was left staring at two screens. His stats screen and the screen asking if he wanted to participate in the special event. Ignoring one screen in favor of the other for a moment, he clicked on his stats. He was curious to see what new titles he gained.
Sawada Tsunayoshi, Level. 383
Exp: 209,189/383,000
HP:10121(SSS)*  FP:10975 (SSS)* VIT: 321 (SSS)*   STR:217 (A)* DEX:210 (SS)*     INT:223 (A)* WIS:357 (SSS)*    LUK:561 (S)*
Skills [Hidden]
*Note: Stats have been increased from armor buffs.
Title [show buff]
Hyper Intuition (Active): +12 WIS and +1 DEX per lvl.
Second Great Sky: +4 FP and +1 WIS per lvl.
Tainted Saint: During Battle only, WIS inc. by 10.
Student of the Demon (Reborn): + 10 VIT per lvl.
The Sky Tactician: +5 INT and +4 WIS during battle.
Protector of the People: + 5 to all stats when protecting someone during battle.
Protector of People II:  + 7 to all stats when protecting someone during battle.
International Criminal: +8 STR and +6 FP per lvl.
Master Tactician: all allies gain +4 to all stats when led into battle by the player.
Healer in Training: a temporary increase in Sun Flames whenever the player is in the presence of a doctor, or a skilled flame user.
Handy Healer: a temporary boost in flame power whenever the player uses Sun Flame to heal.
Divisions of the Sky: +12 to HP and FP permanently whenever the player fights and wins against another sky flame user.
Will of the Strong: %#$$#*^&%@+*/#@ to the player.
[NEW] Armed and Ready: Weapons have a 6% chance to causes a critical hit.
[NEW]History Maker: Any time the player has three or more stats S Rank or above, the player gains an extra 3% experience during battle.
[NEW] Sky's Awakening: Enemies using flames of the sky have a 50% greater chance to be sensed while in the presence of the player in or out of battle.
Looking over his new titles, Tsuna blinked. He had never heard of any ability that allowed flame users to be sensed before attacking, and if this new title was anything like he was guessing it was going to add a whole new level to his fighting. Instead of having to wait for his enemies to launch an attack and then having to dodge, he could make the first move and attack first and yet something about the wording bothered him.
What did this title mean for normal day to day life? Could the percentage increase?  The move itself didn't say, and while the addition of an extra ability could give him an edge in battle, there was also the fact that he might have to train a whole new ability that he hadn't accounted for.
Frowning Tsuna went over the matter in his mind.
While useful, the last place to be trying out a new title was a limited-time event. Tapping his fingers, he attempted to see if he could turn off the buff and apparently he could because a second later the title faded to gray, signaling its deactivation. Steeling himself, Tsuna banished the last screen away.
He clicked on the only screen left.
[A limited time quest is taking place near the train station. Would Player [Sawada Tsunayoshi] like to participate?]
He clicked on Yes and felt the ground fall out from beneath him.
Chapter Four [1/3] | Chapter Four [3/3]
Fanfiction Master List | Silver Sky on AO3
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wildcardwriting · 5 years
Silver Sky/New Game Plus  Updates and So On...
So instead of reblogging, from now on, I’ll just post a test box and a link. Because its getting annoying to try and make the formatting work and this kind of works.
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playertsuna · 7 years
Silver Sky Chapter Two [Part 2]
Part 2/2 [Chapter was way longer than I expected.]
Chapter Two [1/2] | Chapter Three [1/2]
Fanfiction Master List | Silver Sky on AO3
A mirror verse to New Games Plus. [Still debating whether to post on ff.net.]
Summary: Instead of simply returning to the beginning with higher stats, Tsuna returns with all his powers levels and skills.
XXxxx Chapter Two xxxXX
Tapping the screen’s left corner, Tsuna separated it into four sections.
Attack, Defense, Support, and lastly Miscellaneous. 
The separation of which did not in any way help his mood. While defense and support had close to fifty skills combined, there were far fewer in attack.
Ten to be exact.
Rubbing his eyes, and pushing the rather foreboding thoughts from his mind, Tsuna clicked on ‘Attack’. Instantly the box expanded, listing both the skills and their levels.
Attack Skills
Hyper Dying Will Mode Lv. 66
Hand to Hand Combat Lv. 66
Street Brawling Lv. 62
Box Combat Lv. 59
Flame Techniques Lv. 54
Dying Will Mode Lv. 49
Minus State Lv. 36
Small Firearms Lv. 33
Chun-Kuk-Do, Beginner Lv. 19
Ultimate Dying Will Mode Lv. 5
Apart from the fact, that his attack skills were not only weak but so incredibly basic, added yet more evidence that Tsuna was not really expected to do much of anything on the front lines. Even his Hyper Dying Mode, which he had used for a number of years before the start of the repeat was only at level sixty-six was a bitter pill to shallow. He should have mastered it already.
Pushing that thought to the side, Tsuna scanned the rest of the list, finding a few surprises he didn’t quite expect.
For one thing, he didn’t know that his Minus State could, in fact, be used for attacking. The only thing he’d ever used it for was for the absorption of flames, but the fact that it was listed under attack skills opened some new doors…
As well as closing others.
He tapped on Ultimate Dying Will Mode.
Ultimate Dying Will Mode > The complete control of a flame attributes, as well as a large increase in flame power. The drawbacks include a permanent loss of both HP and Vitality of 5 points for every minute used, as well as the inability to make any other type of flame other than Sky Flames. Requirements: Must be activated by S Rank Flame tempered weapon.
Tsuna pressed again, dark feelings rising up in him.
Maybe there had been a need for this type of attack in the past, but Tsuna was not going to use it anymore. He had spent far too much time getting his stats to their current levels to waste on a single attack that would hurt him more than help him in the long run.
Would Player [Tsuna] like to delete the attack skill titled ‘Ultimate Dying Will Mode’? (All skills points will return to the player.) 
Yes or No?
There was no hesitation when he pressed ‘Yes’. He was going to be on the front line. He wasn’t going to be anyone’s puppet.
Player [Tsuna] has deleted ‘Ultimate Dying Will Mode’ and regained 5 game points.
He wasn’t going to let himself go down that path. He was stronger now, and no one, not the Ninth, Iemitsu, or Reborn was going to turn him into a weapon. He was beyond that. Better than that.
Moving on, Tsuna clicked on Chuk-Kuk-Do, a little confused to its presence. As far as he knew, he had never trained in any type of martial art, so how he gained a skill was a bit of mystery.
Chuk-Kuk-Do > A martial arts technique that Lal Mich has attempted to teach the player during the Future Arc. Note: To master this skill the Player must buy the ten skills books on sale through the Skill Shop.
Exiting the smaller screen, Tsuna made a note to inquire about the books when he made a trip to the shop later. He didn’t even know that purchasing skill books was possible.
Going back to his skill screen he added points to his other attack skills.
The attack skill Hyper Dying Will Mode has been Mastered! 15 Game Points can now be allocated. 70,000 EXP gained! Inventory has been expanded. The skill Hyper Dying Mode Advanced has appeared.
The attack skill Hand to Hand Combat has been Mastered! 15 Game Points can now be allocated. 70,000 EXP gained! Inventory has been expanded.
The attack skill Street Brawling has been Mastered! 15 Game Points can now be allocated. 70,000 EXP gained! Inventory has been expanded.
He skipped over Box Combat, knowing full well that even had he mastered it now, it wouldn’t do him much good without a box weapon. Better to use his game points on other attacks, then waste them on a skill he won’t even be able to use for awhile.
“…maybe I should try adding some points…” He muttered to himself, skipping over the rest of the skill points and down to Chuk-Kuk-Do. The information text didn’t say anything about not being able to add points, just that to master the martial art, he would need skill books.
Chuk-Kuk-Do has become level 30. Find the skill Book ‘Chuk-Kuk-Do Beginner Volume 1’ to level higher.
Waving his hand, Tsuna went back to his basic skill screen, this time clicking on Defense skills. The rest of his attack skills would level up by themselves soon enough.
“Tsu-kun! Dinner’s ready!”
“I’ll be down,” Tsuna called back waving his hand down again. He would deal with his defensive skills after dinner.
Dinner was over rather quickly, and he was back in his room, going over his Defense skills. The number of which was a little overwhelming. He had skills like X-Stream all the way to a skill called Retreating and all of them were incredibly high, most in the upper seventies to low nineties.
It was a little shocking, honesty.
Sliding his hand over, he moved on to the support skills screen. He wasn’t going to spend any game points in defense unless it was necessary. Most of the skills were already close to being mastered, so there was no need to waste skills points on skills that would level up naturally within the next few weeks.
Getting his body back to tip top condition was going to involve most of his defensive skills anyway.
Scanning the list of Support Skills, he threw some game points into the more important skills.
The support skill Intermediate Healing has been Mastered! 15 Game Points can now be allocated. 70,000 EXP gained! Inventory has been expanded.
The support skill Master Healing has been added. A skill book is needed to level up.
Player Sawada Tsunayoshi has gained the title “Handy Healer.”
The support skill Absorption FP has been Mastered! 15 Game Points can now be allocated. 70,000 EXP gained! Inventory has been expanded.
The support skill Alert has been Mastered! 15 Game Points can now be allocated. 70,000 EXP gained! Inventory has been expanded.
Pausing, Tsuna frowned thoughtfully. Seeing more skills that would be useful, but knowing that his game points were limited.
Flipping back to his stats screen, he took note of his game points before sliding back to the support skills screen.
He had sixty-two game points remaining.
Still, he needed to prioritize. He couldn’t be greedy. Anything he couldn’t do now could always be done later. He’d have plenty of chances to gain levels as soon as the Daily Life Arc ended.
He settled on three skills and started adding.
The support skill Passive Mug has been Mastered! 15 Game Points can now be allocated. 70,000 EXP gained! Inventory has been expanded.
The support skill Auto-Heal has been Mastered! 15 Game Points can now be allocated. 70,000 EXP gained! Inventory has been expanded.
The support skill Skill Up has been Mastered! 15 Game Points can now be allocated. 70,000 EXP gained! Inventory has been expanded.
The support skill Guardian has reached level 49.
Player Sawada Tsunayoshi has gained the title “Protector of the People II.”
Player Sawada Tsunayoshi has run out of game points. Level up or master a skill to gain more.
Exiting out of most of the screens, Tsuna went back to his stats page.
Sawada Tsunayoshi, Level. 383
Exp: 209,189/383,000
HP:8939(SS)  FP:9978 (SSS) VIT: 228 (SS)  STR:198 (B) DEX:191 (A) INT:203 (A) WIS:319 (SS) LUK:510 (S)
93 Skills Mastered 194 Skills in Progress
[NEW] Inventory has expanded by 600 slots.
[NEW] Player Tsuna has gained six new titles.
He blinked at the last one, clicking.
He counted four new titles, not six. 
Player Tsuna has gained the following titles:
Master Tactician
Healer in Training
Protector of the Weak
Handy Healer
Divisions of the Sky
Will of the Strong
Tsuna blinked at the list. He had never even heard of the last two titles. Swiping the screen he clicked back to his stats page, and clicked on his level, watching as it branched off into Titles and double clicked.
                                                   Title [show buff]
[NEW]Protector of People II:  + 7 to all stats when protecting someone during battle.
[NEW] Master Tactician: all allies gain +4 to all stats when led into battle by the player.
[NEW] Healer in Training: a temporary increase in Sun Flames whenever the player is in the presence of a doctor, or skilled flame user.
[NEW] Handy Healer: a temporary boost in flame power whenever the player uses Sun Flame to heal.
[NEW] Divisions of the Sky: +12 to HP and FP permanently whenever the player fights and wins against another sky flame user. 
[NEW] Will of the Strong: %#$$#*^&%@+*/#@ to the player.
Tsuna stared long and hard at the last title, but nothing changed. He couldn’t read what the buff was. Apparently whatever it was, was powerful. He had only seen symbols like that the first time he tried to read Reborn’s stats. Frowning thoughtfully Tsuna checked the time before, swiping his hand.
Jumping off his bed, Tsuna made his way to the window, sliding opening his bedroom window.
The Midnight Shop was now open.
Contrary to what Tsuna thinks, it isn’t quite as bad as he thinks. Yes, Reborn and most of the mafia don’t expect him to actually fighting on the front lines, and his training has reflected that, but there are two things the mafia and the ninth hasn’t been to control about Tsuna. His kindness and his determination. 
Every time, Tsuna  goes into battle he fights alongside his guardians, something that was wasn’t norm with the exception of Primo. Additionally, Tsuna was surrounded by the fighting prowess of the people like Hibari and the rest of the Arcobaleno, so it isn’t that he’s weak (he’s not), but that everyone around him is powerful. So he’s got a bit of an inferiority complex… (I’m blaming you, Xanxus,Byakuran, Reborn, Vindice, Shimon….you get the picture.)
Chapter Two [2/2] | Chapter Three [1/2]
Fanfiction Master List | Silver Sky on AO3
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playertsuna · 6 years
Silver Sky Chapter Three [Part 1]
Part ½ [Chapter was way longer than I expected.]
Chapter Two [2/2] | Chapter Three [2/2]
Fanfiction Master List | Silver Sky on AO3
A mirror verse to New Games Plus. [Still debating whether to post on ff.net.]
Summary: Instead of simply returning to the beginning with higher stats, Tsuna returns with all his powers levels and skills.
XXxxx Chapter Three xxxXX
The Midnight Shop was an old game store situated on the far fringes of Namimori, right on the border between Shimon and Midori. During the day it sold retro candy and games but during the night it became a doorway to the small but influential criminal underworld of Japan.
Unlike Europe which had doorways in the poor, poverty ridden areas of all countries west of India, most of Asia’s Mafia Underworld was centered near the Capitals. There was still a lot of bad blood between the east and the west, and the mafia was only retaining the few outcropping of supplies through sheer force.
Neither the Chinese Triads or the Japanese Yakuza was particularly happy about the amount of influence the western mafia was trying to maintain in their countries, but neither was strong enough to force them out  without banding together, and that was something they would never do.
The relationship between the Triads and Yakuza was even rockier than with the west, and if they could use a third party to fight their battles indirectly they would.
Still, Tsuna needed to be extra careful about his activities when he entered the city.
The Yakuza may not be able to cause trouble where the Midnight Shop stood, but that didn’t mean they weren’t watching, and Tsuna seriously doubted that the Triads didn’t have their own spies watching. The last thing he needed was to bring trouble home.
Thankfully, he had a few aces up his sleeve. Walking into a public restroom two train stops before he got to his destination, he placed his book bag to the ground.
Dropping his hand briefly into his inventory he took out one special bracelet. It was pure silver and had a number of charms on it in the shape of different colored flames. Tapping one orange finger to the purple flame on his bracelet, his image warped as mist flames wrapped around his body, changing his appearance.
Before he had mastered using mist flames, the bracelet had been made to help supplement his rather poor mist control so he could do covert work, before Reborn scrapped the idea. Even when he had mastered his mist flames, he still couldn’t make the kind of solid illusions that Mukuro could. His skill with mist flames was so poor that even Skull could see through them so he went back to the Mist Bracelet that had been created for him by Verde and Mukuro.
In this time period, however, there wasn’t likely to be anyone skilled enough to see through even his attempts at a mist disguise, but he wasn’t going to tempt fate. His luck was bad at the worst of times. So it was better to start getting in the habit of assuming everyone was flame active rather than be caught off guard so Tsuna used the Flame Bracelet.
Glancing into a mirror, he looked over himself taking care to ensure the disguise was working properly. Instead of his own brown fluffy hair, his hair was long, and platinum blond, his eyes bright blue, and he was a few inches taller than he actually was.* He may have looked out of place in town, but he would blend in at the Midnight Shop where foreigners were in the majority, rather than the minority.
Acting like he was fixing his shirt to work out some wrinkles, he ensured that the illusion was physical. Smiling he picked up his bag and walked out.
Jumping on to yet another train, he took the time to go through his inventory and decide on what he was going to sell. He couldn’t sell everything right away, he’d catch too much attention, but at the same time, he needed more than just some common firearms. Common thugs weren’t told where the Midnight Shop was, so he needed to sell enough items that he was considered at least of moderate standing in a completely imaginary family–
He stopped when another thought occurred to him.
Thinking back over the list of families he knew had some foot in the Midnight Shop, in this time period, Tsuna started putting a plan together. In a few months Hayato, and then the Shimon Family would arrive in Namimori and if he could make their lives a little better, then this would be the perfect chance. Especially since he would have another avenue to buy supplies instead of having to go through the Vongola for everything and avoid being questioned for why he wanted certain things. He was under no delusions over how much freedom he had considering, that even as heir to the most powerful family in the world, the person who held the power was ninth until his retirement. (He frowned thinking how his father liked to cherry-pick his supplies orders when he was in-charge of the CEDEF).
If he went this route and created an imaginary family he was going to have to back it up somehow. Either through money, or strength, or some sort of rarity such as precious gemstones, but even without looking Tsuna knew that wasn’t going to be so much of an issue. He had quite a few flame stones to toss around to open a credit line with the Midnight Shop.
But this brought into mind a new problem.  He needed a name to put on the agreements. He had a crest in mind he could use, but he still needed a name. What should he call his fake family?
Scanning the train for inspiration, he pondered. The family name needed to be something unique, and obscure enough that no one else would think to use it. Thinking back to the crest he was going to use, he went through his inventory and scanning the items but nothing came to mind.
Obviously, there could be no connection with either sky flames or Japan, those kinds of things would put him on the radar of every mafia person, but it needed to be something striking–
His eyes caught a poster for an anime on the top of one of the train’s headers. It showcased two characters, a blond, presumably Russian judging from the name and another black haired Japanese, but the words on the bottom were what took his attention.
Eros and Agape.
He had never heard of those words before but they had a certain ring to them.
Turning on his phone and searching through Google he looked up the words. They were part of the six kinds of love that ancient Greeks believed.
Eros being sexual love, while Agape being unconditional love.
Scanning through the rest of the list Tsuna came to a decision stepping out into the train station.
Author’s note: its been a long, long time since I last posted. Almost a whole year. I’m trying to fix some of the links and make it easier to navigate around the chapters.
Chapter Two [2/2] | Chapter Three [2/2]
Fanfiction Master List | Silver Sky on AO3
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