#pls naruto community im summoning you to assistπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
hi! Do you know if there’s a sasunaru scene pack somewhere? Or if there was a person in tumblr or something who listed every sasunaru moment in every episode? I’m going back into my sasunaru phase after YEARS and I wanna make fan vids but I have NO IDEA where to start with so many moments 😭😭😭 oh god I hope there’s a scenepack somewhere πŸ™πŸ™
i’m so hip and involved that i had to look up what a scene pack wasπŸ˜… clearly i am unfortunately lacking an answer for this one so if anyone else can answer this or has what this person is looking for that would be very appreciated!! :)
also welcome back!!! :) <3 from what i can tell so far truly leaving naruto behind is apparently impossible lol
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