jujugemz · 5 years
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Sunday POLO Sale @thesaratogapolo JuJuGemZ of Saratoga has all #swarovskileather #wristwraps 100% Genuine Leather with sparkling #swarovskicrystals💎 #madeinsaratoga for #horsegirls #poloprincesses #poloprincess #adkgirl #glamourgals #goodjuju #luckycrystals #goodfortune #goddesspower #wiawaka #wonderwoman #warriorwristwraps #saratogaliving #iloveadk #ilovelakegeorge #iloveny #lakelife #mountaingirls #yoginilife #jujugemz #sportychic #saratogachic #saratogastyle hit JuJu Up😎💎❤️ (at Saratoga Polo Association) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1jd0VqA8hc/?igshid=1dodda1u5qj19
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stardustheartbeats · 9 years
books (DUH BC YOU'RE YOU), artists/bands, songs
you make things difficult for me hannah
top 5 books
1. fangirl by rainbow rowell
2. ill give you the sun by jandy nelson
3. harry potter duh
4. percy jacson and the olympians by rick riordan
5. anna and the french kiss by stephanie perkins
top 5 artists
1. ed sheeran
2. mumford and sons
3. sara bareilles
4. bastille
5. the 1975
top 5 songs
1. give me love - ed sheeran
2. mr brightside - the killers
3. cough syrup - young the giant
4. not with haste - mumford and sons
5. attaboy - stuart duncan & yo yo ma
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yourhonoriamsad · 10 years
Thank you so much for answering my question! I really appreciate it :) xo
Not a problem! :)
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eastivyprep · 11 years
Tag Game!
Rule 1: Always post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
Questions for me:
1. What keeps you motivated? The dream I hold of what I want my future to look like.
2. What’s your least favourite trend in fashion? Harem pants completely.
3. Dog or cat? Man's bf.
4. What’s your favourite tv-show? Will & Grace, The Office, Frasier (Guilty Pleasure: Any Real Housewives)
5. Do you often cry while watching movies? Ugh such a sap.
6. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done? Got sick in my classroom in front of all my classmates in grade school.
7. What is your middle name/s? Leigh... Which would make my initials BLT lol.
8. Describe yourself in five words? Caring, Fun, Happy, Positive, Dependable.
9. Favourite sport? To watch - snowboarding. To Play - Soccer
10. What are you looking for in a boy/girl? What I looked for in my boyfriend before we dated was how caring he was, a sense of humor, if he came from a good family, and if he seemed extremely interested in me (:
11. What’s your biggest obsession? My biggest obsession would definetely have to be working toward making myself the best version of myself that I can possibly be. That includes looks wise, education wise, style wise, and lifestyle wise.
Questions for you!
1. What would make your life complete?
2. What is your dream profession?
3. What will you look for in your potential husband?
4. What is your favorite style for interior decorating and where do you find your design ideas at? (i.e. Shabby chic, modern, traditional)
5. What names have you always adored for your future children?
6. What is something you will aim to instill in your future offspring?
7. What was something you learned from your mom that has really shaped who you are today and will continue to shape who you are forever? And something from your dad?
8. What do you look for in a potential friend?
9. What is your all time favorite book?
10. What is your favorite pre gaming song?
11. What is your favorite alcoholic beverages?
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lirrydefensesquad · 12 years
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lirrydefensesquad · 12 years
Marissa tagged us, so we're going for it. CHECK IF YOUR TAGGED THEN ANSWER THE QUESTIONS! and then tag us. Yeah.
Rule 1: Post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger set for you then make 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
Taggd by:http://nialled—niall.tumblr.com/
My 11 Questions.
Where are you from? North Carolina, USA woohooo
List ten people you’re friends with on tumblr. oh wow, do I even have ten friends on here? I don't talk to people. Ummm Hannah and I are friends. (poloprincess) Marissa, Katie, Maddie, Mary Gray, Meghan, Landin, and I loveee Darlene's blog and I've talked to her like once but I don't think she knows me. Same goes for Shannon and Tasha and that took me forever thanks Marissa.
One place you want to travel to? LONDON. oh my goodness. It's one of the only places left on my top five bucket list places. 
What’s your favorite thing about each of the boys? Louis- his protectiveness, Liam- how he's so adorable and sweet, Harry- his hair because how could I not?, Zayn- his voice his voice his voice, Niall- how he doesn't have a care in the world
Top 3 One Direction songs in order? Based on the number of plays on my iTunes: ONE THING, Stole My Heart, More than This. 
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Based on a place I've been and already love? Venice, Italy. Based on my absolute dream? London. Or St. Barth's. 
Who’s your favorite member of One Direction? OH GOD I CANT CHOOSE. My first instinct is to say Liam because his audition was the first ever 1d related video I ever watched and I've been in love since. 
Are you a morning or night person? Night. I have a touch of insomnia.
Apple or PC? Apple. 
If you could meet anyone dead or alive who would it be? Walt Disney
Were you a cute baby? HELL YES. I mean I think so. I had ringlets and dimples... lol 
New 11 Questions:
What is the date of your birth? 
Best roller coaster you've ever been on and where?
First thing you notice about a person?
Favorite Disney Movie?
All the things on the walls in your room?
Top 5 Bucket List things you want to do before you kick the bucket?
Best Album you've purchased within the last year?
Funny childhood anecdote?
Favorite perfume/cologne?
In your opinion, who has the best voice in One Direction?
Would you ever consider living abroad? If so, where?
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