#prefer to be called by nicknames online bc im trying to cultivate that more like. tomboyish air i guess
kazoologist · 2 months
15 Qs for 15 friends!
I got double tagged by @sebsrainbowbicycle and @mossistyping (howdy!)
Are you named after anyone? Yes, actually! I can't say which famous old movie star I got named after without exposing my birth name which is hella fem, so if u wanna like ask for deets, u can! but we stan classic movies in my family's house and I am named after a pretty famous actress from the classic movie era, which is...cooler now that I've made peace with it, but still deeply funny for the success i was set up for from my fam.
When was the last you cried? Probably a few months ago when I was really stressed about being sick and a bunch of other stuff going on.
you have kids? No!
What sports do you play/have you played? Played volleyball as a little kid (terrible at it), but I did shoot archery competitively from about the time I was...like. 11 or 12?? to about the time I was 15.
Do you use sarcasm? Yes, debatable on how good.
What is the first thing you notice about people? Height/Hair/Voice.
What is your eye color? Green
Scary movies or happy endings? As much as I love my happy endings... Scary movies my beloved.
Any talents? ... I mean I was a pretty solid shot when I did archery? I did pretty good at a lot of contests. I'm a pretty good photographer, I think. Also a good researcher and pretty solid writer. I can hold my breath for about two minutes when I'm in the habit of swimming I guess. Otherwise, I'd just say im pretty good at handicrafts like embroidery and crochet.
Where were you born? The wonderful state of Missouri in the US! We are the Cave State!
What are your hobbies? embroidery/cross stitch, crochet and knitting, reading when I can, I used to be a theatre lighting tech and I miss that so badly but it's not really a hobby since its been so long. Playing card games and hanging out with friends, and going on walks and swimming (i miss swimming SO MUCH). technically also dnd and other ttrpgs but i havent played in like eight zillion years (i miss being a dm SO BAD)
Do you have any pets? My family has a cat named Poppy who is about fifteen years old and a nightmare and I love her a lot.
How tall are you? 5'1, and i think im somewhere in the 155cm range
Favorite subject at school? English/History/Art
Dream job? Research librarian
okay tagging with no pressure and also much like the people who tagged me, minimal confidence in my ability to count to 15.
@atinystraykid @the-wonderful-jinx @nautical-nasa @bobaheadshark @honeyboyfelix @duelbraids @grimreaperchic @valleyforgewriters @sporest @two-tyred-problems @truehauntings @callmeclementinee @skull-in-a-jar @planet-useless @cottagehowell
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