#problemnyatic rants
problemnyatic · 4 months
maybe internet leftism would be more effective if so much of it wasn't framed in this sneering, shame-on-you language that seems mote intent on guilting people for not being leftist enough than actually extending an understanding hand to people who people who, believe it or not, do actually realize that something is deeply wrong with society despite not being Properly Enlightened And Educated on All Of Leftist Theory as to why.
Yeah, we all post the You Are Not Immune To Propaganda jpeg, but do you still have an internal threshold of propaganda exposure by which others stop being human to you? Do you write off anyone who doesn't already understand the things you do as stupid? Do you understand that to create a genuinely far-reaching movement, you need to be willing to reach people that are substantially different than you and meet them on their level?
Yeah you believe everyone deserves human rights, but do you actually respect the differences in life experince you'll face when engaging with people outside your circle of theory-reading leftists?
And just to be excruciatingly clear: none of these are rhetorical questions. None of these are accusations, and if your response to these questions is to get defensive rather than to self-reflect on whether your practices reflect your principles, I urge you to then ask yourself if your desire to create effective change is being impeded by your apparent need to feel like a "good leftist".
I really, really get feeling frustrated with the world, with how fucking many people seem content to just buy propaganda, with how frustrating and exhausting it is to walk people through the baby steps of what feels like having a very basic grasp of reality. Your outrage is justified and your feelings are very real and deserve to be respected. I'm not here to tone police people expressing their very real anger and grief at the horrible ways global imperialism is hurting us all.
My point here is that, when your goal is to actually inspire others to seek further education on leftist matters, to actually increase the total amount of leftism in the world, you need to be asking yourself if the methods you are using are actually effective. It can feel excruciating to be patient when the world is already so on fire, but you can't just shame people into not needing to be met on their level. It demonstrably does not work, and will work against all of us if the impression you're giving others is that leftism is the mean, scary option even to people who genuinely mean well and want to do better.
I see so many posts rightfully trashing on the widespread culture in the US and beyond of teachers and authority figures simply punishishing people who don't know what they're expected to yet, instead of actually teaching them. I see so many posts on here about how it's okay to need to learn life skills you were never taught. Why does this seem to evaporate when it comes to teaching others leftist theory? That's not rhetorical either, please, really, genuinely ask yourself this question, let it sit with you for a long time.
I know how urgent it is to get people to come around. I'm panicking too. I'm angry, and I'm frustrated, and I'm dumbfounded at how long its taking so many folks to get a fucking grip on what's so broken about society. But I understand that the assertion that the answers should be obvious does nothing to change the fact that, to so many people, to enough people, it isn't. That we need to meet them on their level, with kindness, if we're to get them on our side. Leftism starts at home. It starts with your personal relationships, how you treat others when it's inconvenient and difficult.
Leftism starts with kindness.
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problemnyatic · 6 months
This is your regular reminder not to conflate top/bottom with dom/sub because the queer community does not need another goddamn gender binary, especially not from inside the fucking house
maybe reskinning cishetero gender roles with a coat of rainbow paint is not actually a good thing and inhereting the exact same stereotypes is bad and you shouldn't do it even as a joke! thanks
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problemnyatic · 2 months
authoritarian thought basically boils down to "the solution to harm/societal ills is external power controlling the aspects of life in question" and that is just not true for most things, most especially and in particular: abuse of all kinds. Empowering victims with knowledge, social safety nets, and the agency to decide for themselves what they want from life is and always will be the most effective solution and prevention for abuse.
Every time you see "such-and-such horrible abuse happens here, we need tighter laws/restrictions and more oversight from Authority to solve it!" That is someone trying to convince you to give up autonomy, and volunteer others' autonomy with the promise that whatever Powers That Be that want to be in control will For Sure use that power to look out for you.
It's a nice thought, but notably, both the abuse in question and the proposed solution are about restricting people's agency and stripping you of rights. A child who understands what grooming, sex, and rape are, and can name them, will have far better odds of advocating for themself in the event of abuse than a child who doesn't But Now There's A Second Guy Who's In Charge. A child who's humanity and personhood is respected and implicitly acknowledged and engaged with by the adults around them is far less likely to be charmed by someone looking to exploit them than a child who is super fucking miserable except now the government controlls what they see on the internet.
You can't solve abuse by putting power further and further above the people you're trying to protect. You have to put it in the hands of the vulnerable, so they can actually do something about it. Makes more sense when you put it that way, huh?
Anyways, call your representative about KOSA, and if you're not in the US, pester your USamerican friends to do so.
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problemnyatic · 4 months
i know i keep yelling about this but i just cant get over how many people I see going "no actually we should just kill all pedophiles and rapists and-" and then what?
So that's it then? We just kill everyone you deem too dangerous to let live? And then what? and then fucking what?? do you HEAR yourself? In what fucking world is that a leftist solution? How the fuck does that prevent further harm? Does this actually help anyone already hurt?
You know these people will SEE that, right?? That whatever powers that be are coming for them? They'll fucking hide it. And then what? And then fucking what? Do we invade people's private lives, then? To be sure? Do we give everyone on earth a psychiatric evaluation to detemine if they're guilty of a crime before they commit it? A test they know they die if they fail? And then fucking what?
What hapens when new people are born, and some of them have a fucking problem? Do we just kill them too? Is that your future? Endless killing of the damned, their lives forefit on first offense? What kind of world is that? Is that a world where people get help for their troubles? Where they trust the system with their safety enough to seek support?
What about the liars? What about the smooth talkers, the pretty faces? What about the ones who learn the language, say all the right things, who stay smart and unseen and never reveal the awful things they do behind closed doors? Do you get it? Do you fucking get it yet??
You're no fucking different than the rest. You're in bed with the cop in your head because the rush of righteousness you get from wishing death upon your sinners is too good to let go of and THINK. I fucking AGREE that CSA is bad, I think rape is a disgusting crime, my knuckles LIVE for the day they wear a nazi's blood, should it ever come, but for fuck's pathetic sake I know we need a better solution than the one we have now but mad-libs'd to agree with my own fucking morals.
It can't just be endless killing. It can't. How will you even be sure you're killing the right fucking ones? If they haven't hurt anyone, how can you be sure? If they have, how does killing them fucking help the ones they hurt? How will you know? How will you FUCKING know?
It can't just be kill them all. It can't be. Your means are stained with bloodlust and the world you envision is steeped in violence. The only difference is you think your morals are infallible. You're blind to your own flaws and you're high on righteousness. I pray you never get the power to bring your vision to fuition.
We can't kill them all. Too many innocents will die. Too many more will rise after you're gone. All that will have happened is more sensless fucking bloodshed, cause be damned.
please, let it be something else.
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problemnyatic · 5 months
so is that it, then??? One month where the whole internet has eyes on palestine and when we get one whole week where the genocide slows down a little bit everyone gets tired and moves on?? It's not All Fixed now so now where posts about gaza would be getting 20k notes a pop easy, I rarely see one with more than 4k. I'm so fucking tired of the internet letting human rights issues be fucking fads. Show some commitment to the goddamn cause. I promise you whatever fatigue you're feeling about it is a day at the spa compared to what actual palestinians are going through every hour of every day.
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problemnyatic · 5 months
stupid fucking american, just do your research, it's not like it's hard. You were supposed to check your shit before just spouting whatever bullshit you thought you knew, idiot. Nevermind that research itself has become an agonizing slog of fighting the dense, rancid spectre of the internet's rotting, bloated, still-living corpse along the uphill battle against a cavalcade of mental illnesses that make the act of sifting through visually identical information and picking through it for vague, far from self-evident signs of low information integrity agonizing as hell, just fucking pick up the slack of two decades of life that were wasted being failed by a national institution more interested in turning you into a factory floor soldier than setting you up for success, idiot lol
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problemnyatic · 4 months
Protip: If you wanna see something happen more, don't punish someone for doing it. This means teasing someone for moving out of their comfort zone for the first time in a while. This means being flippant towards someone when they genunely try to give a shit about you.
Just. Think about what you're actually doing when you say something to someone, what effect it might have on them, and if that's what you actually want to have happen. Ask yourself, "Does this just make sense because it's what I'd think? Am I considering this from their perspective?"
The first thing you should always do if you find yourself displeased with something is check to make sure you're not doing anything to contribute to it yourself, at least nothing that can reasonably be avoided. This is about personal interactions, not participating in funtamentally broken societal structures because they are what you live in.
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problemnyatic · 4 months
man i just cant get over how fuckin distracting the idea of morality is in terms of actually like, trying to create a more ethical status quo. People get so caught up in worrying about whether they're a good person, whether people think they're being good enough, who's good and who's bad, and like, man, fuck!!! Who gives a shit what the fuckin' score is!!! There is so much problems in the world and if we waste all our time trying to figure out all the ~hidden signs~ and ~tells~ of who's predisposed to evil, we're never gonna get around to actually doing anything about the actual evil being committed every day on a systemic level.
If someone hasn't actually hurt someone, lay the fuck off the accusations. If you really want to garner a culture that prevents harm rather than simply reacting to it, you need to make causing harm something that can be recovered from. It can't be fucking shameful, because then people hide it. People will avoid pain, so threats of punishment aren't fucking useful. And if you believe doing The Bad Things will get you a world of hurt, then you're gonna get defensive if someone tries to approach you about your own harmful habits!!
I've seen it so many fuckin times, dude, it's insane. Someone will try to be like "hey, you could do this better" or "hey, the way you x hurts me" and instead of like, having a conversation, that person will get up in arms about how they weren't ~being bad.~ Whether it's trying to avoid blame or minimize how bad people think it is, the end result is that nothing actually gets dealt with because people are too busy trying to avoid being seen as a fuckin' sinner.
Who gives a fuck about being a good person? What does "good personhood" actually do? Best I can tell, it's just this label people get to have that says "Don't come after me, your target is someone else." Because if you ask anyone, being a Good Person is about your actions. So... why not just look at those? Ditch the shorthand that flattens everything, and risk the fucking nuance. If you don't have to worry about maintaining your status as a "good person," then suddenly it stops being so scary to scrutinize the ways in which you can actually improve.
And it's not even like you can just, like, get rid of all "bad people" and solve harm forever. If your solution to the ills of humanity can be boiled down to "if we just point a big enough gun at anyone who Breaks The Good Person Rules, no one will want to break them!" then, sorry to break it to you, but you're a fascist, no matter what values you purport to be championing. You still intend to use force to enforce them, and by enshrining those values as The Good Ones, you blind yourself to your own biases and flaws. You loose sight of the fact that you still have to aim that gun. Best not miss, or you'll take out an innocent- that's bad, right? Hope your aim's perfect- and everyone after you, too.
There's always gonna be pain. Always gonna be conflict. There's just too fuckin' many people out there to force the world to homogenize under a set of values that no one deviates from. So you need to be flexible, and you need to let good and bad exist side by side as shades of gray. You need to think of harm reduction not as a destination you reach by restricting the agency People Who Will Do Harm, but as a complex network of social safety nets that ensure that people who wind up in danger have multiple avenues with which to protect themselves or escape that danger, and ensure that the ones who cause that danger have ways to get help.
The world is more complicated than a binary of who's an abuser and who's a victim. People are more complicated than simple predisposition to hurting others. There will never be a set of values so all-encompassing as to ensure no one ever gets hurt if they're strictly adhered to, and there will never be a person on earth so perfect they never fuck up practicing those values. So you gotta fuckin adapt, man.
No more heroes and villains. No more good and bad people. you're more than that, I'm more than that. There's no shortcuts to heaven, no tickets to hell. You just gotta do the best you can with what you have, and course correct as you learn more stuff. What matters is the impact of our actions- they land how they land and we deal with it after. Quit botherin' with what it means and lets just work with what it is, we'll work towards that intent on the way, yeah?
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problemnyatic · 1 year
man i know this is swinging a bat at the worlds angriest and most useless hornet's nest but i cant stop thinking about how ridiculous shipping discourse is. Babe if your activism and morality starts and ends at how other people consume fiction you're fully lost in the sauce. How is this your biggest concern. Like I know people can care about more than one thing but it just feels. SO asinine. even if you think that the way people ship or whatever IS a sign of like anything about their real actual life, why focus on the shipping and not... the actual things they have done, if there even are any. There are actual people doing things that cause harm right now in the physical world, like building oil pipelines through indiginous land and I promise it's a better use of energy to do something about local real-world issues than it is to get mad online at what media people use to unwind and how
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problemnyatic · 1 year
My very fucking tired nonbinary ass is about to start unfollowing people who keep putting "men dni" on my fucking dashboard. I get it, y'all think parts of me I have no fucking say in are icky and gross and evil and undesirable. I don't want to see it anymore.
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problemnyatic · 2 years
We're white as they come, but holy fuck we're getting real sick of white queer bullshit. I'm sick of the idea that comfort and "vibes" are more important than putting in the effort to actually be a responsible community. I'm sick of the constant handholding required to make white queers actually fucking do something about their racist bullshit and conflict-avoidant complacency. I'm sick of the constant appropriation of AAVE that gets brushed off if you try to bring it up. I'm sick of the defensiveness, of the laziness, of the idea that "having good politics" is somehow a passive state of being that's good enough on its own.
You have to fucking try. You have to put in the effort and you have to have the difficult, incnvenient conversations and you have to actually start those conversations whether or not it's comfortable to. You have to hold yourselves and each other accountable for letting people fall through the cracks just because they're neurodivergent in ways you don't "jive" with. You have to make a fucking effort to change and be better and do the hard thing and actually push against that tired, exhausted, avoidant impulse to let the uncomfortable and inconvenient and distressing just pass you by.
I don't believe in "good" and "bad" people, I think that's a bullshit, christian idea, but I don't have the best words right now. Being a good person isn't fucking easy. It's work. It takes working. It's uncomfortable, it takes reevaluating yourself, and it takes pushing against inaction. Passivity is not a get-out-of-accountability-free card. It does not make you less culpable for the harm your community does. It just makes you a complacent fucking bystander at best. Not knowing what to do about something isn't fucking good enough. Educate yourselves. Fucking learn something. Even if you're bone fucking tired. Seek out resources, try, fuck it up, and then try more. Get uncomfortable.
And for the love of fucking god, get AAVE out of your goddamn mouth. It's not cool or trendy or funny, it's just fucking appropriative. Fuck me.
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problemnyatic · 1 year
Man plea bargains are extremely fucked up and there very existence seems like proof enough to me that our "justice" system is anything but. You're telling me our legal system is built around "If you just say you're guilty, we'll go easier on ya" When the threat of not doing so is god fucking knows how much jailtime like bare minimum???? In what universe is "just plead guilty to make the headache go away" an acceptable way to run a system that's "supposed to" figure out the "just" outcome of a situation???
It's all fuckin' bunk, man, I'm telling you.
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problemnyatic · 2 years
twitter discourse is just crowdsourcing those "5 ways to tell he's cheating!!" articles that are like "If he gets u flower he feels guilty. if he says he loves you he's hiding something" except they're trying to write the rules for how to decide who is ontologically evil and subhuman and is morally just to discard and the answer just keeps being the latest high-profile fuckup except applied doubly so to transgender people
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problemnyatic · 2 years
twitter is insane bc you could tweet something like "thinkin bout my first kiss 😳 high school was so crazy haha 😂" and you'll get quote twote by someone who doesn't follow you who's like "OMG??? You're an ADULT thinking about TEENAGERS KISSING??? Pedo shit tbh. you should kms yourself creep!!" and you go to their profile and its just a link to a carrd so you click it and the loudest most visually abhorrent webpage you've seen in your life with tiny pixel text lists every single mental illness, interest, disinterest, school they went to, city they've lived in, their social security number, every single zodiac sign, a list of usernames you HAVE to block if you ever see their tweets, and then says some shit like "Basic DNI criteria DNI. glunkusblorbo shippers dni. weirdoes and freaks dni. DNI if you have gay male privilege." and then after clicking through each individual page listing all these things, it finally says their age and they're 14. You close the page to block them and you're being harassed by the same 4 people with 25 sockpuppets each. Someone is arguing with every single one of them in impossibly long reply chains. Nobody has un-@'ed you. Your notifications are ruined. Half of them are sui bait that say "unalive."
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problemnyatic · 2 years
Man. Loathing to death how the modern digital landscape has become a completely innavigable wasteland of garbage apps made by overworked devs hired by venture capitalists that resent needing to pay anyone at all that are stuffed with ads and only allow users to share what they find, if at all, through tracker-laden urls that redirect to the app store download where you will then be tracked more and gven ~Personalized Content~ that is only relevant because companies run by real living people have collected enough information on you to determine everything about your personal and private life, and this is just fucking normal now. You're seen as a ridiculous, paranoid weirdo if you're uncomfortable with this nauseating and grotesque desecration of our privacy simply because it's a "fact of life" and not something that was widely concieved as an insanely dystopian take on what the future could be hardly a decade ago. People think tiktok's "For You Page" "knowing about your mental illnesses before you do" us a funny quirky haha wow thing and not a gruesome display of how your privacy is literally nonexistant. Did you know that literally anyone can buy everything "personalization" algorithms have ever collected on you from the corporations trading your data for like $20? Did you know anyone can know exactly as much about you as every single website that's learned your tastes does? That your google and amazon and youtube and instagram and facebook searches and the words you say out loud where an internet-connected microphone can hear them have aggregated all this ingormation for easy purchase by anyone who feels like it? Sure it's "anonymized" but it takes a pathetically small amount of effort to determine who someone is based on what demographic information has been compiled into your "anonymous" unique ID. Why is this normal? Is your skin crawling yet? Are you nauseous? You should be. Stop putting your life story on your bio and your carrd. Stop sharing information about yourself online if you can possibly fucking help it. Get fucking paranoid. The internet has a thousand eyes and a thousand ears and if it can show you an ad, it's already seeing more of you than you could possibly understand. I hate the information age more than anything else.
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problemnyatic · 2 years
twitter discourse is just crowdsourcing those "5 ways to tell he's cheating!!" articles that are like "If he gets u flower he feels guilty. if he says he loves you he's hiding something" except they're trying to write the rules for how to decide who is ontologically evil and subhuman and is morally just to discard and the answer just keeps being the latest high-profile fuckup except applied doubly so to transgender people
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