allegivnce-blog · 7 years
❛ You know how it is. Tell me not to do somebody and suddenly I wanna. ❜
[ TEXT >> @queenxofxthieves ]: NO.[ TEXT >> Jezebel ]: N  O .[ TEXT >> Jezebel ]: The ONLY person I have told you “not to do” is my brother.[ TEXT >> Jezebel ]: PLEASE DO NOT TELL ME you wish to pursue my brother.[ TEXT >> Jezebel ]: PLEASE tell me you are talking about a murderer or something.[ TEXT >> Jezebel ]: Please.[ TEXT >> Jezebel ]: I think I just threw up in my mouth.
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of-vixens-blog · 7 years
[text] I know you may not feel like you are, but you are loved. And important. Please don’t forget that.
[ TEXT >> @queenxofxthieves ]: Loved?[ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: Nobody could LOVE me, Jez, I’m a monster.[ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: I agree on the important part though[ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: I’m fabulous [ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: But you’re important to me too, okay?[ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: Like, very important[ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: You’re basically my[ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: Mentor. [ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: No that’s a lie. [ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: I consider you family, like an older sister[ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: Please don’t hate me
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chvmeleonisms-blog · 7 years
(lydia) ❛ I was randomly pulled aside to have my bag checked. It had 50 condoms in it. ❜
[ TEXT >> @xbubbleheart ]: Well I mean, that’s better than drugs, right?[ TEXT >> Lyds 🍭💕 ]: But seriously Lyds, wtf were you doing with 50 condoms???[ TEXT >> Lyds 🍭💕 ]: Did you give them to the guards with a wink and tell them to use them on you? 😂😂😂[ TEXT >> Lyds 🍭💕 ]: JK[ TEXT >> Lyds 🍭💕 ]: Sort of. 😂[ TEXT >> Lyds 🍭💕 ]: ...Can I have some?[ TEXT >> Lyds 🍭💕 ]: I have to go cockblock a friend, and if all else fails, I at least want her to be safe 😂
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jezebel müller ; first in command in the house of famine portrayed by Eiza Gonzalez
❝ When you kill a king, you don’t stab him in the dark. 
                You kill him where the entire court can watch him die. ❞
So I stumbled upon this amazing roleplay while hunting the other day, and was just so inspired by some of the incredible characters that I decided to make little aesthetics for them. This rp looks incredible and I definitely recommend it for anyone on the hunt for an original crime rp!
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millicent-rey-blog · 7 years
Diamond Days - Cruel Youth
We're different peopleAdam and EvilDreaming aloneYou smile at the sunriseI long for a landslide
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rottenxtothexcore · 4 years
Mal sneered as she looked around. Everything was different and she wasn’t the biggest fan. Everyone was loud and talked way too much for her liking and she couldn’t find her friends anywhere. She needed to get away from the ‘happier’ people that she encountered.
Sneaking away from the campus and into the forest, she let out a much needed breath. She was only there a short time and she was already ready to leave or at least find her own place for peace and quiet. 
She got pretty far in, finally feeling more at peace with herself and clutched her mothers book to her chest, when she felt an arrow narrowly graze by her head. 
“Whoa! Watch where you aim that thing!” She exclaimed, turning to find the source of the arrow and glaring at them, her eyes a bright green. It was a girl, a rather pretty one, but that didn’t shake Mals glare or the feeling that the arrow whizzing by her head had given her.
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trailxwexblaze · 3 years
Parents day. Eddie was pretty excited about seeing his father after being at school for so long. His family was pretty tight so being apart like that was a little unnerving. Sure, he had Marisol and he was glad that his sister was there with him and he could keep an eye on her, but they were like the three musketeers when they were together.
He hummed as he made his way to the diner. He had talked to his father about using that as the meeting point since it was in town and not directly on one of the campuses since they were on both. Eddie was sure his father had some adventures since they were in school and he was looking forward to hearing about them.
As he got to the diner, he saw his father inside, though he was talking to a pretty black haired woman who was sitting at the bar. Somethings never change, he thought. He walked in, the bell above the door signaling his entry and Miguel turned his head to Eddie.
"My boy! It's so good to see you again! I've just been getting acquainted with this raven haired goddess! What’s your name again, sweetheart?" Miguel asked, turning his head to the woman as Eddie leaned onto the counter.
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Raelynn hummed as she finished putting up the last picture on the wall of her room. She had spent a lot of her free time, after gymnastics, decorating her room and trying to get it perfect. Raelynn had known Evie for some time and the fact that they were roommates was completely amazing. It was nice to have a friendly face. 
She heard the door creak open and she grins, turning to see Evie. "Welcome back!" She exclaimed. The wall behind her was freshly painted purple on her side, allowing her to really decorate however she wanted. She sat on her bed, sure that she had paint on her face and grinned. 
"Whatcha think, E?"
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[ TEXT >> @queenxofxthieves ]: Not to be rude, but I did just perform an autopsy on the body of a man you publicly hanged [ TEXT >> Jezebel ]: You use paralyzing agents on your victims [ TEXT >> Jezebel ]: You are the reason three of my patients nearly wound up hospitalized [ TEXT >> Jezebel ]: You are the leader of a crime syndicate which I have finally learnt does not, in fact, starve its members to death [ TEXT >> Jezebel ]: There is nothing about you which screams “safe” to me [ TEXT >> Jezebel ]: And yet, surprisingly, I am okay with that. [ TEXT >> Jezebel ]: For some reason, I have no doubt that you would not hurt me.
[ text >> callie ]: That happened ONE time. [ text >> callie ]: And I have no idea who these people are. [ text >> callie ]: Who are they? Do I know them? [ text >> callie ]: Did you mean your War friends? Because they started it, I swear. [ text >> callie ]: You should really tell your brother that.
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frankielangton-blog · 7 years
Call me a doctor Jessie & Frankie
Frankie Langton walked down the street with his phone in hand. Everything had gone to hell and the man was pissed. Maybe it was because he was looking for a fight - maybe it was because people around him could sense it but no one came around, at least the ones he could see.
Without thinking he called her - mostly to see if she was still okay. The machine picked up and it wasn’t a big surprise.
“Hey Jessie, I just wanted to see -” He didn’t see them. Not at first, the black clothes matching the darkness around him. 
Calmly he put his phone in his pocket not turning it off.
“How can I help you gentlemen? Three against one isn’t a fair fight. ” 
He didn’t see the one behind him, but he did feel the blow from the back. It wasn’t long after until he was on the ground. 
He just managed to call 911 when they left before he passed out, the ambulance picked him up and called the last person he had. 
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allegivnce-blog · 7 years
[text] Your brother is at the front door- WHAT DO I SAY?!
[ TEXT >> @queenxofxthieves ]: Oh, Baruch HaShem. [ TEXT >> Jezebel ]: I mean. You ARE his boss...[ TEXT >> Jezebel ]: Can you not tell him you will fire him should he ask you any questions?[ TEXT >> Jezebel ]: ...[ TEXT >> Jezebel ]: You are a bad influence, I can already tell[ TEXT >> (UNSENT) Jezebel ]: He can never know about the body.
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of-vixens-blog · 7 years
❛ This is the second time you’ve stolen a pet when you’re drunk, given it back and cashed in on a reward…I think you have a problem ❜
[ TEXT >> @queenxofxthieves ]: In my defense, it’s a great strategy, and thievery must run in the family, apparently.[ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: I’m not saying I NEED the money, but... [ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: I can get away with it. [ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: And it gives me a pet for a night, so I’m not complaining about that.
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chvmeleonisms-blog · 7 years
[ TEXT >> @queenxofxthieves ]: WHAT DO YOU MEAN SEND HELP?!?!?[ TEXT >> Jez 💋❤️ ]: I /AM/ THE HELP!!![ TEXT >> Jez 💋❤️ ]: WHAT ARE YOU ABOUT TO DO OMG???[ TEXT >> Jez 💋❤️ ]: I’ll send myself?!?!?! 
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deathsecond · 7 years
Send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
( ✉ → Jezebel ) You ever thought about being in a different house?( ✉ → Jezebel ) No? Me either.
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
( ✉ → Jezebel ) I want you to know that I respect you, which is why I’m telling you this.( ✉ → Jezebel ) Someone has hired a hit on you. ( ✉ → Jezebel ) If we don’t take it, someone else will. ( ✉ → Jezebel ) I’ll give you twenty-four hours to get a head start but after that, if I find you, I’m going to have to kill you.
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text. 
( ✉ → Jezebel ) What’s up?( ✉ → Jezebel ) Are you free?( ✉ → Jezebel ) I’m in the neighborhood and not trying to go home tonight.
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT.
( ✉ → Jezebel ) Sometimes I think we are the only two people in this city with any brains.( ✉ → Jezebel ) It’s a damn shame sometimes.
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james-dalca-blog · 7 years
jezebel, talia, ruby.
Fuck: Jezebel because honestly I’m not about to be killed and I think she might kill me if we were married and I’m not strong enough to kill her.Marry: Talia because she’s sweet and I don’t have the heart to hurt her.Kill (KISS): Kiss Ruby on the hand when directly leading her out of my establishment because I don’t fuck with Matty’s friends.
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[ text >> @queenxofxthieves ]: You HAD to bring that up… [ text >> Jez ]: It’s only because I was reminded of the time you made me strip naked in front of a manger scene. [ text >> Jez ]: I guess even drunk me still thinks about that. [ text >> Jez ]: Any thoughts, btw?
[ text >> @theconniving ]: What I personally remember is you being locked in a confessional with your ass naked in the middle of harsh European winter lol [ text >> tommy ]: Times are better now. I have tranquies. [ text >> tommy ]: That’s what the kids on the streets call tranquilizers. Good shit.
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