fuk1ngb1tch · 9 hours
I made a bunch of aliens :3
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I actually made them like a month or two ago but only now have I drawn then digitally
Anyway, they're called Rakra. Not after anything, I kinda just put sounds together and I liked it :)
They're very tall- the shortest adult one in this drawing being 9 feet tall, but there is the drawing of the baby, but it's only his head. Will likely do a drawing with him later or smth. He is very tiny.
Anyway some notes about their appearance and general biology! Also other things about them too probably :3
(warning, it's kind of a lot it's alot but yk, I like writing about them so under the cut it'll be, and I'll reblog this with even more info haha-)
Biology and Appearance
They are not very advanced to how we'd see them. They have "simple" villages and tribes, use herbs and stuff, but are very in tune with their planet! They know every in and out, and while if I knew everything about their environment I would talk about it, but I currently haven't developed that too much just yet. Maybe more species that they hunt, and fauna?
Four arms! And each hand has 2 thumbs and three normal fingers. Why do I torture myself like this? Who knows. Their lower set of arms are smaller, even if it doesnt always look it 🥲
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Legs! They have more animal legs, and this is because they're semi-bipedal! Idk if that's correct but it is for me 😎
Their feet :3 not really seen, other than in a small drawing on the top left with the shape of their legs, they've got a toe at the back, three at the front, then also have one of the side that works like another thumb! This is because they climb trees alot :3
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Tails!!! They have very long tails, used as a way to keep balance because of how fuckin' talk they are. They're very long (not pictured very well), and prehensile(Can grip stuff with it)!
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Eyes! They do have eyes, they're just completely black- this has led to more sensitive eyes, so they do kind of look like they're constantly squinting so, hehe
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Head side spikes :D you see the spikes on the side of their heads? They use that to present their form of gender identity! Of course it can vary, but to note- Muru (the baby) and Tritu(the shortest and blue one) are male, while the other, minus the golden one, are female. The golden one is a form of gender neutral, removing their spikes to not look like either sex, as the length (and direction somewhat, but not as notable when adult) are indicative of viewed "gender"
Hearing. Nothing noteworthy tbh. Gotta be average somewhere
Mouths! They have very sharp teeth, and their tongues are very acidic! (And long. The drawing with the forked tongue is not accurate and was just a test) The acidic-ness is because of a specific food source- as seen in the top right corner is a fruit called Rak Rak/Ruk Ruk (name is a heavy debate among Rakra), of which are VERY acidic, but otherwise, tasty and high in nutrients. If a human ate it, you'd like probably lose your ability to eat likely, or atleast lick things. But Rakra have evolved to be able to eat and (and possibly some other animals too?).
This specific tribe is called Trkik! Unfortunately, I have not made any others, but I hopefully will in the future!
Their colours! They mostly come in darker and cooler colours, blues, purples, greens, but it isn't too uncommon to be reds, yellows or oranges. It is very rare for one to be a very light shade though!
Their clothing- haven't fully decided on the patterns, but are made for more of a temperate environment, like a rainforest.
Gonna reblog with other stuff
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秋田県秋田市の中村屋 #絶メシ レベル☆☆ 注文メニュー #ピラフ #焼きうどん どうみても和菓子屋なのに、喫茶メニューが食べられるお店。ちなみにお菓子は販売してません。 #dancyu #brutas #popeye #penmagazine #おとなの週末 #rakra #大衆食堂 #レトロ食堂 #大衆割烹 #純喫茶コレクション (at 中村屋) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch1rYzpvYim/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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"All right, lemme spell it out for all you OC/self-insert/whatever else muns! You may think your characters are all hot shit, buuuuuut..."
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"Has YOUR mun ever thought you were cool enough to star in your own web comic/manga? I THOUGHT THE FUCK NOT!!!"
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444names · 2 years
greek islands + hindu deities + werewolf forenames
Acallaio Acanta Adakos Adalios Aditravi Adolf Adolfolf Adoni Aduros Aegani Agalides Agall Agnisia Alima Alymaktisi Amalastatu Amathakia Ammos Amwook Analoussa Andios Andranos Anguk Anilksharg Anisia Anisiki Anvara Anyaio Anyandniss Anysia Arakoulf Arandia Ardos Arevaska Ariania Aridd Arides Arinos Arkalafoni Arkantiki Arkasha Arnarang Arovaran Arpalazar Artikoi Arudolf Ashanti Astria Asussalasu Aswati Audardolf Ayaki Ayujagalia Ayuta Bagana Barun Bhalar Bhandes Bhantiatza Bhardi Bhardros Bhaspaxima Bhizou Bhumbiraha Bhunnoux Bhurlos Bhuss Bledeswara Bleganarog Bleia Bleirodia Blelo Blemi Bleminisos Bleravilos Bragona Brallos Bravita Brinis Brisseff Budali Budaris Budolfga Budopones Budros Calangavi Cephussi Chanti Chatminoi Chinatell Chino Cohelonti Conos Corionisi Crephussa Cuadi Dalia Dalos Daskas Deloklo Desha Deshan Deshanuno Devaki Devan Devana Devell Deyan Dhachoni Dhala Dhantzo Dimos Ditta Dolfra Durayarpig Elouled Eloussa Elovrasos Elwolph Etsoponi Eulaza Falasoi Farysatri Fenti Fonienules Fonos Fravgos Frevati Ganda Gannou Geshman Ghakoussa Ghardra Ghavidoni Gistorti Glali Glammala Grantelago Graudi Gukas Gussan Gyandrava Gyarati Gylos Hammaira Hanysia Harysavgo Hroni Hrovolf Hyamos Ikrasi Imati Iminaru Iminoudd Imoolfo Inisos Innouri Irhanna Iryoneri Ithagniss Ivaingousa Jagan Japus Jhuthios Jyollia Jyolyan Jyothavra Kadia Kadilia Kaikati Kalia Kallio Kalorisi Kammoolf Kamurli Kangiran Kantian Kantikalu Karaji Karau Karda Kardolf Karelle Karian Karna Karos Karti Karugana Karunasos Kaskamaia Katus Katusi Kelas Kello Keylia Khanas Khasos Khyaros Kliathrolf Kochar Kones Kopolf Koush Kraharpina Krandi Kumadolf Kyambothnu Kynti Kyrolf Kyros Kytha Kythyak Kyttat Ladigan Lafok Laguk Legan Leganu Leiduwul Leifo Lenriko Leraha Levalanda Lowey Lupeti Luptakono Luptalell Lydros Lykanysa Macandali Magan Maganu Mahachino Mahalargos Mahmi Maistria Makira Maklobo Maksh Makythardi Malada Malios Mallafoni Mandravan Mangeri Mania Maracca Maragus Marodwolos Mataksha Materami Mathou Matithi Matminiana Matorfu Mavis Megan Minarmara Mohigos Molmara Mukatta Mukhourgo Muneesi Myttatus Nalefos Nanga Nanta Narmania Navilani Nisia Nistradroi Numati Odopoupaxa Odwolph Oindros Oladesi Oxeidon Padhaida Palph Pandnisi Pandolf Panisi Pardia Patara Pates Paximnoux Paximotolf Paximuk Pelou Pelovalos Peria Perif Perini Perutsos Petsos Petsovates Petta Pioudolpha Poinik Poudolfos Pougri Pousambodi Poushnos Pramaha Praylindel Proll Proniso Psainissi Psespiti Pussa Raanos Raccandia Radeyan Rafia Rafonarti Ragan Ragandrasi Rakistel Rakos Rakra Ralambikou Ramote Ramwolf Rantalaza Ranumino Ratheloba Rathelos Rathoi Ratmi Raudoll Rbhamunt Redes Redia Rendran Retaki Retses Reubelos Rezsofia Rhoushvi Roufoni Ruddhi Sanathini Saralpheri Sarhagras Sarpissi Saruda Savidi Schina Schria Schrizo Seirakanos Serinanti Serios Sespio Shyak Simachoni Sineegira Skamadevi Skammohega Skyrones Sobala Spitish Stena Stokouboea Stypata Surga Surti Sussos Svatrada Swaragolf Swarpa Sythisi Sythros Tahmati Talafonis Taros Tchonos Tejaudha Telonoussa Temnoi Teroni Thactemna Thamana Thelonisia Thobos Thounnos Throli Thvayuda Tolph Trian Tritros Trofia Udalazarka Udarak Uddha Udhan Udolfelan Ugric Ujapipas Ujaupetta Ulainji Ulale Ulatho Uleki Ulfrekhoba Uliandi Uloushiza Umiyamji Urgandia Ussapaxi Uwaira Uwati Vaira Vallos Vamavrasia Vanthes Vardolf Vasam Vayamotela Veles Vellowulia Venallos Venti Veshnu Vralwolf Vromythava Vryuk Vryunoo Vukaksh Vukythi Welamaidal Wolph Wooll Wulfgani Yader Yadig Yaditrios Yalanti Yaminiapo Yanysi Yathvides Yelourifos Ylykamoles Zareki
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tagchan · 2 years
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「ととと便り」2022年1月19日 『本のディスプレイ改善』 とととのたまり場にはたくさんの本や雑誌を置いています。 しかし、1泊のゲストさんが多いからかあまり読んでもらっていません。 「てくり」「Acute」「rakra」という盛岡、岩手、北東北の情報を得られる雑誌があるにも関わらず。 基本的にたまり場の机の横のディスプレイ棚に置いていたのですが 目に入りにくいのではないかと考えました。 そこで、みんなの目が行くテレビの下にマガジンラックを置いたらよいのではと思い、 ネットでいいのを見つけたので置いてみました。 今のところまだ目に見える効果はわかりませんが、 以前より雑誌を紹介しやすくなったように思います。 とととにはたっぷりと情報がありますので、ぜひ有効活用してくださいね。 P.S. 最近のオススメの雑誌は「PAPERSKY」のIWATE編です。知ってる方がたくさん載ってます。 盛岡の街歩きの前に読むとより楽しくなりますよ。 #ととと 盛岡の泊まれるたまり場 #ととと盛岡 #ととと便り #とととの本棚 #てくり #Acute #rakra #papersky #number #Numbersportsgraphic 旅のひとと地元のひとがつながる場 泊まらなくても使えるたまり場(シェアリビング&キッチン) 飲食物持込自由 自炊可能 街歩きが楽しい町、盛岡 岩手山がきれいに見える町、盛岡 南部藩の城下町、盛岡 古い趣のある建物が多い町、盛岡 素晴らしい庭園のある町、盛岡 素敵な喫茶店が多い町、盛岡 自家焙煎コーヒーが楽しめる町、盛岡 秋には鮭が遡上する町、盛岡 樹木を見て歩くのも楽しい町、盛岡 盛岡町家のあるまち並み、鉈屋町(なたやちょう) #鉈屋町 #natayacho #なたやちょう #盛岡 #岩手 #morioka #iwate #もりおか #iiiwate #岩手においでよ #盛岡のととと #盛岡ゲストハウス #岩手ゲストハウス #iwatehostel  #moriokahostel ご予約はHPから! https://bokunohosomichi.fun/ 「盛岡の宿応援割開催中!」(対象:東北6県居住者) ※残り27泊 https://www.city.morioka.iwate.jp/kankou/kankou/kankouinfo/1032874.html https://bokunohosomichi.fun/moriokasupportdiscaount/ ※1月7日以降の予約よりワクチン・検査パッケージ適用になりました。 割引適用するにはワクチン接種証明書かPCR検査等の検査結果通知書(陰性のもの)をチェックイン時に提示していただく必要があります。画像やコピーでもかまいません。 (ととと ―盛岡の泊まれるたまり場― Tototo Morioka) https://www.instagram.com/tototo.tamariba.morioka.iwate/p/CY6PDF9BOxt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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loquaciousquark · 4 years
return of the last qt reread
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Previous posts here, here, here, and here.
Just finished the QT release trivia party and launch party, and as of this very moment in time I have the book on my iPad ready to be read, but Jade says I have to finish this post first. She’s right, of course, as always, but never in my life have I been called a patient person, and the last few days have been rough enough I can’t stand the idea of delaying gratification a moment more.
But that would mean postponing Kamet, one of my favorite characters in the series, and that can’t be done, can it? No, no, it can’t.
I’ve obviously had a lot of thoughts about how a slave gains personhood over the years, and one thing I loved that MWT talked about at the launch party tonight was how she originally tried to write TaT in 3rd person before realizing it had to all go back and be strictly from Kamet’s perspective, because to do otherwise made him an object to which the plot happened, rather than any kind of agent in his own destiny. He has so far to go here, not just in distance but in mental autonomy, and I love getting to see every step of it. We see him thrall to Nahuseresh, nursing his beating and considering how best to navigate his moods; we see him possessive and anxious over his slave chain, despite his belief that Nahuseresh is dead; we see his slow, ponderous growth of respect for the Attolian and the king he serves. Some of it comes in lightning strikes of realization (the slave camp, the fights with the Nasreen & the miller, the last chance to leave after Godekker); most of it is so careful and unconscious, little step by little step, that we hardly realize it’s happened until it’s over.
Of course Kamet will stay with Costis. Of course Kamet will remember the beautiful things of Attolia. Of course Kamet will serve Eugenides by revealing his old master’s secrets to him, willingly and without grudge. But then you go back to the first chapter and watch his dealings with Laela, with Rakra and his accounts, and it is almost a wholly different person. Every step is so hard-earned and hard-won, not just in terms of personhood but in terms of his relationship with Costis, that it’s all the more precious when he finally calls him by his name (in the exact opposite of the successful return Costis’d hoped for, I think).
And of course, any book that lets us spend more time with Costis is a boon to our hearts. I don’t remember the first time I realized it was Costis the first time I read it, but I think it was pretty early (a mark of MWT’s consistency in characterization if nothing else), and this time, unlike the first time I read KoA, I really got to enjoy sitting back and watching the POV character come to grips with a partner who constantly confounded his expectations. I love that Costis is the one Gen truss with the mission and his sea. I love that Costis wins Kamet over not because he means to, but because he can’t help it. I love that Costis tins a pot for a random citizen for food, because why not?? Why not!! Let the man tin pots and sing while he works!!
I could also spend another several paragraphs on the lyrical Medean mythos revealed in this book, too, but I will settle for marveling into the infinity at what a chameleon MWT can be in this craftsmanship. It’s one thing to talk about Hespira and Meredite and Horreon, pulling on those Grecian-style myths we already know; but to slide so effortlessly into the these song-like Medean tales wholly unlike anything we’ve read so far is absolutely astounding. Ennikar and Immakuk are spectacular, the way they interact with the world is spectacular, and that Immakuk the wise Immakuk greatly wise cloaked in wisdom basically introduces himself to Kamet by going, “Hey Kamet, I’m, uh, I’m, uh, a wine trader, yeah! And you should follow me right now right this way, yep, that’s it that’s the story, come on buddy!!” makes me cackle every single time. Let the gods be real! Let the gods be friends with each other! Give me Ennikar making eyes at Hephestia from across the room and winking at one of the river goddesses and let’s see what happens.
Comparatively speaking, we spend very little time with Gen & Attolia in this book compared to the rest. It’s a footnote, almost, to the grand country-spanning adventure we’ve just had; and yet the Attolia work here is some of my favorite in the series. Now we see Gen come into his own at last, the respect he’s garnered from his people and his country, and even occasionally from those outside it (the Braelings, the hints of interactions with the allied powers). The scene in the garden with Irene (the river knows its time) is one of the softest and gentlest--and most painful--in the series, and it makes my heart tremble to think how easily a lesser author might have nixed it for something more bombastic.
I love this book. I love everything about it, and the new characters and myths and gods it gives us, and the stage it sets for this final chapter. Jade was right; I needed to finish this post before I started it. But there it is on the iPad, its statistics intro taunting me with an average reading time of six hours and four minutes, and I can’t help but see that as a challenge.
I’ll jot down some predictions in another post, and we’ll see how I do. Thanks to everyone who’s read along! <3
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8ttan · 5 years
rakra 2019 1・2月号 祭りの余韻 第五二回 秋田横手市山内 百万遍念仏講 奥野淳志
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newlifeprojects · 6 years
nem lehet
vegre valahogy megoldani, hogy a millioszor blokkolt gyoker faszkalapok semmifele kommentjei se jelenjenek meg nalam?! mi a rakra valo akkor a blokk, ha nem arra, hogy ezeket kiiktassam??
ahhhh, semmisejo :((
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北東北3県の情報誌 rakraラ・クラ1・2月号に掲載していただきました。 みなさん、ぜひ買って宣伝してね! rakraを読んで知っていただいたみなさん、 盛岡・鉈屋町でお待ちしています! (ととと ―盛岡の泊まれるたまり場―) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6U97QKBc76/?igshid=128tqirjaw3u9
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dramaplatters · 6 years
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I want to see him as leading guy in a drama pretty soon, I'm still under the hypnosis of Utt from #RakRae #Utt #GregUttsadaPanichkul #UttsadaPanichkul
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Dermiva-eye-serum_Active <b>Anti Aging</b> Eye Serum - Get a Free Trials
Click the image above to get the book Dermiva-eye-serum_Active Anti Aging Eye Serum - Get a Free Trials. from rakra ine. LIVE. 00:00. 01:12. Like. Add to Watch Later. Share.
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秋田県秋田市 菊屋 #絶メシ レベル☆ 注文メニュー #ランチ弁当 #老舗旅館 のランチ弁当🍱 旅館泊まらずともご飯だけ🍚は嬉しいよね。今年は旅館飯を開拓したい。 #dancyu #brutas #popeye #penmagazine #おとなの週末 #rakra #大衆食堂 #レトロ食堂 #大衆割烹 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpo4WDpvW4c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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toritengu · 7 years
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ABSラジオ「のんびリズム」の皆様がご来店。 写真は藤本智士さん &「なんもダイニング!」で購入した限定表紙版のrakra。 藤本さんが40ページぶち抜きした今回のラクラは、北東北がキラキラして見えますぞ! (僕はこれをたよりに青森遠征行く所存!!)
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444names · 2 years
egyptian and brythonic deities + stars BUT excluding "c" and similar to "thurin"
Abalik Abdjet Aenhorus Agres Aintam Akerys Akheriova Alaurum Albalta Albitisa Aldat Aldet Aldhit Aldipus Aldis Aldisadi Aleemens Alestep Aleti Algelafik Alger Algiena Algoma Algontria Alhamah Alheduhr Alhenta Alios Aljih Alkatior Alkur Alkuranit Allatla Allurux Allurzam Almaa Almet Almurux Alnia Alnis Alniya Alniyam Alosadla Aloth Alphius Alrakib Alrium Alsak Alsakes Alsuhes Alsura Altabaa Altaiash Altantis Altaras Altas Aluis Aluxova Alwawy Alyadun Alzim Amanus Ambirf Ammanusat Amogmin Amonnah Andah Andedus Anellaeda Anfafi Anhitjet Anhium Ankis Annathius Annet Anpelgeus Antep Antin Antio Apedema Apolamir Araed Araenif Arakabi Aregus Arfar Arnenos Arnus Asadi Asekbanka Ashthor Aspis Aspisakar Astawer Astonsnus Astra Asyrma Atriah Aufard Aunus Auroxa Avega Avenekes Azava Azenes Azenut Azmis Azmita Bahah Bahatz Bahezn Balrama Baltard Baludasia Banius Barum Basgus Baspi Batut Beidia Bekas Bellud Belluros Bellus Benen Benet Benhitis Benna Bentik Besker Bolatabit Borgorium Borothor Brige Budrak Buket Buxen Darum Datefnus Datri Dedetepta Demet Detwepona Dnosis Dulum Ededa Elaentut Elavir Eleshalha Elgerga Elleb Ellosit Ellus Enelmeram Eraidah Faffar Fomala Fomonnah Furas Gasis Gembus Gennet Giebaah Gieneb Ginotetar Giret Girops Gomogus Grotatz Haenharke Hafernu Hafiah Hajabdhai Halfir Halhens Hares Haukafer Haurab Hedis Henisit Henna Hergat Herkabias Hesteria Honosad Hubirf Hubit Hurus Hurux Hydrak Hydronnut Imhehet Imoniya Intah Intam Ionum Isalgerte Isatiat Izara Izarux Izauva Jampelbat Kabalo Kabbaali Keret Kerterris Khbar Khbia Khbis Kheleb Kherna Khmeneh Klena Korvetet Kraedam Krakaut Kranelgor Ksobis Kumid Ludari Lugunus Lurus Maastamin Mafdenta Makitut Malheh Malnah Marai Marius Marty Matgena Mebalgus Megusabba Mehelisa Meherk Mehib Meinth Meneb Menema Menevit Menhird Menhireo Menhoedu Menhomor Menukban Menus Meretak Merkar Meron Merra Merth Metan Metenka Metiomak Metnasl Miaham Miauriga Midib Minkerka Minos Minubi Miorvos Mirena Mirimorga Mogmiaet Mothyam Mulamin Mulinte Mupheshta Muphiri Nahar Nannin Navirketh Nebaros Nebola Negint Negulis Nekard Nella Nemar Nemeb Nemid Nenemak Nensua Nepefnut Nesherra Neske Netani Nextio Nosegra Nosis Nubius Okula Okulla Okulus Okura Osian Pefnus Phapi Phitum Phorus Platis Pleem Plenut Pomanos Pomontus Ponnavi Ponum Prafar Prapea Probor Propes Props Qeteniat Rakra Rambritus Ramos Rashuet Ratum Rebah Rebdjet Rebis Rebor Reboton Regirdu Renemarix Reshmari Retel Retiova Retwephes Rezet Rianos Robet Ropet Rosregola Rothek Roximos Rukaunkis Sabissia Sadhib Sadia Sadis Sadjet Safafik Saferesh Safertris Sagramu Sailamin Salgomaal Salis Samaa Samonoth Samos Sanila Sarkala Sartios Satawy Satul Sedemid Sediatum Sedunus Seget Segiebsus Segor Segra Segubbat Segus Sekernet Sekhe Sekhnus Seshiba Setet Shalava Shalnius Shatger Sheio Shemen Sheteros Sheterra Shmehepef Shthe Sissir Skhnus Smebsus Sobaah Sobirab Sopus Soput Subih Suhalta Sulisim Suriget Susam Sutut Suudari Tabudr Tabukaba Tamhoth Tanged Tanos Tartutut Tatrus Tawep Tayget Teiduben Tenos Terent Thara Treben Turus Vegus Venusa Vhenus Vherabi Vijam Vijavit Vitaygen Wenta Wenun Weraseret Wergat Werrid Werty Yatari Yatet Yilat Zalet Zalhain Zalyat Zandumir Zarfik Zavenus Zavet Zelis Zirebik Zosesh Zosmar Zubbati Zuben Zubes Zubhe Zubheria Zubis Zubius Zubranha
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club8studio · 5 years
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#rakra 先日のデンマー���大使来店の様子がライフスタイル誌rakraに。12月23日から書店、コンビ二に。「岩手アートフェア」も絶賛開催中。 (クラブエイトスタジオ盛岡) https://www.instagram.com/p/Brj2janl5ax/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=c5nw6ecbwelb
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