#random nostalgic thoughts popping in as i fail to fall asleep
sweetmiremoonie · 7 months
When I watched the english dub of Princess Tutu as a child on an anime on demand cable network thingy, I was always so confused as to why Duck would call her love interest "señor Myuto". My ten year old brain would think "Did they translate the script from the Spanish dub???"
Then years later I found out she was actually calling him "Senior Mytho", as in, a senior in high school. So instead of removing the honorific of "senpai", they instead attempted to translate it and it just came across as awkward lmao
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meghernandez · 6 years
Couple’s Tag!
So, my boyfriend visited me today in my house, as I don’t have much to do anyway as I’ll have my long weekend. We just finished playing Y8 and got tired of it and I suggested to feature him here on my blog by making the “couple’s challenge/tag”. We saw this post randomly and decided to answer it here on my blog. It’s like killing two birds with one stone because I wanted to save up on some posts and we also wanted to kill time. 
    We did this by opening two tumblr tabs in my browser and then looking at it together. We answered the questions seperately and privately and compared the answers. It was so fun, so I hope you find this fun, as well!!
Where and when did we first meet?
Karlo: I remembered the first time I saw Meg, it was in Evia. She invited me to meet her at Serenitea and things went on from there.
Meg: If my memory doesn’t fail me, and I know this sounds bizarre because to be technical we knew each other from a common friend through Facebook. So, we first me when The Maze Runner was still in cinemas.
Where was our first date? (As an official couple)
Karlo: We had our first date in Luneta Park and Nayong Pilipino. Old school yet one of the best.
Meg: When we went out from my condo (during my NMAT review days) and traveled all the way to this random park and Rizal Park which thinking about it now makes me feel nostalgic of how amazing that date way even if it was so simple.
WE WERE BOTH WRONG!! Hahaha! Even if we had the same answer, the first real date as an official couple was last July 9, 2016 and we watched a movie back in the South. But still, it’s the thought that counts, right? We had the same memory of what our first date, and it surprised us both!!
What was your first impression of me? 
Karlo: The first time Meg was introduced to my tropa, all I can think about is that I have no chance of even talking to this girl. She was the “Diyosa” of their school and there’s no way she’d even notice me. ------LOOOL
Meg: My first impression of Karlo was he is too kind to be someone that I’d consider more than a friend. We stayed friends for a really, really long time. So, I never thought wed actually end up together. My first impression of him was he was the real definition of TDH- tall, dark, and humble hahaha. Joking aside, I really saw him as too kind for his looks.
When did you meet my family? 
Karlo: I remember meeting Meg’s whole family when her dad just arrived from Qatar. At that time, tito doesn’t have an idea that we were already together. Both of us, admitted to him and things worked out just fine. They invited me to have dinner with them at Shakey’s, Evia. Turns out, we had a wonderful evening full of questions to each other. More of like the “getting to know my daughter’s boyfriend” stage.
Meg: I first met his family when he asked me to come over for lunch. I was so scared that time that I even asked my mom for advice on what decent clothes to wear, as well as how I should act around them. I was so happy that time, I remember, because my previous boyfriend never introduced me to anyone in his family. Definitely a day to remember, my memory wouldn’t fail me this time.
Who said “I love you” first? 
Karlo: This is quite doubtful, but I guess it should be the guy. So, me. HAHAHAHA----just kidding. I was crazy in love with her so no doubt that it was me who said “I love you” first.
Meg: Do we really have to answer this, obviously it’s him!!!! He’s crazy about me since the beginning HAHAHAHA
What I often do in my free times? 
Karlo: Meg always spend her free time just watching videos. From doggos, to fashion, ASMR, baking, etc. But of course, while enjoying these clips, there’s always a “Karlo” at the other end of the call. --- 100%
Meg: SLEEP!!!!! If he could sleep in the office, I honestly think he would. But now he’s been keeping himself busy (at least he tries to) by watching dampa videos on YouTube. Although, this morning, he mentioned he wouldn’t sleep anymore because he’ll play DOTA. Still, I highly doubt it. I think he should reconsider and divert his energy somewhere else productive.
Do I have any weird obsessions? 
Karlo: Not to call it weird but she has phases of being obsessed to something. From Hello Kitties, to K-Drama, K-POP, Shopee products, make up, “Anik-anik”, etc. 
Meg: I’ll make this straight to the point, anything related to basketball, ANYTHING!! From NBA to PBA (anything under the sun of the basket), jackets, LeBron James, potential-next-LBJ, and basketball.
Nicknames for each other? 
Karlo:  Babybebebabebabibabsilovemahal --- KULANG!!!
Meg: Babe, baby, mahal, babi, beb, babsi, love, bebi, lubdub, hubby, honey, and anything that’s cheesy. I know it’s so many but what we call each other depends on our mood.
What do we argue about the most?
Karlo: No brainer. Everytime single time I fall asleep. She tends to feel that I don’t give an effort on staying up late. Little did she know that my bed time before was 8:30pm. But now, it’s 10-11PM! Now that’s effort. (Btw, she sleeps around 1am-4am)
Meg: I have to be honest, there are a lot of things that could set me off immediately. I just have those days where I can’t be bothered, or days that I’m just too clingy. I get annoyed at the little things like him not replying immediately after ranting about random things (yes, even in real life), or even when he doesn’t take my side on things. But the thing that we argue most about is him falling asleep SO EARLY without even saying good night!! Hmph. Plus, he always makes an argument that 10PM is already considered as “staying up late” but for me it’s beyond 12AM, right?!
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