#reactive attatchment disorder
its-ticsticstics · 2 years
I’d love to see some evidence on how childhood diagnoses like Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, and Reactive Attatchment Disorder are even slightly trauma-informed. Like all of these are characteristic of trauma and c-ptsd, and it feels like instead of looking to home environments, people just want further pathologize the childhood experiences of traumatized children and give them ‘Bad Uncontrollable Child Disorder’ but ... idk thats just me 
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violentviolette · 2 years
do you know what other things could cause something similar to the fp attachment symptom in bpd?
so its kind of the other way around. disorders dont cause the attatchment problem, the attatchment problem is what catagorizes the disorder, if that makes sense?
because the thing that causes attatchment disorders is childhood abuse. according to attatchment theory, unhealthy patterns of attatchment are formed during early childhood development when a child is not able to form a stable and healthy attachment to their caregiver, often due to abuse and/or neglect. these are called "disordered attachments" or even "attatchment disorder"
there are multiple types of disordered attachment styles, the one seen in bpd and is categorized by the unstable idealization and devaluation pattern is called a "disorganized attatchment"
since these are the result of childhood abuse they are often symptoms of corresponding abuse related disorders like cluster b PD's, cptsd, odd, reactive attachment disorder, ect.
they can also just exist on their own or alongside more common things like depression and anxiety
but looking into attatchment theory and disordered attatchments should help give u good place to start
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Low key can't stand you sometimes.. You are so whiny. I love you, but you complain.. A LOT. You need to be able to love yourself before anyone else can truly love you.. Don't tell me you don't love anything about you .. Find SOMETHING! One day you will be able to catch your breath and stop treading water. #StopAndTakeABreath, #DontForgetToBreathe
i complain because i have A LOT to complain about. when i was 4 my grandfather was murdered and my grandma shot in the face. my mom left me and my 18 month old sister and my dad was arrested for the crime. we went to live with my great aunt. she was emotionaly and physically abusive to me, only me. i was molested by a doctor when i was 6. my dad commited suicide when i was 7. i tried to kill myself at 8. i was put into a mental hospital at 9, moved from group home to group home. i am seperated from my biological sister. i havent seen her since. i started cutting at 11, developed anorexia at 12, and still struggled with both. i was adopted at 13 but christian parents who are cultish. they dont know about my tumblr. they dont know about my friens who is more than a friend. they are homophobic, so they dont know i am bi. i have adhd, bipolar, bpd, depression, anxiety and stress, ocd, reactive attatchment disorder, ptsd, and anorexia. so yeah, i complain a lot because in my house, i am the perfect daughter. i am the smart senior who is perfect. here is the only place i can be me. if you have a problem, please unfollow me
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