gradsireninc · 8 months
Remote internships can be a valuable opportunity for refugee and vulnerable youth to gain work experience and develop skills
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scholarshipja · 2 years
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Are you looking for an #internship opportunity this #Fall2022? @alphonsoscholarshipfund #Remote Internship program is organized for students to have hands-on experience in navigating various aspects of a nonprofit organization such as marketing, fundraising, and governance! Learn more at https://www.AlphonsoScholarshipFund.org/Serve #FallInterns #UF2022 #UCF2022 #Internship2022 #remoteinternships (at ScholarshipJamaica.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChkdHwiuJkQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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santilawson · 2 years
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yuganshkashyap · 4 years
Check out Step up Students to find out More updates about home based internships course, career and more.
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sambhalitrust · 4 years
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"Hello everybody! My name is Haruka! I’m a University student in Japan and I joined Sambhali Trust as an intern until November. This summer, I was leaning about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). And I was surprised that the gender gap in Japan is a lot larger than in other Asian countries. I thought I want to change this situation and inform about it. Before that, I have to learn more about women and girl’s empowerment. That’s why I joined this internship to also get to know the situation in India. In the following days, I’m going to tell you what I learned about women’s empowerment!" We are thrilled with the response Trust is receiving for online volunteering and internships. We look forward to working with you Haruka. #sambhalitrust #worldunite #onlineinternship #remoteinternship #japan #india (at Sambhali Trust -" Empowering women and children in Rajasthan") https://www.instagram.com/p/CGowk-UH7-x/?igshid=12bo5ejcl3a3m
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inmovidutech · 4 years
Why An Internship Is Important for Career?
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You need experience to get experience. This seems to be the biggest issue for young adults transitioning into the workforce these days.
Employers in today's labor market rely heavily on resumes that illustrate a relevant work history, whether that's from internships, volunteer work, or actual job experience. 
A practical work background carries a major significance when attempting to enter the job market. It's all about competition.
Not only are businesses competing against each other for a competitive advantage, but people are also competing to land that coveted position in a company.
Take a moment and think about it. If you're looking to gain experience, working as an intern is arguably the most advantageous plan of action. Here's how:
1. An Internship Provides Real Life Experience and Exposure
If you're lucky enough to get a beneficial internship, it can be remarkably valuable towards your career. An internship enables you to gain first-hand exposure of working in the real world.
It also allows students to harness the skill, knowledge, and theoretical practice they learnt in university. You can acquire endless amounts of education in your life, however, that knowledge doesn't always translate to the working life.
The great thing about internships is that it teaches young professionals about the specific industries and companies they are interested in. Even the experience of trying something new is extremely beneficial.
A lot of people get stuck in routines, staying in the same town, attending the same schools or surrounding themselves with the same people. Doing an internship exposes you to new people in a more controlled and stable environment.
An intern isn't thrown into the wolves but rather given proper training, assignments, and duties without the added pressure. Internships provide a nice learning curve for students with little experience of the professional world.
2. The Opportunity To Learn More About Yourself
"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom." - Aristotle
The experiences we go through are what shapes us. Your internship will not only encourage personal development, but also a greater understanding of self.
To know yourself is to know your goals and how to best achieve them. Finding this level of clarity is difficult, but sometimes all it takes is trying someone new, out of your comfort zone.
At this point, the student is given a chance to decide whether they wish to continue with their current career path or try something else.
3. Get Connected and Develop Your Professional Network
Networking is an exchange of information between people, with the ultimate goal of establishing acquaintances and relationships to advance your professional career. 
Sure, you can attend a networking event without doing an internship, but you would be limiting yourself. Partaking in an internship allows you to establish deeper relationships than you normally would talking to a stranger one-on-one.
Being an intern gives you more opportunities to build connections with company professionals that can be very beneficial for your future career. Even if you think you don't need it, it's always good to have a backup plan. Life is unpredictable and a time may arise when a network may come in handy.
Make sure to carry some business cards at all times because networking can occur anywhere or anytime, even at a local coffee shop you frequent!
4. Prevent CV From Going To The Trash
While you may get second chances when talking to someone face-to-face, your resume will not. Think of your resume as an extension of yourself and how you would want someone to perceive you.
Instead of thinking long term about landing that job, switch up your mindset to short term. Your short term goal should be to secure a job interview. Once you get an interview, then you're able to elaborate on why you're deserving of working with this company.
So now you may be asking, "How do I get a job interview?" Well, there is one specific section on your resume that employers will be more interested in than any other section. Experience! Internships are the perfect way to enhance your resume through relevant experiences.
When an employer sees that you've completed an internship over the summer, for a hefty 6 month span, it will go a long way to convincing them that you are an asset to their company. It's not enough to simply show you've spent some time as an intern. List the tasks you've done and projects you've participated in to demonstrate your value.
During your internship you can acquire new skills and abilities which can improve yourself as a young professional, and furthermore enhance your resume.
The more experience you acquire, the better you position yourself for success in landing a job.
5. Transition Into A Full-Time Position
Sometimes graduating from college and immediately jumping into a new job position has its disadvantages. When you start out, you are the most vulnerable employee when it comes to layoffs.
If you have never worked full-time before, the change may be difficult or overwhelming. In a working environment, not every boss is tolerant of mistakes. In an economy where you likely cannot afford to lose your job, not being able to quickly adapt can be devastating.
So you see how an internship can set you your career path and give you a good head start.
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myfirstboss1-blog · 4 years
MyFirstboss™ Internships Jobs For Students
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Gain invaluable work experience with MY FIRST BOSS™ internships program for students. This internship program uniquely formulated to provide college interns a fruitful & dynamic job experience and make them be corporate ready. Start applying today and ensure your success.
Register at: https://www.myfirstboss.com/internships-for-students-colleges
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marsandfruit · 5 years
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just wanted to give a shoutout to @newworldvegans veganism is huge part of my life and i just wanted to give a shout out to it. remember that it’s a lifestyle and ethical decision. it’s taught me many things about life and connected me with amazing people. know that not all vegans look alike and we come many shapes and sizes. therfore rock who you are and what you stand for. when i first went vegan, i didn’t tell anybody. i was embarrassed and i didn’t want people thinking i was crazy. all i wanted and still want is to better the world. that’s it. to cause no harm to this planet, our animal friends, and my body. it was the first decision that made me realize that this body is my vessel. therefore i am to nourish and take care of it. and to LOVE it with all of my heart. y’all feel me? Alright i hope y’all have a great day. remember that you are awesome and deserve to live your best life as much as an animal does. and yes this the look i rock most days because I’m a remote intern #remoteinternship #lifethesedays #vegans #veganlifestlye #ethicaldecisions #veganismismagic #fortheanimals #fortheplanet #selflovethread #loveyourbody #notallveganslooklikehippies #wealldontlookthesame #fortheplanet #fortheplanet🌍 #fortheplanetpeopleandanimals #newworldvegans #lovethisplanet #bloggers #newigpost #memadeeveryday (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/marsandfruit/p/Byk8ZM7jDPh/?igshid=1r3js6qbpu265
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advice-for-interns · 4 years
6 Ways a Remote Internship Can Help Your Career
Hit the pandemic where it most hurts with a remote internship! 
Despite the global pandemic putting a hold on many travel plans, you can still study abroad...virtually. Bam! Take that Covid-19!
Virtual internships and home offices are naturally all the rage right now. And they’ve shown employers and interns a slew of benefits unmatchable by real-life interaction. 
In fact, large corporations such as Facebook or Google have extended their employees work-from-home status until Summer 2021. 
Whether it’s business or arts, remote working is on the rise. Chances are, virtual employment will eventually replace our standard mode of work. And this means reassessing entire career junctures.
So buckle up, because there’s an entire range of CV-boosters that an online internship can give you that probably haven’t crossed your mind! 
Discover exactly how remote internships can help your career.
1.  Meet people from of all backgrounds
Online internships are communities in themselves. 
And now, with a click of a button, these communities obtain incredible dimensions! 
In fact, analysts at Bloomberg have estimated an increase of 80% in employment diversity. This means that as we become more connected with each other, employers see an opportunity to expand their talent pool.
On a remote or virtual internship, you’ll be working shoulder-to-shoulder (well screen-to-screen) with interns from all around the globe. Instead of traversing it to find experience, this time experts come to you. 
Remote internships give you a taste of different work ethics, strategies, or country-specific industry characteristics. All from the comfort of your own home!
Some offices tend to isolate their workforce. Whereas, online environments have the potential to nurture a healthy community devoid of office drama. This allows you to network comfortably with peers and secure career opportunities without navigating office politics.  
To put it simply, everything save for personal and professional growth is ousted for you beforehand!
2. Go easy on your pocket
To say that travelling is expensive (and in some cases tiresome) would be an understatement. 
Two-thirds of a pint of your favourite beer in Finland will cost you between $6 and $8. And don’t expect to find cheap BigMacs in Switzerland! 
Add to this the  often outrageous prices (and tedium!) of commuting and the expense grows. When online, the only commute you have to worry about is the one from your bed to your desk. 
By now you’ve already sensed the beauty of online placements. Incredibly cost effective, practical, and above all smart. 
The future is online, and unlike public transport it is never late.
3. Become a master (of time management!)
Until recently, time was generally conceived as linear and impervious to change or pressure. 
But when you’re enrolled in a Japanese internship while based in New York, time becomes more flexible than one might consider. 
With the help of some cutting-edge online tools and occasionally synching time zones, employers are now more than happy to let you tailor your schedule as you see best. 
The main advantage of a remote internship in comparison with a placement abroad is that you can work during your peak-performance hours. 
Many of us have heard of ‘night owls’ and ‘early birds’, and have agreed that the infamous 9-to-5 hampers productivity.
Having to work on a flexible schedule will also polish your time-management skills. As well as inspire you to prioritise your workflow more efficiently!
4. Experience new software 
Tech savvy or not, a virtual experience will definitely brush up your software skills. Why just be limited to Microsoft Office when there’s a plethora of team-management platforms like Yammer, Monday, Slack and the like used by world-leading companies on a daily, pandemic-less basis? 
There’s no denying that digital optimisation is running at a head-spinning speed, while global and local companies are trying to catch up with it. 
For the casual graduate, however, this presents a new level of dexterity. By embarking on a virtual internship you’ll have a team of professionals to assist you with this. They can help you to climb that learning curve and excel at digital communication. 
Heading straight into the job market afterwards, you’ll be an adaptable employee equipped with the set of skills able to remove the barriers between you and your dream job! 
5. Unfold your creativity
Creativity doesn’t merely mean indulging in a creative profession. Not at all! In fact, even long-time professionals discover fresh nuances of their jobs when looking through the virtual lens. 
Although it may seem odd at first, online internships encourage you to take new approaches to age-old problems. 
How would you recreate an oil painting in Illustrator and Photoshop, for example? Or what type of online community should you target for your next charity mission/objective?  
It’s not reinventing the wheel; more like adding texture to it. Learning to solve problems in the digital terrain, where everything feels familiar, but not quite the same can be valuable experience. 
You could say online internships are full of expected and unexpected surprises. On the one hand,  they let you enjoy the comfort of your own home But on the other it challenges your skills.
6. Maintain a good work-life balance
Imagine this: you rise early, get ready, commute, check your emails, engage in office chatter, then begin your daily tasks. Your afternoon drains away slowly and when the clock strikes five it’s time to squeeze in some daily grocery shopping. Then you sit in traffic moving at a snail's pace before finally getting home, and unwinding before hitting the sack early. 
A remote internship (and working from home in general) removes these obstacles. 
Less time is wasted on commutes and you can switch off easier. Your work/life balance is better attuned, meaning you can work on your own terms.
So, it’s hardly surprising that 60% of Gen-Y’s abandon their 9-to-5 workplace after three years, and that 45% of them would choose flexibility over pay. 
Compared to online placements, regular work experiences don’t view life and work as equally important. 
In most cases the ‘day in and day out’ eats up your time to think about where you’ll be in 1 year’s time, let alone 5!
Knowing how fast paced life has become, online internships break the margins of routine. They give you a chance to think at least two steps ahead. 
A digital placement offers you time to consider future possibilities. And how to implement your newly-attained skills in tomorrow’s job market. 
Since everything is happening in real time, it is easier to figure out your strong points before finishing the placement. 
Stay Current With a Remote Internship
Thanks to the flexibility mentioned above and a global network at your fingertips, online placements are ideal for everyone. 
Virtual internships offer accessibility like never before. And there are a growing number of internship companies adapting and developing comprehensive online internship programs like never before. 
You’ve been on the Internet. You’re on it right now! Need I tell of its incredible versatility? 
Our pocketable devices  and their functionality improves with each update. Regardless of your day-to-day usage, your tech always exceeds your expectations. The same goes for the opportunities a remote internship can offer you. 
Out there are thousands of essential skills you thought you knew. 
Due to the changing world, these have now taken new shapes and adapted. As a result, so too, should you adapt to ensure you get the best possible career opportunities. 
And, boosting your career with an online internship is a great start!  
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indianzero · 3 years
A Digital Portfolio is a revolutionary future-ready product that helps you to present a holistic view of the profile that includes your professional, academic, and personal achievements under a single roof. The portfolio can be shared with anyone with a single click under highly secure infrastructure. Simply, it helps you land your desired job by drafting a perfect and crystal clear picture of you among the recruiter by making you a smart job seeker.
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letsstudyabroad · 4 years
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Good News- Virtual Internship opportunities- US Universities Remote internship opportunities to graduate students—a new way to gain real-world experience and career skills with US companies. Read More- https://studyabroad-consultancy.com/virtual-internship-opportunity-usa/ #VirtualInternshipsSummer2020,#BestVirtualInternships,#OnlineInternshipsForEngineeringStudents,#RemoteInternships, #OnlineInternshipsForHighSchoolStudents,#VirtualHistoryInternship,#InternshipInUsaForIndianStudents #InternshipUsaForInternationalStudents,#PaidInternshipInUsa,#RequirementsForInternshipInUsa,#CompaniesThatOfferInternshipsForInternationalStudents,#HowToGetInternshipInUsaForInternationalStudents,#PaidInternshipsForInternationalStudents, https://www.instagram.com/p/CEipo-FJf9M/?igshid=ckxeifpk5g9l
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santilawson · 2 years
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inmovidutech · 4 years
Pros and Cons of a Virtual Internship
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Here are some pros and cons of the new culture of remote working to keep in mind before going forward.
Pros of a Virtual Internship:
Some of the advantages of doing an internship remotely include:
● You can intern for any company, regardless of location, without relocating:
Internships are typically for a short period, whether it’s a few weeks or a few months. It can be difficult to relocate your life for the short period of an internship—though many students do it because they want to intern with a particular company. A virtual internship enables students to work for their dream company without undergoing the hassle of relocating.
● The hours tend to be more flexible: Because you're working remotely and not reporting into an office, you may be able to work the hours you want rather than those of a typical workday.
The flexibility to work when you want is a great benefit on its own, but it can also free up your daytime hours to work at another job. That situation would be especially helpful if your internship is unpaid.
● You may be able to earn college credits more easily than with a traditional internship:
It's typically harder to fit in an internship during a spring or fall semester when you would have a class schedule to work around. Because the hours for a virtual internship tend to be more flexible, it should be easier to manage your class schedule and internship schedule in a single semester.
● No need to commute:
With a virtual internship, you don't need to pay for a car or public transportation to get into the office at a set time.
Cons of a Virtual Internship
The downsides of a virtual internship include:
● There might be a lack of structure and support:
An internship can become like a mentorship if your boss excels at providing structured supervision and support. You probably won't get that same feeling of having been mentored if you're communicating only by email and phone.
● There might be less job training and guidance:
Similarly, you may get less training on and guidance about the duties of the job from your boss and colleagues at a remote internship than you would if you could see them face-to-face.
● You won't experience the office environment:
You also won't be able to learn successful work behaviors such as following office etiquette and understanding and responding to a corporation's culture. You will miss out on the daily experiences of life in a professional setting.
● You will have to be more self-motivating:
Without an in-the-flesh boss to answer to, you will have to muster the motivation from within to do your job.
But remember!!!
As with any internship, what you get out of a virtual internship is commensurate with what you put into it. If you're concerned a virtual internship might be a lesser experience, talk about that with the person who would be your boss before you accept the job. If your future boss is able to convince you the internship will be worthwhile, go for it.
Similarly, while you're interning, do what you can to make sure the experience lives up to the expectations your boss established. In a professional manner, ask for more guidance and support if you feel like they have been lacking.
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myfirstboss1-blog · 4 years
Virtual Internship Program By Myfirstboss
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To help you stay up-to-date with the latest in-demand skills, MyfirstBoss is offering you an opportunity to learn from industry leaders. Get work experience and build skills with Virtual Internship Program by HARAPPA. This Internship program enables you to gain dynamic work experience virtually from the comfort of your home. Also get inspirational live master classes by mentors and industry leaders which will help you to learn from their experience.
Make the most of your time and be ready for future with MyfirstBoss Internship program.
Enroll now at - https://www.myfirstboss.com/Virtual-Internship-Program-By-HARAPPA
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indianzero · 3 years
Most students make up their plan to be HR professionals right during their academic days. While some, after completing their education in other fields, show their interest in the HR profession. In such a case, it becomes a kind of necessity to go for an internship in HR, so that they can have hands-on real-world experience in the HR domain.
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