#reposting as the user's twitter and tumblr unfortunately no longer exist
ghost-proof · 11 months
Tumblr media
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twinkrundgren · 2 years
my pros and cons of all these twitter alternatives
just a place to put my opinions on it as an artist
Tumblr: You're reading this here. I think, for the post part, tumblr is the platonic ideal of a good social media platform for artists.
Pros: Long posts, uncompressed images, tags that are not inhereted by reblogs/reposts, hidden follower count, disable comments/reblogs, robust blacklist system, chronological timeline, theme customization, easy to make sideblogs
Cons: community is insufferable sometimes, terfs, nazis and radfems get free reign, can get banned for insulting terfs or the staff, no NSFW, tag search is awful.
Conclusion: Our hellsite that sucks but it's home. Would be perfect if the NSFW ban was overturned and TERFs got their asses thrown out.
Pros: Twitter-like but with longer posts, community owned and instanced, if you don't like the admins of any existing federation you can make your own. Can block interaction from entire federations if you don't like their userbase. Where a lot of journalists go.
Cons: Hugbox mentality of demanding you to hide anything that isn't happy, overuse of CWs that hide benign things from people when a blacklist function could serve the same function but better, CW + Hugbox mentality contributes to silencing minorities and especially black people from talking about their oppression. Smaller federations might have better moderation than larger ones but its very hard to interact with people outside of your federation, hard to understand for non techies. Moving from one federation to another isn't a thing.
Conclusion: Awful community mentality and it's very hard to get your posts out there. People there don't know how to curate their own feeds.
Pros: Gallery site for artists, accounts for people who wish to browse, bans drawn cesm and bestiality, community owned, robust tagging system and blacklist system, small but dedicated community, owner honestly listens to criticisms, BIPOC owned, bans NFTs and AI generated art
Cons: Awful site layout based upon being a webapp and runs like dogshit on anything that isn't Chrome, will fail if community does not fund it, exploring new art is buggy and laggy.
Conclusion: Hopeful site for people who miss the days of Deviantart but unfortunately held back by awful site layout. Owner is pretty genuine and kind, but all might be for naught if it cannot get the funding it needs.
Pros: Tumblrlike, CSS in posts and a lot of freedom for interactivity. Hides follower count, tagging system, etc imagine Tumblr but better.
Cons: Hides all interactions on your post except comments, you can only view them from your notifications page. Seems catered towards people who want social media without anything that might cause "strife", CW system is a whitelist rather than a blacklist and inherits the same issues as Mastodon while giving few tools to actually curate your experience. May possibly unban drawn CESM in the future.
Conclusion: Hopeful tumblr-like that is held back by a heavy handed decision to take away all toys from you because someone else might get jealous and/or upset. Despite ideals of wanting to prevent discourse and arguing, wants to possibly allow CESM content on their site anyway. CW system is awful and backwards, hiding things by default when it should be the user's decision to want certain posts hidden for CW reasons. Almost no way to track where your posts goes, who interacts with it, or who even follows you. Feels like yelling into a void most of the time.
Pros: I think its like a booru or twitter? I'm not actually sure. Allows NSFW, blacklisting features, bans underage content
Cons: marks fat and muscular bodies as NSFW, no rules against bigotry, but "No politics!" type ruling. Condescending language towards kinks, bans photos of real people and real life NSFW
Conclusions: reeks of burned furs, do not trust.
Pros: Twitter-like, honestly can't say much because it's iOS only.
Cons: iOS only, android app seems to be an afterthought, no web version.
Conclusions: Lol iOS app only.
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