#rhm's facing the way reg was standing watching over them
frazzledazzlin · 2 years
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
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So, like I said in my break announcement, I got some ideas for Toppat!Henry, but that unfortunately happened AFTER I posted Part 4.
I was thinking of ideas like this:
Everything remains the same after the chase with RHM, rather than getting captured, Charles pulls a Bold Action Man and jumps off the building. Or so we think, because we'd switch to Henry watching 'Charles fall' and shoot to his feet and shout, "NO! CATCH HIM!"
Funny thing about Bold Action Men: they're plans work. They horribly mangle themselves, but their plans work.
Charles actually landed on a window cleaning lift, which kind of broke when he landed on it. His phone, however, wasn't so lucky.
The lift breaks and Charles catches himself before he falls for real, swinging and climbing into an open window so he can then roll to the floor.
The supplies, including a heavy coat, all fall to and hit the ground; the phone's absolutely fucked, by the way.
Right rockets down to see if Charles actually died, and Charles sees him fly down.
When Right's gone, Charles groans and sits up, opening his jacket to see that he caught himself a little too well, evidenced by a gash that's opened on his ribs, right on the side that was already injured, too.
He groans and stands up, stumbling to the wall.
With Right, we see him hiver over the ground and report back to Henry that Charles did not fall at all. It was just a bunch of supplies and a spare coat. Henry, on the orbital station, sighs and falls back into his chair, silent for a second before he orders them to look inside the building they're on, in case Charles slipped inside to escape.
With Charles, TV perspective, we'd follow a blood trail to see him stumble through an office space, panting and light headed; he's walked down a couple flights of stairs and reached the office to try and look for an elevator, and that gash he has is doing nothing to help.
A wave of exhaustion washes over him and Charles catches himself on a desk, dry heaving as a whistle catches his attention.
"Don't look so good there, pilot. Heh, guess what they say is true: a Nine'-to-Five' does get you killed."
Charles demands the owner of the voice reveal himself, and he obliges.
Hope you remembered him from the "epilogue" in the secong Henry Stickmin Headcanon post, because, ladies and gentlemen, you know him, you either love him or you hate him, please welcome with open arms the worst leader in Toppat history: Terrence Suave
Before they can make proper introductions, Terrence grabs Charles and pulls him behind a wall, into that rec-room in the office space for coffee and food, and puts a hand over his mouth as he shushes him.
Right flies around each floor to survey and find Charles. He does try to get in the window, but the group has to leave and report back to Henry while the beam is hot and ready.
Right flies off and, once he's sure they're gone, Terrence lets go of Charles, who immediately backs away from him, which makes his wounds worse.
Charles doesn't exactly recognize his face, but asks why he's there, all things considered.
Terrence only laughs and admits he likes THIS version of Charles, bold, brave, confident even with a wound, and not an absolutely mindless psychopath working for or with the Toppat Clan- "Well, not as long as Right or Henry get a hold of you."
Upon seeing Charles's confusion, Terrence backtracks and says he'll explain later as he helps Charles to an elevator, grabbing a stapler on the way.
"What... What's that for?"
"Well, I can't really have the fireworks expire before the show begins, now can I?"
Charles shakes his head. "I don't know what you're saying."
"Don't worry about it. Let's just get you back to your government friends."
They enter the elevator and leave, Terrence admitting that he hopes Charles is in that numb state of shock as he knocks him down, lifts his shirt to reveal the gash and then pulls out the stapler. "Try not to move to much, pilot. This might sting a little."
At the base, the twins are getting a HUGE scolding and shout-at by Galeforce, who's very angry that they didn't tell him or anyone else about what Charles was doing, or the fact that Henry had called him.
They're still sorry, but, when asked, admit they don't know where Charles went, only that he was in a hurry and wanted to go alone. Again, Henry had called him, so maybe he had something to do with Charles running off.
Galeforce rubs his temples as Canterbury admits that Charles has been breaking his rank a lot recently, even blindly and stupidly wondering if he's a Toppat spy.
The twins, Galeforce, and Rupert all gkare at him for this, and he holds up his hands and admits he got the idea from remembering how slippery Henry is.
Rupert politely disagrees, as the government is all Charles has. Sure he's broken rank very often, but that's out of impulse and drive to stop Henry without anyone getting hurt. And before you say Charles is being a martyr, his sole goal is arresting Henry and making him call a total surrender for the Toppats. He can't take the clan all at once, and he won't because the government is on his side. He doesn't really care about taking out the clan as a whole, but he does want to stop Henry; and he's focused on Henry the most because of the failed airship mission and the still raw wound Henry left behind. Yeah, he took that very personally.
Regardless, just as Rupert offers to go and look for his friend, the phone rings and Galeforce answers.
"Ch... General? Are y-you there?"
"Charlie!? Where are you right now!?"
In the phone booth, leaning against the wall and paler than Snow White, Charles fights a gag. "Mid... Midtown. I-I got chased. They tried... They to kidnap me. Or-or kill me. I don... don't know, but-..."
Charles groans and slumps down, the pain fading, adrenaline wearing off, and exhaustion catching up to him.
Terrence catches him and sets him down, sitting him down as he takes control of that phone call.
"General Galeforce, I believe I've found your pet pilot for you. Thank goodness, too, he's injured. Bad."
He shrugs and waves a hand. "Don't worry, a couple staples solved that." He turns to Charles. "Right, Charlie?"
"Screw you," Charles spits.
"Don't tempt me."
"Where is he?" Galeforce demands. "Wherever he is, bring him back!"
"Relax, Hubert. He's fine. Just needs a doctor andsone rest, that's all."
Galeforce, tired and just wanting to see his boy, tells Terrence to meet at the base, and to get there as soon as he can.
Terrence agrees and hangs up before helping Charles up and getting him in the car Terrence is "borrowing from a friend😈" and setting out.
On the orbital station, Henry paces as Right and Reginald explain what happened, admitting that they didn't see Charles fall all the way down. Just a little bit. If they didn't know better, they'd say he vanished into thin air.
Right also informs him that he saw Charles's phone fall, but there was nothing there when he went looking for Charles. Reg even explains that on the way up to the roof, the door jammed for a second, having been barred by an old screwdriver.
Apparently whoever was there just wanted to distract them for just a few seconds.
Henry notices this and growls, slamming his fist against the table.
Back with Terrence and Charles, the half cybernetic man is tapping Charles every now and again to keep him awake, in case he checks out for good.
Charles is sick and tired, but also extremely confused as to what just happened.
"I don't... Who are you?"
"Terrence Suave. Nice to meet you, Charles Calvin."
"How d'you... how do you know-... Are you-"
"Before you call me a stalker, just think of it like this: Are you religious, Charlie?"
Charles cringes at Terrence calling him a nickname only Galeforce uses or is allowed to use, but still shakes his head. "That's none your business."
"Fine. Believe in spirits? The afterlife? After some folks die, their souls are free to do whatever they please only catch is they can't DO anything because they're, you know, dead."
Charles only stares at him incredulously.
"I'm basically a spirit, kid. I see just about everything. I see things and I know them."
Charles shakes his head and asks, "How'd you know I... I'd be in the city?"
"I guessed. Good thing I was right."
"W-... Who-"
Terrence waves off the questions and tells Charles to stay awake as long as he can, so they can get him help.
They get to the base just as Charles passes out, Galeforce, the twins, and Rupert all rushing over to catch him.
Terrence tells them not to worry because he just passed out, even admitting he really shouldn't have used staples to close the gash.
Galeforce berates him and demands to know who this crazy bastard is and what he's doing, and Terrence reveals the bits of Charles's phone. "Give the kid a fossil. It'll be harder to track and tap."
They get him to the infirmary, Charles murmuring about keeping the twins safe and that they're after him, they being the Toppats, and he needs to leave town.
Galeforce hushes him up for this and tells gets him to the infirmary.
As Charles is carried away, Terrence watches, amused and perky as he smiles.
Slight gore tw, he then sighs, takes out his glass eye, cleans it off, and then puts it back in, groaning about how finicky it is.
Once it's back in, Terrence sighs and relishes in the fact that he's probably giving Henry a couple migraines
Again, this is just a possible revision, and if you guys like it, I can continue Part 5 off of this
Sorry for being away, I'll try to be more consistent now
Either way, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!!!!
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