#runi's gamelogs 2024
runimanio · 2 months
2024 Game Clear #16 Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
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I find it kinda funny that this single game took me like 3 times as long to beat than the entire original game, it makes sense and alot of that is just me going out my way to do almost everything, but it's still funny to me.
Man nothing gets me more emotional then FF7 stuff, both with this game and remake before I am just in awe constantly with how well they ride the tone of the original game, it feels doubly impressive if you go from Dirge & Advent into these like I did with the first Remake. You can really feel the love, care & thought that this team put into these games. Every character feels like the best version of themselves, even someone like Cait Sith, who I didn't really have much of an opinion on before- I love here, his voice actor and animations do a fantastic job endearing me to him.
I do have some grips, some deliberately slow animations for turning switches and walking through corridors are still here, I didn't really feel like they were that bad in the first game but I do think they're much more annoying to me in the open world design and they feel like they serve less of purposes here on the PS5... I wonder ig they only exist here to make the original game not feel retroactively worst to play.
This is a me issue I think and not necessary a fault of the game because I think some RL stuff add to it, but I did feel a little burned out by end. There was so many side content & doing it all kinda felt repetitive at times, its not that I don't think all that side content isn't high quality, it absolutely is & that why I did so much of it because I wanted to see every story this game had to tell. I'm just not built for being that rigorous in a open world game I think.
also one quest had a bug that wouldn't let me turn it in which was a bummer but i guess it kinda impressive that for a game this big that was the only real glitch but still a disappointment
As a Crisis Core lover there was definitely some stuff that made me scream out loud consider the guy on the right of the box, but I just wanna close out saying while I do still miss Rick Gomez quite a bit as Zack, I do think Caleb Pierce does a pretty good job here compared to CC Reunion. I've been pretty critical of his performance in the past so I just wanna acknowledge the improvement
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runimanio · 5 months
2024 Game Clear #2 Futari wa Pretty Cure: Arienaai! Yume no Sono wa Daimeikyu
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The first non-education Pretty Cure game, I beat this exclusively via waiting on other people! (slightly passive aggressive tone) its a pretty basic puzzle platformer where you swap between the two cures to open doors and change conveyor belts directions to help get your partners through the level. Kinda similar to the Mario Mini games, its pretty simple but it's alright though nothing really special, and it a bit clunky. I do like the Cure's sprites, they're cute!
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runimanio · 1 month
2024 Game Clear #18 Ranma ½: Treasure of the Red Cat Gang
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I've been really getting into Ranma½ lately, and after learning that there was a RPG with an English fan translation I knew I had to play through it as it is my god given duty to play through every turn based RPG licensed after a property I like and .... it's just okay
The fan translation has two versions one for fans of the anime and one for the manga, I chose the anime version because at this time that is the version of Ranma I'm more familiar with, I'm don't know what all the changes are in the manga patch as their doesn't seem to be a place online that documents all the differences. The translation seems pretty good especially for a early 2000s fan translation, there's perhaps one grip I have with it and it that they chose to name an equippable armor for the girls as just "bitch" which I feel is unnecessary and unprofessional (and frankly a bit confusing like what exactly am I equipping here?) I do lack the knowledge to properly criticizes the translation here but the guide I was using did choose to translate it to "Angry Dress" instead so I felt it was worth bringing up.
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Now for the actual game itself. The Jusenkyo guide accidently broke a seal releasing The Ghost King Cat Nekomaou upon the world who seeks strong men to rebuild his Red Cat Gang and wishes acquire the three sacred treasures that can grant any wish when brought together. The Red Cat Gang kidnaps Ranma father Genma, Mousse and the students of Furinkan High to use as muscle. Ranma, Akane & Shampoo (Ryoga too but of course he immediately gets lost and separated from the party) sets off to save everyone and to acquire the three treasures in hopes of using the wish to cure Ranma of his curse.
I think it's a pretty strong set up for a Ranma RPG honestly, but in practice alot of the writting feels like a reheated version of what you know, if you watched even a couple of episodes of Ranma, you've seen all the jokes before just now it's in a pretty static form which doesn't really lend much strength to all the running gags, even the ghost cat stuff isn't really that special since Maomolin exists but weirdly unless I missed something they never actually point that out.
The party also doesn't banter among themselves as much as you'd hope, only really speaking up when it's time to do their running gag. Akane suffers the most from this I think, as perhaps 95% of her dialogue is getting angry at Ranma which very little moments (if any) that explore her more tender side. It's a Akane completely removed of nuance and I think that's lame
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That said there was gags that I did think translated well into the RPG format, Having a party member like Ryoga who will just... keep walking unaware that he's leaving the party is pretty funny joke for a RPG, Genma continues to be the world worst dad, and Cat Fu gets to be a mechanic in a boss fight (though Ranma fear of cats isn't really brought up as much as you might think it would be considering the plot)
On the the actual gameplay side...I like a fair bit about it! It's pretty simple but I appreciate that it doesn't waste your time, a lot of other licensed rpgs that i've played try to hide the fact that they likely made the game in 8 months by forcing a brutal grind or by splitting up the party to hid a lack of meaningful progression.(looking at you Sailor Moon Another Story) I only really had to grind once at the end and it was a pretty light grind, the party does split up a bunch but it never feels like a tactic to artificially increase difficulty and therefore extend the game length then more the product of the Ranma cast being chaotic, it's a miracle that a party of these characters can hold together for 5 minutes.
That said I do wonder if they purposely made your movement speed in the overworld slow to compensate, it not that bad and you get used to it but it's pretty noticeably slow when you first start playing but even with that it's a very short rpg, I got through half the game in like 4 hours unquestionable the shortest tradition rpg i've ever beaten but I actually think it's to the game strength that it doesn't overstay it's welcome.
I general I don't look the look of this game but I do like how battles look, the special moves are flashy and I love that characters fly out of the arena when K.O, battle are pretty easy though you can pretty much get through everything by just spamming attacks, start doing basic rpg stratagems like using stat boosting abilities and your pretty much invincible, being too easy might seem like a detriment but i vastly prefer that to the likely alternate of a grindfest so it's fine
Last note on the gameplay is the UI isn't the best, visually it looks fine but it lacks a lot of information that would be useful to know, items & abilities don't have descriptions which can makes it hard to parse what something actually does even after using it if the effect isn't visually obvious which is why I kept a guide open to reference. you can also only see your ki amount in battles which isn't a big deal but a little annoying when you want to check if your ready before a boss fight
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Ultimately though I think a RPG is just kinda a weird choice for a Ranma game, turning the chaotic gender swapping martial arts romance gag manga™ into a slow turn based rpg isn't the most natural match, there's probably way to make it work really well but It probably would take a longer timetable then the dev team probably had. There are Ranma fighting games and visual novels which seem like a better fit but i'm surprised out of all the IP in the 90's that got beat em ups Ranma wasn't one of them, somewhere out there there's a world with a banging Konami or River City style Ranma beat em up and im sad I don't live in that world lol.
With all that said and all my criticism aside... I do still recommend it for Ranma fans, it more time in this world and with these characters and it's a short painless experience so it's not a huge time sink, it's just whenever you merge a property I like with this genre I'm always gonna come in with higher expectations then I probably should have lol
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runimanio · 1 month
2024 Game Clear #17 Digimon World Re:Digitized Decode
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Your Tekken timeline is worthless if it doesn't include this game
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So uh this game was the reason I got a twitter account. I was 13 at the time and really starting to surf the web properly to explore my hobbies, meaning I was able to look up news on my favorite franchise and see what was coming out soon or discover entries that I never knew existed as opposed to before where I just had to stumble upon it in the wild after it's already out.
At some point I came across this trailer and some of the PSP trailers and I just thought the game just looked so damn cool, I was so excited for it and so annoyed that Bandai Namco (Namco Bandai at the time) wouldn't commit to a English Localization that I made a twitter account to harass inquire the the Namco Bandai twitter accounts about a potential English release someday... which never happened sadly but I was amused that Decode added a Twitter-esc feed on the bottom screen for these reason.
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A couple years later, after the fan translation released I imported PSP game (the first game I ever imported) and patched it and had a ball. Even so being able to play the 3DS version that I wanted so bad in English and on actual hardware after so long is kind of surreal.
Though admittedly the larger roster of raiseable Digimon aside (I kind wish the base game launched with a lot of these added Digimon, like its crazy that PSP game didn't have Palmon & Tyrannomon) I don't think a lot of the Decode content is the most high quality, the new X-Antibody & Demon Lord scenario have a lot of cool stuff in them but the Infinity mountain dungeon is kind of a slog and the demon lord quest feels pretty padded. This is for the most part fine though because the base game is still very solid.
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The Digimon World games aren't for everyone but the general flow of these games I find so cozy: raising your Digimon the best you can and see how much of the world you can explore and how many Digimon you can recruit to your city before your partner dies and you have to return to the city. The Digimon you recruit can improve your city which in turn helps you raise your partner better. You definitely need to play with a guide near by though.
I uh also somehow got locked into a evolution that doesn't seem to be documented anywhere: Grappleomon -> Vikemon, I have no idea why Grapple would not evolve into Bancho as I don't think I made a care mistake but discovering a new evolution line is cool i guess
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The fan patch is pretty good, a couple of typos and weird grammar in some but hey Digimon games always had messy localizations so honestly probably better than we would've gotten lol.
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runimanio · 2 months
2024 Game Clear #15 Sonic Adventure 2 (replay)
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Hello, this is my second time 100% completing Sonic Adventure 2, the first time was on my childhood Gamecube save in 2021, this time was on my steam copy, please look forward to me doing this again on my PS3 copy in 2026.
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In all seriousness, I adore this game so much and mastering everything is just so satisfying. It honestly helped me appreciate the game more, I used to not be a big fan of Pyramid Cave for example and now since I first completed the game it's one of my favorite.
The reason I did this is because I wanted that damn 100% ribbon on my steam account and Green Hill Zone on my steam save obviously, but It was just a fun thing to pick away at whenever I had some free time and didn't want to commit to a long game or I was in-between games, I could just put on a podcast and do A ranks attempt for a couple minutes.
I also capped this off by doing a run through of the game with the Japanese voice track which i've never done before & as the former Yu-Gi-Oh! blog and Sailor Moon fan I gotta mention that Shadow's voice actor is Nightshroud from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX & Tails is Luna from the modern Sailor Moon shows. kept waiting for Shadow to scream "RED-EYES DARKNESS DRAGON!". But I had a good time it was interesting to note differences like how Shadow voice actor sounded much more confident when Rouge confronts him about Project Shadow while our Shadow plays it like he's a little shaken about the Rouges revelations.
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runimanio · 3 months
2024 Game Clear #14 Another Code Recollection
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A ground up remake of two visual novels from the DS and Wii this was announced at the perfect time for me as I was already thinking about playing the original game on DS that was localized as Trace Memory here in North America. I liked it quite a bit, it was such to cozy experience to play through a chapter before bed. Though if your not already a fan of these types of games I don't think it'll change your mind, but if you are I'd recommend it.
When this was announced i remember some people ragging on the graphics a bit, and im not really sure why? Sure some of the outdoor environment definitely look a bit rough but i've long accepted that the switch will never render a tree that people find adequate enough and I think the character models look really good.
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I genuinely was a bit sad by the end of the game to say goodbye to Ashley after having her adventures to look forward too every other night for the last month (alternating with me binging episode of ranma 1/2 before bed lol)
also i don't where to put this but whenever Ashley smiled made me so happy, especially during the first game when she having such a bad time
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runimanio · 3 months
2024 Game Clear #13 Penny's Big Breakaway
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When I heard the team behind Sonic Mania was making a new game I knew it was gonna be a day one purchase no mater what! and you know I liked the game, I just didn't love it in the way I'd hope I would
It took a while for the controls to really click with me so I spend the early worlds getting pretty frustrated but, eventually stuff started clicking, and man when you get in a good flow with your momentum it's the most satisfying thing in the world! It very much reminds me of games like Jet Set or Tony Hawk in that regards.
I could see myself falling in absolute love with this game in subsequent playthroughs now that I got more of a handle on how to actually play it but for now.... its pretty good!
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runimanio · 4 months
2024 Game Clear #12 Shin Megami Tensei Persona
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yea playing that persona remake all the kids are talking about!
This is an interesting game to playthrough considering what persona would morph into over time, I enjoyed it for the most part but I do have some gripes with it's story feeling a little disjointed at times, the battle system was also painfully slow and almost made me drop the game until I learned I could skip animations and use auto actions which then I did start to have fun with this game combat.
I also don't think binging it in a depressive funk is to it's benefit but that's not the game's fault.
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I only did the SEBEC quest (with Reiji) because frankly I think I would go mad if I had to listen to Lone Prayer again and from what I saw the Snow Queen quest kinda look like a chore. I did watch a playthrough of it and yeah kind of glad I decided not to playthrough that, though I do find Naoya (player character) needing to deliberately fuck around and break the seal on the mask & then bring it to the one person he was told not to bring the mask up around to start the quest funny. We truly fucked around and found out.
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but from what watched the other party members seemed a bit unlikable to me at least in this storyline. They're all so unempathetic and it doesn't really feel like they grow as characters. Granted I didn't play this properly and some of the moments that endeared me more to Nanjo is missable dialogue like Nanjo slowly giving into the catchy convenience store song so maybe I would think otherwise if I actually played through the quest myself.
PS: Have I ever mention how much I loved the PSP GO,very cool system to play these type of games on
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runimanio · 4 months
2024 Game Clear #11 Mega Man ZX Advent
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This is largely the last mega man platformer that I hadn't played and beaten yet- there are some technically like maybe ill suffer through the DOS games sometimes and also if you count Mighty No. 9 as a mega man game then yeah I haven't played those yet but its pretty much just RPGs and oddities at this point. It also obviously the last game in the Zero/ZX collection that i had yet to clear which is significance because that collection is what started this misguided attempt to slowly playthrough every mega man game back in 2021 so to have that collection completely behind me now is kinda crazy.
I played through this twice doing a Ashe run and a Grey run respectively and while the changes are pretty minimum I am glad i did because I think I would've left with a little bit of a bad impression if i didn't replay it due to external stuff making me frustrated during the end game, cause me to play bad, making me even more frustrated! My Grey playthrough was much smoother, a good reminder that sometimes these games are better the second time after you know what your doing and man yeah this game rules.
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What an improvement from first game, in the first game it very much felt like the search action game design and the Mega Man game design were getting in each other ways and not really melding together well. It feels a lot better balanced here. I will say that I think the overall aesthetic™ is a little stronger in the first game but y'know that comes at the cost of getting across the map being a pain so it's a fair trade.
It's also kinda nice to have a subseries that deals in the X series terminology of Reploids, Mavericks, A-Trans etc without being super bleak at all times lol.
This story does feels like it was written more for Grey than Ashe, I didn't really understand why Ashe- the non amnesic was so desperate to learn her past when her intro seemed to set her up as someone chasing the future rather than the past, so it's a bit odd
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The voice acting pretty funny though I've been quoting Thetis's "I won't give up💅" to my friends a lot. looking through the folks involved it seems to be alot of Shenmue alumni or are only credited on this, one of the actors I looked at had credits on the original dub of Symphony of the Night, Shenmue, Baten Kaitos & X7 the forest gump of cheesy game dubs. But this honestly it isnt anywhere near the worst mega man voice acting out there, nobody audibly flubs their lines and like the best cheesy dubs there alot of line delivery that are pretty memorable im sure if i grew up with this game would live in my head like dubs such as Sonic adventure and Beyblade do. I mean even only playing this twice Atlas's "History of the world, History of the war" got stuck in my head just because it's odd rhymical delivery.
Also Zero and X's X7 actors are in this cast but not as model Z and X I just think that kinda funny.
Shame that we'll probably never return to this world in a meaningful way because I still have alot of questions about this world: What's Ciel up to? I'd love to learn more about the biometal holders, is Thomas teased plan related to Legends? since the other Biometal holders survived the crash does that mean Model Z is alive and other enemy control?, will we ever address Model A just being Axl? so many possibilities for the future of this story
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runimanio · 4 months
2024 Game Clear #9 Luigi Mansion
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This is gonna be a reoccurring mini segment within my game clear post of "games that I played & clear with my buddy Talion!™" I've always meant to play through Luigi Mansion but I've never really been able to get into it before but playing this time I had a pretty good time.
though I did struggle with the actual mechanic- no matter what i did when I surprised ghost with my light they would often only be compromised for like half a frame and disappear before I could do anything & and could never really discern what exactly I was doing right or wrong compared to other times, also the late game boos were kinda tedious to get
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but it was still a very charming game to play through and i'm glad i finally crossed it off my list to play!
Talion's Thoughts: "I feel like he gotta get someone better with managing his money because professor egad ripped him off big time with how much he charged him to make his home"
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runimanio · 4 months
2024 Game Clear #6 Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown
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From the first trailers The Lost Crown immediately caught my eyes, i'm not a huge Prince of Persia fan, i've played Sand of Times, enjoyed it but that's about the extent of my time with the franchise but seeing all the style displayed in the trailers instantly made it one of my most anticipated upcoming games, and it largely delivered!
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Gameplay-wise it's phenomenal! Movement, combat and just general gameflow felt great throughout though some of the platform challenge rooms definitely made me want to pull my hair out but overcoming those is extremely satisfying. Also satisfying is the game combat- you can do some extremely sick air juggle combos.
Story-wise it's a little rocky, I liked the tone & the characters that populate the mountain & on paper I think I like a lot of what the narrative is trying to do but it never really came together for me, it allows for some great set pieces but it's also a little hard to follow sometimes. I think some of that is on purpose to reflect the chaotic nature of the mountain & to give weight to the lore drops that you can find that illuminates some details of the story but theirs also some stuff in here that was definitely not intentional like a character who suddenly disappears halfway in and is not ever mentioned again. I had to look it up to see if I forgot something or if maybe I missed a encounter but nope they just vanish, A clear sign of cut content because once you notice their gone it's really easy to see where they were suppose to be.
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Other than that though I can't praise this game enough, it's definitely worth your time if your a fan of the "Search Action-genre"
i'll die before I call the genre metroidvania
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runimanio · 5 months
2024 Game Clear #5 Mega Man ZX
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So I didn't expect to clear three Mega Man games in a row but the weather got really bad on my days off and I couldn't go anywhere so I wanted a shorter game to blast through and my copy of Sly 1 needs replacing since the animated FMV in that are skipping hard so ZX it is
This is a replay for me, I wanted to play through Vent's story as a refresher before I eventually do ZXA,. I played through Aile's story back in the height of covid and because of that my first playthrough is just kinda a blur in my mind I didn't remember anything from the first time around
Except this, I very much remember this
Content Warning: Flashing Lights
Replaying it, it's just okay. I like the aesthetics and a lot of the ideas in it but the search action stuff feels pretty half baked and doesn't really add anything for me, Backtracking in this just becomes so tedious especially with how useless the map is, how mini bosses & area bossses respawn and less than ideal teleporter locations makes doing side quest an absolute chore that it just doesn't feel worth it
Also how missions and side quest are handled is pain too you need go a save point and select one mission to do- you can't do a side quest passively and do it on the way to something else or you find where you need to go for your main mission you than have to go back, find a save point, select the mission and then head back- if you have to cancel a mission for whatever reason it puts you back where you accepted the mission for some reason, its just puts so much busy work between you and actually doing the mega maning you want to do.
That said that mega maning is good, I don't think streamlineing ZX would put it on the top of my list or anything but it's pretty solid when it just feels like a standard mega man game. Though Model H aside which I used the hell out of the other Models beside ZX felt very situational to actually use, except Model H which I used the hell out of- to get around & and even some boss fights that Model H wasn't a weakness for, truly a common Sage Harpuia W
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Also the secret bosses- being Omega Zero and the Zero bosses you get for linking your GBA games are some of the cool secret bosses in the series- though I wish that since you can fight them before clearing the game that you could actually use the Model O you get for beating these boss before beating the game kinda lame that you can't
Last note I think they went in and re-rendered the game's FMV which is very cool and they look very good
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runimanio · 5 months
2024 Game Clear #4 Mega Man X: Command Mission
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This is an interesting one, a tradition turn based Mega Man X RPG that has much to love, but also leaves me wanting in a lot of way. Perhaps because this is the final X series game I needed to play it also left me thinking about the storytelling & characterization of the X series so this will probably be a long one
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The story here is that a maverick named Epsilon has formed a army aptly named the Rebellion Army to occupy Giga City and form a reploid supremist state and now the Maverick Hunters must intervene! If your familiar with the X series this will sound extremely in line with the general plotline the action games tended to have & it's clear that the developers really wanted to translate as much stuff and mechanics from those games into a RPG format (there's even a boss rush teleport room at the end!)
That thinking creates a pretty neat battle system but being so loyal to the plot structure of the main series X really does the story of a RPG & the new charters a disservice, you could very easily cut this 20 hour game into a standard X platformer & lose very little of the actual meat.
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X and Zero are fully in their deadly serious mode that they've been in in for the late series X games, gone are Zero's days of confidently giving a thumbs up we're full broody edge lord & X is in cop mode at all time which is a shame since this could've been a great way to really explore these two in more depths then normally allowed.
I liked the new characters but they don't really get anything to do here, after their recruitment there character arc is pretty much done & i'm pretty sure Spider aside, the other 3 maybe talked to Zero & Axel maybe once throughout the entire game. I wish I could tell you anything about Marino or Cinnamon other then what written on the tin. Massimo is a brute struggling to live up to his mentor name, Marino is a thief who unexpectedly finds herself embroiled into the conflicted, Cinnamon is a living blacksmith forge i guess? And Spider is a bounty hunter who's later actions makes me question his early actions. They all have a lot of potential they're just unserved.
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Let's move on to a lighter note for a bit, This battle system is pretty cool, it uses a turn system similar to the Digimon Story games (it's probably comes from something older but I'm blanking lol) where you can see the upcoming order of who moves first & even have your unit act multiple times before your enemy can under the right circumstances, two buttons can be equipped with special weapons that use Weapon Energy to fire and can be used before taking your action for the turn. Instead of healing items you have sub tanks you can collect and fill that you can pull from for healing.
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Action Trigger are essentially limit breaks where you use all your weapon energy & play a little mini game for a big attack, its a little repetitive and i don't love doing a Mario Party style stick rotation for Cinnamon's heal trigger but it's fine & everyone has a hyper mode which is a temporary transformation that massively buffs the character or even in some cases change out their weapons and Action Triggers, X and Zero have secret unlockable Hyper modes that are super OP and fun to use.
It's a really fun and unique system & I do appreciate that I never really felt I need to grind but it can get pretty old when your binging through the game since enemy can feel pretty spongy and the encounter rate sometimes can a little aggressive where I'll get out of a battle and slightly adjust myself to get my barring again only to be thrown back into a battle immediately but sometimes i would go several rooms without any encounters so it probably varies.
And when you get lost the constant battles can be grating & getting lost can be easy as the entire game looks like this
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All the stages feel like I'm exploring a bunker with almost entire game being made up of narrow hallways, even Giga City the city in the sky kinda just feels like another a bunker also slight tangent about the game's world it's funny that even in this RPG the X world is devoid onscreen humans, I don't know what Sigma and all the other Mavricks are complaining about, seems like the humans are doing a great job leaving reploids alone!
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It probably sounds like I really didn't like the game but I did ultimately enjoy the game but I just see so much untapped potential in this game, these characters & this world, I can imagine a version of this game were Massimo has a longer character arc struggling with feeling like he's failing to honor the mantle, Maybe Marino learning to believe in the cause, More of Cinnamon learning what she wants to do beside just being a actual tool for people to use. My mind races with possibilities with this world & I only got a fraction of what I would've liked.
I truly wish it got a sequel because this is a very solid base to build on & really Mega Man has always been an iterative franchise but in hindsight of all the baggage the next generation would bring, the mega man recession of the late aughts, & Inafune gaining more power within Capcom & apparently hating the idea of a X RPG to begin with Command Mission was probably made at the last possible moment it could've been made.
Anyway here's some random thought to end off on
recontextualizing Axl's A Trans ability into summons is very cool
Everyone in the city getting new dialogue as the story progresses is neat
Cinnamon's design uses the red cross logo so this game is a violation of the Geneva Convention
I'm not really sure why they needed this to take place in 22XX causing it to have no place in the timeline due to the Zero games also taking place then other than maybe wanting to remove themselves from the earth is damaged after X5 continuity idk
This version of Ultimate Armor is crazy, X ain't playing around anymore no way Dr. Light signed off on this lol
After her chapter Marino never vocally speaks again for the rest of the game, she didn't deserve to be done like that.
Absolute Zero is very cool
Shout out to my friend Talion for gifting this to me for Christmas, thanks buddy!
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runimanio · 5 months
2024 Game Clear #3 Mega Man The Wily Wars
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A remake of the first three Mega Man games! Because the base it's built on is very solid, this game is also very solid except mega man 2 orb room boss which is already balls in the NES game is made worse here due to the bigger sprites but I think I like this version of one more than the NES version so it balances out
I also didn't have much trouble with the Doc Robots in 3 this time when they absolutely trashed me when I first played 3, so I don't know if I just got much better after playing all these games or if they made them easier lol
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While the remakes are neat, the true gem in this collection is the Wily Tower mode. New levels made with assets from all three games with originals robot master with designs based off of Journey to the West.
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I like them, though Hyper Storm.H's bigger sprite makes him look like a X Maverick. You can also bring a loadout of weapons from all three games, Metal Blade & Thunder Beam go brrrr! Since you can bring all the overpowered weapons you can really tear through the stages and bosses which is very fun, I did decide to take all the bosses except the final boss on with just the the mega buster though so I could actual see what their boss patterns was like, overall a really cool package.
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runimanio · 5 months
2024 Game Clear #1 Super Mario Wonder
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I had a great time with this, even as someone who doesn't think the NSMB series is the work of the devil it's undeniable how much of a breath of fresh air this game is, honestly might be my favorite 2D mario game period.
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One of my favorite moments was when us an impromptu party formed from us online randos on one of the challenge levels, all of us stuck to together to make sure everyone made it through, did that allow us to cheese the level a little bit? Sure, but it was so neat to see people helping random strangers that they'll never see again by waiting for the other player to catch up, giving other there backup items or just cheering people on when they clear a hard part of the level.
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runimanio · 6 days
2024 Game Clears #23 X-Men Arcade and Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon Arcade
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Putting these together because my friend Jacob and I played these back to back and not because I once had a fever dream where I found a unpublished Marvel Vs Sailor Moon comic from the nineties in my attic for some reason and then started getting assassination attempt by Marvel comic collector.
Starting with X-men, like a lot of people right now X-Men 97 really has given me mutant fever and now i'm X-Men stuff I always wanted to get to but never had time, Reading Dark Phoenix, rewatching the Fox movies for the first since I was kid and yes playing Konami's X-Men arcade game. As a kid my rural town randomly had a 2 player cabinet in the bar, my parents never would give me quarters but I still would mash the buttons and pretend I was playing during the attract demo.
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And yeah playing it 20 year later, it's a fun classic Konami brawler! It does have some weird oddities like the designs being from that Pryde of the X-Men 80's pilots, Magneto having a sentinel army is kind of strange but non of that detracts from it being a great time also shout out to being able to wail on downed enemies
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On the Sailor Moon side... This game is so pretty all the sprites and animations are so nice... well I could do without Mercury's throw animation which is just a prominent upskirt you just gotta accept with 90's Sailor Moon sometimes unfortunately look at Usagi's desperation attack, I love how she just flails around
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I think X-Men is probably a better game, its a little less repetitive and has less of the retro beat-em-up game design tropes that kinda bother me such as X-men only having friendly fire on throws while SM it can genuinely kinda hard to not get in each other way but I do think Sailor Moon looks nicer and I think I liked this a bit better then the consoles Sailor Moon beat-em-ups.
its hard to write about brawler like this because I can be like "oh it's just kinda just a button basher" but who cares about that, grab a friend and launch one of these up and you'll have a fun time for hour
(also playing Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon™ (Arcade Game) made me what to watch Sailor Moon again Toei when are we getting Cosmos over here what's taking so long?)
Jacob's Note: "I had a fun time raging out as Colossus lol
(should logically with that note end the post with a gif of Colossus screaming but that too much flashing light so uhhh here's Usagi gaming instead)
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