etherexllxght-blog · 6 years
imessage ➝ effy & finn
Effy: Where have you been?
Effy: I've been calling you all day
Effy: Are you working today?
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geniusidict · 6 years
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                       He shouldn’t be looking at his ex’s LITTLE sister they way he was, but fuck the older Jamie got the hotter she got, and besides, she was ALMOST legal, so he told himself. “ hey, milkovich, you alright over there, ya look like you’re on a different planet --” he laughs teasing her, a wink tossed in her direction before he takes a drag on his cigarette.  “ fuck me, you grew up over summer ---” Lip commented, eyes shamelessly trailing over her petite frame. / @rvnninonfvmes
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etherexllxght-blog · 6 years
a little starter for @rvnninonfvmes –– feat. freddie & finn
Freddy nodded his head slightly, trying desperately to remember the part of his life that she was in. There was something about this woman, he could feel it, but he could not think of why she was so important to him, why his heart leapt every time he looked her. He sipped the drink in his hand; luckily the two could talk properly here, stowed away in a dinner not far from the club where she worked. He knew how important this conversation was, but he was terrified to have it. He was scared of what he would discover. ‘So, you and I... We dated.’ His voice was soft, painfully aware that he was most likely underplaying their relationship hugely. ‘And then... I was attacked... And the rest I sort remember.’ He kept his eyes on her, hoping that her story was true. 
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fallawcys · 6 years
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            julian thought he’d never get ian to sleep. had he not accomplished it, he would have thought 'ian’ and ‘sleeping’ were antonyms. sure, it took half a case of heineken ( julian only had one ), a little help from an old friend named mary jane, and possibly even more from a movie title ‘the notebook’ ( don’t give them that look, nothing good was on tv ), but it happened nonetheless. perfect. –––––– within a few minutes, julian quietly tiptoed to the stairs and towards fiona’s room, knocking softly on the door. “the guy’s out like a light.” he spoke in a hushed voice, the smallest hint of a smirk on his lips. “i sure hope you’re worth the sneaking around, gallagher.”
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geniusidict · 6 years
@rvnninonfvmes replied to your post “˜œ ⚔️”
Jamie says she’d give him that daddy kink so fast
Lip wonders if she fucks as good as her sister/cousin im sorry i checked your bio bby but it doesn’t tell me hahaah does 
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corruptedguilt-blog · 6 years
‘ it’s ok to disappear for a lil while and get your shit together. ’ ( iggy )
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“I don’t want to disappear from you. Ever. For any reason.”
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etherexllxght-blog · 6 years
a little starter for @rvnninonfvmes –– feat. effy & cook
It had been a few days since she’d seen Cook, since she’d met his girlfriend; her breath had been baited since their encounter, each moment spent with her mind on one thing: him. She felt as though she was in a dream, a horrible reality in which she was both 24 years old and 16 again.  So, caught in her own confusion, she’d texted him, telling him that she wanted to meet. But she couldn’t do it at her apartment, nor could she do it at his; she’d suggested a party, something like they used to attend in their youth. Effy had never been good at talking, but maybe the two could be together for a little while without the reality of words. She’d arrived a little late, but that was always her style, and moved into the club, eyes scanning the scene for his familiar face. A small smile spread across her face as she moved towards him. ‘Hello.’ She said softly into his ear. ‘You look nice.’ 
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rvnninonfvmes replied to your post: writer’s nook. if someone could give one of my...
give me your tired your handsome your poor your street urchins of lore
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creativechaos · 6 years
rvnninonfvmes replied to your post: Just an observation; Jug.head only trusts 3...
he did for a scene in the first season i think, when they were going to bed but i think that’s it??
yas! that's right! It was when Archie went to go "get milk for his mom" or something like that.
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thebvdguysog · 7 years
bellamy & jamie and for the hell of it, iggy & octavia ;)
Send me a ship and I will tell you: (Sleeping!)
Bellamy & Jamie
Who is a night owl: Probably Jamie, Bellamy’s an old soul - he’s probably knocked out at 9PM, 10PM the latest.
Who is a morning person: Bellamy, he’d sit by the window with a cup of coffee, probably encouraging Jamie to get out of bed and enjoy the day and by that he means 6-7AM
Are they cuddlers: Yessssssss 
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon: Bellamy is the big spoon, sometimes the small spoon - he loves being held. 
What is their favourite sleeping position: Bellamy’s  is her on his chest, his nap time position is probably his head on her stomach. 
Who steals all the blankets: Jamie. 
What they wear to bed: Boxers if its hot, sweatpants if its cold. 
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: Bellamy finds it adorable and sometimes sexy when he comes home to Jamie in his t-shirt. 
Who falls asleep mid-conversation: BELLAMY OLD SOUL, but probably jamie too sometimes bc he’d bore tf out of her with some history shit most likely 
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: Bellamy. 
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: Jamie probably with the way Bellamy sleeps 
Who can’t keep their hands to themself: PROBABLY BOTH 
Octavia and Iggy oh god 
Who is a night owl: probably both? 
Who is a morning person: Hmm, some days octavia but i’d probably say neither. 
Are they cuddlers: SOMETIMES YES 
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon: Octavia’s the little spoon
What is their favourite sleeping position: Octavia loves being held at night, so probably anything involving iggy’s arms around her.
Who steals all the blankets: Octavia 
What they wear to bed: She probably steals one of his shirts or maybe his over sized sweatpants?? 
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: Iggy 
Who falls asleep mid-conversation: I can see Octavia boring iggy with a lame ass movie 
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: Iggy?? 
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: Octavia probably hits in her sleep
Who can’t keep their hands to themself: OCTAVIAAAAA.
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milkovichsmickey-a · 7 years
WONDERFUL PERSON AWARD ♡✧( ु•⌄• ) once you get this award, you're supposed to paste it in the ask box of some people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it's nice to know that someone thinks you're wonderful inside and out. ☆.。.:*・°
Aw. This was a lovely thing to see in my inbox after a long day. You’re quite wonderful yourself.
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dvrktwists-blog · 6 years
rvnninonfvmes replied to your post: okay so i am changing sophias fc ( it was shady...
������������ Jamie tho
riiiigjt. i feel that people are so slept on jamie tho. like whut is this ? but yah 
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