#s*lki peeps y’all are those annoying ass normies that would be happy about any man and woman kissing even if their relationship is unhealthy
musclesandhammering · 7 months
Idk which is worse, the delusional loki*s stans that are braindead enough to be convinced that the company that butchered the show’s queer rep is actually gonna make their ship canon or the annoying ass s*lkis that think having yet another unnecessary cookie cutter heteronormative romance that takes away from the plot and Loki’s character development is a good and profound thing.
I just wanna talk about the show without seeing 16379490405 posts about how “uwu he loves him/her so much, he/she is his new glorious purpose 🥹”. Like. That is SO NOT the point of the show, guys.
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