#sab​u blabs
sabusthings · 2 months
-kicks ur door down-
I'M TORN HERE between Mozart and Salieri [ofc] and the avenger agenda trio,,,,,one of those two for the ship meme \ 'u' /
I’ll do it for Mozart and Salieri first, then Avenger Agenda uwu
who’s the cuddler: 
I think they both would be! Mozart is the one who’s most obvious about it, and does hug Salieri in public. But I’m part of large Greek communities who regularly hung out with the Italian community, and man, there is quite a bit of hugging, so I think Salieri also hugs those close to him, but everyone gets surprised by it, even if he does it often enough.
who makes the bed:
Salieri. He cleans up everything.
who wakes up first:
Mozart, bc I headcanon him being a light sleeper and having awful sleeping patterns thanks to the majority of his life having to deal with a demon in his head. He wakes up and tries to go back to sleep or just lies there while Salieri keeps sleeping.
who has the weird taste in music:
Mozart. Like, I think they both appreciate various genres and see the effort and love in it but I think Mozart has some weird indie faves.
who is more protective:
Salieri for Mozart’s physical well being, but Mozart tends to get possessive if he sees Salieri getting uncomfortable
who sings in the shower:
Mozart, belting out the Queen tunes.
who cries during movies:
I can’t see either of them crying bdjbdhb. I feel that Mozart goes more on a face journey but doesn’t cry when watching a movie, but Salieri is STOIC the entire way.
who spends the most while out shopping:
Salieri will claim that Mozart spends money frivolously, but Mozart has seen the price tags on the things Salieri buys
who kisses more roughly:
Salieri, with his bites
who is more domineering:
I think Salieri is physically more domineering. But Mozart is always in control of the situation and has him wrapped around his little finger.
Ship Rating:
1000000/10 its the best
Avenger Agenda (Dantes/Jalter/Salieri)
who’s the cuddler: 
Salieri!! But what’s this, Jalter with the need for human contact but won’t voice it???
who makes the bed:
Salieri, again. I really cant see Dantes or Jalter making beds lmaooo
who wakes up first:
Dantes i feel is the first to get up in most situations. Light sleeper as well, but he will slink out of bed to go smoke out the window.
who has the weird taste in music:
Jalter, Salieri and Dantes just nod and smile when she talks about her new fave weird singer.
who is more protective:
I think they would all be, but Dantes is the most Intense about it. The “corners you and gives you a Warning” kind of intense
who sings in the shower:
Jalter and I don’t think she is great at it.
who cries during movies:
Jalter again but she will claim she never did.
who spends the most while out shopping:
Dantes with his Treasure of Monte Cristo skill, buying things left and right, making the other two balk at the prices.
who kisses more roughly:
All of themmmmm, They want to leave their marks on one another.
who is more domineering:
Oh Dantes. Absolutely. He is the lil defacto leader of the polycule nd only Jalter calls him out on shit.
Ship Rating:
Sabu is Delusional/10
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professorllayton · 3 years
all the women in this series r literally so stunning and dreamy and . well the men r there
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clubolive · 3 years
ok up from nap gonna go watch death note I wanna laugh w y’all too 👇🏽😞
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professorllayton · 3 years
what was w the decision to make pekka rollins kinda hot. huh
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professorllayton · 3 years
i really just cant imagine being excited for matthias, witnessing every single interaction he had w nina and going “yeah king <3″ HOW. 
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