pennymarshall · 5 years
( FLORENCE PUGH, 18, BICURIOUS ) that must be PENELOPE MARSHALL. i heard SHE is here because they suffer from BIPOLAR DISORDER, & MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER. they came all the way from BALTIMORE + MARYLAND. i heard they can be INTELLIGENT but also WITHDRAWN. the staff have labeled them as GREEN level. { Vi, 28, gmt }
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hey everyone! this is penny. i/we are super excited and stoked to be here. here’s some backstory if you’re into that sort of thing:
— younger sister to mallory marshall (who i used to play once upon a time ago so penny’s already giving me big sad feels) 
— mallory was murdered five years ago by an asylum patient who suffered delusions and thought he was jack the ripper incarnate. it was big news that rocked the small connecticut town where mallory was a patient in the asylum, and back in baltimore, mallory & penny’s home town.
— twelve year old penny’s world turned upside down as she completely looked up to her big sister, despite most of their family troubles stemming from her (mallory’s) having dissociative identity disorder.
— five years later, in 2018, penny marshall killed the very man who had murdered her sister, and willingly surrendered herself to authorities. she had been planning the move for years, basically did very little else but plan how to execute this mission on behalf of her sister.
— penny’s mother was wracked with guilt and sought the very best lawyers money could find. her lawyers plead not guilty by reason of insanity and were successful.
— as a part of the legal proceedings, penny’s lawyer, magnolia sawyer, convinced the court she was suffering from both bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder. while penny is indeed depressive, she does not, to the best of her knowledge, suffer from bipolar disorder. 
— penny avoided jail time on the condition that she admit herself into a mental health facility, and she was admitted to saint dymphna.
—she was brought into the red level at first, but once staff realized that penny was not that great of a risk to herself, nor others in the asylum, she was knocked down to green level.
— your character may know of the story (it broke around spring of 2018) of penny killing the hope grove patient! bear in mind she is not likely to open up about details though.
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msluisa · 5 years
hi, i’m elle and so excited for this to be back. i’m terrible at intros but had enough pre-established muse to get this one going. everything i write is a work in progress so please be patient with me. this is my darling luisa that has messed up in her life but deserves the absolute world! please like this if you would like to plot and i’ll come into your ims. i can’t wait to roleplay with you all !
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( carla gugino, 47, bisexual ) that must be LUISA GALLO. i heard SHE is here because they suffer from BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER and DEPRESSION. they came all the way from NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK. i heard they can be NURTURING but also OVER-EMOTIONAL. the staff have labeled them as BLUE level. { elle, 21, bst }
luisa didn’t have the best upbringing, probably the understatement of the century. her mother was absent for most of her childhood and she was left in the hands of her alcoholic father. she wanted to make him happy but nothing seemed to work and he just seemed disappointed. she was a sweet child and did exactly what she was told; she was too loyal to her father.
when her mother did show up, the woman would always say how perfect her daughter was but then criticised constantly. however, it was bearable. the little girl begged for the woman to stay with them but she refused. she cropped up every other month acting like she had saved the day but it only broke tess’ heart.
as she got older, she threw herself into her studies, wanting to be the best she could be, not for herself but to finally make her father proud. that never seemed to happen and as she pushed and pushed herself, she crumbled. she was in her last year of high school when she finally started dating and he was an asshole. her father was far too possessive and thought no one was good for her so he threatened him to disappear and that’s exactly what happened. another person had left her and this would become a pattern.
luisa was a serial dater throughout college despite her brilliant grades. she was studying law and had a brilliant future ahead of her but never settled into anything. she didn’t feel confident enough to become a lawyer and felt like she needed someone to support her.  when she old him that she was pregnant, he left her and she couldn’t do anything about her. luisa overcompensated for a lot of things, scared that she was doing something wrong and this drove him away.
several men followed and people did judge but she was convinced that she loved them all at the time. they weren’t nice people and she realised it until it was too late. she has brought dangerous people into her kids’ life and will never forgive herself for it. luisa has five children that all have different fathers.
she was a senior paralegal at a law firm but could never permanently hold down a job as her attitude didn’t fit in with the firm and she seemed to have a problem with everything constantly (not to mention she was crying a lot at work). she had a break when her children were born and did some part time jobs to provide for her children. the woman always seemed to be struggling either financially and emotionally.
when getting drunk on a night out, the woman broke down, suicidal and so her friends rang the police; they were really worried about her. she was diagnosed with depression and started to receive treatment for it. 
after her diagnosis, she met the man that would become her husband - she felt like she needed him as she felt like she was unable to support her family by herself. luisa had always put up with his abuse but it became worse over the last few years. her children  witnessed it but it was getting so bad. she’s ruined her children, she can see it; they despise her and although she tries to communicate them, her true intentions never come across.
luisa was first hospitalized in 2013 due to her mental health and has been hospitalized twice since. it put a lot of pressure on her eldest daughter; the girl’s life became about supporting her siblings because her mother was unable to and the girl has grown to despise her because of this. luisa still loves her but things feel unfixable between them; she tries desperately to fix their relationship but somehow makes it worse.
she was then diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and started to receive treatment.
she finally split with her husband in 2017 but found it incredibly difficult. she did try to self-medicate and would get her into quite a state but one of her youngest children had a gift for calming her down.
after losing her job, she got wrapped up in the heat of the moment and tried to take her own life. luisa regrets this a lot and feels so guilty for the fact that she put her children through so much... again. wanting to get better, she agreed to go to saint dymphna for treatment.
she does love her children but she has trouble regulating her emotions so can seem a little self-centred and emotional; the amount of times her kids have seen her cry is unreal and they shouldn’t have to see their mother in constant tears.
i will reinforce that she LOVES her children so much and hates herself even more for how she’s not supported them. all she wants them to do is love her but she can’t force that, no matter how hard she tries. her children are on her mind constantly and it does make her very emotional.
although she’s not considered a threat, if she’s having a bad day, luisa can seem really intense and she has trouble pulling back. her mood swings are to blame when things escalate quickly.
she tends to adopt the younger patients to try and fill the void of her own children - she wants to feel as though she has done at least one thing right ...
luisa cries a lot !!!
she’s incredibly defensive.
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ofhcrper-blog · 5 years
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( madelaine petsch, 25, bisexual ) that must be HARPER DAMONS. i heard SHE is here because they suffer from SEXUAL SADISM & SUBSTANCE ABUSE. they came all the way from PERKINS, NORTH DAKOTA. i heard they can be VIVACIOUS but also MANIPULATIVE. the staff have labeled them as GREEN level.
i’m fin and i’m here to introduce my sinnamon roll harper!! 
but first my self-centeredness must shine thru of course. so i’m gonna make this whole thing short and sweet bc the last rp i was in shut down in literally less than a week... it was really awkward. anyways i have an unhealthy obsession with svu and prisons. i’ve seen girls incarcerated on netflix 3 times, and am working on a 4th. i start community college tomorrow morning bc i left a university so i could stay home with my family. i’m a libruh and can't stop quoting most vines and jenna marbles
but anyways here’s harper
she’s sassy, she’s classy, and she was addicted to cocaine. her hobbies include painting, dehumanizing men, chaining women to the bedroom wall, and cooking. 
she has serious hustle - she knows what she wants and knows how to go after it. sometimes that can get her in trouble, and, well, that’s exactly what happened. instead of doing time in state prison, the judge sentenced her to the saint dymphna institution.
i’ll be filling out the task soon so everyone can have a more formal understanding of harper <3
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sxmblack-blog · 5 years
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( DARREN CRISS, 24, HOMOSEXUAL ) that must be SAMUEL BLACKWELL. i heard HE is here because he suffers from ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER. he came all the way from SAN FRANSISCO, CALIFORNIA. i heard he can be CHARMING but also MANIPULATIVE. the staff have labeled him as GREEN level. 
HELLO FRIENDS. i’m maria and this piece of shit is samuel. u can call him sam, ur chara can call him samuel. i’m gonna write a bio but i’m too tired atm so here are some quick facts to get a feel of him i guess
he has two older brothers so he’s the youngest of three, and his parents are filthy rich so he’s used to getting what he wants whenever he wants it
used to go hunting with his dad when he was a lil kiddo but lost that privilege after The Accident (oooOooOoO)
showing negative emotions gets u scolded in the blackwell household
he is convinced that actual relationships are a waste of time
he was sent away after breaking one of his brothers’ nose during a fight and threatening him with their father’s gun
wants what you have and will steal your nice things
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hxlytrinity-blog · 5 years
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(subject to change, as this is r o u g h)
TW: under the cut are mentions of abuse/murder.
Nothing of note ever really happened to Kieran Mercer until they were almost 17 years old. By that point, they were already comfortable in their person, already content with their sexuality, with their gender identity, with the way they chose to present themselves to the world.
They also, at that point, already had their first major boyfriend. His name was Charlie Baxter, he had dyed pink hair, and he was the coolest guy Kitty had ever met.
He also was abusive, possessive, and a downright jerk.
They had met when Kitty was 13, had been dating ever since, but things came to a head one February night when Kieran was 16. There was a fight, the worst they’d ever had. A fight, a struggle, and only one of them came out alive.
The judge took one look at Kieran, at the bruises ringing their neck in the shape of two hands, before calling the bludgeoning of Charles Baxter self-defense.
Things were relatively uneventful after that, thankfully. Kieran peacefully graduated a year early, went to college, got their degree, and then got a job at Saint Dymphna asylum. They’ve tried to put the past behind them in a major way, going so far as to ignore it ever even happened, to pretend they hatched fully grown at their college graduation, and so far, it seems to be working.
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roxtless-tree · 6 years
( DYLAN O'BRIAN, 24, BISEXUAL ) that must be CASPER FERGUS . i heard HE is here because they suffer from SUBSTANCE ABUSE/ADDICTION, BIPOLAR DISORDER (MIXED SPECIFIER). they came all the way from FARGO+ NORTH DAKOTA. i heard they can be WITTY  but also STUBBORN. the staff have labeled them as BLUE level. 
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The first time Casper was drunk, he was a eleven years old and things really didn’t stop there. When he was thirteen he started smoking pot and by the time he was sixteen he’d tried mushrooms, acid, coke, heroin and did a mix of these things whenever possible. 
When Casper was seventeen he was barely going to school because of this he needed to redo his twelfth year. He dropped out on his second try at eighteen. 
At eighteen Casper smoked crystal meth for the very first time. He was addicted from the the first puff. It didn’t take him long to move straight into injecting glass.
His family was perfect. Wealthy, happy, loving, kind, helpful and on and on. His two younger half siblings are literally perfect. He has stolen from his parents, robbed there house blind a few times, and used to crash there every time he was tweaking. 
When he was nineteen Casper was in rehab for a week before walking out the front door and straight to his deal. 
Six months ago, Casper attacked said dealer and killed him when he would sell to Casper anymore. Mostly because he owed his dealer more money than most people made in a year. 
After a trail he was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder, mixed specifier, and was placed in Saint dymphna. 
He would literally kill his own mother if she stood between him and a hit. 
Casper is still very much going through withdrawal. A fun fact about Methamphetamines is that it takes up to a year for someone to completely withdrawal from it.  
He has done just about everything you can imagine a person doing in order to get his hands on his drug of choice. Sold himself, robbed stores/houses and mugged people on the street. He will do it again.
Being sober and bipolar is something that he’s super not used too and he doesn’t do well when his mood swings from up to down or the other way. 
His mood does swing often. When he’s up he can be crazy violent if the wrong shit happens. 
Other times he’s generally focused on getting his needs meet. Either via drug, sex, or literally anything else that would get him off and high. 
He is board ninety-eight percent of the time. 
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sterllngs · 6 years
( WILLAM BELLI, 32, HOMOSEXUAL ) that must be CHRIS STERLING. i heard HE is here because they suffer from BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER, ANOREXIA, DRUG ADDICTION. they came all the way from SUMMERLIN, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA. i heard they can be COMPASSIONATE but also NAIVE. the staff have labeled them as GREEN level.
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chris was born and raised in summerlin, nevada. his parents divorced when he was young and, eventually, he went to live with his father
he’s the youngest of three kids that his parents had together, so he’s used to being babied by others
his father is the one who caused a lot of the issues he has today. todd is a plastic surgeon and, over the years, has pressured chris into operations to improve his appearance. whether it be liposuction or a nose job, he’s had it all done and it wasn’t by his own free will
the anorexia developed as a teenager when he had his first bout of liposuction after his father told him that he looked fat, and ever since that it’s been running rampant in his life
he’s just a mess all around. his father was emotionally/mentally abusive and, when chris thought he was finally getting away from all of that, he got married to a man that hurt him
he still doesn’t realize that there was anything wrong with his marriage to his ex husband, charlie, because he was so used to it as a young adult that being put back into such an environment was no change from the usual routine
after a string of suicide attempts, one right after another, chris was legally placed into his father’s care. this is what led to the divorce and, eventually, his commitment to saint dymphna. todd didn’t want to deal with the shit any longer and sent chris away
he’s been a resident of the institution for a few years now and hasn’t made nay kind of real progress, so no one knows when he’ll be able to go home - if that possibility ever comes up at all
for a while he was considered to be a blue level patient, but the outbursts started about a year ago. he’s grown more irritable and can’t hold back his anger when someone bothers him, so staff and patients alike face his wrath and that caused him to be moved to the green level
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hxlytrinity-blog · 5 years
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(subject to change, as this is r o u g h)
TW: under the cut is brief mentions of torture/death.
Theo Rosenberg killed 9 people over the course of two and a half years. He met older men at gay bars, lured them either back to their homes or to a hotel room with the promise of a good time, and then the fun could begin. Police found their bodies tortured and mutilated, strung up in lewd displays, scenes that made even seasoned officers sick.
Well, the real Theo Rosenberg did.
The real Theo Rosenberg is rotting in a jail cell somewhere. He has no idea that he’s supposedly a patient of Saint Dymphna, given that he’s never actually met Othello “Theo” James, nor heard of the assignment this other Theo was given.
Saint Dymphna, an asylum some hundred miles from where Theo had been living. For years, there have been whispers of patient abuse, of staff abusing their power, of corruption and drug smuggling and death. It’s time someone found out the truth.
It’s an assignment Theo was probably not prepared for, however, given that he was all of twenty-three years old, neurotypical, and had never actually killed someone. Since the start of his career, he’d been doing mostly coverage of local police reports, as well as keeping up with the obituaries of the area, but he was pulled from those projects in order to throw himself into research, to learn how to fool an entire hospital into thinking he was a hardened killer.
He’s read up on the right things to do, the right things to say, but reading and doing are more different than he’d expected. The thought of the things he’d supposedly done makes him sick to his stomach, but he has to pretend to be proud, to have liked hurting men old enough to be his father.
He’s not sure he can do this, but now that he’s securely locked in Saint Dymphna’s Red level, he doesn’t exactly have a choice.
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thekatherinejay · 6 years
( ALLISON SCAGLIOTTI, 28, LESBIAN ) that must be KATHERINE JAY. She works at saint dymphna as a KITCHEN ASSISTANT. they’ve been working at saint dymphna for A YEAR AND A HALF and i heard they’re damn good at their job. rumor has it they can be RELAXED but also HYPOCRITICAL. 
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Yo, it’s Sai again, same person that plays Dawn, the constantly confused bean. But now I’ve got Katherine too, cause I figured we needed more staff around here, and I’ve wanted to play Allison Scags for ages. So here’s some stuff about Katherine!
Katherine wants to go to culinary school, so this job is how she’s saving up and getting experience in kitchens. Except she’s not super eager to put Dymphna on a resume...
She was adopted when was she was five years old by a wealthy family, and grew up wanting for nothing. But around the time she was fifteen, her adoptive father, a lawyer, was caught forging evidence and immediately lost his license. Suddenly her family had to start selling everything and move into a smaller house, and Katherine had to start working.
She started working at a fast food joint when she was sixteen. She hated working there, but she was surprised when she found herself enjoying working in a kitchen. So she decided to hop from place to place, hoping for the chance to go to culinary school.
She was able to move out by age 26, but things were difficult. So after just four months in her apartment, she got her job at Dymphna, partially because they’d give her an apartment of her own.
Katherine is a lesbian. She tried dating one guy in high school, but it never worked out, and she felt pretty uncomfortable during the whole month the relationship lasted. A few months later she got her first girlfriend, and they were together until a week before high school graduation.
Her family isn’t exactly accepting of her being gay, but they don’t openly condemn her for it, either. They just pretend it’s not a thing, and never speak of her relationships, even when she wants to introduce them to a girlfriend. She is currently single.
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psychosaskia-blog · 6 years
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( KATHARINE ISABELLE, 31, PANSEXUAL ) that must be SASKIA LARAWELL. i heard SHE is here because they suffer from SEXUAL MASOCHISM/SADISM DISORDER & SCHIZOPHRENIA. they came all the way from BOLTON ONTARIO, CANADA. i heard they can be SOCIAL but also UNPREDICTABLE. the staff have labeled them as GREEN level.
Hellooooo, it’s nice to meet you all. Please allow me to introduce my little wackadoo Saskia. I’ve had her sitting on the back burner for years because she never really fit in anywhere cause she’s so crazy so I’m hoping she can settle in with this lovely group.
She’s from Canada originally but ran away a loooooong time ago. She has a tendency to get obsessed with people and do whatever they say which was what lead her to blindly follow several partners around the world and when things went south she would lose her mind and stalk them until she found someone new. She may have killed one ex and attempted to murder another but no one can prove anything in her mind.
She’s basically done anything she needed to to get money from waitressing for small change and stripping/escorting/dominatrix...ing? And because she’s not well and things would get a little rowdy if unleashed her darkside a lot of the time. Let’s just say that there were times she was put in charge and lost control and clients ended up in the ER.
I want to end on a high note and say something positive about her personality but I’m drawing a black other than she’s kinda nice when she’d lucid?
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