#same goes for any of the fairies really but silvermist is one of two in the main squad who doesn’t have her own movie
violetwolfraven · 4 months
Hey Disney the 20 year anniversary of the first Tinkerbell movie is coming up and if you start planning now 5 years should be plenty of time to produce a hella great revival movie 🤷🏻‍♀️ just sayin
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ranibell · 4 years
Disney Fairies Shipping Rant
(Warning: unpopular opinions ahead. You may disagree, but I’ll defend my opinions! I don’t mean offense to any of the people who like certain pairings in this series--what you like isn’t a reflection of you as a person, or your intelligence or heart, it’s that simple--I just have a hard time understanding why it is some of these are as popular as they are.)
I marked 4 “NOTPs” on that shipping meme, and...let’s talk about it, I guess!
I’ll start simple. Tink/Bobble:
This was particularly big back in the day with the first couple of TB movies before the majority latched onto Tink/Vidia. I never really “got it” but for the most part I wouldn’t have ever had reason to dislike them as a ship if it hadn’t been for the shippers themselves...
I liked Terence as a character, as well as his relationship with Tink, and the Bobble/Tink fans were very vocal about disparaging Terence in favor of Bobble, when that’s really unnecessary. It’s possible to like an underrated character without the need to bash a popular one just because you’re personally not interested in them.
I basically won’t go into it any more than I have in the past--after I did a two-part video reading of comments on this one Tink/Bobble fan art piece, I wrote up my feelings here and it still stands up. Basically the sight of the ship leaves a bad taste in my mouth not because of the characters involved themselves, but by the attitude the ship seemed to be entirely based on.
The only thing I would add is that I ship Bobble/Clank and to me, they’re as good as an old married couple that just wasn’t confirmed because it’s Disney :(
What can I even say? I’ve ranted extensively on my old blog, but to rehash, here’s the deal: There was no reason Milori’s character needed to be invented in the first place. The major plot holes and inconsistencies in The Secret of the Wings seemed to have prompted his becoming a character, but I think more importantly it was for the cliche, forced “forbidden romance” sub-plot between him and Clarion.
They didn’t need to replace the female Minister of Winter from her position to bring in this Lord of Winter, his role and existence wasn’t properly set up, and his backstory + relationship with Queen Clarion wasn’t developed at all, they just relied on the fact that having a tragically star-crossed love interest who’s attractive is enough for people to accept at face value.
And they were right, I guess... 🙄
So again, for me it’s not that the pairing of these two characters in inherently a bad thing, but it has never tracked for me that such an underdeveloped, boring pairing is one of the most popular in the fanbase, like most people just accepted it because it was canon and I’m like “we’re allowed to....NOT ship canon pairings, if they add nothing to the characters and story...you don’t have to just accept it”
This is another one that is a majorly popular ship in the fanbase, and to me it’s similar to shipping Anna with Hans, but possibly even worse. He manipulated her and tried to get away with murdering her. In James’ case, he emotionally/psychologically manipulated Zarina for A YEAR before betraying her and then tossing her into the sea to die.
There are a lot of people who think Hans should be able to have a redemption plotline, and I’ll make no comment about that, but the big difference between him and James is that we KNOW Hook will never be redeemed. We know he has never and will never feel remorse about his actions or treatment of Z.
He goes on to become the most fearsome pirate of all time, murdering without second thought--and still goes on to manipulate Tink and capture her in a lantern, because, I quote, “a jealous female can be tricked into anything.” His line in TPF mirrors this attitude (“Fairies are such gullible creatures”) so like....he is and will always be a misogynist who never held respect for Z or Tink or any fairy/female.
Also, The Pirate Fairy was as poorly written as SotW if not more so, and Z herself wasn’t a well-developed character, so I should say “to each their own” for anyone who wanted to believe there was chemistry between Z + James and ship them, but it’s gross and disgusting and wrong. (no offense)
Back to something much less sinful, but even more heretical within this fanbase. Vidia is one of THE most popular fairies from the movies, and Tink/Vidia is one of the most popular ships. That’s fine. My stance happens to be different, because I guess I don’t view things the exact same way.
Vidia was cruel to Tink at first--and she’s nowhere near as bad as James; she’d never seriously want to hurt/kill somebody. But even after she is redeemed from her antagonist position....she’s honestly still pretty b*tchy to her so-called “friends.” I won’t be forgetting the scene in Legend of the Neverbeast anytime soon when Gruff sneezes/gets snot on them, Rosetta says “ew, my mouth was open!” and Vidia replies “It’s always open.” Like, there’s just no need for that, ever, it’s mean-spirited and didn’t need to be said, it didn’t help anything.
People seem to love sarcastic characters with a secret heart of gold, but I just can’t dig the way Vidia is treated like this amazing character just because she didn’t turn out to be genuinely evil, no matter how her attitude stayed. In the books, her character is more interesting to me--and she’s portrayed as a mean person, but also she knows it and the narrative doesn’t treat her like one of the girls who, oh, it’s just okay that she treats her friends poorly!
So yeah, Tink/Vidia never sat right with me. Also, within the books, they actually hate each other, not even like a sassy frenemy relationship, they can’t stand each other. Tink does NOT have a lot of patience--she would never stand for Vidia’s nasty attitude and just not call her out on it every time. They would never work in a relationship.
So, the reason people will hate me for having this opinion is because many seem to embrace Vidia as this lesbian icon (like those posts about how if she was your favorite fairy growing up, you’re gay) and Tink/Vidia as this natural pairing to come from their interaction in the movies. Lots of people automatically ship it, and I can see the distaste toward Tink/Terence as if it’s the boring, straight ship with no merit besides being basically canon.
Nobody has to ship Tink/Terence if it’s not their thing--I happen to like them, but they objectively have a LOT of development throughout the books, films and other media. More so than any of the canon ships like Clarion/Milori which people ATE UP even though they had NO development. If you ship Clarion/Milori and think Tink/Terence is boring, ya basic and hypocritical, but I digress.
What I mean to say is that if you’re not into Tink/Terence or basic, overhyped “straight” ships in general, your other option is not immediately Tink/Vidia. I’m bisexual myself, so it’s not like I’m anti-Vidibell because of homophobia or something. I really enjoy and appreciate f/f and m/m ships as well, and there are so many amazing fairies to ship Tink with who would have a more healthy and beautiful dynamic--which I think...good representation is better? Just me??
Tink had a lot of chemistry with Silvermist, in fact, someone who is genuinely kind and caring for Tink and vice versa. Tink/Sil is probably the most beautiful and natural pairing in the whole movie series, and it’s like no one has ever even CONSIDERED it because it’s so much more entertaining to have an enemies-to-lovers dynamic with the fairy who was mean to Tink, rather than the one who objectively cared the MOST.
Also, Tink and Zarina--they had a helluva dynamic in TPF. Stay hydrated with a drinking water game every time there’s a potential moment to read into wrt shipping them in that film. But then people want to ship Zarina with a man who tried to kill her instead.
So that’s the thing--I’m not mad at Tink/Bobble and Tink/Vidia because they go against Tink/Terence, but because of the attitude about it when arguably there are way better options than the ones people promote and those ones get entirely ignored and overlooked. It just grinds my gears. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you ship these pairing, I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings by calling them out like they’re these awful things--tbh the only one of these that I genuinely think is entirely and inherently bad in concept, is James/Z and I have no remorse if I offend anyone who ships that. Unfollow me, nasty.
To explain that in practice: if a picture of Clarion/Milori, Tink/Vidia or Tink/Bobble is cute, I’m still gonna reblog it and even tag it for those who enjoy the ships, because it doesn’t hurt me or anyone even if it’s not my taste. If J/Z is ever even implied I’m blocking people XD
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asktheneverfairies · 6 years
3,4,5 and 6
Valentine Shipping Ask Meme ( ask me!! )
Thank you, love!
3. What is the rarest rare pair (that you ship)?
It has to be one of the winter fairies with anyone (other than Milarion or Sledsetta.) Like Periwinkle/Rosetta, Iridessa/Slush, Minister of Winter/Queen Clarion, Tink/Sled, Gliss/Fawn, Silvermist/Spike...Those are all pretty rare I think! Actually I’m also loving Periwinkle/Terence and Periwinkle/Zarina but I think those already have a few secret fans out there.
4. Name a popular ship you don’t get the appeal of.
I’m sure you all want me to get into it...But I love to complain, so you all know I’m headed straight for Hook/Zarina and Tink/Vidia.
The phrasing of the question almost makes me opt out of talking about Clarion/Milori, because the mass appeal aspect is really obvious (angsty forbidden love cliche) even if their lack of development put me off the idea personally. And besides...keep this between you and me, but I’m sure if I put my own thought into it the way I would a ship of any two fairies who haven’t spoken to each other in canon, I could ship it. We know I could. We know I’m full of it.
Hook/Zarina is just obviously terrible and non-romantic, he tried to literally murder her and emotionally manipulated her for a year....I don’t see the appeal even as far as “angst” goes, because like--Clarion/Milori has angst, they still love each other. Z/James is....nothing....where is the romance? Where is the chemistry?
As far as Tink/Vidia, I have COMPLICATED feelings toward this ship which might deserve its own post, but it’s kinda the same thing on a smaller scale. Vidia was redeemed in the movies, but she still acted horribly to Tink and then later in the timeline (the books) she and Tink are back to enemies, so I really don’t see romantic chemistry between them. I just think it’s annoying that Tink/Vidia became the breakout f/f ship of the fanbase instead of Tink/Silvermist which in my personal opinion is more deserving/worthy. But sometimes I see the appeal and can get behind it if I’m in the right mood (like with certain foods if you’re picky.)
5. What is your most fluffy + happy ship?
I would say Silvermist and Prilla with any of their ships (except Vidia) because they’re both the fluffiest/happiest characters so pairing them with others make for cute ships. Silvermist/Iridessa and Prilla/Dulcie. Rani/Tink are also super happy and sweet together! Beck/Fira too.
6. What is your most angsty ship?
Tinkerence, hands down. If they didn’t have all their angst, they’d be in the fluffy/happy group too, but dang......Silverbell actually isn’t in my fluffy group either because they have the angst too. Pridia is almost a contender, but their angst isn’t really between them and is more Vidia’s general darkness + Prilla being a ray of sunshine next to her.
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