iwoulddieforher · 3 years
this short story is inspired by this audio ↑ it isn't necessary to listen to it to understand the text, but if you read & then listen i think it adds something.
sayaka maizono stands at the school's auditorium, but the seats are completely empty. she's not her in performance clothing, and her hair is messy and undone, and she hasn't even warmed up yet. she doesn't know what summoned her to get off of her couch and walk over half the school campus. perhaps it was nothing.
perhaps she should go back to bed. it is almost five in the morning, after all. she had neglected to sleep.
a small buzzing sound caught her attention and she turned to see the academy's microphone set still turned on and hooked up to the auditorium speakers. she wouldn't be surprised if leon had stayed up late practicing his music and forgotten to turn them off. she should turn them off, now, so he wouldn't get in trouble when a facilitator noticed they were on.
but when she picked up the microphone, the cold plastic on her warm hand, and stood there aimlessly, she thought of how very long it had been since she sang something for herself. just for herself.
probably not since she had done all those things for the attention.
would she still sound as good, now without the fancy re-touches professionals could do with raw audio and the gorgeous graphics other people made for her videos? or had the people praising her at her auditions just loved the voice of a child, and now that she was turning seventeen soon would loose her 'charm'.
the industry never holds one in the spotlight for longer than it wants too. it would probably be a short estimate of time before she got into some scandal and the fan backlash would uproot her entirely, or if her music would somehow become stereotyped as the music odd people listen too and people become disinterested in listening.
would she still sound as good, then? could she even sing with no one listening?
she wasn't warmed up, or had taken the pills to ready her vocal chords, and she'd get in due trouble from her manager if she sang now and wore out her voice for later. she probably had something or other where she was supposed to attend and look flashy and beautiful for who-knows-what in who-knows-where.
but singing was supposed to be for yourself, right?
that was the whole reason she started.
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