#see eliot's all grumpy about being santa
ghostlyarchaeologist · 4 months
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"Hardison, I'm gonna-I got a lump of coal with your name on it!"
Leverage S03E14 The Ho Ho Ho Job.
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pagerunner · 5 years
Self-Promo Meme
@ferociousqueak​  tagged me for the thing! The Thing is to post the first line of my last 10 fics and then tag 10 people. I’ve taken “line” a bit loosely and anyone who does this should to. Depending on how you count, I’ve written 10 so that works out perfectly! (ok, so I’ve written 12, but one’s a three parter that’s technically one story and i will count it as such, so there.)
Here goes. All fics are and completed (cause i’m scared to post wips lol)
The Misadventures of Grumpy Cat and Circus (Leverage meets Fraction!Hawkeye)
“I was shot at Eliot! Shot. At. With an arrow of all things, are you listening to me?” Hardison checked his coat again to be sure the close call hadn’t been closer. He liked this coat, especially here, in an alley in the middle of Bed-Stuy, which hadn’t gotten the memo that it was April dammit, and still insisted on wind chill.
(currently working on two sequels and i will finish both this year dammit.)
Pretzels /  Plans / Protection (OT3 get together fic)
Whatever Nate and Sophie had gotten up to while they were away in D.C. must have involved Sterling. The Interpol pretzel cart was back, parked across the street with its bright umbrella opened against the drizzle. Eliot casually checked it out as he started unloading Hardison and Parker’s luggage, before Hardison, who’d been wrapped up in some stupid debate with their driver about a taxi service you call with an app, jumped out of the taxi in alarm.
The Food Cart Job (Peggy joins the crew for a job)
“There is no one here dressed up as a pie, Hardison, are you kidding me, man?” The voice was irate, but pitched low, and Peggy ducked her head down behind the pamphlet someone had shoved in her face earlier, pretending not to be eavesdropping on the guy growling into the phone in front of her. “NO. No couples going as salt and pepper, and don’t even get started on the— NO. For one thing, I’d be the goddamn mustard.” He was stocky, short enough that she had a good eyeline on his very impressive biceps, and if they were going to be stuck in this line much longer, she just might try chatting him up.
Context (quick musings about knives from the POV of Eliot’s HS home ec teacher)
There’s a jock in her class.
There’s a jock in her class and he sits front and center, not slouched in the corner like the other times she’s called roll on the first day and glanced up to match a name to a bored face above a letterman jacket. This one—Eliot Spencer—does not look bored.
Make Way For Ducklings (Leverage next gen that i keep intending to write a sequel to, i love them so much)
“Got one for you. See pic. Deliver it in a week or else.”
A week? Lennie owes someone money.
Josie studied the picture of a woman’s driver’s license — Irene Fisher, lives at 436 East Hadley — and smeared wasabi on her last piece of avocado roll before popping it into her mouth. The stringent spice burned her sinuses and made her eyes water as she pitched the empty container out the window of her SUV into a nearby trash can. She blinked to clear her eyes before pulling out of her parking spot. It would take her a good half hour to get to Hadley from here, so Irene might already be home from her extra unlucky traffic stop.
The Secret Santa Job (fluffy christmas fluff)
“Kidnap the Sandy Claws…”
She’s singing the song. Again. Ever since Hardison got the oh-so-idiotic idea to show Parker a movie about a bunch of monsters stealing Christmas a week back, she’s been fixated on this song. This high-pitched, sing-song chant of violence that is giving him ideas he shouldn’t be contemplating around Christmas. He’d asked Hardison who wrote the thing while he was distracted enough by some tech thing to overlook the imminent violence in Eliot’s tone, but the moment Parker’d heard the guy’s name had the word “Elf” in it, he’d been official declared off-limits.
Drifting (Eliot hangs out with an imaginary Aimee while imprisoned at the college campus) 
Somewhere, far away, he’s being tortured.
It isn’t particularly effective, no more annoying than one of Hardison’s long-winded explanations...fine, so maybe a little more annoying than that, but Eliot’s not about to admit it over the comms.
Anyway, he’s just doing what he does.
The 0-8-4 Job (Leverage / Agents of SHIELD s1...and Bunny is an 084. yeah i don’t know either but i really love how it came out.)
S.H.I.E.L.D. Evidence File Status: Classified Restricted Access: Level 4 Subject: 0-8-4 Retrieval
Evidence Report
The 0-8-4 has been linked to numerous hospitalizations and fatalities of children and their guardians.
Birthdays and Blowtorches (Birthday fluff!)
“Oooh, you should get that for my birthday!---Eliot. I mean, for Eliot.” Eliot feels the tiny muscles in his ears perk at the sound of his name, like the hairs on the back of his neck raising, but for a very different kind of danger.
Finding Lost Dogs (DB Cooper Job fic about young Todd Mcsweeten)
The week after Todd McSweeten lost his bike, he found a dog.
A scruffy thing, probably white once upon a time, now a brown and gray smudge wriggling desperately under a bush, its collar caught fast in the branches. If he’d been riding his bike, he might have missed it. He knelt down, mindful that scared dogs sometimes bite, even if they don’t mean to, and carefully stuck out his hand for the dog to sniff. It didn’t snarl or snap, just struggled more frantically and, worried it would strangle itself, he reached in, fumbling a bit before he managed to loose the collar from the branch. The dog tumbled forward into his arms, whining and snuffling and licking his face all over.
I very much hate tagging (yay social anxiety) but I would also very much like to see other lists so please consider yourselves tagged!
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adapted-batteries · 6 years
Alrighty, time for some rambles on this week’s episodes, starting with “And the Christmas Thief.” This ep easily found its way into my favs...I mean I got Ezekiel on his knees and confirmation he’s such a wonderful human being...truly a Christmas present this ep was.
So Stone nerds out over magical transportation...I’m here for anything that makes him nerd out. And Ezekiel checking his watch cuz he didn’t want to be late to dinner...my heart...made me think back to the weather tracking in “And the Reunion of Evil.” Also Flynn’s pool noodle...why did he take a pool noodle??
The sweaters though, those were so great, and that they wore them too, even if Stone took both of them off (seriously he did, his out of anger, Ezekiel’s cuz he grabbed the sweater and Ezekiel slipped out). And Cassandra getting to decorate with music this time, so great.
I am a bit concerned none of the writers looked up Thankstaking on google...not a great thing to have people singing about with no clarification until they start showing off what they stole and the Patron Saint of Thieves shrine.
Also, how does his family not think he can steal, or not know what a Faberge egg is??  I guess they do only petty theft, stealing for greed, but you’d think they’d move past shoplifting and go on to the big stuff. But speaking of Ezekiel, I love how his accent thickens when he’s with family, so great. I love him getting excited and showing her the Library, even if he shouldn’t have done that.
The sibling-like chasing scene, Ezekiel on his knees, confusing Stone and Cassandra, man that was so great. Stone was thoroughly confused the whole time. And Ezekiel went for both of them...bi Ezekiel ftw!
I noticed Cassandra was the first to fully get in the sleigh, and Stone the one to drive it, so Ezekiel didn’t steal it...perhaps that’s why later on the truth thing didn’t work. More on that later.
Ezekiel yelling mom...love that so much.
I am kind of confused on time of this happening though...if Santa went on vacation, that means he did the Christmas hope release thing, thus the sleigh recharging, but then Ezekiel’s mom steals a bunch of presents...so is this before or after Christmas??? Or was she just really good at finding people who do gifts after the 25th?
And onto the entrance to the bank...why is it so conspicuous? Literally gotta climb down a tube in the middle of a park...not very subtle. Also if Ezekiel never had an account, how did he know the combo to get in? I guess it makes for neutral ground to do deals though.
Ezekiel doesn’t react to the liquidation...but everyone else does...so he’s seen that happen before. Also, is the Faberge egg the dude is depositing in the background the one from Leverage? I don’t remember what it looked like but that wouldn’t be the first prop they used from Leverage (the dagger Ezekiel attempts to steal in 1x01 was in Leverage as well).
The lazers though...man I miss Parker. I’m so happy we got to see Ezekiel being the cool dude he is.
Link on my thoughts on the truth magic the Patron Saint of Thieves has here, with the addition that I think because Ezekiel hasn’t stolen anything in awhile and didn’t steal the sleigh, he’s immune to the magic, if it was a radius effect.
The rave...the evles...Flynn having way too much fun...Eve and Jenkins having to bear it...so great.
So when Ezekiel’s mom yells at him about her not getting a cut of his stuff, he sinks back in the chair and bites back a comment, man I wanted to hug him so bad.
Okay but like Stone completely encouraged Cassandra to do her magic...no hesitation, man I love that he’s not being Mr. No Magic Grumpy Man anymore.
So Ezekiel’s basically Robin Hood, being all good and shit, man I actually teared up watching it this time. But like who ties Ezekiel Jones up with the intent of keeping them restrained??? Surely the Patron Saint of Thieves knows better than that.
Stone fight scene...man I miss Eliot. Love seeing Stone fight though.
I wanna know how Jenkins managed to get Santa to gift the sleigh, but Eve and Flynn never found out, cuz Santa is a bit of a blabbermouth, I bet not helped by alcohol either.
Okay but his mom’s comment that ezkeiel has “excellent taste in friends” is kind of an odd thing to say...unless she was implying something else...I can wish for Jassekiel or Jazekiel can’t I? And with one glance, Stone knew exactly what Ezekiel wanted the sleigh for...cuz he knows him that well now...
Ezekiel and his mom going around being good, giving back gifts, I live for Ezekiel being happy and a good person. And his face scrunch when he tells his mom he loves her...aggghhh
Flynn is mildly sunburnt when they get back...and Jenkins is definitely going to hold that favor over them for a while to get them to cooperate, I just know it. Also, I need to see those sweaters Cassandra made Jenkins, Eve, and Flynn...and petition for season 5 to have the fam being with each other for Christmas please.
Well that’s all I got for ep 3, feel free to message me about anything Librarians!
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