#sensiblydeluded are you up for a meme?
seldnei · 7 years
I was tagged by @silver-stargazing!
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: Laura
Nicknames: I don’t have a lot of nicknames?  Mr. Seldnei calls me “sweetest” and “my lovely wife”; my father calls me “Squirt” (yes, I have more in common with Blaine Anderson than a hatred of socks).
Zodiac sign: Aries
Height: 5′6″.
Orientation: I’m heterosexual and monogamous. And I try to be a good ally.
Ethnicity: Caucasian--my family background is primarily the British Isles.
Favorite fruit: I just don’t like fruit much--texture issues!  But I do like most berries if I don’t think too much about them as I eat them.
Favorite season: Fall, for the temperatures.  But I love the thunderstorms in summer down here.
Favorite book: The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley.
Favorite flowers: Roses.  I also like snapdragons and petunias.
Favorite scent: Cedar.  Eucalyptus.  Whatever deodorant Mr. Seldnei’s been using lately.
Favorite color: Green! 
Favorite animal: Sphinx cats.  I like a good, evil, soul-eating animal.  I’m still mad that the evil twin-in-law got the sphinx cat as a patronus, and I got a weasel.
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: Tea, out of this list.  English breakfast, with sugar and milk.
Average Sleep Hours: about 6-7 hours. I wake up between 4 and 5 every morning, and I may or may not fall back to sleep.
Cat or Dog person? My obsession with hairless cats aside, I’m not really an animal person?  We had cats when I was a kid, and I still dig them, but I developed a cat allergy when I turned 12 or so.  My parents had dogs from the time I was 14 until just before Z was born, and I enjoyed the dogs, as well.  But the hair, the vet bills, the responsibilities ... I think I’m happy with fish, as an adult.  The boy wants a pet hedgehog, but I’m not up for it.
Favorite Fictional Character: Oh, lord, too many to even list.  Okay, so Mr. Seldnei asked me to come dry some dishes, so as I did that, I asked him what he thought my favorite fictional character is:  “It could be Disney horses--but that could also be the horse from Hero and the Crown, or possibly the main character from Hero and the Crown.”  So either Talat or Aerin, or any horse in a Disney movie.
Number of Blankets you sleep with: Does a comforter count as a blanket?  If so, 1-2.
Ideal trip: This changes, but ... right now, I’d love to take a week-long trip to Disney World and stay at one of the super-fancy resorts with a pool that has a slide, where the suite would get cleaned while I was gone, and the staff leave cute towel animals on the bed and in the bathrooms.  I’d like enough money to tip REALLY REALLY WELL and enough time to hit all the parks and explore the resort.
Blog created: Oh my god, 2012?!  I’ve been on Tumblr 5 years?!  I’ve only been on Tumblr 5 years?!  Actually, I might have started this thing in 2011 and taken a year before I actually posted anything.
Number of followers: I recently blocked all the porn bots, and came to 126.  Which is 124 more than I ever expected to have, so thanks, y’all!  It still boggles my mind that people actually follow this weird collection of stuff I find interesting and my random babble.
Tagging ... hell, I don’t know, who wants to?  I am always interested to hear trivia about all y’all, but I always feel weird tagging people. 
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seldnei · 7 years
I was tagged by @sensiblydeluded; it's a meme and it's about my to do list, HOW CAN I NOT?! Do This: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or as little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they are working on. This can be anything! 1. Going through my likes to clear them out a little, which is a periodic thing for me. 2. The training thing for work, but since I missed the big meeting for it Friday, I imagine "catching up" will be what I'm doing on it Monday. 3. 'Dropping Slow' revisions and proofing for the Every Single Day Challenge. I realized Thursday that I may have more words left than days, so sometime soon I might be combining some posts and making the entries longer. 4. Planning this trip to Ohio. Honestly, I'm expecting to add a whole lot of phone calls and organizing to my to-do list next week, as we sort out what my mother-in-law needs to do/wants to do/needs help doing. 5. I've got Cassandra ideas in my notebook! 6. Betaing this story for the Evil Twin. 7. YOGA! 8. Catching up on immunizations. Okay, I need three boosters, and I got two in Thursday. My left arm STILL HURTS from the damn HIB vaccine. Meningitis is next, but not for another week and a half. 9. Soooo many work projects. None of them have firm deadlines, though, so I've been choosing, like, one per week to work on. 10. Random stuff for the kid; all my Z-related projects are done for the summer, so things are pretty chill in that area, for once. 11. Laundry. Bane of my existence. @silver-stargazing, what are you up to? (I'd tag @lookninjas but I saw her post about work/Rocky/more work/chapbooking and know she has no time!) If anyone else wants to do this, please do feel free to claim me as tagger--I love this kind of thing, task list junkie that I am.
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