#she is LITERALLY poison in the water and unhappy and has daddy issues
horrorlesbion · 1 year
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I'm tired of you, still tied to me (Bleeding whenever you want) Too tired to move, too tired to leave I'm tired of you, still tied to me (It's just the way that you are)
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Warning: This post contains spoilers for Outlander Season 3, Episode 8, "The First Wife."
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My heart is pounding. This has probably been one of the most satisfying, rich episodes of Outlander so far this season: We see just how much conflict Jamie and Claire's separation and pasts can create, we return to Lallybroch (JENNY! IAN!), and witness some very dangerous developments. Things just aren't going to be the same again after this episode.
Here are all my thoughts and feelings about "The First Wife."
1. Claire's face is almost as radiant when she looks at Lallybroch as it is when she looks at Jamie. ALMOST. Meanwhile, Young Ian looks like he's pooped his pants. Well, that will happen when you run away from home and lie to your parents about it. They thought you were missing, for crying out loud. Maybe even dead.
2. "Never thought I'd see you grace my front step again." JENNY! I missed you, dear, sweet, fierce, terrifying Jenny. But Ian seems rather more grim than he did last time we saw him. What's he thinking? That he's angry at his son? Angry at Jamie and Claire? Or all three?
3. "There was a wee fire at the print shop." Jamie, Jamie. Ever the master of understatement.
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4. Wow, it seems like there are 19 children living at Lallybroch. Those Frasers: They're like bunny rabbits.
5. I wonder why Jamie and Claire don't tell Jenny about the stones. Honestly, out of all the other characters, she's the most likely to be able to process it. Plus, she's too suspicious and wily to believe Jamie's lie about where Claire's been for 20 years. She's right: This is a couple that would do anything to find each other. That's literally what this whole TV show is about. Jamie's excuse for keeping Jenny in the dark—that she's not a woman of the world and has never left the farm—doesn't seem to be enough of a reason not to try. Or does it? Would I believe a wild story about time travel? I don't know...probably. Outlanderhas befuddled my brain.
6. Okay, that sea swim looked absolutely brutal, but seeing a wet Jamie Fraser at the end of it was worth it, I'm sorry.
7. Claire pretending that birdsong is actually Jamie talking to her is the saddest, sweetest, most romantic thing. Also totally bonkers.
8. "DADDY"??????? LAOGHAIRE?????????????? Who is that tiny adorable child and why is Jamie Fraser her daddy? And I am truly unhappy to see Ol' Meanie Laoghaire back. How dare she call Claire a SASSENACH WITCH. Only Jamie is allowed to do that. Anyway, Scottish Cruella has definitely become more poisonous with age. Why is she so deeply unpleasant? Jamie, the fact that you're married to her is a bad secret to have kept from Claire. A very, very, very, very bad secret.
9. "There are other red-headed men in Scotland, Claire." Well, that's news to me.
10. I get that Claire has had a horrible shock, and Jamie definitely screwed up by keeping such a huge secret from her. But she should know far better than to confuse "marrying" for "being in love with." Especially if Lady Sour Patch Laoghaire is involved. Truly, marrying a young widow who has two children is such a Jamie Fraser thing to do. Not that Jamie should get off lightly. He deserves to be in the doghouse for this.
11. "Left you? You forced me to go back. I would have died gladly at Culloden with you." Give Caitriona Balfe's tears an Emmy.
12. I LOVE THIS FIGHT. It has been brewing between Jamie and Claire for a long time now. They still have so much pent up inside them after 20 years apart that it was always going to boil over. And it's SO SATISFYING. Upturning furniture and kicking tables and crying and slapping and everything. Give this fight an Emmy. And of course it's going to turn into sexy sexy sex. God I love this show.
13. OMG and here's Jenny coming in like a high-school principal with the cold water jug. I think I'm in love.
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14. Jenny is no dimwit. Whatever the opposite of "dimwit" is, that's her. She knows Claire hasn't been in the colonies for 20 years. Alright, so it's pretty harsh that she orchestrated the whole Laoghaire–Claire situation. But she knew she wasn't going to get answers any other way.
15. "Family writes letters." This made me giggle. I don't think there's a postal service between the future and the past, Jenny, my dove.
16. Well, Claire was right. Jenny really is in no mind to trust Claire again until she knows the whole truth. Just tell her already!
17. "If there's a pot of shite on to boil, you stir like it's God's work." IAN, YOU CHEEKY SOB. There's something to what he's saying, though. Jamie and Claire have enough issues without Jenny interfering.
18. "Canna take back those 20 years." The way Outlander's showing the fallout from their long separation is super realistic. This is no fairytale reunion: They've both had long, rich, complicated, difficult lives since they parted, and it's made them into who they are now. They're going to have to come to terms with that, and it's going to take...possibly another 20 years. That chemistry though.
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