#she’s giving Marnie a run for her money lol
angeltannis · 1 year
I finally finished Pokemon Scarlet and I don’t think I’ve ever played a game that’s left me with such polarized opinions, lol. I found most of the game to be an ugly slog through the same repetitive pngs of grass and rocks. I absolutely loved Koraidon, and every minute with him was a delight. I think the story was stretched out too thin over a whole bunch of nothingness for most of the game. I think the Arven & Professors storyline was the best Pokémon’s ever done. For every negative opinion about one part I have an equally strong positive one about something else. Why didn’t they give this game the time it needed to be a true masterpiece
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raxistaicho · 1 year
Are we not Engaged? Part 8.
Ike paralogue opened up, but I’m gonna do the story for a little bit more.
Spoilers under the cut.
Hortensia’s taken Queen Seforia hostage. I don’t care.
Seforia didn’t realize Hortensia was still on Elusia’s side. While this is fair since Ivy defected, what happened to all those Solmian spies?
Oh nvm, the guards just let her in no questions asked, this fucking game.
Hortensia didn’t recognize Ivy for a while lol.
What. “Since Father sacrificed himself,” did Hortensia get amnesia of how Sombron ate him???
God I hate Hortensia.
“Hand them over or I kill the queen,” fine, do it, see what if I care. The rings are more important than her, sad as it.
Ah nice, Alear is calling her out.
Okay Timerra’s pretty cool.
Oh, Hortensia’s been led to believe getting the rings might bring Hyacinth back.
Dammit game, stop trying to make me feel bad for Hortensia.
Guess we’re not fighting Hortensia after all. Give us Byleth!
Seems Hortensia left on her own. Explains why she didn’t have an army. Uh oh, Zephia did something to Goldmary and Rosado :(
Marni and Mauvier then. Give us back Celica and Sigurd! >:(
Uhh, Marni and Mauvier just kinda vaguely captured Queen Seforia.
Zephia’s controlling Hortensia or something. Guess we’ll have to kill her for the greater good. It’ll be tragic. We’ll have a day of mourning. Guess it’s round three with Hortensia after all. We’ll just have to take Byleth from her body.
I can’t NOT use Merrin, Christina Vee voice acts her :D
Marni’s an idiot
Hortensia was actually easier this time since she didn’t bring a tome to this fight so she was no danger to Louis.
Hortensia is back to normal but wants to return to Elusia to take care of the country. But Ivy says Sombron rules the kingdom now. This is actually a really touching and nice scene. Also Hortensia gives Byleth up :D
Heheh, Byleth’s summoning theme is naturally taken from Edge of Dawn. The only ones unaccounted for are Eirika, Corrin, and the stolen six.
Seforia’s fine, Timerra and Fogado saved her.
Hortensia tries to apologize but Seforia gives her a hard time for a bit lol. Seforia’s mostly okay, I’d say.
Timerra’s gonna show us to Corrin.
I finally have money again :’D
Christ, Byleth is fucking BROKEN. His Emblem weapon is just Relics. Which one? Yes.
Veyle’s wandering around the desert. She has to “sleep” which - yeah, it means she switches off with Good!Veyle. Gonna be real awkward if Alear and crew run into her now.
Oh no, I made a terrible mistake putting Byleth on Celine, they’re gonna talk endlessly about all the tea parties.
Everyone got a round of beating up the Ashen Demon for more experience :)
It’s a good thing I didn’t do Ike Paralogue right away, those enemies is big
Did Ike just destroy the fucking castle...
Alear Hortensia C: Hortensia wants Alear to think she’s cute, it’s serious business for her. I guess that’s her character gimmick?
Celine Fogado C: He tries to flirt with her (Celine’s appearance aside, they’re both 17) but she roasts him big time. Nice support, lol.
Celine Hortensia C: Hortensia declares Celine her cuteness rival, but Celine just thinks Hortensia is cute and rambunctious.
Diamant Timerra C: Timerra invites Diamant to go to town with her, but he refuses, saying he needs to train and that Timerra should also. She insists going into town and getting to know her people on a more personal level IS training. This one made me like Timerra quite a bit more, it shows she’s conscientious of the blinders put on her by her high birth, unlike a certain other lance-wielding member of royalty in this series. While Timerra sneaking off to town incognito is dangerous for the same reason Celine doing it is, I’m willing to give Timerra more of a pass because she has more of an active soldiering background through her duties with the Sentinels. Really good support, eager to see the rest of the chain!
Timerra Alfred C: He’s off to train and she offers to eat together afterward, promising it’ll be casual and no political brain-picking. Not a bad support.
I’ve noticed the supports between the royals and between them and Alear are usually of waaaay higher quality than those including the more side-characters. It kinda demonstrates where the focus was in the writing.
Dancer dude is a main character, he gets an intro cutscene, lol.
Corrin’s voice is weird.
Spoopy castle with miasma all over.
Stupid Sexy Seadall.
Pairing Corrin to a dancer is super appropriate.
This is a pretty blatant “teaching” map to show the player how to use Corrin’s Dragon Vein skill properly. Understandable, it’s way different than most skills like it. I think I’ll just keep her on Seadall, though the Covert Dragon Vein ability is also VERY nice and would be pretty hilarious comboed with Yunaka or Celine.
Good Veyle’s back!
Oh no they’re bullying her, they don’t know she has an alternate personality :( Leave Good Veyle alone T_T
Alear is great in this scene!
I would question why they just order her to leave rather than attack her, but given how roided out Veyle was in ch11, sternly telling her to leave and hoping she complies is probably the smartest course of action, lol.
Good Veyle knows the hounds and her relation to Sombron, and the hounds know of her split personality thing, though Good Veyle herself doesn’t know about Evil Veyle. Seems Sombron would order her to do evil and she’d refuse. I’m guessing Evil Veyle is an artificial personality Sombron made to control Veyle more easily. That’s probably what Red Alear is, too.
We’re going back to Firene? I mean sure, why not. There’s no more rings out in the open so at this point there’s not much to do but wait and see what the forces of evil do, They need the 12 rings to fully restore Sombron’s power and they’ll need to attack with rings of their own to have a chance at taking ours. Unless Veyle uses her 100 pickpocketting skill on Alear again.
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ecruteak-city · 4 years
Finished playing Sword (late to the party I know lol), here are some of my overall impressions!
Stuff I liked: -WILD AREA.  man that was fun.  love just zippin around on my bike shaking berry trees and being able to catch more and more pokemon there as the game progressed -another special shout out to the curry making specifically. give me a cooking minigame and i go crazy go stupid. cant express my joy at having the berry flavors become relevant again -lots of the pokemon really grew on me -the best gym leader battle theme of the whole series (dont @ me im right) -Hop is a precious bean. protect him -Marnie is also precious and her and Piers were such cute siblings ;;  -spending way too much money on clothes lol. thank u game freak for giving me the forbidden garbador jacket -thought Olenia or however u spell her name was gonna be the main bad guy and then they played it straight with the chairman. thanks for not letting the woman cause all the problems (even if she needs to lay off the rose simp sauce) -gyms return!! yay!!! -slumbering weald music... that stuff slaps -the cities in general had very fun designs
Stuff I didn’t like as much: -It makes sense that you’re only like 12 and all the adults are trying to take care of things, but like, please just let me be relevant to the plot before the very end lol -what the HECK is up with Eternautus’s design??? wack -please,,, bring back the mazelike team bases,,, like if i’m not spinning across the floor in a puzzle of tiles what the HECK is the point. no the tower of fighting grunts in Wyndon doesnt cut it -pokemon being able to run into you if you aren’t moving. realistic I know but i miss being able to stand in place lol (I should just stop being lazy and pause the game like you have to in most games lol)
Overall I really enjoyed it!! Was a very fun playthrough
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