#silently angry characters fascinate me I‘m sorry
abbyholmes · 2 months
Not sure if anyone has already made that comparison (probably not, because this is oddly specific), but Jake Gyllenhaals take on Dalton in the Road House remake reminded me A LOT of Justified‘s Raylan Givens. If Raylan was a retired UFC fighter instead of a Marshal that likes to outdraw criminals, that is.
But hear me out: Gyllenhaal and Olyphant both not only have complicated surnames, they also both play silent rage in a very interesting way.
Both their Dalton and Raylan are obviously constantly furious and only ever one poke away from violence. They both cover that up with humor, smirks, indifference and coolness. Both think themselves assholes but try to force themselves to stay kind of righteous. And they both get very scary when they lose their shit. There is also a notable fear of their own darkness in both of them. Even Dalton‘s dialogue feels very Raylan-esque sometimes.
Not sure what point exactly I‘m trying to make here, but there is no way the Road House Remake writers didn‘t watch Justified. I‘m also pretty damn sure Gyllenhaal was inspired by Olyphant‘s Raylan. There are too many similarities in the way they both build their characters for this to purely be coincidence.
Found Road House pretty enjoyable btw. It‘s dumb and over the top, but it‘s also a lot of fun.
And uhm…my female gaze found a lot of enjoyment in the whole shirtlessness of it all.
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