powerpuffs · 6 years
for my lovely wife @slideivy​
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。:゜☆。 ・゚゚・。. HE KNEW all good things must come to an end, but while they were still in town and nobody had figured out about their true identities, Minhyuk wanted to spend as much of his time LIVING. He had been alive for a couple hundred of years, and yet never had he felt more alive than when he was around Soyeon. “Did you sneak away from lady Jinhee again??” He smiled meekly, giving the other a teasing grin that spoke of their proximity than their actions showed. They were walking by the pond, perhaps their favorite place to spend time together without anyone judging or seeing what they had been doing. “I heard she’s been complaining a lot because of your sudden absences.” 
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creamistries-blog · 7 years
jason ➥ __
jason: can i tell you something??
jason: i think i'm in love with you
jason: nevermind. delete that shit
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bcnnenuit-a-blog · 7 years
( from here with @slideivy. )
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[ riri → ethan ]: knock knock 😉
           although she already knows the passcode, she finds it tedious to punch it in, and instead waits for the male to arrive and open the door for her. with her are a few things that she feels they would need-- snacks, drinks, and more snacks. he’d probably appreciate it. (hey, she couldn’t JUST pay him in kisses, right?) when he opens the door, riri grins, giving him a pretty smile. “so happy to see my instagram boyfriend.” she lifts the bag of goods in her hand. “brought some stuff you might like.”
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emflesque · 7 years
closed starter for @slideivy​!
full disclaimer: park junho is fucking awful at love.
it is the result of his biggest flaw: that is, his flightiness. here is a man who dips his toe in the water with full intention to jump, but then deciding against it because the water isn’t warm enough to his liking. or buying airplane tickets to amsterdam on an impulse, only to miss his flight for a soccer game showing live on his old television. or purchasing a guitar online, only to leave it unboxed and sitting against his kitchen wall.
park junho is not built for love, or more specifically, the commitments that come with it.
infatuations, though, he can do and oh, he does it so well.
take infatuation number seventeen, a woman with doe eyes made of wistful dreams. true to her essence, she appears in the dead of night, with strawberry lips as soft as silk and hands made to roam. he brings her home and falls asleep to the rhythmic thump of her slow heartbeat.
then dawn breaks, and he wakes, and she’s gone. he is like a madman, unable to let go of a reality that others would label a good night’s rest, and so he tears through the capillaries of seoul for a maybe. he always ends up in the same club they met, though, nursing his drink as he wonders if she is real or simply a figment of his wild imagination.
it takes him approximately forty days to meet infatuation number eighteen, a girl made more of sugar than spice, for him to forget about her skilful tongue.
and here is his latest, infatuation number twenty-three, and he thinks he’s ready to settle down. she is as careful as he is careless, steady as he is fickle, and where he runs, she is sure to chase. somehow he always finds himself back in her warm apartment and sometimes, he’ll catch himself studying the cute coasters she buys in excess, because she hates the rings that used cups tend to leave behind.
it is these little things that make him smile, and he calls it love.
and so when she proposes, he doesn’t say no.
this is how he ends up here, in the middle of the dreaded meet the family moment.
( he doesn’t think he’s ever gotten this far. he never thought long enough to wonder if he ever would. )
nonetheless, here he is, and he meets her proud father and her chatty mother. she tells him her nephew can’t wait to meet him, and he wonders if she’s ever told him she had a sibling. but the way she words her sentences makes him think it is a fact he is supposed to be well aware of, and so he nods and smiles along.
it is the nephew that appears first, and junho smiles warmly at the child before his eyes shift towards his mother. when it does, though, his smile falls. terrible as his memory is, junho doesn’t think he can ever forget her.
her, with the eyes and the lips and the teeth and the tongue.
he attempts to regain his smile. he fails.
“…hey.” the greet tumbles from his lips hesitantly, and his attention is fixated on her eyes, lest he misses the spark of recognition.
( or so he tells himself. because the alternative is that he looks into her eyes, made of dreams, simply because he wishes to fall back into them. )
“i’m… junho.” a tight smile. “it’s nice to finally meet you.”
he glances at the boy in front of him, and he furrows his eyebrows at the sinking feeling he gets from the boy’s oddly familiar features. but the name remains on the tip of his tongue and stays there.
“cute kid.”
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loveslorn · 7 years
—  &&. ACCEPTING. send me a kpop group and i’ll tell you.
who was my first bias: jaehyun ( he looked rlly good in the 7th sense mv )
who is my current bias: ?? mark maybe
favorite era: limitless
most played song by them: baby don’t like it or back 2 u
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powerpuffs · 6 years
for my lovely wife pt. 2 @slideivy
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。:゜☆。 ・゚゚・。. SHE SPOKE IN A HUSHED WHISPER when she had gotten over the initial shock of seeing him in a place he shouldn’t be in. “You shouldn’t be here.” She emphasized the word ‘shouldn’t’ with a firm grip to his arm, looking around to see if someone was eavesdropping on their conversation. She was currently on duty, and Soyeon was nowhere to be found. It was safe to say that the vampire was stressed out of her wits and Minhyun’s sudden presence, risking their cover was giving her even more pressure. “I’m working right now... you can’t be here.” 
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creamistries-blog · 7 years
siyeon ➥ ___
siyeon: i thought you were coming to tonight's show
siyeon: i was really expecting for you to come
siyeon: guess i should have known better
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wistfulreality · 7 years
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with today being thanksgiving, i wanted to give a little shoutout of thanks to all my beautiful friends / writing partners here.  i’ve been promising a follow forever for such a long time, but it’s always really hard for me to do one because i’m really bad with putting my feelings on the page as well as to even figure out who to put on it ( i hate making people feel like they’re being left out ). however, over a thousand posts later, it’s probably about time that i get to one of these. no matter where you are on this post, please know that i love each and every single one of you. i also went on a mass unfollowing spree a little while ago to clean up my dash, so i apologize if there are people who i haven’t followed back and may have missed out on here ( but i am slowly getting on that ).  ^^~ thank you all for writing with me and i hope we can make lots of great new stories going forward ( i’m always a sucker for more plots ) ! ♥
these are the ones who have stuck by my side through thick and thin, the ones who are always the first to jump at new plots and throwing things at me. i love you all so much and i just wish you all the happiness in your lives ♥ thank you for putting up with my nonsense at times.
@celestitas​ ; @cocacolx​ ; @creamistries​ ; @ekxm​ ; @infinitiesovless​ ; @jcndeuks​ ; @lcvewhispxr​; @lilvcsxngs​ ; @nochuwrites​ ; @noconteur​ ; @pandaisms​ ; @powerpuffs​ ; @snoopykbye​ ; @wxndcrlust​
we might not talk much but i truly love writing with each and every single one of you. if ever there’s more that you’d like to do, don’t be shy to hit me up ! ♥
@amissums ; @chaeyecni​ ; @dczingminds​ ; @driftaways​ ; @mochiwrite​ ; @nepenthcs​ ; @noxwrites​ ; @sanhuns​ ; @seonggwoo​ ; @victnam​ ; @whitepetxls​​
we aren’t writing together just yet or don’t have any active threads at the moment, but i’d love to get stuff going if you’re interested / have the time ! ♥
@asolisms ; @blueflcwer​ ; @chanvcols​ ; @chascrs ; @ecliipsim ; @gcshxna​ ; @kcnopsias ; @longdusks ; @moxle ; @numberxix ; @prxmxry ; @qoodthngs ; @rcdflavor​ ; @saiko1x1​ ; @shctdcwns ; @slideivy​ ; @sqveeze​ ; @syzygvs​ ; @tzuyvs​ ; @wishbcnes​ ; @zeekwrites​ 
the ones who were kind enough to write with me when their blogs were active. if you ever come back, i’m always happy to pick up a plot or more together ! ♥
@aeiovr ; @alethiomcter ; @beneuolence ; @chewiewrites ; @divineirises ; @elctrxse ; @eternalle ; @everchaste ; @flxrvl ; @halfxmoons ; @justlysts ; @lxstcinderella ; @kissedher ; @loveslorn ; @namunose ; @ofpenntea ; @sendrcses ; @somniators ; @svsurrvs ; @ultsvmmers ; @xinqfu ; @yoonmin1x1
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cacotheisms · 7 years
starter for @slideivy
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“i don’t understand why you’re so sensitive.” he does, in fact, but it doesn’t stop him from stressing on the word, lips pressed into a thin smile as he reaches for the discarded shirt on the ground. his face burns a little, notably, slightly embarrassed to be caught in the act—but daehwi figures it’s nowhere near as embarrassed as the waitress from their favorite cafe had been on the flurried way out. “you’re the one who suggested this open relationship shit.” you, not me. their eyes meet. you wanted this. 
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hcartbreakers · 6 years
based on this | @slideivy
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brilliant, that was one word she would use to describe herself. after the betrayal of one the few people she cared about, jinhee was left in r u i n s that was until she came up with an exceptional idea for revenge. she was done moping around and she was more than ready to show them what she was capable of. “so...” she started, sipping on her coffee before smiling at the person if front of her. “i know you’re probably wondering why the hell did i call you for a cup of coffee but w a i t i’m here to make it worth your while.” so this was how it felt? she felt like she was starring in her own movie and she couldn’t stop herself from feeling giddy about it. “i just want to say that i think you and i should start dating.”
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powerpuffs · 6 years
sms: dude
TAEJUN: i saved tina's ass again
TAEJUN: goddammit
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bcnnenuit-a-blog · 7 years
😊 // riri & ethan !!
( from here. | not accepting! )
😊  - your muse to suck on my muse’s neck while they cuddle
            what was this? what were they? to riri, it didn’t quite matter, not when she felt happy to be in the moment with him. with her arms draped over his torso lazily as they cuddle on the couch after watching something on netflix, the blogger smiles at the feeling of his lips on her neck. (netflix and chill is real, folks. take it from riri and ethan.) it tickles her a bit until he decides to do a little more, nipping at her soft skin, and sucking at certain spots that she wasn’t sure she’d be able to hide. the girl sighs at his touch, her lithe fingers tracing slow circles on his arms and back. her eyes are closed but she’s still smiling. “guess i’m wearing turtlenecks for the next few days. got any i can borrow?”
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commedias · 7 years
my url :o
do i follow them ??   yes omg duh
why did i follow them ??  you were either one of the og blogs i followed when i first started my indie or i saw you interacting with ara :-) !!
do we roleplay ??  yes
do i want to roleplay with them ??  yes x1000
an au idea for our muses:   i’m still not good at au’s lmao
a song for our muses:   “all she does is kill shit” by the i.l.y’s idk if you’ll get it tho lmao
do i ship our muses ??   if keumjo doesn’t kill kihyun lol
what i think about the mun/overall opinion ??   ok literally the nicest !! fucking !! person !! on !! this !! blue !! hell !! i nut so hard like your muses are all cute and well-developed and i love sending you ask memes and i love when you send me ask memes (i love a lot of things ig) and i loooove minjun and jihyun and you and ara are sosososoo precious !! whenever i see you two on my dash i’m just like wow look at my moms go !!
blog rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 1000000000000
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hcartbreakers · 6 years
based on this | @slideivy
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gunmin wasn’t good with names or faces, he was just bad at remembering them or he could hardly care less, it wasn’t like they’d be of use to him anyways. b e s i d e s, he had the guys to run errands for him and he barely needed to lift a single finger. he found it funny though that they were there for him because they thought he’d be useful to them, perks of having a politician father, but they were wrong. he didn’t care for anyone but himself. however, all throughout the night, he’s been seeing the same face again and again. something was bothering him and he had to get to the b o t t o m of it. “hey.” he called to one of the guys. “do you know who she is?” he motioned his head to their direction. luckily for him, the guy did know who she was and not long after he was bringing her over to him. 
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powerpuffs · 6 years
{ closed starter for @slideivy​ }
。:゜☆。 ・゚゚・。. ANXIETY nipped at him as if some annoying pest he couldn’t get rid of. He wasn’t the kind of person to get nervous over something and Minjun could count in the fingers of his hands the amount of times he ever felt this way. Perhaps it was every human person’s fear of rejection that was getting to him---but why was he fearing anything when he’s so sure of Jihyun?? He hated the feeling in the pit of his stomach, and so he wanted to get over it. “Jihyun.” He called out to her as strong arms found their way to snake around her waist, hugging her from behind. “I have something to tell you.” Now or never. 
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