#so i dunno. ive been having a hard time sleeping from anxiety.. which gives me more anxiety... which gives me even more anxiety
pl4n · 28 days
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from a while back
#my art#rare colored drawings#even if its just flats#i feel like ill only ever post art if i want to rant in the tags LOL its awesome#sometimes theres just those kinda vague thoughts and feelings that feel a little pointless to actually talk to people about yk#its nice having a lil blog to throw stuff into :) journaling i guess#i dunno i feel stressed thinking abt juggling all the different life things. its smth i see expressed a lot and yeah. literally how#i kinda think hmm i should slowly incorporate things one by one. but then its like damn life just flies tf by and youve done jack shit#but then when im actually doing things i feel like things just keep piling up and idk how long i can sustain it until it all falls down#i guess this anxiety kinda comes from having had really poor mental health during my school yrs... maybe i still do but ahh#i just wonder when the next time that everything comes crashing is gonna be yk. it feels so inevitable but the stakes only get higher#so i dunno. ive been having a hard time sleeping from anxiety.. which gives me more anxiety... which gives me even more anxiety#im supposed to be cramming these tasks into these little pockets of time but i blink and a day is gone and then a week and a month.. a year#i want to do the things i have to do but also the things i want to do. but also REST#and ik that the balance between those things is extremely necessary.. bc losing that balance is exactly how shit hits the fan#hows anyone gonna manage that?#but i guess learning to do that is what life is all about.... lmfaooooooooooooooo#time keeps slipping man i hate it#ill keep trying tho ✌️ all i can do
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3 am’s a crazy time for it but it occurs to me i may as well give a heads up that i am like, for real at the present assuming that i’m gonna like, sometime in the very near future here be going offline again, in that sort of my ~plan~ (my one-step plan) is seeing if i can get myself on a bus (hopefully) and see if that can get me to the west coast. and from there i’ll just be like, well here i am in a place i’ve never been before, being unhoused for the second time but this time not living in my car, which is a bit different than living right out in the open, which i’ve never done. this, for example, is why i was looking up how to do makeshift stp devices. way easier to be able to pee wherever you are than have to find a place you can drop your whole pants, or an actual bathroom. apparently cutting the end off one of those plastic liquid medicine measuring things with the sorta spoon at its mouth works. anyways
i suppose it hasn’t necessarily showed but for a few weeks now i’ve def been feeling The Impending Pressure and it was getting down to the wire there not knowing if the Last Day Online would spring itself on me suddenly. but i can at least say i think i’ll have a days warning now and be able to say something with at least a matter of hours forewarning and not like, a matter of minutes. its been sorta wild though like, sorta assuming its like a Two Days Remain situation and in the midst of the unpredictability of depression, trying to just enjoy things as they’re happening, the simple stuff like chatting with people and being able to put my bullshit thoughts online...cranking out a fic chapter because it’s at least a better place to leave it hanging than it wouldve been otherwise.....just consuming this content that’s enjoyable and chill af.......i tell ya what—both in terms of being Fun and Anxiety-Reducing and Good Distractions and also, a great opportunity just to be talking to people on the daily which has been and continues to be absolutely fantastic—having been On that deh/etc will roland train for the past couple months has been a total gift. it was some great luck stumbling into that, seriously
anyways it’s weird! it’s weird thinking just like, i’ll suddenly do this thing and be on the other coast and just step out and be somewhere i don’t know and with no particular destination and maybe the lgbt center i looked up will at least tell me whats the best area to be in, sometimes they’re in the know abt that re: where’s a better spot to be homeless in than others. and from there, y’know, all i’ve been doing for years and all i can continue to do is absolutely wing it. and it’s funny that this all seems slightly less intimidating to me than it wouldve like, a year or two ago (even tho two yrs ago i was technically homeless lol but living in my car so like i said its different from living Right on the street) but honestly, obviously, it’s still very intimidating because how could it not be. i’m maybe not AS anxious but i’m still anxious and even though i know i could do it, i’d be stressed tf out and anxious as hell and shit while i was doing it. i mean, a crosscountry bus ride alone—i’ve never done that!! what if i mess up switching over to a different connecting ride between stations. bus and train bathrooms unnerve me, god forbid i have to get past someone to get to the aisle to GO to the bathroom. and, yknow, just a really long bus ride—how do you manage to sleep, how do i manage not to fall asleep at the wrong time cuz i doubt there’s an attendant telling you to get off at the right stop. though god knows it’s somewhat arbitrary where i’m deciding to go, i have no especial connection in one particular place over another, i think i have an uncle and cousin in CA but i don’t have the first idea where and i don’t know them at all
ugh. like there’s no actual way to feel good about it but if i’m gonna go somewhere it might as well be in a completely different place and i could try the west coast and i’m not one for making careful plans or thinking that making careful plans about your life works unless you’ve already got a lot of control about your situation, which i don’t. and it’s always been p inevitable that i wind up “properly” homeless, and it happens, and i don’t pretend it doesn’t scare me, but what are you gonna do? c’est ca que c’est / la vie. this way there’s a chance that A Big Change might lead the way for something better, and like hey if i die or some shit i die, which has always been a possibility anyways for the past like 6-7 years especially, what with how shitty i’ve felt lol. but i have no attachment where i’m at now and just. it’s hard to explain i guess if you’re not in the kind of place where i’m at but there’s not a lot of choices in the first place so, if i can choose the location, if it can be somewhere new where i MIGHT like to be for once, that’s better than not. and somehow so far i’ve managed to go with the flow surrounding big changes and sometimes wild situations, even if i’ve felt like crap and been super worried sometimes too. i don’t know for how many years now i’ve been Not assuming i’d be alive by the next year, but here i am having gotten this far, at least. it’s fairly impressive even if i don’t have any amazing achievements. believe it or not i’m pretty satisfied with my Achievements as just like, dumbass blog posts and fic/art and occasionally contributing something someone enjoys and getting to talk to people sometimes. it’s how i’ve been able to enjoy myself in the midst of some really awful times for the past like 6 yrs and i’ve appreciated it every day i’ve gotten to surf the net
like i guess it’s like haha, nerd, that half of what i’m worried about is being offline. but it’s a big deal being able to connect w the world beyond your immediate reach and distract yourself and say things and maybe even Enjoy yourself and also actually get to talk to people. but hey sometimes even people who live on the street manage to snag wifi connections somehow. i’d have to ask them how, lol. but, yknow, like i said, for a couple weeks especially it’s been like , Not Assuming I’ll NOT Lose Internet Connection and thus really trying to bear down on appreciating it. not like being offline for 5 months or so didn’t also make me appreciate it extra already. i was gonna say i survived it but i did get wildly depressed throughout like, august? september? probably both lol. anyways. what i’m trying to say i guess is that i’m not actually assuming i’ll be okay, but that only means so much because like, not to sound dramatic but i’ve pretty much never been okay on account of ive been just a half step away from living on the streets ever since leaving my parents house where i’d previously lived my whole life, which was an abusive situation. and also the depression and the years of really wanting to die which, at least 2018 didn’t have TOO much of that, in terms of feeling like it might be impending. now i can’t really be bothered, i’m just floating along and if i die i die, right. what i’m trying to say is, there’s not really any Good Proper option to choose where i’m definitely okay, so it’s basically about choosing between bad options, and with this choice i might at least like the location a little better, change of scenery, not as cold as here, i dunno. there’s not a way to just choose my way into being okay. it’s all a roll of the dice anyhow
also it’s weird but one thing about being on my own is it takes the pressure off me in certain ways and it’s a bit easier for me to Do things. if there’s anyone else to answer to in any way, i tend to just not ever decide anything and definitely don’t pursue anything. i’m one of those ppl who either has to live alone or with ppl they’re really really really comfortable with, and since i don’t have the latter around and nobody especially me can afford the former, it’s like, well, how is not everybody homeless anyway, right? and people do it. because yknow, you have to do it, it’s suddenly just your situation and somehow people get through every day. idk. learn as you go. what can ya do. it’s choosing between various bad options, i could also just wander into the mountains and die, but i’d rather not, and offing myself is Way a hassle, and also would be difficult, same as dying of exposure/dehydration in this middle of nowhere patch of mtns. i might as well try my luck at being in a place where you COULD maybe survive or something, and where i could at least feel like, if i do manage to have any good things happen, i would even possibly want to be in that area and be more comfortable living there. i have no roots anywhere and only have a No Zone (near my parents house) and so its sorta like, pick a random place to be!! lol. ahhhh
what can i say. it also sucks having to think “boy, in addition to not dying, hope i don’t get physically/sexually assaulted—also, how do people get water??” but......such is the way that it is. i don’t know. i don’t think anybody looks at impending homelessness and goes “i’m okay about this and not at all afraid.” and it’s strange to talk about how this is sort of ~by choice~ but it’s not exactly, in that i didn’t choose to only have abusive family and how even though i was working while living in my car it would never have been enough for rent probably even if i had someone to split it with and i also didn’t choose to not be rich in the first place and *the economy...... .png*
sigh. i dunno, it’s hard because i can’t talk about it a right way or long enough and get to a point i don’t feel intimidated or upset that once i Go Offline i’ll for real just be on my own unless and until i manage to get online for a moment again, in which case i’ll still be on my own, but i’ll feel a bit less alone, ha ha
anyways. speaking of trying to appreciate the simple pleasures of talking about whatever weird shit i wanna talk about and pushing myself to draw/write as it feels like it gets even more down to the wire—time to do that! 4 am and time to draw this weird meme & hopefully crank out the rest of this oneshot & maybe even draw again, and maybe again—it’s cool cuz i slept weird the other night and then got again weirdly tired in the afternoon and took a long depression nap w sorta fun, sorta bizarre dreams. augh. so at least i figure i’m just cruisin now, Not Sleeping-wise
i might have to ask a favor eventually in that there’s something really super simple i ought to look up, but i’d have a ton of trouble making myself do so because of anxiety, yknow how it is. but i’ll ask that if and when i ask it
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modiintrainguy · 5 years
Countdown to therapy – the return
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March 13, 2019 8.20am
……and we’re going back.
The brief respite from therapy after I finished with T is starting again on Tuesday next week.
I gotta admit im not sure about this guy, he seems too much like a friendly yeshiva rabbi and the room and chairs don’t seem comfortable. But he could be good and hes on Maccabi so its cheap.
Anyway I decided I should try and write down my feelings each day betweennow and then so I know what to talk about.
And if I in anyway thought I was ok yesterday was a case in point. Proves im absolyutely not ok!
Er good to know? Bad to know? Definitely things to work on.
 So, yesterday I went from being really happy to deepest down depression that I couldn’t even try and get out of. I could I could’ve but didn’t.
Day started like most – me arriving non plussed at work, putting things off, getting on with them
I got this Jira board now and people started opening issues which is good. Makes it easier to manage what ive got to do.
I decided to try and push on with the platform brochure as a ppt and do 2 marketing docs and send them to K to talk to O about cos shes in Kiev. In the end I started getting requests – copy briefs, things to review, but I soldiered on and sent the brochure and 2 marketing docs  - persoinalization and Lead Management – to K.
Its really good to have K in the picture. But still feel like I want to get out of there.
Although then A from reception asked me to write an email announcing the theme for the purm costume competition on Sunday is animals.
I wrote one and she was so happy, said its genius. Then I from HR also said it was brilliant – and me and my lo self esteem arse went into hyper feeling amazing and thinking this is what ive been missing. Like since novemeber when I started with this product marketing shit with G and O and Yni I could not understand why anyone would want to work. Id see films and see people saying “but I love my job” – like in 50 shades of grey where she doesn’t want to give up her job -  and I think whaaaaat. Its just depressing. But now I realise its about achieving things and those things being recognised.
This was the email – nothing amazing. Design came out shit!
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Also I won a game of pool and played really well! Potted some fantastic shots, including the black from far.
Anyway I left at 3.20 feeling better than ever! On the grand scheme of things that’s not that good. But its relative eh.
In the evening we had a meeting at 6.10pm with an art therapist who might do art therapy with littlun. Thing is her ganenent and psychologist say we should go to hadrachat horim but the art therapist also does that so im not sure we need both. Well tonight we’ll see T and ask her.
So I had to pick up the kids, get the bath done and them eating before B came at 5.55. when she came I was just getting the food ready and I left on time.
Ah yeah, and id already said cos we were gonna already be out and have a babysitter lets go to the cinema or to eat and mrs said she wanted to see green book. But even though its got good reviews and won the Oscar for best film last week, its also supposed to be a bullshit representation of racist.
So as we’re driving to the cinema im in 2 mninds. Do I want to see instant family or bens back or not go to the cinema, and then I felt hungry but she needed the loo so I said get tickets for green book and I’ll buy pizza but the line was too long and I thought lets maybe go to pepino but shes already bought tickets and I panic and say lets see instant family cos it had 7.3 on imdb so it must be something special, so I changed the tickets and she was all annoyed and we went in and sat down and the film started and in the first second of seeing marky marks face and shit acting I knew it was a terrible mistake. It was a shit film, I ate nachose, she wanted more coke and I didn’t get it. I didn’t want to be there – we could’ve gone ot pepinos. I just spent the whole time feeling dow and shit and shit and depressed. It was such a waste of an opportunity. Id thought I didn’t want to go to eat cos I ate shit yesterday – my intermittent fastings gone to shit. Imworried the foods coming back so im eating crap at work, let alone intermitten. And I hated the film. It was like lets make a film – a couple decides to foster kids, they are hard, they start to like them, the mum comes back in the picture, they get upset the kds are leaving, in the end the mum flakes on them cos shes a crack addict, kids stay and are adopted. This house they lived in was insane big. It was bullshit with no background.
By the time we left I was deep in depression. When we got home I felt shit – couldn’t deicde if I should take the dog out. Forced myself to clean up the kitchen and have a shower, went to bed and ended up talking and feeling a bit better.
But that feeling when I was driving to the kanyon and walking in and to the cinema and I couldn’t decide what I want to do. She asked me do u want to go to the cinema and I said I don’t know. I thought if I see a good filem it could make me feel good and I wanst sure I wanted to eat. But theni realized after I didn’t want to be there. But I thought she did. And I worry about wasting money – 45 for nachos and drink, 80 for cinema, 110 for babysitter- 230 for wehat.
And this art therapist is 350 a session including when she has to meet regularly with us. But she said she might ask my dad to pay.
I forgot to say, I got some new anxiety pills cos those xanex things didn’t work and the doctor had mentioned that I can get anxiety pills that also help you sleep. So I got them – all u need to do is send a message on the Maccabi website and he sends u a prescription and u don’t even need to print it out. Its like going to the airport these days – u just give them your card. But the point is last night when I got home I felt shit and after I did the washing up and cleared up the kitchen and even made a sandwich chavita for the littlun and had a shower I took one as I got into bed. Instead of doing meditation or even trying breathing or talking to the mrs. It’s a poor choice, I need to make more of an effort. It kind of worked until I started talking to her about how I didn’t want to offent the new therapist like I feel I offended T and she said T had been upset I didn’t say thank you. Like isn’t it part of the job to understand that emotionally unbalanced people areent always going to treat people perfrectly., whatevs. I need to try harder and use techniques cos yesterday I gave up and spent the whole time in the cinema wallowing in feeling shit. Shge said why didn’t I just leave cos I know she doesn’t mind going to the cinema by herself but it felt wrong.
I dunno.
I said that in bed a lot – I diunno and she said yes you do.
Cso I do know. Im just upset that theres obviously something wrong with me. What is ADD? What is depression? An illness? What is an illness?
Is it a physical bran problem?
Or is it simply reactions to your environment that you have got used to. That you have reacted in a way so many times that you do it automatically? Whats that got to do with an illness?
Anyway im back on the train going to work. At least I have good things – the daiughters are fantsastic, job could be worse even if its not perfect and it doesn’t look like I got the Gwy one. And the love from the mrs is never ending even if I annoy her. And the food can be controlled immediately from tofday. And I can go to the gym today.
Gotta go. Tonight we have a meeting at littluns gan. Will be nice to see T as usual 😉 but seriously she is wonderful, especially considering her age and experience.
Now we go to work, deal with the shit on my jira board and speak to K about lead management.
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primadonnatartuffe · 7 years
RYAN: *after hanging out with orchid, ryan's been feeling a little lighter, and leaving skaia to visit people has become that much easier. so with that feeling of freedom, she decides to stop by odimist again. she drapes on colt for a little while before she devotes her time to finn and his new baby. she's just as gorgeous as in the photos, and during the visit, she's found she's really quite fond of hanging out with tiny babies... they're in the living room at colt and little's place, and ryan has lounging with this bundle in her arms for a while now.*
RYAN: hmm sofia sofia... are there any songs about a girl named sofia? there should be.
FINN: -finn's sitting next to the two of them and it's so cute watching sofia get to know ryan. sofia's looking pretty comfortable and staring up at ryan- no but you can replace any song with shakira with sofia
RYAN: ooooh yeah there you go.
RYAN: lets sing beautiful liar.
RYAN: i can be beyonce and sofia can be shakira.
RYAN: ryonce ryonce sofia sofia.
RYAN: lets not kill the karma. lets not start a fight. its not worth the drama for a beautiful liiiaar.
FINN: -sofia gurgles-
RYAN: yeah girl there you go.
RYAN: *snickers*
FINN: already she's more musically inclined than me
RYAN: stick with me kid and well keep you on the right track. *smiles wide at baby*
FINN: -sofia smiles back for a good two seconds and wiggles her arms-
RYAN: uggh shes so cute.
FINN: -he's laughing a little and smiling because he loves this baby so much- i know
FINN: you'd think i'd be used to it by now
RYAN: pretty sure youre never gonna get used to it though. thats just how these things work.
RYAN: my parents still cant get over how cute i am. ;)
RYAN: well nobody can really.
FINN: -too true- it's a hard life
RYAN: for you. us adorable people got it so good. isnt that right sofia?
FINN: -sofia yawns-
FINN: i'm going to be dead in a week at this rate
FINN: just because of the cute from sofia and you combined
RYAN: cool. then i can steal her. >:)
FINN: you're just going to swoop right in and take her
RYAN: yep. and raise her teaching her to better weaponize her deadly cuteness.
RYAN: well be unstoppable.
FINN: sorry sofia i tried to give you a better life
RYAN: time to live a life of villainy with auntie ryan.
FINN: this escalated quickly
RYAN: *SNRK* i think thats the inevitable path when dealing with baby stealing.
FINN: did i turn out to be a villain
FINN: i guess that depends on your definition of -air quotes- stolen
RYAN: i think the definition of stolen is pretty clear cut... but maybe theres a side of finn i dont know... an evil side.
FINN: maybe there is
RYAN: oh my... ;o
FINN: what is that face
RYAN: its a face thats onto your wild ways.
FINN: someone's a little late
RYAN: pfff. okay lets be real were all onto your wild ways.
FINN: i was going to say
FINN: out of all people you really can't be that surprised
RYAN: i really cant be... not when i was there instigating it half the time. *snickers some more. they have fun.*
FINN: -they had a lot of fun. he's still laughing, shaking his head- see exactly
RYAN: *looks down at the baby for a moment after that. the pause is enough for her mind to wander. it's hard to fill in the space with positive thoughts these days.*
RYAN: hey uh this is out of the blue but...
RYAN: the other day? at the kareoke bar? ive been worried that i like.
RYAN: made things weird?? somehow.
FINN: -sofia's getting sleepy. she might be starting to doze off. finn is caught off guard by the question, not exactly expecting it- oh -he says it like a question-
FINN: why what do you mean
RYAN: i dunno.
RYAN: like... i know i was super transparent with the song choices.
RYAN: the mood just seemed to change after i sang that second time.
RYAN: and then you took off.
RYAN: like maybe you thought you were third wheeling or something.
RYAN: uhh... okay so i dont usually make a habit of addressing things like this but ive been encouraged to talk about the stuff thats nagging at my mind.
RYAN: so it doesnt start festering and i have to turn to booze or something to cope haha.
RYAN: ... yeah.
FINN: oh -he definitely doesn't want to make her feel like she has to cope with anything...not because of him, at least.- no no i get it uh
FINN: i don't know i guess i just
FINN: you know when you feel like you're in the middle of something really intimate that's not explicitly so but it still is
FINN: but you feel like you're in the way of it a little
FINN: that was where i was at i guess but it's not a big deal you guys need your time too
RYAN: *frowns* i dunno... i guess.
RYAN: its not like theres a quote unquote you guys.
FINN: -he looks away and shrugs a little- hasn't there always been though
RYAN: ... not anymore.
FINN: i mean i know not technically but -he sighs- it's still there
RYAN: *brows knit* yeah maybe for me.
FINN: i mean jack is completely different than he was three years ago and it's not like we talked during the time you were gone
FINN: so i guess i can't read him anymore but i mean it really seems like there's still something
FINN: but anyway i just
FINN: had a feeling i shouldn't be there
FINN: and it's good you two are hanging out
FINN: and having moments
FINN: and stuff
FINN: after everything
RYAN: *he says all that, but why does it feel like there's something left unsaid. is she being paranoid?* do you really feel that way?
FINN: which part
FINN: i mean it doesn't matter because i do really feel all of it
RYAN: ... i guess that part where you think its good were hanging out and having moments like you said.
FINN: oh
FINN: yeah
FINN: it's a good thing
RYAN: ugggh.
RYAN: why do i feel like its not?? am i being paranoid?
RYAN: maybe im projecting because im afraid to make any moves and i need an excuse not to.
RYAN: i dont know i suck at reading my feelings and intuitions or whatever.
FINN: -he looks ahead- it's hard to know i guess
FINN: after all that time
FINN: you can only really be certain of how you feel
RYAN: *sighs a little. she does know how she feels, at least when it comes to jack.*
RYAN: okay but... i dont wanna make hanging out with us awkward.
FINN: sometimes i just have to discern whether or not i should be there
FINN: it's a life thing
RYAN: ... i guess so.
RYAN: sorry.
RYAN: im being weird.
FINN: no you're not
FINN: i was probably acting pretty weird
FINN: that raises a lot of questions
RYAN: maybe. i probably shouldnt pry. *it raises questions, but none of the questions she should probably be asking... but it doesn't really occur to her.*
RYAN: *face scrunches a little... she looks upset.* i just dont know what im doing anymore. im a mess and i know im supposed to just let myself be a mess and let people help me but i dont want to.
RYAN: i dont even want to talk about this. but i should?? ugh. im not making sense.
FINN: -his expression softens immediately- no no i
FINN: i get that actually
FINN: -he can relate in different ways...but he can still relate to the general concept-
FINN: it's hard
RYAN: *sniffs and leans against him a little, as much as she can without disturbing the baby.* but im lonely too... i dont wanna bring anybody down or make anybody feel bad but this always seems to happen now and i cant shut it off.
FINN: -lets it happen and leans his head against hers just slightly- well you know you always have me
FINN: whether or not you can shut it off
RYAN: *peeks up at him with big tired glossy eyes* ... thanks finn.
FINN: of course
FINN: you're pretty much stuck with me whether you like it or not
RYAN: heheh... good to know.
FINN: it thought it would be at least a little comforting -he's quiet suddenly-
RYAN: it helps... trust me. *peers at him again when a silence follows.*
RYAN: whats on your mind?
FINN: -avoids meeting her gaze and looks down at a sleeping sofia instead. he sighs- i should uh
FINN: i mean
FINN: i don't want things to be weird
RYAN: *blinks at him, confused* weird??
FINN: yeah weird uh
FINN: i don't know how to say it
FINN: actually uh
FINN: -holds his hands out for sofia-
RYAN: ... okay. *hands her back to him, getting a weird feeling in her gut.*
FINN: -sofia makes a few fussy noises before going back to sleep like nothing had happened-
FINN: i just don't want you to feel stuck so
FINN: if you need to leave you can
RYAN: *leans away again, not really sure what to make of that.* im not really in a rush unless you need me to go...
FINN: no i just mean you might want to uh
FINN: you might want to
FINN: the thing is i should tell you
FINN: even though it will do nothing
FINN: but make things weird
FINN: and somehow it's the right thing to do supposedly
FINN: i don't know why that is
FINN: it doesn't seem like it's going to help at all
RYAN: help... what?? what is it? *she's TRYING not to act weirded out even though she kind of is. but it's mostly just anxiety.*
FINN: have feelings for you
FINN: but it's dumb and it doesn't matter and it's irrelevant
RYAN: you... *processing... processing... but she fails to.*
RYAN: what?
FINN: -his cheeks grow red and he looks a little embarrassed-
FINN: i know it's
FINN: i know it's been obvious probably
FINN: it started years ago before you left and uh
FINN: surprise
FINN: still here
RYAN: uh... *runs a hand through her hair, reeling a little* no?? i mean no it was never obvious to me.
RYAN: jesus was i always so into my own shit i didnt even notice?
RYAN: thats typical. way to go ryan.
FINN: oh
FINN: no it's not your fault you didn't need to pick up on it i didn't want you to anyway
FINN: so points for me
FINN: i guess
RYAN: i... okay...
RYAN: well uh... im glad you brought that up. to get it off your chest? or...
RYAN: shit. im not sure what to say.
RYAN: like its cliched to be all i really like you too BUT...
RYAN: thats cliched and shitty?? you deserve better than that.
RYAN: hahaha you deserve better than me? come on dude lets be real.
FINN: -he just feels bad about it- no i know you don't feel
FINN: like i know you don't feel the same way and that's fine that's okay
FINN: like i didn't expect that or anything i know it's like
FINN: uh
FINN: i don't want to talk about what i deserve because i don't think i really
FINN: i don't want to measure myself that way because i'm not going to pass the test
FINN: you don't have to like
FINN: try to reason with me i know it's useless
FINN: it's always been you and jack from the beginning
FINN: there was never any other real relationship for either of you when you're together
FINN: you asked what's on my mind that's what's on my mind that's why i've been acting weird you don't need to fix it or feel responsible for anything i just
FINN: maybe if you know i can get over it who knows
FINN: or i wreck our friendship i don't know
FINN: i'm pretty good at that haha
RYAN: no finn thats not... thats not gonna happen. im just...
RYAN: *eyes start to water* it sucks that things are the way they are. that i cant... reciprocate i guess.
RYAN: i dont know why im always... chasing after people that im not good for haha. but hey on the bright side thats the case no matter what isnt it?? im not good for anybody.
RYAN: jacks better off without me. so was nona. so are you.
RYAN: and you should know that because yeah itd be in your best interest to move on from that.
RYAN: i know you werent trying to start anything but i-- just... why...
RYAN: im so fucked up.
-- impenetrableVitality [IV] is now an idle chum! --
FINN: -he doesn't know who the fuck nona is but he decides right now isn't the time to ask. hearing her say these things about herself...it stings.- no no no
FINN: i'm not
FINN: i'm not
FINN: fuck
FINN: it doesn't matter if you reciprocate or not and it's
FINN: you're making me sound like some kind of ideal candidate but that's not the case either
FINN: you don't see how much you're worth because you think you've fucked up beyond redemption or something
FINN: but that isn't true
FINN: we all have our shit
FINN: yours looks different than mine
FINN: jack's looks different than both yours and mine
FINN: but somehow you're still here and jack's still here even if we were all gone for a while
FINN: it's not about being good enough that is -lets out an unamused laugh- that's bullshit because who even meets that standard in the first place
FINN: what i do know is that without you around it felt like there was something irreplaceable missing
FINN: the whole time
FINN: sure maybe i became better at putting that feeling behind work but
FINN: i never stopped feeling it
FINN: because damn it ryan you are and you've always been one of a kind and i'm not just saying that
FINN: people that are like you aren't good enough
FINN: i want the real thing hanging around
FINN: crazy theatrical ryan
FINN: loud always pretty no matter what ryan
FINN: you're just -he looks down at sofia- you're worth more than you could ever realize
FINN: a few turns down some paths you don't like don't take that away from you
FINN: i need you to stick around and stay because if your shit makes it so you don't deserve to have people in your life then i am
FINN: i am right there with you
FINN: i'm not buying it
FINN: -he finally stops and...might be tearing up a little-
RYAN: *well, she's definitely started crying listening to all that, but the tears flow quietly. when he's through, she sniffs, trying to process everything with some difficulty... but the important parts stick and she leans forward to gingerly wrap her arms around his neck (careful not to squish sofia) and hold him gently.*
RYAN: youre really important to me... i hope you know.
FINN: -he closes his eyes a little and the tears just roll down his cheeks as she holds him- yeah
FINN: you are to me too
RYAN: ... jack told me that the worst was over.
RYAN: ive been trying really hard to believe that.
RYAN: it hurts knowing how much i was missed but its a relief too? i dont wanna run from people anymore...
FINN: you don't have to
FINN: maybe it's time to start running to people
RYAN: *sniffs* yeah... im gonna... crash into everyone at high speeds.
RYAN: hope you can handle a whole lot of ryan.
FINN: i'm pretty sure i've been training all my life so i'm good
RYAN: fuckin... right on. hehehe... *giggles softly, but then starts to pull away again.*
RYAN: i should probably get going home now though.
FINN: -smiles and nods at her, taking a deep breath- yeah
FINN: i have to put this one to bed anyway
RYAN: yeah... goodnight baby girl. *exhales once more, letting all the bad feelings pass... it's gonna be okay.*
RYAN: ill see you soon finn. *gets up off the couch and makes her leave.*
FINN: -it is. it's really going to be okay- bye ryan
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