#solya springhill
trpg-dingusmaster · 6 years
“Why are you surprised when I smash things? What the hell do you think this mace is for?”
Solya, the party cleric, often
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trpg-dingusmaster · 7 years
A lot of the Wednesday group will be/are in and out of town these few weeks or whatever so last Wednesday one of the dms suggested a mini campaign/one off based on his favorite book series- warrior cats? I've never read them but what the hell. The other three of us there agreed and... he didn't have any idea how the mechanics or stats would work. We assumed, though we really shouldn't have, that since he seemed so amped to run it right away he had thought about it before. He didn't, so the dark sun dm took some time to help him with that and explain why it was important that this part be thought out. Mostly because some of us like structure and do not know the source material at all. After some convincing we got him to agree that it just wasn't possible to run it that day and we migrated over to the table where the older usual Wednesday group have moved to since the group split up. They almost exclusively play Official Event/adventurers league and that's what we did. Since they split off they have a different usual group and random people until the seven player limit is reached but that day it was only the them and us. We ended up going through two adventures? It much of the plot was given because the youngest players just can't sit still and pay attention that long and why bother fighting it? It didn't really effect much anyway so... but it did have nice puzzley bits in both of them which was a cool change. I wasn't really helpful with the puzzles though, again work had be pretty low on functionality. I played with Solya again and I think I need to level her up. I also need to clean up her character sheet and log page. After the shop closed we hung around the parking lot a bit chatting and it was suggested my next Official Event character be a bard. I'm considering it. Maybe a dwarf? Or a genasi? Maybe a revamped Bassun the half orc? The dark sun dm gave us an update on her new campaign, its ready to go but she's going to wait till more of the group is together to start.
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trpg-dingusmaster · 7 years
new things
i guess I forgot to update about last wednesday
the group seems to have split in half, very good I think for the inexperienced and easily frustrated dms 
90lbs finecoal has been replaced not with a resource management game but with a regular adventuring type game based more fully on 5e like actual rolls are made for things and they make sense.
everybody already made new characters for it but there wasnt time for me to do that so I just used one of the sheets I had with me: Solya the Cleric, former pit fighter. though I was in some kinda weird mood because even though shes neutral good I kept playing her as lawful evil. maybe the character I make for that game will be based on that. I’d like to use my aasimar warlock for that but I was told by the dm to avoid magic user classes except cleric or paladin  because he just doesnt like magic, which explains this other campaign setting
It seems silly for a fantasy game to me but whatever, I just assume its because like... he isnt sure how it works exactly because of never reading the manuals? and likely doesnt trust some of the players not to try and pull any shenanigans on him.
but there is a teifling cleric character I kinda wanted to try out. I dunno. the game went well. it was mostly chill except one player who is often a wienie and always trying to metagame and complain his way into getting rerolls when he should just accept the shitty rolls when they happen and always pulling nonsense that he doesnt tolerate others doing in his own game and doesnt recognize it when he does it... you know.... therewas an issue with that. there always is BUT after storming off he did eventually come back and apologize for overreacting which was a nice surprise.
and I was told darksun ended with more or less a tpk, I doubt my being there would have helped. but that dm starting a new game which should be much less demanding for her and easier for us to understand as some of the older rules in 2e darksun were pretty difficult for a lot of us. although after having such a long week it was difficult for me to fully grasp what I needed to do to fill in the character sheet because we were not given any rule books to reference while doing it and its a weird looking/sounding system, I feel like I’ve seen it before but I cant place it yet or maybe its just dejavu. I thought maybe on past days there was a book and she just didnt bring it that time but no. I think she just doesn’t want the metagamers to know what shes planning too soon and just brought generic and very vague print outs for us to work with.
because of my confusion I’m not really sure what I’ve ended up with, I just picked skills I thought nobody else might have picked?  I’m told I made good but very strange choices? and because of rules I didn’t know about concerning somefiddly bits in the process unless I play it right or give the right sort of back story I might have to change some stuff she has to check. but I KINDA thought that because she made some weird faces when I gave her my sheet... so I gave her some alternate options for what I wanted? and she could pick which ever works best/is easier for her to deal with? but even those apparently were odd. we’ll see I guess. so far all we know for sure is that its a modern story/setting, but its either modern fantasy or like... some kinda supernatual occult-y type thing I THINK because I put some skill points in that stuff and I was told “Hey wow, *your* character might *actually* know whats going on.”
it should be interesting.
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trpg-dingusmaster · 7 years
I would like to mace the kobold in the face?
I was looking at new phone plans and was a bit late to the game, lt was supposed to be the 90lbs replacement game but the dm didn’t show up so the dm for official event set up.
the party had the new girl who originally played the druid in DarkSun, and a new guy, well, new to me, and one of the older players who doesnt show up that often. as well as the darksun dm and the bassun on the sea dm. they told me to use the character sheet that has the most xp so that turned out to be Solya though I kinda wanted to use my aasimar, but I figured cleric might be more helpful.
the party was hired to take care of some kobold bandits? because of the smaller group size the game was quick and easy though one of the wizards dropped to 0 hp twice, though they never actually had to deal with the death saving throw because the turn order was just really lucky.
there was quite a bit of loot but I didn’t really need much of it, especially after leveling up. I might see if I can get a better melee weapon with some of the gold I ended up with or maybe some better armor? 
one of the players I didn’t know gave my character some scrolls from a previous adventure, probably one of the sunday games I think?
I believe this was an intro adventure to a bigger dungeon crawler with a plot?but there wasnt much story just kill the kobolds tonight. it was pretty refreshing actually.
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trpg-dingusmaster · 7 years
2nd event: the useless but intimidating halfling
I only rolled one natural 20 that night but I think it was probably the best possible time I could have rolled it.
for the start of the game two people were sitting out, the party wizard and the party druid- the dm for the darksun campaign, because they were working on character sheets for another game.
so, because we had more people than last time we had this dm it was hard to hear and I missed a lot of details about what we were doing, but from what I gathered:
a pair of guilds? or the city guards and a guild? a guild and some guy? had teamed up to investigate rumors of lost treasures in a supposedly cursed light house. They had each sent a team of one ranking guild member and a small number of attaches/guards for that member, the plan was to split the treasure. together the two groups had enough pull to convince the dock and water way workers/who ever actually owned the light house to let them into the light house which was otherwise closed off for everyone's safety. Unfortunately this was over a week ago and the group should have been back by now. Also weird things have started happening around the light house again. people and animals disappearing, strange noises, ect.
the party was hired by one of the guilds/some dudes family or associates? to find out what happened.
The party goes to a bar near the light house to try and get some info. it starts off badly where I order some cabbage soup to help break the ice and innitiated a social encounter check of some kind? it was either WIS or INT whichever was higher but it didn't matter because I rolled a natural 1. I assume Solya must have said something like: "What is that smell? cabbage soup? or is that just how this place smells?" or "Motherfucker can a bitch get some fuckin soup? before I die of old age or what? get off your ass. I'm as small as I am hungry-- which is very." I dont know, but they wont talk to us (I don't think I'm the only one who failed the check but I definitely failed the most), but at least they didn't throw us out.
My soup never comes but a group of people who work in and around the harbor/docks lighthouse area does come. They are arguing with each other and some people from the city guards/guild that didn't hire us. They are complaining that they werent compensated enough to have allowed entry into the lighthouse. people are getting attacked by weird things in the night and going missing, fish have left the area, weird noises from the light house area are keeping people up at night and scaring away customers, ect. the other guys are just like: well you were compensated and that should be good enough quit your bitchin, our boss and friends are missing and so we might not get paid at all or whatever.
the party rogue tries to step in when a fight starts to break out and severely wounds one of the guards from the faction that didn't hire us. Being the cleric I thought I'd try helping the dude, so the dm had me make a medicine check... which I crit failed. the two groups the harbor workers and the guards thought I was trying to finish what the rogue stated and would not let me near the injured person. Maybe the bar staff interjected something about how the halfing is an asshole dont trust her, who knows?
so... the wounded guy dies on the floor during the bar fight. and I continued to roll very, very badly.
at this point, I had to leave the table as the wizard rejoined it to work with the darksun dm/the party druid on my sheet for their campign.
I had brought a friend with because she wanted to check out the shop and to see what other dnd games are like besides the one I run. I had her take over my character and do any rolls or healing that might be needed while away. I'm less clear what happened during this time but what I know for sure happened is:
I lost several charisma points for some reason? No one explained why, just that it happened. I assume my poor cleric must have crit failed something again but I might never know.
There were clues leading to the fact that there was a temple to Dagon full of undead deep under the light house but because no one rolled well? none of the characters figured it out. so they dont know the relationship between the light house and the temple, which came first, who did or didn't know about it, what was in there, how long it was there. anything.
It was only by the grace of a patient dm that the party found their way to the correct part of the light house (which sounds like it may have been a regular house with a light house attached right to it?) to find the secret entrance to the underground cave the temple was hidden in.
The groups tabaxi found something that was specific to his faction/guild which gave him the mini objective of finding some specific item and delivering it to his superiors.
The groups rogue found out he is terrible at making shadow puppets
The wizard accidentally figured out how to open the secret door, clues on how to do this were part of stuff the party had never figured out.
As the secret door was opened the druid/darksun dm and I finished with my character sheet and we rejoined the table.
My friend went off to play mtg with a relative of one of other players. She doesnt seen very fond of 5e as a whole so far but that might just be because she tossed in mid adventure with with an unfamiliar character, she does however like how the character sheets are organized. She asked if I could switch the 3.5 sheets we use in our game, or at least hers, to the 5e ones. I might.
Going through the damp stone tunnel we find evidence of violence having occurred at various point is time, several days ago to several years ago. There is a small elevated alcove to small for the medium sized character to get into too high up fort he small sized characters to get into. One of the larger characters after a surprisingly large to do lifts the kobold up to investigate, theres nothing interesting just a very old skeleton. probably a clue about the age of the temple.
at the end of the tunnel there is a large open room,in the center is a murky pool more silt and mud than water and around the edges of this there is a ledge probably at one time easily passable but now treacherous from disrepair and over grown with moss/algea. the choices are wade through the pool unknowing of its depth or what may live in it or try and take the ledge around.
the wizard suggested burning away the dampness and plant growth with a fire blolt but we agreed it might A- destroy the ledge, B- alert monsters that there is fresh meat near by. The dm begins to ask for an acrobatics check on traversing the dangerous ledge when the druid pipes up that she wants to cast entangle in the center of the pit, saying she thought it might decrease the roll or maybe give us advantage because we'd be able to see what places would be somewhat safer to walk on and prevent anyone who failed from falling too deep into the muck. The dm was surprised by the spell use and explanation and gave us advantage. Even so, Solya nearly failed but then I remembered I had a lot of things to add to DEX and acrobatics rolls because of halflingness and background and ended up with the best result.
Two group members failed the check, the kobold and the druid. They didn't fall far down but they did fall away from the ledge and got a little tangled up and stirred something that was hiding out in the pool. by the time the kobold and the druid righted themselves a pair of ghouls hand pulled themselves out of the depths and up onto the entanglement, I assume if it werent for that the ghouls would have had more of an upper hand though their higher than expected ac did give us some trouble.
none of us thought to ask exactly but I now wonder if we had bothered to if we would have recognized either of them or what they were wearing.
we took some damage but nothing serious yet. Following the ghoul room was another muddy winding hall ending in a slightly ajar pair metal braced doors. inside was the antechamber to the temple, large and round crusted with dead coral and barnacles carpeted in mosses and algea. on either side of the door to the rest of the temple stood suits of armor long rusted and nearly attached to the wall from all the plant and animal matter.
the sensible members of the group take to carefully inspecting the room and one of the suits of armor, the rogue however thwacks one with his sword and with the resounding CLANG the group pulls away from the other armor and watches the rogue as the armors spring to life and pull their way out of the growth on the walls.
almost immediately the rogue is knocked prone then shortly knocked out by the attacking armors. the rest of the group began attacking at a distance, and we discovered that the ac of these things was higher but not much than the ghouls. I was basically useless in this fight, my offensive cantrips and mace missing their mark. Once Solya noticed that the rogue was  down and I had found out  that he had failed his first death save I had her go right into the middle of the armors and cast Spare the Dieing, unsure if this was the boss fight or if another character who didn't have a health potion on them would go down it seemed the best idea. I maybe got one hit on the armour with the mace and it wasnt great but Solya was a great sheild to defend the fallen rogue from further damage at least, she has a great ac.
The rogues health potion was used on him, but even then he and everyone else still needed a rest before moving on.
the next room indeed the main area of the temple, a large room with neatly lined pillars and a raised platform near the far end with a large glowing green statue of Dagon, though I have no idea if the characters/all the characters knew that? but the dm told us the players for clarity I think.
not far in there was a small drag trail of blood to the side of one of the great pillars and lying crumpled on the filthy floor was the guy we were paid to find. investigation showed that the only wounds on him was what appeared to be an clean and very deep stab in the back- unlikely caused by the undead monsters and definitely not those armors since they were crusted into the wall when we arrived. Likely if we hadn't bothered them they would have stayed put. WE find a wand of detect magic near him but only the wizard can use those and theres a limit on how many magic items you can ever have ever on these characters? even if you sell/get rid of one later? but he and I can do that anyway and I also have the identify spell so? it was pointless.
we go further in looking for more people but only find more undead. Again, we didn't think to ask but I wonder if we had if we would have recognized them or what they were wearing? I decide to try rolling for using the crossbow instead of the mace or hoping they fail the check for whatever spells I can cast at them. I succeed a couple times only because these monsters have outrageously low ac. Once again, the rest of the party does nearly all the work. the tabaxi, happens to be a ranger and is favored enemy happens to be undead and this was of great help in the whole situation. Also, another character, played by the oldest? second oldest? member of the group, I'm not sure what the class is but he had these javelins right? and they were just wrecking the shit out of everything on every roll he made for them. it was neat.
once the battle was over we found a door off to one side nearer to the statue and we heard voices inside asking if we were there to help. we pushed our way in and found the guy from the guild/group that did not hire us and a couple of his guards and couple from the guy we were hired to hind see the guy from the group that didn't hire us has a weapon that is an approximate match for the wound that killed the guy we were supposed to find.
we say nothing of this and ask what happened. they all say it was the monsters outside that did it. they out number us a bit and we were not badly hurt in the last fight but we wouldn't have done well fighting these guys so we tried to get them to come clean. we consider intimidation. two people roll badly but not a crit fail, at least and after a second or two of thought, when it seemed like we might have to fight these guys or let them get away with murder I for just for laughs announce I too want to roll an intimidation check.
the group laughs
I roll a natural 20 and all those shady dudes confess their sins and flip on their leader.
the guy from the guild that didn't hire us killed the guy we were supposed to find and bribed that guys guards to say he didn't do it but then they got stuck in there because of the number of undead.
we brought the lot of them to the people that paid us and got a reward along with what we were owed for finding the guy. I think we may have also confiscated the bribe money too.
We have no idea what anyone wanted with whatever that was sitting around in the temple of Dagon that they went after.
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trpg-dingusmaster · 7 years
an official event
We were supposed to be doing a high seas adventure but one of the other dms came in asking to do tonight because for reasons he’d be getting x4 dm xp for some wotc thing? i didn’t really understand but everyone agreed.
I took my time making a character so I could pick whatever the party was lacking. in this case, a cleric.
So, I made this halfling knowledge cleric, Im thinking I should have made her a tempest cleric (maybe I still can?) but I also kind of wanted her to have access to the identify spell? it probably wont come up that we need it but you know like? when it does come up it seems like it would be really handy to have.
it was a simple adventure just to get everyone on board with proper by the book dnd 5e and start whatever this thing is the dm is doing. 
the party was hired to intercept the sale of a dragon egg and bring it to whoever did the hiring. I don’t think anyone in the party has very great charisma, but even if we had the ‘negotiator’ rolled a crit fail on the first roll of the night anyway and the deception failed and combat started immediately. 
one of the characters nearly died because the chronic betrayer took the macguffin and went to just leave when he could have killed the npc attacking got the macguffin and both could have left. I tried to get there to help but we ended up finishing combat before I had to.
(theres was quite a bit of in group fighting between two players I’m not sure what its about)
two kept trying to turn into murder hobos (well 3 sort of but her stuff wasnt  counter productive) , even though like, the dm said he wasnt going to allow that especially this early on. I got a few points of inspiration for reminding them. the dm was getting pretty annoyed but he was reasonable about it. they’ll have plenty of time to be a murder hobo in the darksun campaign probably and definitely their high seas campaign.
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