#sometimes i think about bringing back the tooth fairy post bc i do think that was SO fun
mamawasatesttube · 2 months
thinking abt the kon, bart, and cass (cain) trio again. guys who just never had any semblance of a childhood... i want them to go on a little adventure together. they're just like "we've never done kid stuff let's go be silly for a day!!!" and then kon realizes that out of the three of them, he's gonna be stuck being the closest thing they've got to impulse (haha) control. cass and bart would enable each other about all sorts of things and i need them to get up to shenanigans.
like, i need cass to steal one of bruce's cards so they can go to a theme park together. they're getting photos and kon calls cass "bat-babe" and she calls him "super-stud" and bart's like "i need one of these nicknames too hello??" and cass thinks really hard and goes "imp-ass?" and kon loses his shit. bart's like "that just sounds like impasse. no thanks." and kon looks at cass and says "imp passes," and then breaks into a gigglefit again. bart complains all of the roller coasters go too slow. bart and kon centrifuge poor cass on the teacup ride. she nearly throws up as soon as they get off and then demands to go again. bart challenges her to a candy eating contest and kon's like NO!!!!!!! DO NOT ACCEPT!!!!!!!! HES A SPEEDSTER!!!! so of course cass accepts. and then makes herself sick. bart's still impressed by how fast she can shove candy in her mouth for someone with no superspeed at all though.
also it would be fun if they stumbled upon a murder mystery or something in this theme park. i mean they would be like oh this is fucked up, but i would see it as enrichment in their enclosure or whatever. let cass be a noir detective with her two extremely op sillies as backup. idk. the vibes. you get me??
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yas-surveys · 7 years
posted this a year ago and now i’m answering the same survey again.
1. What are you currently angry at? - nothing rly
2. Who is harder to please, you or your lover? - me? lol 3. There is a nuclear war and your fallout shelter has room and supplies enough for two. No one knows about the fallout shelter but you. Who do you choose to take in (Remember, the person you choose is the only person you will know in 5-15 years when you can come above ground again)? - um probs, kirsten or nelly?????? 4. What do you do when you are home alone that you cannot do when other people are at home? - um, i have a thing where when i read book, i kind of comment loudly on what they do, so that’s that or i sing very loudly HAHAHA
5. Do you read on the toilet? - yes
6. How often do people try to talk to you while you are in the bathroom? - most of the times? bc sometimes, i talk to them lmao
7. Have you ever swam in the ocean? - yes 8. Have you ever built a sandcastle? - nope :( 9. Do you feel comfortable in a bathing suit? - um yeh sure?? 10. What would be the best season of the year to get married? - there’s only 2 seasons here in the philippines lol but i would like it to be autumn tbh lol
11. What are 2 things that the perfect ___ would do? Boy/girlfriend: - trust you and be loyal Parents: - support you and believe in you Friend: - cheer you up whenever you’re down and always has your back Teacher: - treats everyone fair well and teach well Doctor: - be approachable and assure that their patients are comfortable 12. If someone you loved was seriously miserable for a long period of time what would you do to help cheer him or her up? - make sure they know that i’m always there for them, that if they need someone to talk to, just call me or smthng, and i’ll keep you company, and i’ll bring the emergency human burrito kit lmao i just made that up but that would involve blankets, s’mores, chocolates, all the comfort foods, movies, yaz. 13. What was the best year of your life so far? - still 2015 14. When people are born is it predetermined whether they will be a good or bad person? - no, it depends on the things they learn or what they see as they grow up 15. Does the weather affect your mood? - yeah, especially if it’s hot 16. If you were underground for 5 years what would you miss the most? - OoOOh, beach, wind, the sky, clouds, THE RAIN FEK I LOVE THE RAIN. that’s sad :( 17. If you were on death row (if you don’t feel evil enough to really ever get there, imagine that you have been wrongly accused and wrongly convicted) what would you want your last meal to be? - fish & chips tbh HAHAHAHAHAHA && bacon 18. How would you want to die (electric chair, gas, lethal injection, hanging)? - lethal injection 19. Who would you want with you when you died? - no one lol 20. What would your last words be? - can you really say your last words like not stopping mid-sentence??? i mean how can you finish a whole sentence and just die after????? i mean how do you exactly know when you’ll die, what if you said something that you wanted your last words to be a few minutes early, then you have to wait to die???? um. (those are my last words. i’m kidding lol)
21. Has anyone ever broken a promise to you? - yes 22. Have you broken a promise to anyone else? - yes 23. Do you eat red meat? - yea 24. Have you ever broken someone’s heart? - i guess? 25. What are the most cruel words someone could say to you? - that i’ll never be successful in life
26. If someone offered you $1,000 to cheat on your boy/girlfriend, would you do it? - no 27. Would you rather date someone 3 years younger than you, or 15 years older? - 3 years younger 28. Which is better, the rush of kissing a new person for the first time, or the comfort of kissing the same person a hundred times? - comfort of kissing the same person 29. Would you rather lose your bathing suit to a huge wave right in front of a cute lifeguard, or your whole family? - cute lifeguard lol 30. Have you ever looked in anyone’s wallet that wasn’t yours? - um??? i guesS? yes 31. What time and date is it? - 1/8/2017, 2:01PM 32. Could you survive without: Electricity: - no, that’s hard Heat: - nooo Air conditioning: - NOOO, it gets pretty DAMN HOT here in the philippines TV: - yeah Radio: - yeah A car: - sure 33. Would you ever consider shaving your head? - if it’s for a good cause then why not 34. What is one thing that will happen to you less than 24 hours from now? - i’ll be going to school fek
35. What age would you want to stay forever? - 18 or 19 36. What is the softest part of your body? - cheeks? jk scratch that, the back of my hand 37. What would make your day if it happened right now? - if all the world’s problems were solved 38. What are you thinking about? - how i have to go eat brunch after this and clean my room 39. Are you on: Drugs: - vitamins lol The crazy train: - do u mean life lol JK 40. Do you say everything to people’s faces or do you talk behind their backs? - well there’s stuff you can’t stay to people in front of their face ya know, but sooner or later, i tell them too. 41. Have you ever made love in an elevator? - no 42. Have you ever wanted a picture painted onto your car? - no why would i  43. Are you clumsy? - at times, probably 44. As you get older will you let your looks go or have plastic surgery? - natural 45. If you wear contacts or glasses would you ever consider laser eye surgery? - no thank u 46. What is the most expensive thing you own? - my laptop??? 47. What do you think of when you hear the word ‘cell’? - phone 48. Have you ever had goat’s milk? - nope 49. Do you care how Jennifer Anniston lives her life? - no, it’s her life 50. Do you treat your pets like family members? - yes 51. Have you ever eaten tofu? - no 52. What would you like to have 435 of (anything but money)? - books 53. How many people know the password to your tumblr besides you? - 0 54. Have you ever thought of deleting your blog? - well, if someone i know found it, but i just probably put it on private 55. Do you like American Pie? - never seen it 56. What is the last law you broke? - well i download music from the internet sooo 57. Have you ever run away from home? - no
58. Did your parents pretend there was a tooth fairy and slip money under your pillow? - no 59. Is there a difference between art and crafts? - crafts is making the art #/craft 60. Have you ever tried out for something? - i once “auditioned” to be a model in a tween magazine when i was in the 4th grade 61. Did you make it? - no lol
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