#somgs that know they are somgs are my favorite beasts. truly incredible how fast a meta lyric sets my brain on fire
snowshinobi · 1 year
Favorite Record is a mid Fall Out Boy song but it's my favorite thing they've ever made. here's why:
the verses ARE boring and repetitive, though I like the Rancid and Danzig references because they're specific and break the 4th wall. Fave is self aware. it is a song that fondly describes dancing to other songs. Fave wants to capture memories as vividly as the music it shouts out.
"I'll spin for you like your favorite records used to" is the sweetest and most morbid thing I've ever heard. we too will become obsolete like those record but I'll be what you have now, I'll carry their legacy, I'll grow old with you and your beloved tunes. also there's something intimate and possibly sexual about this line and I love how that interpretation coexists w the sweetness and morbidity
this is the one single FOB song that isn't gilded with rage or snark or profound sadness. it's just joy. the relationship Fave describes might be platonic or romantic. it has failed before but it's perfect now on this sunset drive, dancing to beloved tunes and screaming your hearts out. god.
Favorite Record achieves exactly what it hopes to achieve. it captures a glittering moment in time. it's untouchable.
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