#sorry but this psses me off its not even about darklina its about
greensaplinggrace · 4 months
i'm still so mad about how supposed alina fans think it's actually better that she isn't as attached to or compassionate toward the darkling as she is in the books. like it isn't more empowering to her or less sympathetic to the villain when she acts like a one dimensional darkling hating paladin in the show, it's just a deliberate stripping of anything unacceptable about alina's complex feelings or emotions regarding her traumas that don't fit into a neatly ordered box of 'perfect victim' and 'empowered female'.
people will really see a female character get sanded down into a performative caricature and think that it's better for her because she's been fictionally lobotomized into thinking acceptably to the masses. like ok, just say you fucking hate trauma survivors and go.
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