#sorry. mushy today. someone baked the bread I am eating even if just by controlling the machine
slavicafire · 11 months
there are days like today when I am overcome with the gratitude and awe stemming from the simple realisation that everything I have comes from others. everything I am has been influenced by others. someone made the clothes I’m wearing, and someone also wore them before me. someone made the food I’m eating and the ingredients I’m buying, and they were arranged on the store shelf by someone too, and someone wiped the floor I walked on to buy it. someone delivered my letters and hundred of strangers worked to make the movie I watched last night, and my memories are filled with people and things they made and feelings they made me feel, and when I die someone will dig the hole for my coffin, too, and someone will take care of my belongings. I am never alone and I exist thanks to thousands and thousands of strangers
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