#spins giovanni in a microwave
2oul2ilver · 2 years
About Gio in masters, I found another rather dubious line in one of his pokemon center conversations: "if you want to protect your dear pokemon, you'll need to be strong. No matter what that takes" . Why do I have a strong impression that he's projecting here?. Maybe it implies that he originally started Team Rocket to get strong enough to also protect his kid but power ended going over his head.
I nearly took a screenshot to answer this since that's what I'm used to doing with replies help
But ooooooooh yeah, I feel like in conjunction with the dialogue I posted there's some heavy implications there. I initially took it way more literally/at face value more bc depending on where he was in his life, it could EASILY be about a pokemon he lost.
But you raise an excellent point, he has a son (i somehow always forget this about him and silver lmao) and that's also pretty realistic that his son - or possibly even his wife/the woman he loved - needed that strength, needed that protection, and somewhere he failed, or came damn close to it. And thus turned to forming Team Rocket.
Given Silver's mom is entirely out of the picture it wouldn't surprise me if it were that something happened to her. Silver.... Has Issues, but they feel more like issues picked up from having Rocket Boss Giovanni as a dad, given his similar fixation of needing to be Strong, and using living things (his pokemon) as a means to an end, in the way Giovanni capitalizes on Team Rocket Grunts' weaknesses to achieve his personal goals.
There's so much to think about with PokeMas Giovanni, it's such a refreshing change from his distant Evil portrayals in other series. Makes him feel human but not even necessarily in some oversympathizing woobifying way, since he clearly speaks from some sort of bad experience but seems. Pretty accepting of his current direction in life.
I'll probably post the dialogue you're referencing here once I find it if only for my own archives, and this rate I'm starting to wonder if, using his son's age and what we know about the timeline of team rocket, I could work backwards to sort out how long he has 'turned to evil to survive' bc I feel like that'd be a telling aspect as well....
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carrie-tate · 1 year
Movie night
Warning: None, I think? Three friends just having a good time together ^^
Fandom: Epithet Erased
Description: Just a friendly movie night the Museum Trio with third-rate comedies
(Approximate) size: around 11k characters, actually?
Notes: Yes, yes, I also write, it’s just that I most often feel reluctant to translate it. This fanfic was written a year or two ago, but I decided to translate it with support @kanene-yaaay, so, thanks for that! Without you, I wouldn't have dared to do this!
It was Friday evening. And also exactly six months, one week and three days since Molly moved in with Giovanni.
She herself could not believe that everything went so smoothly: her father didn't particularly notice her disappearance, so he didn't look for her. And he was not at all embarrassed by the "overnight at a friend's" stretching for six months. Giovanni's mother, or Mrs. Potage (actually Blyndeff was surprised that "Potage" was Giovanni's real last name), quickly accepted that:
"Molly is Grandpa Frank's maternal aunt's great niece."
Giovanni himself, for some reason, left the Banzai Blasters. Molly herself didn't know the reason, but did not dare to ask. But he continued to call the girl by the nickname given to her back in the museum. In response, she sometimes called him "Boss", as then.
Also about a month ago, Dr. Ashling turned up. According to him, he recovered much earlier (fortunately, he was lucky to meet a person with the epithet “Treatment”), but Sylvester had too much to do, and could not find the time to finally call. The girl was pleased that he still kept the card she gave him.
Although, according to Ashling, he was confused when he called the number indicated and someoneб, who turned out to be Molly's dad, directed him to Giovanni's house.
Everyone was surprised then: Sylvie, who was met at the door by the former captain of the Banzai Blasters; and Giovanni, not understanding why he needed Molly; and Molly herself, who simply went to the living room to get a forgotten book, and in addition met Sylvie again.
That day they discussed many things. After that, Sylvester looked in on them from time to time, and no one really objected.
So on this Friday evening, they decided to get together and watch some movies.
Sylvie had not yet arrived, but Giovanni and Molly were already getting ready for the evening. Potage was sorting through cassettes, the old TV set refused to accept anything other than them. Blyndeff, with a gleam in her eyes, watched how a pack of popcorn was spinning in the microwave. After all, watching a movie without snacks is a crime.
Looking out from the kitchen with a bowl in her hands, the girl asked:
"How is it, Boss?"
"Great, Bear Trap," a smile beamed across the boy's face, "found a good movie for us!"
"This is cool."
Molly carefully sat down on the couch next to Giovanni, leaving the bowl on the coffee table.
"You're sure to like it," Potage handed the cassette to the girl.
"The Rock City Express?" puzzled, she read the inscription on the cassette.
"Yep, the best action comedy in our house," Giovanni smiled proudly.
"First time I've heard," Molly continued to look at the cassette.
"Oh, have you seen a lot of movies?" The guy sighed in displeasure, leaning back on the back of the couch.
"Honestly, not very," admitted Blyndeff.
"Oh, you want to talk about..."
Giovanni was interrupted by the doorbell.
Potage got up from the couch and walked slowly to the door. Behind this, of course, was Ashling.
"You're late, Doc," Giovanni said snidely.
"I’m not," the guest immediately objected. "I am never late, I arrived on time."
The psychologist looked at his watch, which showed exactly seven o'clock and two minutes.
"Your watch is thirteen minutes late," Potage remarked.
"What?!" asked Ashling, looking intently at his watch.
"Or ours is in a hurry," said Giovanni, grinning from ear to ear. "Come in."
"How witty," Sylvester replied with a perfectly stone face.
But still he went. The already familiar living room, the old TV, all this was familiar to the doctor. Molly waved her hand happily in greeting.
"Hey, Sylvie!"
"Hi," Sylvie replied with a slight hesitation and waved back modestly.
Giovanni sat imposingly in the corner of the couch, Ashling squatted neatly in the middle, and Molly settled herself comfortably on the other side.
"Giovanni, can you put the cassette in?" asked Blyndeff.
"Of course, of course, my faithful minion!"
Potage took the cassette from the girl and inserted it into the receiver. He hummed softly, letting you know that he was still working. Giovanni returned to his seat, taking the remote control with him.
Meanwhile, the doctor glanced at the cassette box.
"Wait, what the heck is that?!" Sylvester grabbed the box and looked at the cover.
"What?" Didn't understand Potage.
"What kind of third-rate comedy is that?" Ashling said irritably, waving the box around.
"Doc, you don't understand anything about movies!"
Giovanni snatched the box from the doctor's hands.
"This movie is the best comedy in this house! I know it!"
"I'm sorry that this garbage of cinema is the best movie in your house."
Sylvester folded his arms across his chest. Potage was about to answer him somehow, but Molly got into their conversation.
"The movie begin."
The girl carefully pulled the popcorn bowl closer to her.
"Now you will understand how wrong you are, Doc."
"Doc" just snorted in annoyance and stared at the screen.
The comedy, although it was really third-rate, didn’t stop Giovanni from laughing out loud at every joke. From Molly, too, chuckles and giggles were heard from time to time. Ashling, on the other hand, was staring at the screen with an indifferent expression. He thought he was too intelligent to laugh at such bad humor.
“Personally, clowns don’t seem funny to me at all.” Heard from the TV. “To tell you the truth, I'm afraid of them. I don't even know when it began. Probably when I was taken to the circus as a child and a clown killed my father.”
Sylvester covered his grin with his hand. This joke wasn't so bad.
"What's the matter, Doc?" Potage asked, smiling, noticing the change on his friend's face.
The smirk was quickly replaced by a bored face.
"Oka-ay," drawled Giovanni, but the smile was still on his face.
With a dramatic roll of his eyes, the doctor continued to watch. Unless, after a couple of scenes, another phrase slipped through that caused Ashling to grin.
Potage shouted smugly, pointing his finger at Sylvie.
"Smiling! So not such a third-rate movie!"
Giovanni folded his arms across his chest and lifted his head proudly, still looking at his friend. Sylvie returned the bored face and said:
"It must have seemed to you. Because I didn't smile."
"You can't fool me."
Giovanni approached the doctor, looking him straight in the eye. And immediately pulled away:
"And Bear Trap saw everything, right?"
Molly looked up from the movie.
"Huh? I guess?"
"Yeah, she didn't see anything," Ashling drawled.
"So it means that there was something to see!" Potage announced triumphantly.
"Ah... Um..." Sylvester did not immediately find something to answer this. "She didn't see anything because there was nothing to see!"
"You're making excuses! Everyone who has done something is making excuses!" Potage argued.
"Those who did nothing also make excuses, by the way!"
"Yeah-yeah, but I've seen you smile and it's useless to hide it, Doc."
Giovanni nudged the doctor lightly in the side with his elbow. And, of course, a stifled squeak from this same doctor didn’t pass by his ears. Potage glanced at Sylvie with concern.
"Is everything okay? Do you have a bruise or something?"
He poked at the same place again, testing his theory. Which caused a traitorous chuckle from Ashling. Giovanni stared at the doctor in bewilderment, but, having thought of something, narrowed his eyes cunningly, still looking at Sylvie.
"And what was it?"
"N-nothing?" Ashling smiled uncertainty and looked away.
"Oh," Potage began conspiratorially, "I don't think so, Doc."
Sylvester slowly moved away from the guy until he crashed into Molly. The girl again was distracted from the film and looked at her friend with incomprehension.
"Something's wrong?"
To be on the safe side, she put the bowl of popcorn back on the table.
"Nothing," Giovanni repeated the doctor's words. "I just found out something new about our Sylvie."
Having said this, Potage abruptly jerked forward at Ashling, raising his hands. With cries, Sylvie and Giovanni fell on the couch. Molly stared at this picture, literally unfolding under her nose, in bewilderment.
"Get off me!" the doctor immediately yelled, pushing his friend away with his hands.
"Nope," Potage said contentedly, wiggling his fingers. "Until I check it out!"
"Check the wha…"
Giovanni didn't wait for Sylvie to finish, and began to run his fingers rapidly along his sides. At the same moment Ashling stopped short and covered his mouth with his hands. But even such efforts were not successful. Here and there a chuckle slipped through; It was amusing to Potage to watch these futile attempts.
Molly, looking at this, thought for a couple of moments and decided to continue watching the movie. Sylvie, at that moment lying at her side and trying to hide her laughter, did not bother the girl at all.
"Cut. It. OUT!" Ashling snarled through his teeth (and, obviously, through his hands).
He tried with all his might to restrain himself, to endure and wait until Giovanni simply got bored with this business.
"No way!"
But he doesn't seem to get bored of it.
Potage accepted this peculiar challenge and smiled confidently, continuing his attack. But deciding that if he continues in the same spirit, he will not see anything new, Giovanni changed his place, raising his hands higher.
At this point Ashling's defenses collapsed. Quickly dropping his hands in an attempt to hide at least something from Potage's attack, the doctor burst into laughter. It was different from his "sinister" laugh and was more... childish.
"I knew it!"
Giovanni smiled triumphantly. He had no intention of stopping any time soon.
"Bear Trap, just look!"
"Eh?" Molly looked up from the movie again. "Oh."
"Help," Ashling pleaded piteously through laughter.
Blyndeff looked at the guys. Well, for some time the Boss wasn't tickling her. And it even looked cute from the outside. But perhaps you need help...
The girl reached out for Giovanni's arms, as he declared:
"You'll get yours too, Bear Trap," a playful, sinister grin appeared on his face.
Molly jerked her hand away in fright. She didn't really want to be in Sylvie's place right now. But when she looked at them again, she sighed, preparing for the worst. Blyndeff knew what she would get at the end.
"Sudden attack!"
Molly screamed and jumped on Potage, falling off the couch with him. Without giving Giovanni time to realize what had happened, she herself, closing her eyes, began to tickle him.
"…It's not fair… …to use… …my attacks… …on me!" with difficulty keeping the connection between the words, the guy shouted, while not even really resisting.
"...To attack... ...without warning... ...is also not fair..."
The doctor tried to get his breath back. Well, he hadn't laughed like that in a long time. Ashling stared at his friends with blank eyes, thinking. While Sylvie digested what had happened, Giovanni turned the tables, and now he was taking revenge on the girl.
When Potage finally calmed down and helped Blyndeff to his feet, they finally took notice of the hovering doctor. Giovanni waved his hand in concern in Sylvie's face.
"Doc? Are you okay?"
Molly tapped Ashling gently on the shoulder. This brought him out of his trance and the doctor looked around absently.
"Eh? What?"
"You okay?" Potage repeated the question. "I hope I didn't go too far? Bring some water?"
Sylvester looked at his friend with his usual sarcastic gaze. The only thing with which Giovanni "went too far" is with feelings.
"I'm fine, not dying," Ashling declared, thus reassuring the others.
"I'm sorry," Potage scratched the back of his head guiltily as he sat down next to Sylvie. "But understand, I had to check it out."
Potage spread his hands, saying, "I couldn't do anything about it."
"I got what you mean."
Adjusting his glasses, the doctor moved closer to Molly and said irritably:
"Next time, let me breathe, you moron."
Potage nodded at first, not attaching much importance to Ashling's words. Then the meaning of what was said hit him.
"You mean 'next time'?" the guy drawled in puzzlement.
"And what is wrong?"
"I thought you were going to say something in your nutty way," Giovanni said, and mimicked that 'nutty way' by gesturing vigorously. " 'Don't touch me again or I'll strangle you!' "
"It's just that I know you're going to ignore it," the doctor snorted uncertainly.
"He wouldn't," Blyndeff broke in, "you know that."
Potage nodded again. Ashling involuntarily admitted that usually this guy really would not hurt someone. At least if asked. Accordingly, here Sylvester could simply ask not to interfere with him and, with a probability of sixty-seven percent, Giovanni would listen to him.
Then why didn't Sylvester do it?
"So you...don't mind, then?" A smile slowly spread over Potage's face.
"You know, I should probably go," Ashling said somewhere to the side, slowly getting up from the couch.
They didn't let him get up. The next moment, the doctor was enclosed in a general embrace, Molly stuck to his side, and on the other hand, Giovanni, like some kind of older brother, furiously ruffled his hair.
Only after a couple of minutes in this form, Blyndeff suddenly announced in an upset:
"Oh! I missed half the movie because of you!"
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