#star u make me feel like someone actually wants to talk to me 😭💕
nogenderbee · 11 months
OH MY GODDD IT FEELS LIKE YEARS SINCE I LAST OPEN TUMBLR😭. I'm really sorry I'm being inactive for months, school really is something. But I'm back!! ☁️anon is back :D (for now. but probably will not active as I was since I don't really have a lot free time now😔)
Anyway, I saw your recent event, and I decided why I don't try it :)
⊱ What nickname would you call your lover?
- it's either love, lovely, cutie, or the shorten version of their name
⊱ What are your hobbies?
- anything with music. mostly I like to sing and listen to my favorite music. But sometimes I like reading too
⊱ What's your perfect date idea?
- actually I don't really mind with anything. However, I love we taking a stroll, stargazing together, just enjoying each other presence or maybe house date in lazy day
⊱ What's something you hate in others? (like a personality trait or behavior for example)
- I don't like people who always judge and critique something, and when someone is ignoring you, or someone who says bad thing to others
⊱ What are yours main 3-5 (or more if you want!) personality traits?
- well, I'm quiet and shy type of person. But when I'm with someones that I feel comfortable, I'm funny, playful, and sometimes sensitive
⊱ What's activity/hobby do you like?
- listening to music, singing, watching anime, and sometimes reading
⊱ What's activity/hobby you don't like?
- swimming (I can't swim) and any physical activity that will drain my energy
Thank u and have a nice day!! 💕
OMG HELLO MY FIRST EVER ANON!! It's truly nice to see you here <3 And don't worry about not being active much! I'm just glad you still remember about me <3 So let's get into this, shall we~?
I pair you with...
Honami Mochizuki!
⊱ so first of all, all of your nicknames suit her so well! I especially think "cutie" suits her but that might be only my personal opinion!
⊱ of course you both love music! There are probably some karaoke nights between you two! But of course she likes reading as well! So if you have good book, she'd be happy to read it with you
⊱ as for date ideas, all suit her taste. But especially stargazing dates! She absolutely loves stargazing so if she can share moments like these with you then she'd be more than happy! But lazy dates or great too since the two of you can just cuddle and not worry about anything else
⊱ and now... about your traits! Even tho you're shy and quiet z you somehow got around thanks to her kindness and became closer which lead to you opening to her more. And so she couldn't be more glad for your playful side that never fails to make her laugh! Hur she's also very caucious with you as she knows you're sensitive and will often act quite motherly for you
⊱ and finally, she's maybe not an anime fan but she also doesn't mind it! So if you have your lazy dates when you just cuddle it's quite easy to convince her to watch an anime and who knows, maybe she'll like it?
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You and Honami were right now taking a walk through streets. It was stary night so both of you were slowly walking while looking up and having calm conversation.
"Here, it's Leo constellation. Can you see it?"
She almost hugged you and pointed with her finger towards the sky, where constellation was so she can be sure you see it as well.
"Sky is really clear today... almost as if stars knew we were walking back home together~"
She kept admiring the stars while holding your hand and walking towards the destination of your house, eventually dropping few comments about ale sky or just initiating a normal talk with you.
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toburnup · 2 years
ok first actually this is literally so good this whole fic is so so good and has been living rent free in my head since august 25th ok i literally think about it a minimum of 3 times per day and thats a very conservative guesstimate. ok.
BUT. BESTIE. IM UNWELL. (please forgive this outrageous outpouring of emotions in ur ask id comment on ao3 but i forgot my password and can't be bothered to fix it rn)
"There are more stars out, and the moon is bright." THERE ARE STARS OUT TONIGHT AND HE CAN SEE THEM PLEASE STOP IM ON THE FLOOR.
"Steve already knows and his stomach fills with those butterflies he's still trying to get used to." butterflies to get USED TO I AM BEGGING FOR MERCY
""What are you so afraid of?" Steve asks, holding him there, so he can't run away from this. Eddie's voice is soft, serious. Earnest. "You."" literally just kill me rn it would hurt less.
the kiss the kiss the kiss tHE KISS THE KISS THE KISS THE KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also thank fUCK these morons are finally starting to TALK TO EACH OTHER GOOD GOD
i have perished this is so exquisite the pinING the MORONIC but so relatable desire to not look/feel vulnerable. bOTH making comments that just end up living rent free in the others head. the unfoRTUNATE TIMING WITH THE DAMN TEXTS. i-. im gonna stop myself right here. but. i love this fic so much. thank u thank u thank u for writing this 😭💕😭💕
ALKSDAJLSKD i'm so glad you're enjoying it. this was like. VERY NICE TO READ 💙 😭😭 like you just popping over here to make my day?? pls do.
okok but to speak to the points you liked!! (which, ty for including, i love hearing about what stood out) i'm gonna pop them under a read more cause it got a bit long. I GUESS I HAVE A LOT TO SAY 💙
steve looking out at the stars!! big sky! big feelings!!! he's stepping out onto the balcony and is opening himself up to it. he has a big heart, he's just bad at using it sometimes.
the butterflies!! honestly, it was so fun to see steve is like. acknowledging he has a Thing for eddie and it's not just about him wanting physical closeness (chapter 2 steve would've been like ? this isn't butterflies, this must be indigestion). and he's like OK I ACCEPT. reluctantly, and a bit sadly, but he accepts it!!
but on the flip side, acknowledging that he has feelings means it's real now, and steve is impulsive and likes to have confirmation so :) :) he went and tried to get it, haha. and didn't that go well.
steve is someone who has no problem admitting what he fears - probably because everything has sort of 'worked out' in that regard so far - but what he loves, on the other hand?? terrifying to admit in the circumstances that it might not be reciprocated. also, i think the nancy breakup is always going to be a big turning point in steve's life cause it's like the MOST stable thing suddenly crumbling.
all that to say, steve doesn't see revealing that he's scared as a big deal quite like eddie does. so eddie saying steve is who he's afraid of - to his face - is like. ultimate vulnerability. he wouldn't tell steve he was afraid of him (or afraid of steve breaking his heart 😌😌) if he didn't trust him. steve doesn't see it that way tho. steve's worst fear is being feared lol.
annnnnnd the kiss 😌😌😌 with so much buildup, i was like. yikes. i hope this goes over okay. but then the plot did its thing and turns out it's just another step on the way there, 'cause at the end of the day, the no-kiss thing is just a piece of a bigger issue here.
anyway, ty for sending this very sweet message 💙 i hope you enjoy chapter 5!! should be up this week.
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So, um, hi. I've sent in askes before, and usually wouldn't be shy to let you know who I'm am, but I've had a really crappy day (my mom made me legit burst into tears) and my birthday is in two days, so I've decided to cheer myself up.
Do you have any hc for the 3-E boys (specifically underestimated Okajima/ Okajima is more than his flaws?) Thank you!
Aww baby I’m so sorry :( That sounds awful
I hope it gets better, and happy birthday love!! I hope you have a great day! My dms are always open if u wanna talk!!! Wishing you tons of love 💕
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Okajima is always in a rush every morning because he has to have long morning showers. No, he’s not forced to but he’s a huge diva and it helps him feel/look his best everyday
And because of that, he’s often doing random things on the way to school or in first period. Like putting lotion on, hair gel, eyebrow tweezing, etc 😭 Everyone clowns on him so much lmao
Mimura has a lot of old collectible film stuff, like Star Wars ship models, stuff like that. He gives away some of the less valuable ones to some of the kids at the school they help in canon.
Sugino and Maehara get into origami together, to prove to the other athletes that they can be “delicate and dexterous and not at all clumsy.” They end up getting addicted and make a million paper animal figures that end up in every corner of the classroom
This tiktok is literally Okajima and Maehara energy (Okajima is the one on the bed lmao)
Itona is always wearing a million layers because he’s used to it :( from when he was homeless and had to conserve warmth somehow
Yada, Kurahashi, and Nakamura film makeup videos for fun, and the most frequent of their victims clients is Okajima. He always volunteers if they need someone, and it’s fun for him. He likes learning about new hacks and how to use it.
Okajima always offers to sharpen any of his seatmate’s pencils if he’s getting up anyways for his own. It’s a little sweet gesture!
Muramatsu, Nagisa and Okajima help each other pick out beanies whenever they do online shopping in class.
Karma texts Isogai at the most random times saying the oddest things just to bother him lmao. But jokes on him bc at this point, nothing fazes Isogai lmaooo
Karma: would you still be friends with me if I were a worm?
Isogai: please leave me alone it’s literally 4am, also the answer is yes
Speaking of texts, Okajima texts like the girls. He uses a lot of “heyyy” and “omggg” and it’s completely unironic. 
Basically I feel like Okajima is a very fluid individual lol. He doesn’t care to conform to gender norms. He has no shame, except for when he does something obviously wrong. But I mean, he’ll crossdress, wear facial masks, try out makeup, etc.
The guys definitely go on a fishing trip in the future, either right after graduation or sometime during college. Actually no, they do it once every summer after graduation. And it’s very chaotic every time 😭
If there is a plan to hang out, you best believe Okajima will invite everybody he can lmao. He cannot keep word down. He always protests that “the more, the merrier!” But really he doesn’t want anyone to ever feel excluded. And if he has to throw himself under the bus for that, then so be it
He also has a really soft spot for nature. He’s always had it, but wasn’t really around people who would encourage it. After getting in 3-E and hanging out more with someone like Kurahashi, he grows to unabashedly adore bunnies and cats and everything.
He also definitely gifts cat-themed stuff to Hayami. He plays it off like his mom bought the wrong ones or something like that, but really he loves seeing Hayami’s face light up.
Okajima’s love language is acts of service, hidden under words of affirmation and big over-the-top gestures.
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xiaojuun · 2 years
whats your favorite thing about your ult 💕 (feel free to choose whichever one (or multiple) you'd like to talk about 👀 also im so sorry bestie i accidentally unfollowed you while sending this ask hfvbsdfvshdf)
omg me with my 11 ults though how to even CHOOSE biba 😭 what if i just tell u quickly(?) my favorite thing abt each of them ... is that okay ... if i can even manage that ajsghjab ... below the cut for eri ult lovefest !
donghyun (ab6ix): i love how genuine he is. the way he values trust and honesty, and is never one to put up a front is extremely endearing to me and i think why i loved him so much so quickly.
jihoon (trsr): despite how lively he is, jihoon will absolutely never take credit for anything, i sincerely admire the way that he steps back so that others can shine and that is what makes him such a good leader - team first, and care for everyone as an individual (even when you're clowning them).
jaehyuk (trsr): i love the way jae loves. it's so inspiring to me i will literally cry about it ... he is just so attentive and warm, remembers absolutely everything you tell him, always there with a kiss and a 'you did well.'
taehyun (txt): my favorite thing about tyun is how straightforward he is. he is diligent and he is sensitive, but he is very to-the-point, and as someone who is also like that irl i really appreciate seeing it in an idol. it can often be misunderstood but it really does come from a place of trying to understand - it's curiosity and trying to always make himself better.
sehyoon (a.c.e): he is so calming and grounding to me. i actually fell for his performance presence first and he is not my "usual" bias type, but despite being seemingly opposite to me in many ways, i see a lot of myself in our same-age, supportive structure, fighting our own battles but taking responsibility for ourselves nature ... i call him my husband bc i see him as my perfect match.
jangjun (golcha): honestly i just love a clown i really do. jangjun is magnetic in a way that i think is very polarizing like you either love him or think he is insufferable, and i love him because i respect nothing more than a deep commitment to the bit.
seunghun (cix): his tenacity is tear-jerking, i will never be the same after seeing the way he was absolutely emotionally pummeled during ygtb and still manages to be the bright shining light that we know and love today. deserves the world!!!!
seungkwan (svt): again i love a clown ... ajkdbja no boo is pure warmth and is just the kind of person who i can see myself being friends with, he always makes me laugh and sometimes that's really all it takes.
woonggi (to1): my BABY he is just a star. when i was getting to know to1 i simply could not stop laughing bc of woonggi and he is just human sunshine to me, someone who can always lift my mood. and that's why i really hope his hiatus is healing and he can come back to us soon feeling better.
jihoon (solo/wanna one): weirdest kid i've ever fallen in love with in my life. i think what i love most about jihoon is that he has the most like ... baseline energy in the sense that he's not necessarily easily excitable, or witty, or anything other than neutral in *most* moments, but he is just kind of naturally funny, and diligent and extremely committed to everything that he does. i will watch him do absolutely anything.
jin (bts): honestly he is just my bestie. like ... i love that he genuinely in every sense of the word IS just some guy who happens to be in this insanely popular group. but he is peak sagittarius like me and just . lives life how he wants to . and i love that
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