#star wars fanfic fanfiction luke skywalker darth vader father admiral piett palpatine sideous
25centsoda · 3 years
An Unintended Side Effect 3/?
Piett looked down at the tired boy on the couch and sighed internally. He had a ship to run, and the boy clearly wasn’t going anywhere. But Lord Vader’s demands superseded almost all else, save those from the Emperor, and Piett quite liked breathing, thank you very much.
Sitting down stiffly on the couch next to him, Piett said, “So, Imperial Prince Skywalker.”
Luke tilted his head to better look up at the Admiral. “Unfortunately.”
“While there are, ah, certain downsides,” he said, looking uncomfortable, “surely a position as the Imperial Prince is better than the alternatives.”
“Mmm, no, I’d rather be back with the Alliance and able to think clearly.” Luke sighed. “But I do prefer this to being forced to turn to the dark side I guess. Hopefully if I promise to cooperate Vader will stop drugging me.”
“He has spent considerable resources scouring the galaxy for you, I can’t imagine he’d want to take many chances on you escaping.”
“No, I’d imagine not. Still. Surely I’m not this much of a danger, with him following my every move.”
Piett didn’t seem to know how to respond to that, and they sat in semi-awkward silence for a moment - Luke was too tired  to really feel awkward.
Luke picked his way down the shuttle ramp a half-step behind his father, careful not to stumble. It took a lot more focus than it really should have, and the voluminous, heavily stylized robes in every shade of blue really weren’t helping. To add to his discomfort, the cuffs corralling the billowy sleeves made him think of chains wrapped around his wrists.
“Young Skywalker, we meet at last,” the Emperor said, walking up to greet them, his cane clacking on the marble floor.
They all stopped at the bottom of the ramp, and Palpatine reached out a hand to touch Luke’s face. His presence in the Force was like an oil slick, dark and poisoning the air. When the backs of his cold, gnarled fingers touched Luke’s cheek he shuddered and just barely managed not to pull away. He felt the touch of the Emperor’s Force signature inspecting his.
“Lord Vader,” he said, still looking at Luke, “couldn’t keep even your own son under control without resorting to such crude methods?”
Vader didn’t reply, but Luke could tell through their connection that behind his shields he was fuming.
“No matter,” Palpatine said, dropping his hand. Luke shored up his own shields as best he could without being able to properly touch the Force, clumsily stacking them higher. “My dear boy, should you find yourself wishing for an alternative, I’d be more than happy to take you under my wing. Surely you grate under so much time in your father’s company.”
Luke balled his artificial hand into a fist, then forced himself to release it. “I am...honored, Your Majesty, but I’m fine right where I am.”
Palpatine gave him a long, amused look, but turned back towards the palace. “My offer stands as long as you need it, my boy. Come, it is time for the galaxy to learn of its new Prince.”
They wound through hallways grander than anything Luke had ever seen, never stopping to admire anything, although Luke dearly wished to at least linger in the portrait hall they’d passed; surely if he was being forced to wear Nubian makeup then his mother would have warranted a portrait in the Imperial gallery? He’d have to see if he could come back later, even if it had to be with an escort.
When they reached the balcony, Luke stood in the back, blinking in the light, grateful that his father had conceded to let him be on a lower dose for the ceremony. He’d need his wits about him to get through this, especially while trying to make sure the Alliance didn’t think he’d decided to change sides.
“Citizens of the Empire,” Palpatine said, voice surprisingly strong as the speakers carried it across the amassed crowds. “On this, the 22nd glorious Empire Day, I have a gift for you. Your new Imperial Prince.”
He gestured behind him, and Luke reluctantly joined him. Palpatine put an arm around Luke and he held back another shudder as the man’s Force presence seemed to try to seep into his skin, wrapping around him like a blanket, or a viper.
“Luke Skywalker, son of the late Padmé Amidala, who hailed from my own home planet of Naboo. He was stolen away by the Jedi of the Old Republic, and led away by the Rebellion. But now the prodigal son has returned to us! In celebration of this joyous day, and the anniversary of the formation of our beautiful Empire, there will be a ball in the Imperial Palace tonight. For now, however,” he said, releasing Luke, who took the opportunity to take a half-step away, “let the celebrations begin!”
The crowd erupted in deafening cheers and fireworks went off throughout the masses, startling a flinch out of Luke. Music started up from somewhere and TIE fighters screamed in from the air amid the chaos, signaling the start of the parade.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Palpatine said, still facing the crowds.
“Yes, Your Majesty,” Luke said dutifully, staring unseeing at them himself.
“It could be yours, if you chose.”
“I’m fine, Majesty,” Luke said, turning to look for his father. Even Vader was better than this; or, better yet, now that he was on a planet he might have a better chance of escaping than he’d had on the Executor.
“I wouldn’t be so sure, dear boy. You’ll find my Inquisitors quite difficult to evade, should you attempt it.”
Luke stiffened, hands freezing at his sides.
“But go, enjoy yourself. I’m sure there are many who would like to meet with you; don’t let an old man such as myself stop you.”
He felt the echo of Palpatine’s laughter follow him down the stairs.
Although he was stuck standing by Palpatine’s throne, Vader never took his eyes off his son, so he saw the moment Luke collapsed in his latest dance partner’s arms.
Vader immediately left the Emperor’s side and rushed to his son, whose head was in the lap of the man he had been dancing with. Luke’s eyes were closed, but they fluttered open when his father approached, carefully wrapping his presence in the Force around his son.
“Father,” he slurred, reaching a hand up to him before letting it fall back on his own chest.
“What happened?” Vader demanded.
“I don’t know, my lord, he just collapsed,” Luke’s dance partner stuttered.
As Vader pulled Luke into his arms, Luke began speaking again. “Mmm, you’re warm. Not like, personality wise, but your suit is. I wish you were, though.”
Clearly his son was in no condition to stay here. Surely Sideous had his fill of watching Luke mingle with the Imperial elite, and would not protest if he took Luke to bed.
“I wish you were warmer,” Luke continued, eyes now closed. “More like, like a real father. I used to dream about my father, you know, how he’d take me away from Tatooine and we’d see the stars..”
He gestured, uncoordinated, as he said this, then let his hands fall.
“But I guess that’s reality for you, huh? Uncle Owen always said I dreamt too much. And now instead I’m the stupid Imperial Prince, whatever that’s supposed to mean.” Quieter, as he shifted his head closer to Vader’s chest, he added, “I’d settle for being back with my friends right now.”
Vader’s heart ached. He wished he could be a proper father to his son, but Sidious had long ago ensured he would never have the chance. All he could do now was quicken his step and get Luke to a proper bed for the night, and get him off Coruscant, away from Palpatine, as soon as possible.
As Luke slept that night in the Palace, a dark, oil-slick presence slithered its way into his chambers, seeking the boy’s light. Although he shivered in the cold it brought like a fog, he didn't wake.
The dark presence seeped across the floor, and up to Luke. On reflex, the boy threw out a dazzle of light, the best defense he could give in his drugged, exhausted state. The darkness was barely pushed back, but amusement colored it and it conceded, letting the boy have his rest, for now.
It had seen all it needed to.
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