sxissorsbeatspaper · 6 years
"“Do you celebrate Boxing Day? Because you’re the whole package.”
"I don’t know what that is so...as far as bad jokes go, this failed on all levels” 
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maeeyecomein-blog · 6 years
"I admit this is my own nosiness getting the best of me, but... seeing as how you seem to be here to stay for the time being, I just wanted to say, if you have anything on your mind, I'd be more than willing to listen."
“I have lots of things on my mind. I have a few things in my mind too...” She points to the corners of her eyes, lips splitting in an ugly sort of grin. 
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guaardian · 7 years
“You can’t choose what stays and what fades away.”
“Feeling melancholic, are we?”
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kindmisskawai · 7 years
🕹- What does your muse do to occupy themselves when bored? ⛪️- Does your muse enjoy attending churches they don’t belong to?
Unusual questions for your muse
🕹- What does your muse do to occupy themselves when bored?
It varies! She may text her friends, or try new recipes. If it’s already late, she might read something or practice handicraft, like crouchet. Shizuka also has her own list of games, mostly fantasy and adventure, and always very emotinal.
⛪️- Does your muse enjoy attending churches they don’t belong to?
Although her religion is Shinto, Shizuka enjoys to know about other religions as Christianity, Buddhism, Islam. She holds a lot of respect for all beliefs, and believes faith is something important to the people. So, is she is allowed to stay, she might attend to understand it better.
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maariku · 7 years
⚓ Are there any small details you tend to like in roleplays?⚡ What are the good sides with duplicates?
⚓ Are there any small details you tend to like in roleplays?
I appreciate a balance of give and take, like I know it’s hard sometimes, depending on the scene, to leave room for the other to react, but it helps to throw something back that my muse can react to. I can’t come up with any good examples now. I know that nine times out of ten my muse might straight up just ignore the other person’s, making it hard for them to contribute, but in those cases I’m not expecting the other person to hold up the scene and I’ll try to message them if he’s being particularly moody to be like “hey he’s gonna not give you anything for a bit just let me know if you need me to add and skip ahead” or I’ll have a plan to make something happen to get him to move things along. 
⚡ What are the good sides with duplicates?
I think it would be a lot of fun to reflect a character off his duplicate, and I actually really want to try something with a double as a sort of strange, subconscious, abstract experiment.You can also learn a lot by how another mun plays the muse and maybe pick up some generic headcanons that you might use to improve yours. Now, I don’t mean steal them like anything detailed but things like... Discussing what you think the muses greatest fears would be, given their canon backstory. 
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mashakil-blog1 · 7 years
(Head canon) I kind of see Isis having a preference for desserts. Like, nothing super sweet, more fruit tarts and cream/nut pastries rather than something like chocolate or caramels. And if she could choose between an actual meal or a dessert of some kind, she'd go for the dessert, though I'm pretty sure she'd feel a bit guilty about it.
Isis with a sweet tooth? 10/10.
Choosing dessert over a meal? Yeah, probably something she’d do. 
Bbygirl has no limits. :’D
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sxissorsbeatspaper · 6 years
"It's a good thing I've got a library card, because I'm absolutely checking you out."
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maeeyecomein-blog · 6 years
💅 paintin' the demon claws with glitter polish~
“Peculiar....How do you get this to shine with so much enthusiasm?”
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guaardian · 7 years
What was the worst illness you ever contacted? Do you know what it was? How long were you sick? (For Maiya and Raphael)
Interview the Muse
R: Actually, I was a very healthy child. Nothing worse than a fever or the flu.
M: Yeah, same here. Great immune system.
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tumbarius-blog1 · 7 years
❛ Are you even listening to yourself? ❜
[ question sentence starters ]
Tumblr media
“I like to think I do,” he answered sarcastically, lifting a brow. “Why? Was there something wrong with what I said?”
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kindmisskawai · 7 years
💘- A memory that gets their heart pounding
Peer into my muse’s memories
To a girl that doesn’t know much about romance or romantic feelings, this is a dificult one to point out, but in this case, there is a memory not so old.
A memory that only included sounds, as her eyes were still covered by the bandages. Memories of Honda’s words back in the hospital, how he told her that her brother needed her support, her courage... Even when she was convinced that she had none.
Yet, he believed in her, in her strength... This... Always made her heart pound so strongly in her chest.
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maariku · 7 years
Send 💭 to read my muse's mind
He watched the white dust fall, settling on an untouched street, gleaming fantastically under the streetlights in the night. His eyes cast across the expanse of snow as he walked, slowing until he stopped and so the crunching beneath his feet ceased too. He stared awestruck, though his expression betrayed little more than a vague intrigue. 
The way the lights hit the snow, it was like it was glistening, and unlike water did. Did something happen, like, chemically to snow that made it glitter? Did... did glitter come from snow? 
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mashakil-blog1 · 7 years
(Head canon) Isis was probably allowed to go to the surface for brief periods of time, and stay with some of the tomb keepers that lived on the surface, with the intent that she would eventually take over most interactions with them. ie discussing what should be brought in, like food, medicine, clothing, etc.
I definitely see it happening. Since she’s not the true heir, and the first born - so added responsibilities are always a pressure. 
Someone’s gotta take charge. uvu
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sxissorsbeatspaper · 6 years
"Are you a wifi hotspot? Because I'm feeling a connection."
Send me really bad pick up lines and see how my muse reacts to them
The worse, the better
“...That’s not that bad. Maybe three out of five”
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guaardian · 7 years
Send me “™” if you think I’m quality!
Thanks a lot!
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