#stinky is affectionately up to mischief
yorshie · 5 months
💜 describe yourself in five words or less!
Smol Stinky Round Happy Bandit
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gecko-sims · 5 years
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Cryrus Crawley for @boomchicapopdat‘s Prince’s ball!
Alignment: Mischief 
Skill points: Mischief 3, Logic 0, Dancing 1, Charisma 3, Fitness 2
Cyrus is from the forest kingdom of Eskea. Eskea is a mysterious and private land, as it is very hard to reach, being located on the top of a mountain and covered with dense fog and foliage. Due to this, most of Eskea doesn’t have much contact with outsiders and is very stuck in it’s traditions and customs, though in recent years they have begun to trade and interact more with outsiders, leading to a very slow march of progress. The Kingdom believes itself to be protected by Etalie, the spirit of the mountain. It is rumored that Etalie is the source of the kingdoms strong and magically potent tress that produce sturdy and powerful brooms and wands, as well as causing the soil of Eskea to be especially potent, leading to large and bountiful harvests of strange and magical plants. The people of Eskea eat mostly fruit and vegetable, meat being a special treat and a delicacy. One of the lands most loved traditions is the Festival of Etalie, where the people please the mountain spirit by exchanging gifts, feasting, dancing, and dressing in costume, and making wishes to the spirit. At the begining of the festival it is said that Etalie will choose a representative to precide over this proceedings, by sending a bird to deliver them a flower. The chosen representative is treated with great honor and respect and is said to be blessed with good fortune and fertility. Though this of course doesn’t always happen.
About Cyrus: Cyrus was born the eldest son of a very wealthy and prominent family of nobles. When his mother was expecting, she and his father asked Etalie to bless the unborn child with great power. It seems that the mountain spirit made good on this promise as Cyrus was born with potent and powerful magic within him, manifested physically by the blue markings on his face. However, Cyrus was pure trouble for his parents from the time he learned to walk and talk. Cyrus tended towards mischief magic, talked back contantly, snuck out, took interest in other boys, and was fascinated byoutsider culture and over things his family looked down upon. It was due to all this, that despite being the oldest and family heir, Cyrus was disowned and shunned from Eskea. Cyrus has never let this get him down however, as he is confident in himself, and enjoys traveling around, seeing new places, and meeting new people. Cyrus revels in playing pranks and causing mischief, loving making people laugh, and taking little seriously. He has quite a temper and has also gotten in his fair share of scuffles and tussles, despite the fact that at heart he is a kind and gentle natured soul who only wants to be accepted.
Random facts:
- The pointed ears and blue hair are common to the people of Eskea, but his facial markings and eyes are a sign of Etalie’s blessing.
- Pretty stoked about outsider fashion and technology
- Yells “PARKOUR” before jumping over things
- Acts tough but will 100% cry over baby animals
- Stinky bastard exterior, hiding a sift ball of goo who just wants to be loved
- Eats lots of candy
- Very powerful magic user but messes up literally half the time cause he has no damn patience.
- Pansexual, but tends more towards the company of men
- Once brought a vacuum cleaner to life by accident. he named ot Reginald and kept it. 
- very physically affectionate. HUGS FOR DAYS!
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bpd-seishi · 5 years
Oh worm? Neko au? Tea?
djsfklasdfn anyway, um. i probably should’ve answered this closer to when i posted that thing that mentioned the neko au but afdlkjsadfkl better late than never, right? :’) 
okay so. this’ll probably be disappointing to a lot of u but not everyone in this au is a kitty, some of them are just normal people who have to take care of these neko losers sahflasjdk RIP. i should mention that my versions of nekos have kitty claws (but not paws), cat ears and tails (as is the standard), and a lot of catlike behaviors. so they’re still mostly human, but sometimes i talk about them acting super catlike and i don’t wanna confuse anyone adsfkl ;w; 
so! without further ado! the kitties are: seishi, akira, nico, saiji, narumi, marin, kasumi, and i’m thinking i’m gonna have neko kazuomi too :0 just for fun, i’m gonna throw some stuff about their personalities here: 
seishi white ears and tail. i kinda made fun of him in my tags but he actually is a sweet lil kitty,, he just had bad caretakers before landing in ayumu’s care :’) he used to be terrified of baths because they consisted of just a hose and really cold water, but now he’s more tolerant of them because ayumu actually sets it up nice and puts him in warm water, go figure. he still doesn’t like them cuz he hates getting wet, though. he also doesn’t like getting his claws clipped and cries every time it happens lsdjflk ;w; it’s like this every goddamn time RIP he tends to chew/lick things when he’s nervous (which is often. poor little ptsd kitty :’0). his favorite target is ayumu’s hair. he likes to crawl into his lap, wrapping his skinny, gangly arms around him, and just. really go to town on his hair aljdfjlkasd he has kind of a lisp that he’s embarrassed of and i love him honestly he’s just an oversized lap cat. all he wants to do is be in ayumu’s lap and vibrate purr really loudly, disrupting whatever ayumu was doing :’3 he also likes to bring him dead animals as presents, which disturb the hell out of ayumu asdlkjflaksd RIP ;w; 
akira grey ears and tail. the kinda kitty who rubs against people who are allergic to him, and yes i know that’s just a body language thing but akira does it on purpose alkjdsflskdf. 100% knocks glasses off tables just for fun. really wants mikoto to be his caretaker cuz he thinks she’ll be mean to him because she’s fun to harass, and he constantly jumps on her stuff/lap to get her attention. gets a thrill out of being yelled at/told no really he just wants some attention his old caretakers never played with him and kinda neglected him :’(he also scratches at her door at 4:30 in the morning (because let’s be honest he just didn’t sleep asjlkfdsf) for her to make him breakfast,, even though he’s damn well capable of making it himself. mikoto buys ear plugs to tune him out but she still has the scratches on the door to prove that akira was there, being a little monster the kind of cat who thinks every goddamn can u open is for him. it is not. he also eats plants and then demands mikoto rubs his tummy because now it hurts and it’s definitely not a trap nope he’s never had a bath in his life. he smells terrible and i hate him asjflksadjf ;w; 
nico white ears and tail. a sweet, if somewhat fussy kitty (like seishi tbh. that’s what they both are. sweet but a lil fussy :’3). one of those weird cats that actually likes water. she would stick her head under the faucet if it fit ;w; she even likes swimming, which is weird for cats/nekos in general. she likes maiko a lot (of course) and brings her animals to express her affection. the catch is that unlike most cats, she brings living animals to her jladhflksadjf. she doesn’t like killing them but maiko isn’t,, really sure what to do with them oh geez– she usually just sets them free but don’t tell nico okaytends to be a bit fickle about touch. she doesn’t like strangers petting her but with certain people (mostly maiko lksfdjlkdsf) she’ll silently demand affection via glaring at them across the room alfklsdj ;w; likes those cutesy collars tbh but gets mad when people treat it in a gross way (and rightfully so too!! leave her alone weirdos!! >:T). also definitely appreciates grooming more than the boys above, but she has trouble with nail clipping cuz it makes her nervous. what if the person doing it clips them too much? :’0 A) that would hurt and B) she needs them for territory battles with saiji lkasdjfklasdf okay that last one’s a joke but still
saiji white ears and tail. in speak of the devil! actually saiji’s a pretty calm kitty, not particularly putting up a fuss…..unless kasumi’s around. those two can (and will!) battle it out jlasdflkdsjaf RIP. mostly though he’s pretty chill, even with nico (they’re really just mutually amicable rivals tbh). doesn’t like water but puts up with baths cuz he hates smelling bad unlike certain other kittens i could namealso likes maiko, and also brings her animals as a gesture of Love and Appreciation asjdfhlkasdf. his, however, are in fact dead, and he even goes to the trouble of putting them in nice, neat coffin-like boxes. boy really goes all out dfkjlsadjf. unfortunately, maiko also doesn’t know what to do with these, lmao she usually throws the dead bodies out but she’ll keep the box if it’s really nice looking. once again, don’t tell saiji :’)LOVES being groomed. being brushed, having his nails clipped, all that jazz. like i said before, the one thing he’s not super crazy about are baths but eh, he’ll get over it, he doesn’t like being Stinky (unlike akira alsdflks poor mikoto) doesn’t like it when people give him catnip, because he’s not a fan of embarrassing himself. which inevitably happens when a kitty is on catnip :’3 
narumi brown ears and tail. energetic kitten who loves being played with! seriously. she has way too much energy. help. most likely to jump on the table while ur doing homework and sending ur papers scattering (unless ur names mikoto, in which case akira’s more likely to harass u). neutral on baths, but has a general distaste for getting wet. like akira, is also the kind of cat who assumes every time u open the fridge ur getting them a treat whICH NO IT’S NOT FOR U DAMMIT. smarter than him in that she will not eat leaves, but she does chew on plants for fun sometimes. she loves making mischief (though not as much as kasumi does. but, we’ll get to her later :’3) has no interest in having a caretaker outside of her family but could probably use someone setting rules for her while she’s at school. and trust me, people try to, and usually she’ll listen if she’s told “hey, don’t do that”. more than anything though she needs a goddamn playmate aksdflajsdfkl :’) loves the laser pointer more than anything. all nekos have enough human brain to understand that u can’t actually catch the dot, but still feel compelled to anyway. narumi doesn’t care that she can’t ever get it, she just loves the thrill of the chase >:3c 
marin goldish white ears and tail. sleepy kitty. kinda kitty who finds a sun patch, lays down immediately, and passes the heck out. also very affectionate: will rub up against u and “groom” ur hair (read: lick and preen, like i mentioned seishi doing earlier) even if she doesn’t know u all that well. another weird kitty that doesn’t mind getting wet all that much, she even likes it. she actually does stick her head under the faucet on occasion just cuz it just be like that sometimes, y’know? gets even sleepier on catnip, somehow. no one thought it was possible. most cats get more energetic/stimulated on it, not her. she just gets cuddly and more tired aldsfjlkasd this actually happens to my cat on the nip sometimes slkdfsd trust me i know what i’m talking aboutpretty independent kitty, but not opposed to cuddles or a lap to sleep on. she’s all about that nap life, son her favorite toy is a mouse given to her by a coworker at the station. it has a nice little bell that jingles and she likes to hold it when she sleeps. when she’s feeling playful though she’ll bat it around a bit owo 
kasumi black ears and tail. ratty ol’ alley cat who hisses at everyone who so much looks at her funny. infamous for nyooming through the dorm halls at three in the morning and for staring at empty spaces and telling everyone that she sees a ghost there (to be fair, half the time, she isn’t actually lying). bites people because she likes it. knocks things off tables and gets into spats with saiji just cuz ljasdfjlkasd. pretty much any terrible cat behavior u can think of, she does. she only really cares about misuzu, and often tries to get her attention by scratching up her skirt or door…..which often get her in trouble. absolutely hates baths. she’s no longer allowed to have catnip. no one can control her when she’s on it. they can barely control her when she’s not on it lajdsflkdsa :’) uses her claws more than any of the other kitties, and thus absolutely despises having her nails cut. we’re talking full on tantrum here, folks. the only person she lets do it is misuzu, and she still whines the whole time RIP ;w; also drops off dead animals for the one she loves (misuzu of course). it’s extra significant for cuz she has to deal with the ghosts of the animals she kills :’0 
kazuomi orangey brown ears and tail. most brash of all the kitties, naturally. not particularly energetic, though, at least not as much narumi. however, when he does feel playful, he jump high as hell, which is both impressive and terrifying. he loves toys he can pounce on. however, he hates the red dot, because he knows he can’t get it, yet he’s still compelled to after it anyway. it always wins and it makes him >:( hates baths, but he’ll put up with them because he gets so sweaty sometimes and he doesn’t like feeling gross. that doesn’t mean he doesn’t whine and complain the whole time, though laksfdjklsadf he doesn’t need or want a caretaker. however,, he’s not opposed to someone who’ll scratch behind his ears from time to time when he has that Itch :’) don’t touch his belly. more than any of the other cats he hates it when people poke/tickle/rub there jalksdfjklsd. he doesn’t understand why people feel compelled to, anyway. after all, his belly isn’t the part of him that is Kitty anyway, so stop trying to get access!! while we’re on the subject, though, don’t touch his ears and tail without permission either >:/ (though that goes for all kitties, really) 
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whatarubberchicken · 6 years
Day 2 (December 2nd) – Cookies
Tikki hummed to herself as she zipped around the kitchen with a spoon bigger than she was.
“Oh, the weather outside is frightful,” she sang softly.
“—but baked Gouda’s so delightful!!” Plagg interjected. She made a face at him and he grinned unrepentantly before swooping down to check on the cheese he did indeed have baking in the oven.
There was a thump overhead and both kwamis rolled their eyes at the telltale giggling coming from Marinette’s room. Teenagers.
“…and since we’re not going anywhere for a while…” Plagg half-sang and half-grumbled.
“Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!” Tikki laughed, scooping another spoonful of cookie dough. “And leave them alone, Plagg. They’re young, and in love.”
“And it’s disgusting!”
“And if you interrupt them now, Adrien’s just going to want to stay longer to make up for it,” Tikki corrected.
“True,” Plagg admitted, reluctantly sitting himself on the counter. “Ugh. Humans.”
“I think it’s sweet,” Tikki said, finishing up her newest tray of cookies. Mmm, chocolate chip. Her favorite.
“Well, you like sweet,” Plagg said, back to grumbling. “Me, I’m more of a savory character….” He closed his eyes. He could almost taste that Gouda already. And it was soo much better than the shenanigans their bearers were getting up to.
“You’re a stinky old fart,” Tikki grinned at him, her smile taking the bite out of her words. He smirked back, knowing she meant it in the most affectionate way.
“You love me.”
“To my eternal dismay,” she sighed. “Are you done with the oven?”
“Let me check!” he said, eagerly swooping down and phasing into the oven.
Tikki sighed in exasperation. 3… 2… 1…
“Hot! HOT! Hot-hot-hot-hot hooooot!!” Plagg yelped, bursting through the oven door but refusing to let go of his melted cheese. The ceramic dish clattered into the counter as Plagg tried to get it somewhere he could drop it safely. He finally dropped it beside Tikki’s cookie tray, furiously blowing on his tiny paws.
“You’d think an eons-old quantic god would know better,” Tikki quipped, floating over. She gave his paws a quick kiss each, and Plagg sighed in relief as his burns were instantly healed.
“Thanks, sugarcube.”
Tikki rolled her eyes again, but refrained from complaining. It wouldn’t help, just encourage him to use the nickname more.
“Anything for my favorite stinky sock,” she quipped instead.
Plagg whirled on her, mischief in his eyes.
“Oooh?? Anything??” he pressed, throwing a glance towards her tray of unbaked cookies.
“You leave those alone,” Tikki warned. “They are mine.” She grabbed an oven mitt and zipped over to place them lovingly in the oven.
“And you won’t even share with a poor, starving kitten,” the cat kwami moaned dramatically.
“Why don’t you eat your cheese mess. That’ll feed you, oh ‘poor, starving kitten.’”
“What a great idea!” he zoomed over to do just that. However, before he dug into his feast, an idea struck him. “Hey, you know how our powers combine to become something even more powerful?”
“Yes…,” Tikki said slowly, not liking where this was going.
“What if our favorite snacks can combine to become even better too??” Plagg got stars in his eyes at the idea of creating an even more delicious cheese. “What if we put the cheese on the cookies?”
“Eww,” was the immediate response, but Tikki bit her lip, considering it; her creative nature overcoming her good sense.
A few minutes later, Plagg Cataclysmed the nasty abomination they’d created, actually crying at the sacrifice of his precious cheese. Tikki stayed under the running water at the sink a while longer, trying to wash the awful flavor out of her mouth.
“What is going on down here?” Marinette exclaimed, coming down the stairs with Adrien close behind.
The blond boy wrinkled his nose. “What’s that smell?”
“Proof that our powers should never be combined!” Plagg sobbed, still mourning his loss.
“We tried to combine our favorite snacks into one super snack,” Tikki explained, finally turning off the tap and floating over to her bearer. “Turns out cheese and cookies should be enjoyed separately.”
Adrien covered his mouth, hiding his laugh, but Marinette folded her arms and glared at the kwamis.
“It’s called cheesecake, you two,” she deadpanned.
Both kwamis mouths dropped open at their obvious oversight.
“And that’s why you’re the Ladybug,” Adrien grinned, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.
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killerbananas · 2 years
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hi darlin! here w puppy content hehehe
first, this is bailey!! shes a catahoula mutt, around 10 years old. we rescued her when i was in middle school so we’ve always been besties<3 shes the sweetest girl in the whole wide world. super shy at first but will become b affectionate when she gets used to you. a super meek dog with a big ass bark which she uses for everything! she can jump soooo high so we say her middle name is pogo! she loves to cross her paws when shes laying down and a lot of the time she’ll set her tongue in between her teeth and itll poke out all cutie n shit. her other nicknames include: billy, willy, william, squilliam, my dog, my beautiful angel girl dog
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and this is asher! hes about 5, a little terrier mutt that we got from a walmart parking lot LMAOO. he is soooo affectionate and very brave with new people. he has to be touching you AT. ALL. TIMES. such a little shit. whenever im home, he knows hes not allowed upstairs, but the SECOND my parents walk out the door he sneaks up to jump into bed with me. also pees on my hampers when i bring them back. hes annoying and runs away all the time but hes so cute that you cant stay mad at him which is the worst part. but hes such a sweet little dude. his nicknames are stinky, boy, stinky boy, and ash-hole
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i hope that yr day gets better sweetheart<3
thanks to you i am doing much better with all this cuteness. i am in love with these babies T_T They are everything! Look at the crossed peeties what a lady! We had a chocolate lab that used to do this but keeping her legs long and forward moreso. This curved cross is so freaking cute! they both look like they have so much personality but i can see every hellion spark of mischief in that very last picture, which is "coincidentally" my favorite lmfao
thank you so much for showing me your pets!!
show and tell me all about your pets!!
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apathetic-despair · 5 years
here are the names, gender, and personalities of each cat
grima: boy. chatty. if you are woken up at night by meowing, its most likely him. friendly, and often found with one of the other cats nearby. headbutts you when hungry or feeling affectionate.
shadow: girl. existence is debated by hajime and matsuda. loves komaeda. hides behind or under objects. moves rooms by sneaking behind you when you leave. we don't know if she's eating enough.
snow angel: boy. lazy. often found sprawling out in the sunlight, or laying down by a window. will lay on you for hours. doesn't play as much as the others.
mocha: boy. will sit on your head and around your shoulders. likes to jump onto tables and the fridge. will pat you and start meowing. purrs often.
patches: girl. bastard child. gets into mischief with coffee cake. loves to get into trash and open the cabinets. makes a mess everywhere she can. will purr as you move her away from the scene of the crime. coffee cake and her work together to open the fridge and eat as much as they can.
coffee cake: boy. stinky child. sneaks outside just to roll in the mud and track dirt inside. will drag in mice and birds. we don't know how he gets out. i've checked around the house three times and found no exits. will knock paper off tables and dishes out of the cabinet. 
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