#stop saying the man is nb and trans when he himself identifies as a cis man
OBSESSED with the fact will wood made i/me/myself to vent about the unnecessary need of label himself as anything but a GCN man and HE HIMSELF said that while he supports the nb and trans community he finds nb to be a redundant label to gender nonconformity. and yet you clowns will still go "Omg a nonbinary anthem <3" good job on missing literally the entire point
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dandymeowth · 7 years
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More “wtf REGs” posts, captions under cut.
In the first post we see an aphobe stating that inclusionists don’t contribute anything and therefore don’t belong, are wrong, etc. 
Which is some hilariously capitalist type bullshit; valuing people, defining their worth based on whether or how much they “contribute” is some hot nasty garbage that targets the marginalized on a regular basis. It’s another example of these types just recycling oppressive rhetoric, a matter of kicking down.
Let alone defining whether we’re properly LGBT+ or just oppressive traitors based on how much we can contribute has all sorts of fucky implications to it. But I can’t expect much from aphobes anymore.
(Not to mention that since most major LGBT+ organizations accept asexuality, inclusionists obviously contribute.)
The second post started with some regular acephobic bullshit that isn’t anything new, but in the replies known aphobe figuregayting states that same gender attraction is required of bisexuals otherwise we’re just fetishisizing nonbinary people (sorry agender and nonbinary bisexuals I guess we don’t exist), that it’s impossible to be attracted to a binary gender and other genders rather than both binary genders and other genders. 
Which also isn’t anything new but they brought in a lovely twist where if a man were to be attracted to women and dated a DFAB nonbinary person, they’re still straight and can’t call themselves bi because they’re still “just attracted to women”. 
They claim the man would be misgendering them by dating them, while simultaneously saying the man can’t call himself bi for it, which is... some hilarious shit because like, you might have a point on the misgendering if the guy insisted on his straightness despite their identity, but you outright say he’s not allowed to identify as bi “just because of finding someone of another gender attractive” (even though that’s the fucking definition of being bi but lol). 
So who’s actually misgendering the person - the asshole saying their man partner is still straight no matter what their gender is because they’re DFAB either way, or the man wanting to identify as bi now that he’s found he’s attracted to someone of a different gender? Seriously.
Again, captions are under cut:
Three screencaps showing two different posts, the first cap being of a post by menacinglavenderr, and the next two being of replies on a post by sapphics.
The first screencap reads:
menacinglavenderr: find me one ace inclusionist that contributes anything to the wlw and mlm communities that isn’t cutesy pastel edits and posts about how not having sex won’t get you sent to hell
bihets: i mean people aren’t only worthy of being in wlw/mlm communities and deserving of resources based on how much they ‘contribute’, that’s some neoliberal capitalist bullshit right there
that said, like… glaad and the trevor project are both MASSIVE lgbt+ organizations that are ace inclusive, so idk what your point is
autistictaramaclay: the op is so specific too. like .. how abt u name an ace exclusionist that’s done things for the wlw and mlm communities?
menacinglavenderr: um, aces are the ones in a privileged group. you don’t get to demand anything from me bc I’m oppressed and aces aren’t. also, you have no fucking right to talk back to me like that.
autistictaramaclay: “aces are the ones in a privileged group” ah yes, i, the trans poc aro, am privileged. all aces and all aros are privileged no matter what, purely because theyre ace or aro. ok
aphobephobe: “Don’t talk back to me like that” you’re not it’s mother, so you can just stop yourself right there and maybe try not to act like the Queen of Everything Who May Not Be Disagreed With.
The next two screencaps have annotations to them and added emphasis, and read as follows:
figuregayting: You need same gender attraction to be bi. A cis guy attracted to women and women aligned people dating a nb person who’s afab isn’t LGBT, he’s just a cis guy ignoring his partners gender orientation. It’s gross and doesn’t make you LGBT @angry-gay-fish
[”If you’re attracted to women and date a DFAB person you’re not LGBT+ because that’s basically just dating another woman”???]
angry-gay-fish: I feel like it’s kind of gross to require the knowledge of someone’s gender assigned at birth before someone can count as LGBTQ+ Why are we ignoring the nb person’s identity? It shouldn’t matter what they were assigned at birth– what matters is what they are now.
figuregayting: No, you’re not understanding. A cis man who is otherwise straight in a relationship with an afab nb person is not LGBT. The nonbinary person is LGBT because they’re nonbinary. He isn’t LGBT just because he’s dating a nb person. That’s what we’re saying.
[Nonbinary people should be considered like binary people in event of relationship with cis people so we can still call them het and fake bi for dating someone who's "still basically (fe)male"]
angry-gay-fish: No, because you’re still saying that what really matters is what they were assigned at birth. If that same nb person were amab, would you say the same? You shouldn’t have to know a person’s assigned gender– it doesn’t matter– all that matters is what they identify as.
figuregayting: …. no I wouldn’t say the same if they were amab because that would make their boyfriend bi ?? ["No, see, by dating a DMAB person he's dating the same gender so he is sga and counts! It doesn't matter if they don't identify as a man, it's still gay because they're basically a guy."] It literally does fucking matter what their agab is when we talk about fetishization. Not all nonbinary people are androgynous. There will always be trans people who don’t pass and gross people who fetishize them hone in on that?? It absolutely does matter and you shouldn’t talk about things you don’t understand.
A cis straight man who starts dating an obviously afab nonbinary person [wtf is “obviously dfab”?] can’t just start calling himself bi once he dates the nonbinary person because he’s most likely fetishizing them and not actually respecting their gender, and that’s why it matters what their agab is. He’s not LGBT for ignoring someone’s gender orientation what the fuck
["you can't call yourself bi if you find out you're attracted to more than one gender, sexuality and orientation is static so you to have identified as bi first and foremost in order to ever be actually bi"]
angry-gay-fish: Woah, hang the fuck on don’t tell me I don’t understand– I’m nonbinary too– you don’t know my experiences and you have no right to tell me that I don’t have a right to talk about this because if effects me too. Yes, people can fetishize nonbinary people, however, by requiring the knowledge of theire agab, all you’re doing is ignoring their gender identity, which is really wrong and misgendering. By saying that that guy is still straight what you’re saying to that nb person is “you’re still really just a girl”
I feel like it’s not really okay to just assume that this person is fetishizing their partner. I mean, this guy very well could have dated other nb people before this one? And he’s not ignoring their gender identity, you are by saying that it doesn’t matter and only their agab matters. Do you see what I mean?
["It is impossible for someone to be bi if they don't like the same gender, it doesn't matter that there's more than 2 genders because you're basically a girl/guy and that's how we're going to see you when a person is dating you so we can properly judge who is and isn't actually bi. Being a man into women and other genders but not men isn't possible, by dating DFAB people you're still just dating women no matter their gender, so you're actually straight."]
diskhorsedudes: Reducing nb people to their agab is like reducing them to their genitals and what kind of rhetoric does that sound like folks? I think you can guess without me saying. Anyways, that’s the issue with “sga”. It’s damaging to nb that aren’t aligned with men and women and can even be damaging to intersex people. Y'all are putting that on nb people without their consent and that’s like misgendering. It’s like y'all see us as just watered down men or women. I really wish exclusionists would drop that argument because it just makes them look enbyphobic and makes them sound terfy/truscummy.
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