#subverse ;; bunbun
niuniente · 2 years
I'm so sorry you think we don't appreciate and love your work. We truly do I promise. Hereby an inconclusive list of things I like about DHD
• Alrick is best boy
• No seriously, I adore how he is just such an in-and-in good person. He’s caring and compassionate, he emphatic, I love him so much
• I love the worldbuilding, and just the concepts of deathheads. Its so fucking cool
• YOUR ARTSTYLE IS SO PRETTY! I love your lineart, and how much you can convey with just black and white. It is honestly very impressive.
• The animal-human-something-else-entirely hybrids are so cool! I love how big scary Alrick is a cute widdle bunbun.
• Positive representation of strippers! I love Miranda, and I loved that story!
• YoU cAnT uSe Oc’S In MuLtIpLe PrOjEcTs, not if your not a coward! I love Loyd, and I love his brotherlike relation with Pearl.
• Card reading! Yeeees!!!
• Just, your character design. It is so engaging and interesting, I’m never bored when looking at these characters!
• The Prim Cha-cha scene. The drawing, the writing, its like they were dancing of the page!
• And talking about good scenes, I loved the expectation-subversion with Vanilla. Sweet little innocent deer girl my ass. But it really suprised me, and thats impressive!
• I know that I said Alrick is best boy, but I must reiterate. Alrick is best boy
So, so much love and apreciation from me, and I am sure every other deathhead fan! We adore your work and your art.
Lot’s of love and hugs,
- Quarts
Ps, I encourage every fan of DHD to write down something similiar tot this and send it to Niu. They deserve it.
Oh a detailed list! Ah, be still my lil heart <3
Vanilla took me by surprise, too. There was not going to be a story like that but I'm glad it happened, because it let to Pearl which let to Grimm. So, thank you, Vanilla, for pulling that gun :D
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dekiruherodeku · 4 years
To Bun!Deku: Ok. *Takes Bun! Deku with my hands.* Let's go see Yayoi!
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Faint, delighted honking noises could be heard from the green bunny as he was picked up and carried in the arms. By now, he's grown used to being suddenly morphed into a rabbit without notice, now looking forward to seeing Yayoi's reaction whenever it happens.
Onwards! To Yacchan!
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dekiruherodeku · 4 years
To Bun!Deku: *Shows a picture of Yayoi.* Do you wanna see her?
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Deku's ears perked up upon seeing the picture. It'd be really nice if he could see her right now, not just because it'd mean he could be carried and get around faster, but also because he knew Yayoi would definitely get a kick out of him being a rabbit again.
So he nodded his head, looking up at the anon with delighted beady eyes. Please let me see Yacchan!
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dekiruherodeku · 4 years
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Today's feelin' like a bummed out kind of day for the mun as well as many others apparently, but that doesn't sit well for her, so M!A will be on pause so that we can all have some low, calm rp vibes with bun!deku yet again.
Anyways, feel free to come interact with Bun!Deku!
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dekiruherodeku · 6 years
Available Verses for Deku!
== Verses ==
Deku the Aspiring Pro Hero (Main)
#verse ;; main : rising successor
[“Tell me. What kind of hero do you want to be?”] [“The kind of hero that wipes away everyone’s worries, always wins, and saves everyone!”]
Defaults: 16-year old Muse; NSFW Content Available; SRP debatable; manga-consistent
*** Notes: This verse continues to remain parallel to the canon timeline, and therefore will be updated as the manga goes on in order to be as canonically accurate as possible.
Deku the Surveying Scout (Multi)
#verse ;; multi : going beyond
Defaults: 16-year old Muse; NSFW Content Available; SRP debatable; manga-consistent 
This verse is mainly used when interacting with multi-verses & muses with a BnHA verse.
The World’s Soon-to-Be First Quirkless Pro Hero! (Canon-Divergent)
#verse ;; alt : quirkless hero
[“You, too, can be a hero.”]
Defaults: 16-year old Muse; Quirkless; NSFW Content Available; SRP debatable; manga-paralleled
This verse diverges from the point in which All Might expresses his recognition of Deku’s hidden potential as a true hero. Rather than being chosen as the successor of One for All, Midoriya is taken under All Might’s wing to be the first Quirkless Pro Hero in the world of superheroes... It’s also thanks to All Might that the young hero was able to enroll in UA High via recommendation, and although his time in the hero course is harder than ever, this also provides a special opportunity in redefining his abilities and flexibility while polishing his skills as both an analyst and strategist.
The Jack-of-All-Trades Adventurer (Fantasy)
#verse ;; fantasy : traverse the unknown
Defaults: NSFW/SRP Content Available
Class: Freelancer -- an overall balanced job with decent proficiency in all stats and equipment types; a novice adventurer’s usual occupation
Flipped Side of the Same Coin (Villain):
*** Verse is a now Separate Blog of Its Own!: @quirklessnotworthless​
Hero Charge 100%! Cure Smash! (PreCure):
#verse ;; precure : cure smash
AU where everything is pretty much about the same, but costumes are PreCure-themed complete with transformations!
== Sub-Verses ==
A Different Kind of Wonder Duo (Twins AU)
#subverse ;; twins
Defaults: 16-year old Muse; NSFW Content Available; SRP/Incestual Content NOT Available
Settings: is the younger twin; still parallels the manga/is manga-consistent
Got an Izuku or Yamikumo/Proto!Midoriya muse but aren’t sure how to get him to interact with mine? While there is still an option to introduce them the way they are for multiverse shenanigans, having them consider each other twins is also an option! NOTE: this verse does require me having some familiarity of your muse before considering the option.
***Blog name of the other twin is included in the tag!***
Bunny Boy Back At It Again (Sub-Verse)
#subverse ;; bunbun
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He’s a bunny boy and you know it. Can be used interchangeably between full-blown bun bun body and only having the distinctive rabbit features. For instances where he’s an actual bunny, icons used are all drawings from brabbitwdl16 (which Tumblr for some reason won’t let me @ accordingly)! Credits go to them!
Curious Lil’ Kelp Dweller (Mermaid!AU Sub-Verse)
#subverse ;; mermaid : kelp dwelling shipsaver
Mermaid Type: Kelp Forest Dweller/Open Ocean
Shipsaver -- sirens that are bound to help guide ships through rough waters filled with dangerous rocks.
Diet: Omnivore
Default Behavior: Passive, Shy, Curious, Morally Righteous, Diurnal (primarily active in the day); Mutualism with Kelp Forests (think clownfish with anemones)
Scale Color: Kelp-Green; Hints of Iridescent Red (mainly on fins)
A kelp forest-dweller who will migrate when seasons and/or diet call for it. He’ll occasionally venture out of the kelp forest either to prey on fish or out of sheer curiosity. Although relatively shy, Deku’s curiosity often encourages him enough to follow ships and boats, for better or for worse. Yet despite the potential dangers of doing such and leaving the kelp forest too often, Deku prefers to keep passive and will only lash out in self-defense when cornered. Apparently, thanks to the shape of his kelp/ribbon-looking fins, Deku can imitate an eel’s behavior in hopes of warding off predators.
4th-Wall Smash! (Meta):
#subverse ;; meta : 4th wall smash
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#subverse ;; specifiedrelationship : pairedblognamehere
*** Relationships are kept in their own subverses. A list of them can be found on Deku’s Relationship Page! ***
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