#super ooc but i wanna imagine an alternative universe where they are both drivers + nerds
foo1ishheart554 · 2 years
Super long and self-indulgent F1 + carlando Dungeons & Dragons AU where:
Seb is the Dungeon Master (DM) and made a homebrew session for the boys
Lando is interested but a bit nervous so he asked Carlos to tag along
Main players also include Alex, George, Charles and Mick
Lewis occasionally joins in as NPCs, he's not part of the main players because he likes to min-max and he thinks that would be too much for the newbies
Seb's NPCs sometimes low key flirts with Lewis'
Dan cameo'd once as an NPCs but he's now banned because he nearly team killed them when he tried to fireball in an enclosed space
Eventually it starts taking over driver conversations and Pierre and Yuki joins in too
George gets very invested in the combat part and wouldn't stop bugging Lewis about min-max'ing and multiclassing
Charles is very chaotic and also has the best luck at rolls and has to force Seb to think on his feet because he did not plan for any of this to happen
Mick has previously played with Seb many times but is having a very good time watching his friend learn his favourite game
Alex is the resident "can I seduce the dragon" player (which frustrates George because he wants to fight the fucking dragon while Alex wants to fuck the dragon)
Yuki is weirdly extremely good at roleplaying
Pierre isn't all that interested but he's here for the loudness and chaos (and Yuki of course)
Yuki and Pierre's characters are romancing each other and it's very cute (which Pierre enjoys because another excuse to flirt with Yuki?? We take those)
Now the carlando part:
Carlos and Lando are just close friends at the start of the campaign
Carlos was reluctant to join at first but he eventually started enjoying the RP part (a little bit too much)
Also Lando is having a lot of fun so that's a plus to see Lando light up during the fun moments
When Carlos rolled his first natural 20 they hugged in excitement but ended awkwardly (featuring live slug reactions from everyone else)
When Yuki's character started romancing Pierre's, Lando was screaming internally "YOU CAN DO THAT???" (Seb later told him yes but in moderation)
Seb had to dial up the combat difficulty (George is very happy about this) because Carlos and Lando work very well with each other
During individual missions (as in 1-on-1 sessions with the DM) Seb asked if Lando's character has feelings for Carlos' and Lando nearly choked on his milk
Lando, after dying inside for a few seconds, said yes, along with a bunch of excuses that totally doesn't mirror his experience with Carlos irl ("yeah they travelled in the same party and they have a really good working relationship going on so I guess it's only natural... right?")
During Carlos' private session, Seb asked the same thing and Carlos said no in response. But he only said it because he didn't want to make Lando feel uncomfortable and ruin the campaign for him. (Lewis overheard this and shook his head at Seb, Seb winked back)
During one of the boss fights, Lando's character's tragic back story was triggered when George's character was struck down by a fire bolt.
Seb narrates the character's flashback and PTSD response and everything got really serious
At first Lando found RP'ing trauma quite challenging but Carlos sacrificed his combat turn to comfort Lando's character
It was a nice bonding moment between the characters, while Lando's heart fluttered because Carlos went from not being very comfortable with D&D to actually being invested
(George is fine he was successful in his saving throws)
More live slug reactions from others because carlando's characters are inseparable ("yes yes we know you're going to take the same night watch shift together")
Eventually Carlos opens up to the idea that Lando might want their characters to end up together because "it just makes sense", though he's waiting for Lando to take the initiative
After an emotional near death battle, Carlos' character comes to check if Lando's is okay
Everyone at the table is pretty much anticipating something to happen
Lando narrates his character's action, "... and then he kisses him". Everybody cheered.
Carlos laughed and shouted "fucking finally". Lando couldn't look him in the eye at all and buried his face in his hands. Face the temperature of the sun.
During post session chats, Lando is hyper aware of everything Carlos, he's just feeling emotional over their characters right?
The campaign eventually comes to an end, Yukierre's characters got married, it was very cute
Since they don't really meet regularly for sessions any more, Lando is finding it difficult to come up with reasons to hang out with Carlos
Lando doesn't get why he's feeling so down, maybe he just misses D&D and playing as his character?
A week before Christmas, Lewis reveals that be made a one-shot and invited all the boys
Carlos invites Lando over to make their characters together
Lando: Panik ™️
Love confessions wahooo
Are they going to roleplay their characters during sex? You bet they will
TL;DR: what if we end up together just like our OCs... Haha just kidding... Unless??
(somehow this turned into a text wall help)
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