#supplemengt light
yaorong · 3 years
LED plant lights affect the growth of seedlings
Plants need sunlight during the important process of photosynthesis to produce starch, sugar and other substances needed for development. If there is insufficient light, the plants grow slowly and are very susceptible to diseases and pests. Their goal is to obtain strong and vigorous seedlings that can bring good harvests.
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LED plant lights used for seedling cultivation are highly efficient and durable. The spectrum of the entire system can be adjusted very simply because the needs of seedlings will change significantly as they grow.
Before picking the seedlings, the light from the blue and red LED plant lights set at a ratio of two to one can be better perceived. The rich blue here activates the growth of the root system, but slightly inhibits the extension of the ground part. The stems are strong, with frequent internodes.
After picking, it is best to reduce the light intensity for a few days to ensure a rest after the stressful transplant. Next, you need to illuminate the seedlings with blue and red LED plant lights at a ratio of 1:1.
The effect of LED plant lights on vegetable seedlings
LED plant lights can regulate the light morphology and growth of plants and have an important impact on vegetable seedlings. Photomorphogenesis means that plants rely on light to control cell differentiation, structure and function changes, including effects on the germination of some seeds, promotion of upward growth, inhibition of lateral bud growth, stem elongation, and tropism. Therefore, indoor planting with LED plant lights can better regulate the growth of vegetable seedlings, flower bud differentiation and flowering, and better growth conditions will bring earlier harvests and increased yields.
Generally, auxin is used to regulate the growth of vegetable seedlings, but vegetable consumption is detrimental to people's health. LED plant lights make the seedlings grow better through spectrum adjustment through unique light supplement advantages, green light promotes the elongation and growth of cucumber seedlings, red light and blue light inhibit seedlings from growing, and compared with monochromatic light quality, it contains red The index of strong seedlings increased under the compound light supplement light treatment of the blue component.
Red supplementing cucumber seedlings with LED plant lights can increase the chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoid content of cucumber seedling leaves; LED plant lights with red light and blue light can significantly increase the leaf area, dry matter quality and seedling index of tomato seedlings, and supplement the LED red light , Green light significantly increases the plant height and stem thickness of tomato seedlings. The red and blue combination of LED plant light can increase the stem thickness, leaf area, dry weight of the whole plant, root-to-shoot ratio, and seedling index of the eggplant. The red light energy of LED plant light Increase the biomass of the cabbage seedlings and promote the elongation of the cabbage seedlings. The blue light of the LED plant light promotes the thick growth, dry matter accumulation and strong seedling index of the cabbage seedlings. In this way, we know that the LED plant light regulation technology has a very obvious effect on the growth of vegetable seedlings.
The effect of LED plant light quality on the proliferation of tissue cultured seedlings
Studies have found that red light in monochromatic light can promote the proliferation of tissue cultured seedlings. Compared with the control fluorescent lamp, the number of single buds of the Phalaenopsis under the pure red LED plant lamp increased significantly, and the experiments of chrysanthemum and tobacco also reached similar conclusions. A single blue light is not conducive to the proliferation of tissue cultured seedlings. In the study of eustoma and sugarcane tissue culture seedlings, it was found that among all light quality treatments, the tissue culture seedlings under the monochromatic blue light treatment had the lowest growth coefficient. However, blue LED plant lights can effectively promote the formation of Phalaenopsis protocorm.
Experiments have shown that, compared with monochromatic LEDs, different combinations of LEDs are more conducive to the proliferation of tissue culture seedlings. The combination of red and blue LED plant light can promote the proliferation of sugarcane adventitious buds better than monochromatic light, which is better than fluorescent light and plant growth light. The regeneration effect of the adventitious buds of Rhododendron alpina leaves under the combined treatment of red and blue light is significantly better than that of 100% red and blue light. However, different plants or different varieties of the same species have different requirements for the light quality ratio at the stage of tissue culture proliferation. Rhododendron alpine leaves the best regeneration effect of adventitious buds under the treatment of red and blue light (3:1).
The effect of LED plant light quality on the growth of tissue cultured seedlings
Studies have shown that the effect of LED monochromatic light on the growth of tissue cultured seedlings is lower than that of different LED combined lights, while red and blue LED combined lights can enhance plant photosynthesis and promote plant growth and development. The growth of white palm tissue culture seedlings treated with a single red or blue LED is poor, and a certain proportion of red and blue LED compound light is beneficial to promote plant growth. The net photosynthetic rate of chrysanthemum tissue culture seedling leaves under the combination of red and blue light was significantly higher than that of monochromatic red and blue light, and the fresh weight and dry weight of the plant reached the maximum. The fresh and dry weight of strawberry sugar-free tissue culture seedlings was the smallest under blue light.
The optimal ratio of red and blue LED plant lights grown in tissue culture seedlings is inconsistent with the research conclusions of different plants. Japanese double butterfly and strawberry tissue cultured seedlings grow best under 70% red light + 30% blue light. However, the growth index of Anthurium andraeanum tissue culture seedlings under the treatment of 50% red light + 50% blue light was significantly higher than that of the control. Red light (R) treatment of white and tissue culture seedlings grow, blue light (B) treatment of white and tissue culture seedlings are low, compound light is conducive to the growth and morphology of white and white; 1RB light source treatment of white and tissue culture seedlings have significant soluble sugar content Higher than other treatments; in tissue culture production applications, adjusting the optimal red and blue ratio is the key to producing high-quality tissue culture seedlings.
The effect of LED plant light quality on the rooting and strong seedlings of tissue cultured seedlings
The effect of light quality on the induction and growth of isolated plant roots varies with the wavelength, and the effect of light quality depends on the plant genotype and rooting material concentration. Red light promotes the formation of adventitious roots of anthurium, phalaenopsis, imperial flower and ground cover chrysanthemum tissue culture seedlings. It is characterized by fast and dense rooting, and blue light has a significant inhibitory effect. Papaya tissue-cultured seedlings have the shortest root length under blue light; red and blue mixed light can promote the growth of sweet potato tissue-cultured seedlings to a certain extent. However, the root morphology of the tissue cultured seedlings under monochromatic red light is abnormal, and the survival rate of transplantation is low. Blue light helps to improve the vigor of the root system in the later stage, promote the accumulation of dry matter, reduce the water content, and prevent the vitrification of plants. Monochromatic red light irradiated the root system of chrysanthemum with low vigor, and the survival rate of transplanting was only 75%, while the transplanted tissue cultured seedlings survived under the combination of red and blue light. The root length and root vigor of Phalaenopsis treated with LED plant light and far red light were significantly increased compared with the control. Oncidium tissue culture seedlings have the longest root length under the combination of red and blue light, and the shortest root length under fluorescent light. Monochromatic red light irradiated the root system of chrysanthemum with low vigor, and the survival rate of transplanting was only 75%, while the transplanted tissue cultured seedlings survived under the combination of red and blue light. The root length and root vigor of Phalaenopsis treated with LED plant light and far red light were significantly increased compared with the control. Oncidium tissue culture seedlings have the longest root length under the combination of red and blue light, and the shortest root length under fluorescent light. Monochromatic red light irradiated the root system of chrysanthemum with low vigor, and the survival rate of transplanting was only 75%, while the transplanted tissue cultured seedlings survived under the combination of red and blue light. The root length and root vigor of Phalaenopsis treated with LED plant light and far red light were significantly increased compared with the control. Oncidium tissue culture seedlings have the longest root length under the combination of red and blue light, and the shortest root length under fluorescent light. The root length and root vigor of Phalaenopsis treated with LED plant light and far red light were significantly increased compared with the control. Oncidium tissue culture seedlings have the longest root length under the combination of red and blue light, and the shortest root length under fluorescent light. The root length and root vigor of Phalaenopsis treated with LED plant light and far red light were significantly increased compared with the control. Oncidium tissue culture seedlings have the longest root length under the combination of red and blue light, and the shortest root length under fluorescent light.
The LED plant lights used in the tissue culture stage will affect the growth and survival of the tissue culture seedlings after being transplanted outdoors. The indoor tissue culture stage uses a combination of red and blue LED light sources, which can increase the survival rate of strawberry, white brown, and chrysanthemum tissue culture seedlings, and promote the growth of seedlings after transplantation. Therefore, for plant tissue culture seedlings that are difficult to root, the rooting rate and root number can be increased through the pretreatment of red light in the early stage, and then adjusted to a certain proportion of red light, blue light and high beam. Cultivation uses red light to promote the growth and development of root system, improve root system vigor, and improve the adaptability of tissue culture seedling transplanting.
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