#sweet gerryagnes
voiceless-terror · 3 years
gerryagnes and the og..... jonmartin :)
1.  What made you ship it?
This wasn’t even something I thought about until I saw a bunch of art with Jon, Gerry, and Agnes and a venn diagram...somewhere. it made a lot of good points, from what I remember. And I thought about how much they have in common, and how interesting the three of them together would be....but then you gave me a prompt for gerryagnes by themselves and i had a little oh moment that made me want to write a fic without jon for the first time xD and thats is NOT something i ever thought i would do!
2.  What are your favorite things about the ship?
They both have such fucked up childhoods and grew up fully immersed in the fears... i think about them connecting over their shared complicated relationship with Gertrude too. They just have so much potential for fun escapades as well, and I think they’d make a good book burning team. I want Agnes to get to know someone who’s in her world but doesn’t think of her as a distant, untouchable messiah! I have a very distinct idea in my head of Gerry looking at Agnes with heart eyes when she turns a Leitner into ash with her hand and just goes ‘that was the most badass thing ive ever seen please run away with me.’ 
I wish this was a popular enough ship that I could have an unpopular opinion about it xD
1.  What made you ship it?
I didn’t ship this until the end of season one- i got a little warm and fuzzy when jon offered to have Martin stay in the archives, but it wasn’t until they had their heart to heart in the penultimate ep of the first season, and then martin’s statement afterward when he’s so guilty about leaving them behind that I started to have real feelings about it. That’s what really nailed down Martin’s character for me, and I’ve been gone ever since.
2.  What are your favorite things about the ship?
It’s one of the best, romantic slow burns I’ve seen in media tbh! It didn’t really hit me until my second listen just how much foundation was laid for it in canon - the second season lunches, how Martin is so willing to fight for Jon and help him, Jon’s lowkey pining with Georgie, the slow fondness that creeps into Jon’s voice when he mentions Martin’s name (you can hear it early on and it gets me every time!!) While they have a lot of shared trauma, that’s not the only thing that bonds them (let me link Martin to a few dozen AUs on ao3, okay) and I think you can really see that at the end of the fourth season even with just the few interactions we’re given (the episode that launched a thousand ‘good cows’ posts). Anyway now I’m rambling and putting too many parentheses
3.  Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Hmm...this is more of a fandom interpretation one, but I don’t like when people sand off the rough edges of the ship. They’re both profoundly damaged people and not all aspects of their relationship in canon are healthy, and I like when people actually address that in their fics! There’s a lot of ‘love fixes everything’ and very black and white thinking when it comes to who’s right and who’s wrong, and it makes me a bit uncomfortable when people simplify their relationship to fit a narrative. I’m not saying everything has to be an angst fest, of course, but if you’re going to write something that grapples with the tragic elements, you can’t just hand wave certain things away. There’s my two cents!
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backofthebookshelf · 5 years
(in the no-powers flower shop/tattoo parlor au for the sake of not burning gerry's face off)
Gerry's never been one for old-fashioned dating, really. It seems like a waste of time and energy, all that dancing around and spending too much money and being on your best behavior to get someone to like you so they'll spend enough time with you to see you not on your best behavior when they'll inevitably be disappointed. Most of his relationships haven't involved dates at all, more group hangouts that slowly got more private. He'd rather date friends, he's always said, it's so much easier.
But Agnes seems like the type who likes nice dates, and Gerry thinks she deserves to have everything she wants, so one day when he's bringing her the flowers that he's stopped trying to pretend are the day's cast-offs (it's red and orange and yellow carnations, simple but vibrant, and when he lets his eyes unfocus the blurred bouquet is the same color as her hair) he asks if she wants to go out for coffee sometime. Jude snorts loudly from the back of the shop but Agnes just smiles at him and says that would be lovely.
It isn't terrible, or awkward, or a waste of time. Gerry doesn't feel like he's on his best behavior, and he doesn't think Agnes is, either. Sure, the way she flicks her hair over her shoulder with a twist of one pale, elegant wrist is devastatingly gorgeous, but he's pretty sure it's an unconscious gesture. They talk about their families, too heavy a conversation for a first date really, but it's easy to talk to her. She gets it.
Coffee stretches out long enough that the baristas are giving them dirty looks so Agnes suggests the park. Gerry hasn't been to a public park since he was buying weed as a teenager but he agrees because - because he doesn't want to stop talking to her, because he doesn't want to go back to his empty flat, because he wants to see what her smile looks like in dappled shade. He's well on his way to besotted and there are Cure lyrics running through his head and he's too happy to care.
They wind up sitting on a low stone ledge that's been made to look natural but isn't doing a very good job of it. Her smile looks wonderful in dappled shade, it turns out, even more mysterious than usual. Gerry does his best not to stare but she keeps looking up at him under the fall of her hair and goddammit he's almost thirty years old, he's not a teenager with a crush, he shouldn't be like this. But Agnes takes his hand, twining their fingers together, and she leans up shyly toward him in an unmistakable way so he turns his face to her like a flower turning toward the sun (terrible cliché, asshole, he thinks, but it doesn't matter) and lets her kiss him. She's soft and sweet and smells like ink and disinfectant and Gerry's head swims with it like it's an expensive perfume.
"Was that all right?" she asks when she pulls away, too soon. "Sorry, I should have asked."
"It's fine," Gerry tells her, "Great, actually," and he leans in to kiss her again.
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