dearophelia · 11 months
so I don’t want to be contrary with the post I saw actually on the post itself because that’s rude
But I feel like if the Ori had gotten half as much screen time as the Goa’uld, they would’ve been fascinating (says the woman who finds them fascinating anyway)
Ascended beings who literally steal power from the faith of their followers? That shit’s interesting! How do you fight something like that? How do you push back against what is essentially an unstoppable colonizing force (which is invading your recently-freed galaxy and therefore filling a pretty large power vacuum), which demands absolute faith? And which only gets stronger with each fallen world?
I’m so curious how the Free Jaffa handled it — sure, we got a few episodes, but this organization that is still finding its feet amongst their newfound freedom is suddenly fighting back against another set of false gods. That’s intriguing! More please!
I think if the Ori been divorced from the Arthurian mythos stuff and allowed to be a stronger, more organized group of false gods that Our Heroes had to deal with, they could’ve been really good villains. And that could’ve been a really interesting theme to explore: are power-hungry aliens just going to keep coming? Will the galaxy ever be free from fighting false gods? On that note, we know what a False God looks like, but we never find out what a Real God looks like — would we even know if we met one?
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armalis-archived-blog · 10 years
Favourite Female: Samantha Fucking Carter
Favourite Male: Teal'c
3 Other Favourite Characters: Cameron Mitchell (I WILL FIGHT YOU I WILL FUCKING FIGHT ALL THE JACK STANS AT ONCE WHO THINK CAM IS A POOR SUBSTITUTE FOR JACK HE WAS NOT MEANT TO BE THE NEW JACK HE WAS MEANT TO BE CAM AND I HAVE NO COMPREHENSION OF ANYONE WHO DISLIKES CAMERON MITCHELL ON THE PRINCIPLE OF "NOT JACK"), Jack O'Neill, Daniel Jackson, also I think I'm one of about five people who genuinely and unironically likes Maybourne and has from the first moment he showed up
3 OTPs: Sam/Teal'c, Sam/Jack/Daniel, Janet/Daniel
Notp: Jack/Daniel unless it's in the aforementioned poly combo; see previous PacRim answer for my feelings on white dude ships. Also Daniel/Vala.
Funniest character: Ba'al. I mean, Jack is a smartass, but Ba'al is just fucking smug all the damn time it is delightful.
Prettiest character: Samantha Carter.
Most Annoying Character: HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO KILL APOPHIS BEFORE IT STICKS literally that is my only issue with Apophis but it's a big one so it goes here. I marathoned SG-1 a few years ago when I had some respiratory infection and so I had the first few seasons of All Apophis All The Time condensed into about two weeks and dear gOD.
Most badass character: SG-1 as a team (ANY INCARNATION ANY COMBINATION); I can't split them out - they're all individually competent but as a team they're fucking unstoppable.
Character I’d like as my BFF: Cameron Mitchell
Female Character I’d Marry: Janet Frasier. Like, I love Sam and all, but I think if we were married she would drive me crazy.
Male Character I’d Marry: Cameron Mitchell, man. Hooboy. My love for Cam knows no boundaries.
Character I hate/dislike/least like: Hathor and Setesh. I'm also tangentially mad at Ares because he was canonically on Maybourne's king planet and that threw a major wrench in the canon of my System Lords series (which was on the other blog and has been totally abandoned but I remember throwing a very disproportionate fit about Ares while I was working on it).
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dearophelia · 7 years
some episodes in particular:
- “Watergate” (dear gOD watergate; “hope you’re not expecting any heroic measures” “I’ve read your file” we have known Svetlana for fifteen seconds and she has firmly seated herself as Snark Goddess; “holy frozen bad guys” (of course it’s Maybourne, and I have seen this episode like six times and can never remember why he’s there but of course he’s there); “so it keeps perfect time but occasionally catches on fire” and honestly the whole thing about the sub being swiss; Svetlana having Emotions and getting to show them, Sam’s hand on her shoulder like Science Friends Stick Together)
- “Failsafe” (jesus lord almighty what did we to do deserve this episode we are unworthy; “i’m confident” “me too” “as am i”; “I’ve seen this movie, it hits Paris”; Jack gearing up to say something Meaningful as they’re all about to die but actually saying that it’s a poorly-designed bomb and they should talk to someone about that; everyone just being accustomed to the fact that everything goes wrong but hoping it won’t anyway; “is there a four?“; Sam’s face when Jack tells her all the wires are yellow; “if I have to say ‘what’ one more time”; this episode is a masterclass in making the foregone conclusion of Saving The Day interesting, honestly; “Carter, I can see my house”; tbh I could write a novel about how great failsafe is)
- “Nightwalkers” (this episode is so stupid I love it I love it; Sam having to keep track of two aliens who are both So Obvious; Jonas and his eating habits like dude is Righteous about the cook screwing up his hamburger and #same; “do people think I’m weird” “let’s get some lunch”; Sam’s gloriously drawn out “ohhhhhhh I wouldn’t say that” at the Reveal, like even the zat sounds exasperated; speaking of Sam she spends like 98% of this episode in civvies and it is very *fans self* like THAT TRENCHCOAT MAN THAT TRENCHCOAT AND LEATHER GLOVES AS SHE’S PICKING A LOCK)
- “Point of No Return” (it’s Teal'c in a fedora, i don’t know what else you want me to say; and then, after like 40 minutes of straight comedy, we get hit with Marty’s homeworld being total rubble and EVERYTHING HURTS IN THE LAST TWO MINUTES THIS EPISODE IS SO RUDE)
- “Red Sky” (“we have never before been visited by elves”; Jack sassing the Asgard High Council; the whole bit with Sam trying to explain physics with fruit, and Daniel asks if she’s mixing apples and you know; I Am Freyr; Sam just casually asking to borrow a missile; actual stakes and actual failure for once in this franchise)
- “Summit” & “Last Stand” (okay LEGIT FAVORITE TWO-PARTER; “Daniel Jackson, you’re a very long way from home” like can we talk about her delivery and the utter, bone-deep primal dread; all of the system lords (including all the ladies we should’ve had more of but that’s another post); the introduction of Ba'al; fuck fuck Anubis oh fuck we’re doomed; there’s DVD commentary somewhere about how Anubis starches his robes and i can never unthink that; also Jacob being crotchety, more so than usual on account of Daniel not doing his damn job)
- “Descent” (also a largely stupid episode that I love to pieces; “next time when we crash our brand new mothership, let’s crash it somewhere tropical” “actually at this depth all water would be this cold” “shallower water then”; Dad Feelings (shoutout to my phone for the autocorrect on the caps there) with Jacob; Jonas and I think this is the one with the banana and the alien conspiracy? it’s been a while)
- “The Other Guys” (CINEMATIC FUCKING MASTERPIECE; literally all of this episode, all of it; Teal'c counting how many times they’ve saved the world (eight); “look everyone, he’s got COOMBS with him”; the epitome of the Jonas Being Happy At Firsts joke when he’s smiling at it being his first time captured; just all of this episode)
- “Space Race” (I LOVE STUPID RACING EPISODES OKAY love them; Sam showing up in motorcycle gear; Sam’s literal puppy dog eyes when it turns out she might get to fly a spaceship in a fucking space race; “how many times have i told you, don’t get caught by the bad guys” and more importantly his little we have been over this gesture)
- “Evolution 1 & 2” (two lines no waiting; how to do complex backstory in three easy minutes while not dropping the action; somehow this episode makes zombie guerilla soldiers not ridiculous; the Oh Fuck Oh Fuck of seeing the mass of kull warriors; the guy’s name is Thoth and ATapps goes on for like half a minute in the DVD commentary and can’t stop laughing at how funny Thoth is to say)
- “Window of Opportunity” (Daniel, just Daniel in all of this; “maybe he read your report” and that major look of disbelief, dude took a double dose of sass pills this morning; golf pants are hilarious; “lose it. go crazy, nuts, insane, bonzo, no longer in possession of one’s faculties, three fries short of a happy meal, WACKO”; the whole recurring joke of “bad example”; Teal'c with the thermometer; and then, like, suddenly shit gets very real with Malikai’s wife and Jack’s son)
outside of seasons 4-7 most of my influence is the god of “I did not sign up for - oh wait, shit, I did”, Cameron Mitchell
* “woah, woah dude, bullets bounce”
* the way he casually gives ~~legally-required~~ fine print to the prior about the thermonuclear bomb in front of him "sir are you aware that you are within ten kilometers of this device”
* “go for the stomach, that’s where dragons are weakest” please explain how you know the weak points of dragons, shaft
* begging Sam to come back with “what if I need you to fix it because I screwed it up”
* complaining that the prior doesn’t have a good pie crust recipe
* teasing a sleeping Daniel with what I think is a straightened out paper clip
* him and Sam in “Arthur’s Mantle” poking each other to see if the other’s really there
* actually, literally any and all Sam+Cam interactions ever; bffs forever, I love them; they are legit a thesis on how to drop a years-old friendship into the middle of an existing canon
* any time he gets into a sword fight, which is more often than you’d think for a sci-fi show
tl;dr everything I know about writing I learned from Stargate
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dearophelia · 2 years
okay I hated the 90s Lisa Frank gif tumblr stuck on here so it’s toast; here’s my year in review
I posted 842 times in 2021
230 posts created (27%)
612 posts reblogged (73%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.7 posts.
I added 318 tags in 2021
#g:mass effect - 86 posts
#oph texts - 65 posts
#t:stargate - 29 posts
#grey's hellspiral - 25 posts
#s:2021 - 25 posts
#livblogging - 22 posts
#mass effecting - 20 posts
#oph’s sick - 18 posts
#s:words - 16 posts
#s:waves - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#but like if i didn't have somewhere else to be at 8:15 the next morning i would absolutely drive through indiana for what amounts to a movie
My Top Posts in 2021
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please validate me (rebloggable!)
i’m having a hell of a weird time not dissociating from my body ever since it decided to betray me by expressing a cancer gene that came from a genetic line that was entirely men until me. so what do we do? take pictures for strangers on the internet and ask people who’ve not seen or heard from you in six months to validate your existence. yeah, that’s a good plan.
40 notes • Posted 2021-03-22 03:27:43 GMT
also if anyone wants to contribute to my Stage IV Cancer Sucks And So I Have A Self-Care Fund, here is my kofi
(please rb even if you can’t donate)
61 notes • Posted 2021-11-27 03:09:06 GMT
“Fighting is said to have reached Palaven.”
With all her breath and all her strength and all the conviction of all the stars in the sky, Olivia tries not to hear the newscast.
Not when she’s checking on Ashley, battered and bruised and unconscious, hooked up to machines dripping medicine and nutrition into her veins. One of the best soldiers she’s ever met, knocked down before the war hardly started.
(If you can call this a war. Olivia isn’t sure yet if it’s a war or a slaughter. She’s going to fight like it’s a war, though. Wars have hope.)
Not when she’s talking to the Council, hearing new voices stonewall her with the same arguments. Why should we care, she hears between the lines when Irissa and Isheel speak, our homeworlds are still green and golden. Quentius trades in favors, payment due up front.
(We’ve lost everything, she wants to scream at them. We’ve lost our homeworld, a fleet, our entire government, all gone in a single day and you still won’t listen. We can stop them, why won’t you listen. In the elevator, Liara talks her off the ledge. Barely.)
Not when she’s trudging back to the Normandy with nothing but bad news to give Hackett. With nothing but bad news to give her crew, skeleton and new as it is. Olivia’s no stranger to uphill battles, but the walk to Normandy’s airlock is a sheer cliff.
(This is the beginning, not the middle or the end. This heavy, suffocating feeling is a beginning.)
“Fighting is said to have reached Palaven.” The newscast cycles as the airlock closes behind her.
She can’t help but hear it now, on repeat through her head in the silent airlock.
With all her breath and all her strength and all the conviction of all the stars in the sky, Olivia begs the universe – please, if you have any kindness in you at all, please let him be alive.
68 notes • Posted 2021-06-22 03:25:34 GMT
think twice before you use battle/fight imagery to refer to cancer patients
most importantly, “they lost their battle with cancer” sounds like the patient failed. didn’t try hard enough, didn’t do the right things, wasn’t strong enough. it sounds like it’s the patient’s fault for dying. that’s hurtful. knock it off. 
also, battles and fights imply agency on behalf of the participants. none of us chose this. and most of us have no choice in what’s happening at any given time in our course(s) of treatment. we are the battlefields, not the armies. 
it may work for your loved one, or even you if you’re a patient. it may not! it may hurt people! so think that whole thought through before you speak it out loud okay? thanks
152 notes • Posted 2021-09-22 23:57:36 GMT
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this got eaten somewhere and needs to not have done that
1125 notes • Posted 2021-11-10 19:21:19 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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