stormydreams · 1 year
//naruto manga thoughts
gokage summit.
this is the first time in the manga that i feel like i am missing out by not watching the anime. i mean, i mean, i *have* watched it, a long time ago, so i kind of know.
but there is the story of fourth mizukage being "controlled by akatsuki" that seems very relevant to the plot but wasn't in the manga (& was in the anime) and also the getting to know of all the jinchûriki/biju that are shown in picture form in the manga. that is the first one ever sees them in the manga. the only jinchuriki we see being chased - of the seven that were captured - & giving off some sort of fight (not including gaara) is the nibi.
idk it seems like there is a plothole in the manga at this point, even though i feel like the manga should be the ultimate (but since the anime started when the manga was still in its first half... they were running parrallel.)
anyways that's all
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stormydreams · 1 year
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i can't believe this was actually canon :0 i thought it was a filler anime thing but i guess the manga really has some funny moments!! (kind of obvious maybe but it's fun to see what is what)
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stormydreams · 1 year
reading naruto manga for first time
i watched the anime over a course of ca. 7 years // naruto the anime was part of my whole teenagehood. now i am reading the manga for the first time (it beats re-watching everything and having to go through all the fillers...)
i got the idea that my favourite scenes in the manga will be episodes that i decide to watch, so i can get the full effect of soundtrack etc for my favourite scenes... so i'm just gonna go ahead and watch lee vs gaara :))
(BY THE WAY i remember now why gaara was my favourite character. there is a reason. he is so very relateable. i took screenshots and will post them here)
edit: lolll i forgot how most of these 12-13year-old boys have the deep voices of full-blown adults xD
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stormydreams · 1 year
Rock Lee deserves more praise
rock lee vs gaara is still one of the best fights there is. sasuke copied all of lee's moves & gets the glory for it. lee gets told he can never move again.
lee's incredible skill should have gotten the admiration and praise from the whole crowd. idk for me it feels like when an OG artist has their own style & gets no money or praise off of it; then someone else copies it and they get all the praise and money.
even naruto's uzumaki rendan move is a rip-off of sasuke's rip-off of lee's konoha-something move.
in my headcannon lee wins the entire next year's chûnin exam tournament. he places first and sets new records. lee deserves all the praise, all the glory, all the love
edit: idk it just sucks because sasuke is already sooo popular. and lee had to fight & fight & work so fucking hard to just be at "minimum" level. and doesn't get any recognition yet. and then sasuke gets recognition for the groundwork of lee... :/
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stormydreams · 1 year
me writing something out into the open is long overdue...
//naruto spoilers
first, let me get to the subject of uchiha madara. i am at approximately chapter 615 in the manga naruto, so i am nearing the end. i am at the "climax point" as kishimoto said in the introduction page to his book.
anyways... madara. i don't know what it is about him... i find him very attractive. like something about him attracts me to him, idk. he has a certain elegance and nonchalance that somehow makes me root for him. how he says that things are "ugly", (original translations say "pathetic"... but i base this off of fan translations?), how he sometimes refers to fighting as "dancing", how he childishly freaks out and gets excited when he sees hashirama, how he lazily crosses his arms in the middle of a fight and sits there.
one thing i found absolutely charming that both he and obito did, was speaking out loud to himself whilst observing a fight about how thee fight was going.
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a few pics of madara just charming me with his ways...
anways. an update on how i'm doing? mh maybe i do that as a next post. cheers!
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stormydreams · 1 year
//naruto manga thought
this minato-kushina arc (of when naruto was born) has me bawling louder than most other arcs... D'x
(wth i wrote this a long time ago but i guess it never posted...)
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stormydreams · 1 year
//more naruto manga thoughts
this battle with pain... (and the conversation with minato) it's one of the things i really like about the manga. kind of a "you know i think it's our entire [shinobi] system that's fucked up and i don't have the answer and it's complex and it's not as easy as just 'conquering the bad guy' "
also one of the things that made that original first fight against zabuza & haku so precious.
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stormydreams · 1 year
//naruto spoilers
reading jiraiya vs pain right now.
is it weird that i really, really want pain to win? i mean, i watched the anime & i know how it ends, but i'm kind of sad that pain will give his life later on...
honestly, i kind of stand behind his whole reasoning and would gladly watch him destroy everything...
anyways. back to reading. there are so many things i wanted to comment on the manga, but i'm kind of enjoying just reading without having to add to anything
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stormydreams · 1 year
for some reason this post didn't get through last time... :/
let me go thru it again; try to cover what i wrote last time.
i think what i wrote was how kiba & akamaru vs sakon & ukon [in the manga] seemed a little rushed. in the anime it was fine, but in the manga it just seemed that sakon & his bro went into second state far too early compared to the other fights (and judging that they should be "the strongest" of the four).
there wasn't enough internal monologue & thought bubbles & reaction panels to lead up to that moment. and also not enough lead-up to the epic moment that is "die with me". honestly one of theee most epic in the whole (1stgen) series, yet it passes by without much of a *gasp* moment. not enough weight put on this moment in my opinion.
anyways, in the anime i rewatched it so many times..
my brain is so tired i should stop this post although i would like to write more
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stormydreams · 1 year
[naruto spoilers]
but also, this itachi-sasuke thing is kinda fucked up. like, itachi's goal was to make sasuke hate him & not the village? but also, he just re-traumatised him & encourages him to seek only revenge and hatred.
like, that's bound to fuck him up worse, & of course he'll not want to live a peaceful life within the village. idk, maybe he didn't knew better. i mean, itachi must also be super traumatised.
two brothers with ptsd not really knowing how to handle the fucked up world... damn :/
maybe i need to set my mind on more kid-friendly things for a few days. this shit is actually really dark, like
maybe there was a reason why the anime had fillers that were more light-hearted & added comic relief.
but wow, the drawing style is really great. i just wish i knew how to read japanese lettering. every time i see details in the frames, i wanna KNOW WHAT IT SAYS
and also i think lots of things get lost in the translation of the dialogues/thoughts. i think there is a LOT of wordplay and also kanji combinations and also sound-effects, and way of expressing that is so different. but that is okay.
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stormydreams · 1 year
[naruto spoilers]
i'm honestly already crying at the thought of everything that will happen. the episode "i will always love you" was one of the most painful moments of my "virtual" life (meaning of the things that didn't happen directly to me, but rather via online/media stuff).
...i cried so fucking much... i hate that sasuke is fated to kill itachi... and only THEN finds out about the blood that's on konoha's hands... i hate that they did this to an entire family... and itachi has to live with all this pain. :/
anyways back when i watched, itachi was my other most favourite character, along with emotionally unstable gaara<3
mostly because this "becoming a monstrosity because of extreme trauma" is really relateable (although rather than become a monstrosity i became even nicer than i already am because i have hyper-empathy which i HATE)
i wish i could hug those two and have a good crying session with them...
anyways. back to reading. after all, where i am at in the manga right now is sasuke seeing itachi for the first time since he killed their family.
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stormydreams · 1 year
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[spoilers for naruto]
o h my goodness. so, in my memory of the anime, sasuke went to the nearby village to look for itachi, but in the manga (also with the later panels, and also judged off of the one scene of the fight scene against gaara where sasuke gets up and says something like "i won't watch those i care about getting killed again"), he actually goes to look for naruto, to warn him.
he doesn't want a repeat of what had happened (e.g. his brother killing people he cares about.) all those little things i notice about sasuke having so much love for his nakama is heartbreaking, because i know it's going to change very soon.....
-- also, on a more personal note: i have decided that i can't add image descriptions to everything. i am in my offline life fighting for my survival, every day. so when it's just personal posts like this, that i do for myself as a kind of online diary, then i won't put in the effort. if it's for other cartoons, where i actively want to contribute to the fandom and add tags and all of that, i will add image descriptions. (also, i have no followers, so it's fine for the things i post without tags lol)
but first and foremost this blog is for me to express all things i need to about my special interests and such, so be prepared for an onslaught of naruto fanboying in the next weeks!!! ✨
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stormydreams · 1 year
oh my goodness the flashbacks of under-ten-year old lee with his adult voice!! xD the good ol' charm of anime [heart-emoji]
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