#taking her side when they have no reason to . cat could've easily let her go back to tarth and jaime didn't need to go back for her but
archivedwench · 5 years
brienne DOES have a low self esteem . she’s very aware and she’s very conscious of her homely features and ungainly height . she is far from what a highborn lady should be . freakish is a word that is hurled at her by quite a lot of people -- and sometimes they say it as not an insult , but a general fact , a general is -- and freakish is a word she actually said about herself in her later chapters when she confessed to the elder brother in the quiet isle . 
despite all that , brienne does value herself . she won’t ever leave herself undefended ; every dangerous situation she’s ever been in , her first instinct is to defend herself -- whether it be from the rainbow guards who accused her of slaying renly or the mummers when they were planning to r*pe her -- she’s very ready to fight them off and protect herself since no one will . 
brienne doesn’t tolerate sitting through someone’s company and being mocked and taunted . in her younger years , it would’ve left her crying with tears but years spent under scorn and mockery taught her how to brush them off or play along with them , even -- words are wind after all . and brienne knows not everyone will tolerate someone like her ; likewise , she won’t bother to waste her time and energy on them unless she absolutely has to . 
his sort will never love me , brienne thought , no matter what i do -- brienne iii , affc.
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shipping1addict · 3 years
I haven't really touched on the season premiere and my theories yet, so I guess I'll start now.
For the plot itself, there are already a lot of assumptions. So I'm gonna focus on why the majority is really here: supercorp. Especially the deal with William and how his overall character arc seems to have shifted(?)
Because, well, the scene at the end of 6x01 where Nia tells Andrea and him that Kara was onto a new story with Cat and "if she could've called him, she would've" has me a little torn.
The fact that Kara didn't mention William or has shown any concerns towards him leads me to belive that she doesn't have any interests in him. That and the obvious fail of date last season - with everyone pressing her to agree to.
But we know that he doesn't let go so easily when his friends are in trouble - or if there is a story to unveil- like we saw in 5A, where he literally followed Kara even when she was Supergirl in action. So he could start investigating and find things out that shouldn't concern him in the slightest.
Which would make him one of the superfriends. And would draw him even closer to Kara romantically - even though this would be an unrequited crush (at least it seems that way).
Also Nia's comment "If she could've called, she would've". I mean. It was probably to let him feel better and/or would actually be the truth.
When Kara left for Argo, she had a whole good bye party at Catco. So I doubt she would just vanish without a word, if she truly was to get on an assignment. - it doesn't even matter. As we know, an assignment is not the real reason she's gone.
But still it's... I don't know. I have my doubts that they would truly cut this story arc.
There are a lot of indicators, that they won't go down the "wara"/"superdey" whaterver- route. The lack of chemistry and fandom support are our best bets. And it's not just us supercorps. Karamels don't want superdey to happen either.
Maybe they set this side plot "pressing Kara to date again" up, so she acknowledges in the end, that she doesn't need a relationship- that she doesn't need somebody to define her.
The message this show started out with.
I know we're a clowning with our theory, that this story arc is there for her to realise that she truly wants Lena. That she has feeling for her. And I guess even Karamels take the same route just with Mono.
But if we're talking realism, it's probably the "single" route. Because 1. It would be a compromise with all the Ship Wars and 2. We sometimes forget that the show is not about relationships. At least not like that.
It's about feminism and positive messaging. And yes. A positive LGBT+ representation with the lead role as part of it would be an opportunity to prove that, but like I said: the initial message was that Kara is her own person and doesn't need someone to define her.
Wow that was a lot. And my thoughts were all over the place.
But in conclusion: the scene with William in 6x01 could be interpreted either way. Or it could be a mix of both and I just predicted his whole season 6 arc, who knows.
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