trckstergods · 5 years
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Two minutes old vs two weeks old
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neo-romantic · 6 years
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Finally got a new tattoo. She’s Pomona, the goddess of fruits and abundance. I love it so much except I might get her feet fixed bc it looks like she’s wearing socks??? Anyway... @tattoopoo what you think?
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Even yours truly has tattoo regret.
So, I need advice. I want to cover up two old pieces that I have absolutely no love for anymore. It happens, sometimes you make tattoo decisions you regret. Could be a lot worse, but since getting them I’ve had much better ideas for tattoos and these two were just random impulse tattoos that I regret. Also, the blowouts fucken kill me. 
Anyway, I want the opinion of certain tattoo blogs in terms of how you recommend covering them up: I have an animal sleeve going on the other sides of these dumb tattoos, and I want to continue that sleeve. I wanna know if these tattoos are even possible to cover: I’m not opposed to blackwork but if anyone has any idea for something to cover it up that sticks with a theme of animals, that’d be awesome. I definitely am opposed to lasering. I really don’t want to have to get it lasered, but if you reckon it’s the best thing, please let me know. 
The Z? tattoo is roughly 2-3 years old. 
The Gir tattoo is about 2 years old.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. Also, feel free to rip into these pieces, I fucken hate these tattoos. XD
@respectfullyyourinkisbad @whoopsyouruinedyourbody @whyisyourtattooupsidedown  @tattoopoo
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regretityet · 7 years
Do you have any recommendations for other bad tattoo blogs? All of my old favorites are inactive or barely active nowadays :(
I'm in the same boat, sadly. @tattoopoo is still kicking though.
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lov3-always-blog1 · 9 years
There is a difference between constructive criticism and just plain insulting people for their choices in life and the art they put on their body. If you don't like what a person has decided to do to their body it is their choice so why waste your time giving your opinion to people you don't even know or care about? Worry about the faults in your life instead of worrying about the faults in someone else's life!
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOxp3__V5qw)
tattoo consultation advice!
if i forgot anything lemme know<3
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brilliantlyaverage · 9 years
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Credit: Bleach Methane [Site / Instagram]
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durepuff · 9 years
so my kind of friend was talking about the place he goes to get tattoos and told me they won't tattoo you if you don't specifically ask for a fresh needle. also with ever tattoo they offer two free touch ups. like is it me or is that super shady?
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notsafeforweeabs · 9 years
Okay, so I’m looking for a good tattoo artists in Sydney that can do animals well?
I’ve found a few which are pretty okay, but I’m being picky aha. Any suggestions would be great :)
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sempervirenns · 9 years
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So graceneutral posted this tattoo and when one person pointed the obvious point in the middle where the lines don’t add up they were called a “hater” so I put in my two cents. Then when I was about to post my lovely reply to some asshole, she removed the photo and took a new angle of the tattoo that didn’t show the spot as well, but of course it’s still visible if you look close enough. How cowardly to not accept criticism but instead erase it’s existence? I lost all my respect for her as an artist. Oops. tattoopoo thatdoesntcomeoffyouknow whyisyourtattooupsidedown
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flowerchildlonnie · 9 years
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thatdoesntcomeoffyouknow yeah you might not remember this but this is my sister in law's tattoo. She got it during her punk phase after high. Now she's 25 and she hates it. It's some kind of... joker skull maybe? Idk but I wish I had the money to buy her a coverup. She's so embarrassed.
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georgeouslynerdy · 9 years
thatdoesntcomeoffyouknow tattoopoo joshpeck you're a discpicable pyrson. What I want to get tattood on my body is my choice and the lords choice. If you continue to harass I will contact the tumblr staff and my local authorities. Thabk you and have a good night xoxo~
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breathing-smoke · 9 years
Bad tattoo blogs like sorryyouruinedyourself and thatdoesntcomeoffyouknow and tattoopoo always make my life better No matter how shit you feel about yourself you know they'll have some idiot to show that made worse and more permanent decisions than you did
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Bad Tattoo Blogs.
Right, my ex boyfriend had a massive problem with bad tattoo blogs and I just wanted to add some defence for those whom see them as 'bullying'.
I can understand being upset with something you've looked forward to for a long time. I for one regret my awfully wonky pierced lobes, which I had done from the ages of 12 to 17. I had them done at Claires (never go to Claires for a piercing PLEASE) and I hope one day I can get them repaired somehow.
The reason these blogs exist is to help people create a critical eye. I myself have benefited massively from reading these blogs. I am the proud owner of a beautifully done Primeape Pokemon tattoo, which healed perfectly as I followed the advice of the things I read online. I designed it myself, I listened to my tattoo artist, and took care of it probably while it healed.
The only problem with tattoos is they are on people, people with easily bruised egos. Tattoos are an art form, and all art can be critiqued within reason. 
You may try to defend your tattoo by saying "but the MEANING!" or "It's exactly how I want it". Cool, right, but the tattoo community do have an issue with it. If it's shoddy, badly healed, or done by someone unskilled, they're going to comment. They're not attacking you, but it's quite clear you are quite uninformed. It's horrible to be used as an example, but you need to listen to these people offering advice. There's no excuse to be ignorant to body art rules these days, there's so much information out there today. Especially if you're posting on Tumblr, you're clearly pretty internet savvy, so use that to your vices. If you want a cliche tattoo, or your practicing mate to have a go on you in their grimey kitchen, know the risks so you can act accordingly.
The best thing to do is simply send an ask detailing why you'd not like your tattoo appearing on their blog, thank them for the advice and take it to heart. Most blogs I know would be nice enough to take them down. Don't get angry, don't throw a tantrum, but think about the options and decisions you make in future. Tattoo artists are artists. If they see work they know could be done better, they're gonna speak up.  
We all love beautiful body art, and we all understand people start somewhere. If you're a beginning tattoo artist, you can buy a kit from eBay and practice on fake skin or even pig skin from a butchers. Don't ruin your friends and don't put yourself at immediate risk of MRSA. Be careful, practice your art.
And those getting tattoos, search for artists. Find one that you love. Talk to them about the tattoo you want. Don't be afraid to spend a pretty penny for something you will love forever. Perfect your design yourself, with an arty friend and listen to the advice from your tattoo artist.
And don't get it upside down. If you get more tattoos in the future, they're going to look stupid together.
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