#tbf i guess i didn’t really read much ya when i was a kid ig
giraffesonjupiter · 3 years
accidentally bought too many books and now I can’t decide what to read next
#also i’m back to having a full shelf of tbr’s which feels nice#only after boxing a bunch of other books including some unreads i’ve given up on for now though....#thinking about buying another bookcase#also i gotta stop buying ya stuff (i was good about this this time)#i’ve liked most of the ya i’ve read in the past year but when i get done reading it and it’s time to put it on the shelf#i just have this feeling of.... dissatisfaction. almost regret. i know i’m never gonna revisit those ones#vs pretty much all of the adult stuff i’ve read i’m glad to have on the shelf#either bc i know i’ll want to reread or at the revisit the experience of having read it#like the ya i’ve read is good it’s just not..... stuff i feel the need to revisit after having read it once#tbf i guess i didn’t really read much ya when i was a kid ig#i read stuff like warriors & hp. read twilight too bc i was... 14? at the height of the twilight book craze#but i was also reading asoiaf & wheel of time & stuff by the time i was 13/14#so i guess ya just.... isn’t really for me too much#which is a damn shame bc there’s so many interesting premises in ya!! it’s just when i read them#i find myself wishing for what they could’ve been if they’d been written for an adult audience instead#oh also happy endings.... i’ve had good luck so far with the adult books i’ve read but sometimes they can be a bit too bittersweet for me#gonna keep trying but i have to keep reminding myself to get ya books from the library rather than buying them#anyway. w/e#goj personal#goj tag talks#books
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