#either bc i know i’ll want to reread or at the revisit the experience of having read it
giraffesonjupiter · 3 years
accidentally bought too many books and now I can’t decide what to read next
#also i’m back to having a full shelf of tbr’s which feels nice#only after boxing a bunch of other books including some unreads i’ve given up on for now though....#thinking about buying another bookcase#also i gotta stop buying ya stuff (i was good about this this time)#i’ve liked most of the ya i’ve read in the past year but when i get done reading it and it’s time to put it on the shelf#i just have this feeling of.... dissatisfaction. almost regret. i know i’m never gonna revisit those ones#vs pretty much all of the adult stuff i’ve read i’m glad to have on the shelf#either bc i know i’ll want to reread or at the revisit the experience of having read it#like the ya i’ve read is good it’s just not..... stuff i feel the need to revisit after having read it once#tbf i guess i didn’t really read much ya when i was a kid ig#i read stuff like warriors & hp. read twilight too bc i was... 14? at the height of the twilight book craze#but i was also reading asoiaf & wheel of time & stuff by the time i was 13/14#so i guess ya just.... isn’t really for me too much#which is a damn shame bc there’s so many interesting premises in ya!! it’s just when i read them#i find myself wishing for what they could’ve been if they’d been written for an adult audience instead#oh also happy endings.... i’ve had good luck so far with the adult books i’ve read but sometimes they can be a bit too bittersweet for me#gonna keep trying but i have to keep reminding myself to get ya books from the library rather than buying them#anyway. w/e#goj personal#goj tag talks#books
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mortuarybees · 5 years
What books do you recommend me to read?
I’m not sure what your tastes are but I’ll tell you some of my favorites! To be quite honest, I mainly return to the same books over and over again so the list is rather short and I doubt I have anything to recommend that you won’t have heard of already. I’ll recommend my favorites. It consists mainly of my usual rotation of things i read over and over or books that left an impression on me and I refer back to them often.
When it comes to the non-fiction section just like….keep in mind that most academic texts have many, many problems and I’m not presenting any of the texts I list as The Quintessential Must Read Best Flawless Overview of a topic, I’m mainly listing the books I have found to be approachable and reasonable introductions to topics. Read everything critically, always (and that includes everything else on this list, not just the non-fiction).
An Oresteia, translated by Anne Carson (Aeschylus’ Agamemnon, Sophocles’ Elektra, Euripides’ Orestes)
Iphigenia in Tauris by Euripides
I mean like. Shakespeare, obviously; my personal favorites are Hamlet, Twelfth Night, As You Like It, Julius Caesar, and Macbeth; recently, thanks to the productions starring David Tennant, Much Ado About Nothing and Richard II have been added to the list
Doctor Faustus, Edward II, and Dido by Christopher Marlowe
Antigone, particularly Anne Carson’s translation, and after you’ve read Antigone, I’d recommend reading Antigonick, but not before
Lysistrata by Aristophanes
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde (I feel like Lady Windermere’s Fan is also kind of necessary reading and I do love it of course but I’ve only read it the once, for the sake of it, whereas I’ve come back to the Importance of Being Earnest a million times and the 2002 movie is one of the things I watch when I’m down)
Novels (and Epics)
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett if you haven’t yet, obviously
Maurice by E. M. Forster
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
The Secret History by Donna Tartt
VIRGINIA WOOLF. everything but particularly the Waves, Orlando, and Mrs. Dalloway. The Waves is my favorite, followed closely by Orlando, but I’d start with the Mrs. Dalloway because it gets you accustomed to Woolf’s writing style and the way she approaches her characters if you haven’t read her before.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (If you haven’t read it yet and you have seen 2005 P&P and love it and you’re opening the novel with the expectation that it’s similar to the 2005 film in tone and feel, you’ll be disappointed. If you’ve seen the 1995 miniseries, that reflects it very well. So just approach it with an open mind with 2005 on the back burner and you’ll find it an amazing and very repressed love story)
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore
The Iliad (the translation I own is Lombardo. It’s extremely approachable and colloquial and I enjoy it, and if you’ve never read the Iliad and you find it intimidating, I would very much recommend it, but my high opinion is not universal. Fagles and Lattimore are very popular translations and I like them both well enough)
I’m dying to get a copy of Emily Wilson’s Odyssey translation. I don’t love the Odyssey personally but I am a big fan of Wilson and from what I’ve read about her translation and what she’s said about it, if anything could make me enjoy the Odyssey, it would be that translation.
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. I would personally recommend reading the Iliad first just because Miller takes…….liberties with it, but I also don’t think there’s a problem with that at all, so if you’re not interested in the Iliad, or you think tsoa would get you interested in it, there’s nothing at all wrong with reading it on its own or reading it first. I just think it’s a genuinely more enjoyable experience to read the Iliad first and then see what Miller does with it. And regardless of what order you read them in, if you read them both you will understand how very different tsoa and the Iliad are from one another and you will not be one of those people who talks about the Iliad when what they mean is tsoa. Again, there’s nothing wrong with tsoa, it’s one of my favorite novels, but it’s just a very separate thing and it gets just a little maddening.
Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson. It’s both poetry and a novel but it’s got to go somewhere so
When I was 14 I got very into Les Mis and i will recommend it. I genuinely love it and it will always have a special place in my heart. I have read the entire brick only once however because as much as i love it. as much as i Relate to the infamous off-topic tangents. there is a limit to my patience.
The Epic of Gilgamesh is just like. extremely good. I really don’t know enough about it to recommend any specific translations; in high school I was given a stapled copy of the whole thing and I read that til I lost it and now if I want to reread it or refer back I just look it up online. I’m a fake fan.
If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho translated by Anne Carson
The Beauty of the Husband by Anne Carson
Devotions, Felicity, and Winter Hours by Mary Oliver. Those are the anthologies that I have read and I adore them. I imagine that all of her anthologies are also amazing and all of them are on my to-read list. I don’t think you could possibly go wrong
I do not have the singular published collection of Elizabeth Siddal’s poetry (My Ladys Soul) but I have read all of her poetry and she is an amazing poet and I hold her very near and dear to my heart
Crush by Richard Siken
Useless Magic by Florence Welch……..yall knew what you came here for
Songs of Innocence and Experience by William Blake
Non-fiction and Essay Collections (again. None of these are recommended as the definitive, end all, be all, all-you-need book on any given subject, they’re just some of my favorites). I have limited myself to collection specifically because this is long enough already and if I start just adding essays it’ll never end. All of these were either purchased online for under $10, are available somewhere on the internet as pdfs, or were at my library, so if you look, you can probably find them somewhere (I say this bc while trying to find the authors of some of these I have been stunned by their retail prices and I’m assuring you, don’t be scared off by your initial search bc I sure as fuck did not pay $30):
Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution by Simon Schama
Marie Antoinette: the Journey by Antonia Fraser (controversial but well-researched and approachable and I love it. I would recommend reading like. almost anything else first because Fraser does obviously focus on Marie Antoinette and her life and experiences; and while she does talk about the revolution, it isn’t the focus of this biography, and you won’t understand why it was necessary if you don’t come to it with a good grasp on the broader events outside Marie Antoinette).
A Day with Marie Antoinette by Hélène Delalex
Robespierre: a Revolutionary Life and Liberty or Death: the French Revolution by Peter McPhee
The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L’Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution by C.L.R. James
If you’re at all interested in 18th century art, I recommend Rococo to Revolution:Major Trends in Eighteenth-Century Painting by Michael Levey
A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn is controversial. But it’s approachable and well-researched and if you don’t know a lot about American history, I recommend it highly (especially for Americans).
Eros, the Bittersweet by Anne Carson (okay literally everything by Anne Carson. All her essays, her poetry, her translations, her weird mashups, all of it. There are a few things I haven’t read yet but. I very much doubt you’re going to be able to go wrong, so just take what I’ve listed as my favorites)
This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate and the Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein
Black Against Empire: The History and Politics of the Black Panther Party by Joshua Bloom
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: and Other Lessons from the Crematory and From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death by Caitlin Doughty (also the illustrations by Landis Blair are absolutely phenomenal. Look at this. I love it so much I pulled it out of the book to hang in my momento mori corner because it’s so beautiful.)
The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan
Alexander of Macedon by Peter Green is. okay we have a love-hate relationship, me and this biography; me, and peter green, but I have major issues with every single Alexander biography I’ve read and this was the first so if you want to start somewhere, I guess go for it.
The Empathy Exams by Leslie Jamison
The Honey Bee by James L. Gould. It’s out of date in some respects but a good, simple introduction into honeybee biology and behavior
Before the Deluge: A Portrait of Berlin in the 1920s by Otto Friedrich
Vanishing Bees: Science, Politics, and Honeybee Health by Sainath Suryanarayanan and Daniel Kleinman
Out of the Past: Gay and Lesbian History from 1869 to the Present by Neil Miller
Holy Madness by Adam Zamoyski isn’t by any means perfect, but it’s a alright introduction to the Age of Revolution. Just don’t let it be the only thing you read. It’s here because it has a special place in my heart as my introduction to it.
Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Erotic Exchanges: the World of Elite Prostitution in 18th Century Paris by Nina Kushner
Radical Love: Introduction to Queer Theology by Patrick S. Cheng
Our Lives Matter: A Womanist queer Theology by Pamela R. Lightsey
Our Native Bees: North America’s Endangered Pollinators and the Fight to Save Them by Paige Embry
At the Existentialist Café by Sarah Bakewell (I really do not know that much about philosophy or existentialism specifically or this subject generally, so I have no idea where the faults of this book are, but I really enjoyed reading it and it made me think a lot. I have a feeling it’s very simplified so take it with a grain of salt as I did?)
Walden by Henry David Thoreau (just. just. it’s enjoyable but don’t get too into it please for the love of God). My copy (and I think most copies?) includes his essay Civil Disobedience as well which is very good.
Never Caught: The Washingtons’ Relentless Pursuit of Their Runaway Slave by Ona Judge
The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells
The Diaries of Virginia Woolf: I’m currently in the midst of volume 2 (1920-1924). They’re very enjoyable, but they’re something of an undertaking as all diaries are if you aren’t already very familiar with the biography of the person in question, so like. If you find yourself moving slowly don’t worry about it.
Gay Berlin: Birthplace of a Modern Identity by Robert Beachy
To Be Broken and Tender: A Quaker Theology for Today by Margery Post Abbott
The New Jim Crow byMichelle Alexander
The Environmental Case: Translating Values into Policy by Judith A. Layzer is a textbook that was assigned to me in my Enviornmental Policy class last semester and I really fkcing enjoyed it. It’s a book of case studies in environmental policy and it’s dense at times, but really interesting and enjoyable.
The Second Amendment: a Biography by Michael Waldman
Michelangelo’s Notebooks: the Poetry, Letters, and Art of the Great Master by Carolyn Vaughan. Just like. Genuinely. Genuinely. unintentionally hilarious. but also sometimes very sad, and very gay. I just adore Michelangelo. Just a shy foul-tempered repressed disaster. Jesus Christ.
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